Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

So, in keeping with the Goodfellas theme, I suppose I can't be a 'made man' on this site, as I don't have Manchester United blood in me!;)

Actually, you can. Marching's a Leeds cum Newcastle fan. Although, one could argue that he's simply a United fan.

Pacino makes the film, in my opinion. Good, but not a mafia film I regularly come back to.

Talking of yakuza films, Spoony - and given your interest in Asian cinema generally - have you seen Tokyo Drifter? Saw this years back on Channel 4 and it blew me away....bought it on DVD recently and its still funny as feck in a 'lets put everything we can into a film and see what comes out the other end' type of way!:D

No, I haven't seen it, Hammer. As for Pacino, he's probably the greatest actor ever. With Brando running him close.
Actually, you can. Marching's a Leeds cum Newcastle fan. Although, one could argue that he's simply a United fan.

So would I have to go through some initiation ceremony as a non-MU fan, then? Is it like joining the Masons?

No, I haven't seen it, Hammer. As for Pacino, he's probably the greatest actor ever. With Brando running him close.

I think you'd love Tokyo Drifter...made in the 60s and everything is very over the top in terms of colour and action. The nightclub fight/shoot out sequence is manic and worth the price of the dvd alone!:D
I think you'd love Tokyo Drifter...made in the 60s and everything is very over the top in terms of colour and action. The nightclub fight/shoot out sequence is manic and worth the price of the dvd alone!:D

Excellent. I'll check it out.

El Topo and The Holy Mountain have downloaded. Have you seen them?
Mixed reaction amongst IMDB posters:confused: Still, should really always go with your gut instinct on unfamiliar films.

The first twenty minutes sound interesting, though...

I don't really go by imdb posters. Most of them are feckwits.

Watched Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. . . and Spring. Good watch, but I was a tad disappointed. Was basically an allegory of Buddhism.
Watched 'Sunshine' earlier today.

It was OK. Easy entertainment, not something I'm likely to watch again though.
Watched 'Sunshine' earlier today.

It was OK. Easy entertainment, not something I'm likely to watch again though.

I'm in two minds about it myself...haven't yet watched it, so can't really agree or disagree...would you call it pure science fiction?:confused:
I'm in two minds about it myself...haven't yet watched it, so can't really agree or disagree...would you call it pure science fiction?:confused:

Mainly although it has some features which leans towards a thriller genre. Or summat...

It's received good reviews and personally, I reckon you should see it. Unless you have something else to do anyway...
Mainly although it has some features which leans towards a thriller genre. Or summat...

It's received good reviews and personally, I reckon you should see it. Unless you have something else to do anyway...

I'll give it a go!:)

For some reason, and I can't think why , I'm expecting it to be like Event Horizon...which is probably way off the mark!;)
Monsters Ball (2002) Starring Mos Def, Halle Berry, Billy Bob Thornton and Sean Combs. What a load of bollocks I have watched better soft core porn than this and the actresses didn't win oscars.
To Kill A Mocking Bird - Always wanted to see this but couldn't get my hands on it. Ranged between average and good. Did about half justice the book. The book ofcourse was a very good read. The one who plays Scout is fine, as is Duval (an actor who's never got his due) but the rest weren't casted well
Salv you would've liked it more had it been in colour. . .and starring Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer.
Now, I do not like Friends either Spoony

The book was much more complex. The central issue was always racism, but it used Scout Finch's character as someone who while being innocent was mature at the same time and how her thinking and opinions change with the help of those around her, Jem, Atticus, Maudie, Alexandra and eventually Arthur Radley. I think two important events that shaped the book significantly was when she and Jem visit the Negro church once with Calpurnia and another one was the reading sessions with Mrs. Dubose and her eventual death. Also one of the conversations with Jem in which they discuss people (folks) and how Atticus is looked at not only by the town but even at Finch's Landing where his own relatives disapprove of his Negro-support

This felt more like a mere highlights with just the court case of Tom Robinson being focussed on
I haven't seen it. I was pulling your leg.

That said, you can't compare books to films. Different mediums.
I wouldn't recommend it either ways

Aside from Godfather, I haven't seen any other movie doing total justice to that book. That too was aided by Mario Puzo

Books are great though. You should try reading books on your Plasma Spoons. It'd be like a movie...with only subtitles
I wouldn't recommend it either ways

Aside from Godfather, I haven't seen any other movie doing total justice to that book. That too was aided by Mario Puzo

Books are great though. You should try reading books on your Plasma Spoons. It'd be like a movie...with only subtitles

I've read my fair share. But I lack any patience, thesedays. Anyhow, the point being you can't compare both mediums, as they're totally different. Leeches and pineapples. That said, on the odd occasion, you do get a film that's actually an improvement on the book. But it's very rare.

And you would've hated The Godfather had it been in black and white.

We should merge all three sites and create a new super-site. . . which wouldn't be a million miles off Redcafe circa 2005.
Choice of movies tonight:

Barry Lyndon.
Andrei Rublov
La Dolce Vita
Hard Boiled
El Topo
The Holy Mountain.

What so you, you fecking gimps?
I saw Eraserhead a couple of days back. Didn't know what to think of it. It was like one long dream but you're not sure it's a nice one or a nightmare. Lynch has some crazy ideas in his head. Very imaginative.
back to the movies..

saw 'Bourne Ultamatum' last night. Best action movie i've seen all year.

9 out of 10

Didn't like it. The new Die Hard was better.

Choice of movies tonight:

Barry Lyndon.
Andrei Rublov
La Dolce Vita
Hard Boiled
El Topo
The Holy Mountain.

What so you, you fecking gimps?

Haven't seen any. Although I'm planning to watch Barry Lyndon sometime soon.

Did you watch any of the war movies I suggested the other day?
I saw Eraserhead a couple of days back. Didn't know what to think of it. It was like one long dream but you're not sure it's a nice one or a nightmare. Lynch has some crazy ideas in his head. Very imaginative.

Inland Empire was like that. Looking back at it, it was good. . .but needs another watch. But I didn't particularly enjoy watching it at the time. Lynch is brilliant, though.