Fav films then Hammer?
And you could give us some recommendations and all.
Going to have to come back to you on that as it changes all the time, but I guess i do have my stock top ten for now...
The Godfather/Godfather 2 - can't split them and are just about as close to the perfect film as I can think of.
Double Indemnity - big film noir fan and I think this is the best of the lot.
Some Like It Hot - huge Billy Wilder fan (see above!)
Taxi Driver - saw this back in the late 70s as a double bill with Midnight Express and went back five days in a row just to watch de Niro. Guess there's a little bit of Travis Bickle in all of us!
This is Spinal Tap - quite simply the funniest film ever made! Never fails to cheer me up...will put on one scene, then find myself watching the res of it anyway!
Vertigo - love Hitchcock when he gets all moody!
Manhattan - big Woody fan and everything about this is perfect...script, score, location, performances...
Sunrise - one of the last great silent films...had to watch this when I was doing my film degree and thought I'd hate it...left me spellbound and regularly put on the same sequence when the couple first get to the big city...if you haven't seen it, can recommend it.
Brief Encounter - might be terriby terribly middle class, but this is the one film guaranteed to have me wiping something from my eye!
Night of the Living Dead - classic low budget Romero zombie masterpiece...show this a lot to my students in how to make a cheap film and terrify at the same time...could write countless threads on this!
Probably about a thousand more....