The People's President
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What's up next?
Werckmeister Harmonies(Tarr)
Seventh Seal
THX 1138
Clockwork Orange
Blade Runner
Fight Club
er. . . .
Fight Club is ok. I don't exactly know about the rest, maybe CO.
Akira definitely fits into the category. Blade Runner's at a stretch probably.
Big lebowski for sure. Not sure about Fight Club or FMJ fitting in there. I'd say the movie would need a lot of "Who gives a feck?" kinda attitude to fit the category.
ok. Dystopian.
In film
The defining contemporary portrayal of Nihilism as a central theme is arguably Fight Club, usually expressed by the antagonist's credo "It is only after we have lost everything that we are free to do anything." However, while the makers of the movie may have meant this to be nihilist, it references more closely the Existential belief that free will is infinite responsibility. The film describes the unnamed narrator's disillusionment with the search for meaning in consumerist emasculated society, and his subsequent Nietzschean reaction.
Fahrenheit 451
Naked Lunch(I know its a bit of a stretch)
ok. Dystopian.
Blade Runner
Battle Royale?
Total Recall
Terminator(does that count?)
Blade Runner
Mad Max
Battle Royale
Scanner Darkly
Twelve Monkeys (?)
Blade Runner
Mad Max
Battle Royale
Scanner Darkly
Twelve Monkeys (?)
Mad Max is more post apocalyptic than dystopian, surely. Although, it probably fits into both categories.
OK. a good one. Tragic hero.
I deleted loads of films from my list because I thought they were more post apocalyptic than dystopian, bu tI guess loads fall under both.
Yes. Thing is, post apocalyptic is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Mad Max. But it's dystopian, too, as it's not exactly utopian.
Throne of Blood
Citizen Kane
I tried not to go into the antihero category too much, but thats always a stretch
I didn't know that. A superbit version's is out. I might get it.
Where exactly did you watch Raiders? computer screen?
as Spoony said, if you like movies like Eternal Sunshine or Being John Malkovich, you would enjoy it. Though I thought Gondry didn't do full justice to this one, he could have done better.Let me know what you think, I'm on the verge of ordering it on DVD.
I think Mad Max II or III would be more dystopian than I. I mean those had proper societies.
Batman Begins
The Green Mile (though not particularlly good)
Most super heroes have an underlying element of tradegy about them, that's what their powers are born from.
Good point. I guess, all three aren't the best examples of dystopia, though.
Yeah I liked ESOTSM, so I think I will purchase this one.
as Spoony said, if you like movies like Eternal Sunshine or Being John Malkovich, you would enjoy it. Though I thought Gondry didn't do full justice to this one, he could have done better.
Memento is the best one(not in terms of quality, although it is brilliant), but it fits the category perfectly
Seven Samurai? Tragic Hero/heroes.