Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I thought I'd have a chilled hungover Saturday watching Machete Kills. I'm half way through and about to turn it off. You're 45 Robert. Come on now. Stop it.
I was just watching this too. I have to say I really enjoyed the first one, it felt fresh and was silly in a good way. This one is just plain silly and I was actually quite bored despite the whole movie just being one big action scene. 3/10
I agree. The first one was quite an endearing parody of a bad movie. But when you make a sequel to a parody of a bad movie, you are generally just making a bad movie. And the juvenile teenage gore, cheesy dialogue and sexism you got away with as homage before, just seem like a slightly pathetic way for a middle aged, critically acclaimed director to be spending his time.

Mel Gibson's quite good though. And I quite liked the way the ending bookended the beginning.
Man of Steel

While I did not hate it, I was hugely disappointed in it, It could and should of been much better.
For the last hour, it just destroying everything in sight. The story of Superman I grew up with, was chewed up spit out and then chewed up again.
Henry Cavill was decent enough, played his part well, Amy Adams was OK as Lois Lane.
Crowe and Costner, I suspect just saw this has another pay packet, their parts could of been played by anybody just has well.
Fishburne was another huge disappointment, I usually like what he does but he was just rubbish in this.
Michael Shannon as Zod was the best for me.
The fighting stuff was done well and the destruction of the city looked excellent cant fault them with that.
The story was just rubbish and so full of plot holes you could of drove many buses though them.
I am hoping they do a better job of Superman 2 only time will tell.

Oblivion was a bit meh for me. Seemed like a hash of ideas from lots of other films and therefore nothing new or that interesting.

Just finished Alan Partridge and loved it. But it was kind of an English version of Airheads.
Robot & Frank

Cyclops buys Frank Langella (a retired jewel thief) a robot to help him around the house because he's got Alzheimers or something. It's basically your standard buddy comedy about a man and his robot butler/accomplice, but I really enjoyed it. Langella is really good in it.

The Grudge 3
Didnt realise there was a third one until I stumbled across it on Netflix and boy I wish I hadnt. It had a good idea of blending the original Japanese films with the American versions, but beyond this setup, it was completely a pile of shit. The acting was so fecking poor, the dialogue was beyond shit, the film was not scary AT ALL. The boy that plays 'Toshio' is waaaay to tall, waaay too old and they made him act like a pervert ghost. The characters all have nonsensical motivations to pretty much everything they do. There is no build up of suspense. This film really shat on a pretty good franchise 3/10
The Grudge 3
Didnt realise there was a third one until I stumbled across it on Netflix and boy I wish I hadnt. It had a good idea of blending the original Japanese films with the American versions, but beyond this setup, it was completely a pile of shit. The acting was so fecking poor, the dialogue was beyond shit, the film was not scary AT ALL. The boy that plays 'Toshio' is waaaay to tall, waaay too old and they made him act like a pervert ghost. The characters all have nonsensical motivations to pretty much everything they do. There is no build up of suspense. This film really shat on a pretty good franchise 3/10

Haha in what way is the ghost pervy? Shame they are making shit sequels -I hadn't heard of 3 either. The original was decent.
Man of Steel

While I did not hate it, I was hugely disappointed in it, It could and should of been much better.
For the last hour, it just destroying everything in sight. The story of Superman I grew up with, was chewed up spit out and then chewed up again.
Henry Cavill was decent enough, played his part well, Amy Adams was OK as Lois Lane.
Crowe and Costner, I suspect just saw this has another pay packet, their parts could of been played by anybody just has well.
Fishburne was another huge disappointment, I usually like what he does but he was just rubbish in this.
Michael Shannon as Zod was the best for me.
The fighting stuff was done well and the destruction of the city looked excellent cant fault them with that.
The story was just rubbish and so full of plot holes you could of drove many buses though them.
I am hoping they do a better job of Superman 2 only time will tell.


I was saying earlier in this thread that I only saw the first hour on a plane. I like how they changed it from Clark being the dorky reporter but heard the second half descends into generic action borefest. Will watch the second half on the flight on Friday. Is the sequel signed and sealed?
Haha in what way is the ghost pervy? Shame they are making shit sequels -I hadn't heard of 3 either. The original was decent.

There was a scene where a young girl was sleeping and suddenly, the ghosts hands appeared stroking her face and hair. Was proper perverted :lol: The strange thing is that was probably the most suspenseful scene in the film
There was a scene where a young girl was sleeping and suddenly, the ghosts hands appeared stroking her face and hair. Was proper perverted :lol: The strange thing is that was probably the most suspenseful scene in the film

The weirdest thing was the hollow man when invisibility turns kevin bacon into a violent sex offending stalker. A bit of hair stroking is fine.

A stunning film about 2 Australian sprinters facing the brutal realities of war when they are sent to fight in the Gallipoli campaign in Turkey during World War I.
I really enjoyed this film , most of it is about the friendship between the 2 and how they got to be be in Gallipoli.
Mel Gibson and Mark Lee has the 2 mates were both excellent.
The last 10-15 mins of the film is brutal, showing how futile it is to send men over the top to their certain death.
The last couple of mins is very sad.

Just watched Planet of the Apes from 1968 again. Remarkably relevant today, I think it's a fantastic film.
I spent today watching all the Indiana Jones films (All 3 of them. Because that's how many there are) and I think I've come to a near earth shattering conclusion that not only is Temple possibly the best, but Raiders might actually be the worst (Or the 3rd best. Of the 3. Because that's how many there are)

This is potentially life changing stuff. I can't be sure of anything anymore. Apart from the fact that Crusade is definitely the least racist. (Of the 3 that there are)

I am very hungover though. So I think I'm going to have to have a lie down and think about it.
I think that might make Raiders & Crusade seem too similar. They're both essentially the same film with a different aged/sexed side kick. This is possibly why Temple seemed like the most interesting when viewed all together. That and that I've probably seen those two a good half a dozen times more than I've seen Temple.

It is also the only one where he actually wins. Or generally does most of the shit that drives the plot and saves the day. I mean in Raiders he doesn't actually do much. He actually helps the baddies out a bit if anything.

But is really quite racist. But then so is Birth of a Nation. And Dumbo.

Again a film I was expecting to be good but it was just average.
The story was pretty basic, the rich have it all and the rest have nothing..
Matt Damon was OK, Jodie Foster was just a stone cold bitch.

What do you mean? There's some good stories involving those two.

Not read any of the comics tbf. Just basing it on past marvel superhero get together films. Maybe DC do it better. I'll watch it and be happy if my low expectations are surpassed.
Revisited this for the second time and still pretty enjoyable. Takashi Shimizu is a specialist in creating suspense and he does it very well here. It may be a little too slow paced for some but it truly is the best 'vampire' type film after Let The Right One In'. Cant believe it was shot in 8 days! Very left field type of directing and works a treat 7.5/10
Can anybody recommend a good thriller/crime movie? I enjoy movies that either require you to think or have great scenery.

Watched it last night in 3D and got a massive headache since then, it's only the second film I watched in 3D but both times I've not really been impressed. Granted the first one was The Great Gatsby so it was expected but I honestly thought this one would be different. It's just not as spectacular as I thought it would be. Anyone know if it's because both times we were sat pretty far away from the screen, almost at the rear end? Don't think I'll bother with another one to be honest.

The film itself wasn't great either, some of the effects were nice but the story was a bit shit. Would have been way better if
after all her heroics in space she'd been eaten by a crocodile or mauled by a rhino when she reached the shore at the end. Tired of these cheesy happy endings.

I actually saw for the first time last week so that suggestion is spot on with my preferred genre. Do you have something similar?

I really enjoyed Lincoln Lawyer and Prisoners too.