Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Funny, I thought Casey Affleck was great in the role and the duo he formed with what's her name was quite original for the genre. As you say, you'd expect someone "harder" for the part, but he makes the most of the role and does really well I thought. Don't remember Harris being shit either, but I saw it a long time ago I have to say!
I really believe that if he hadn't been 'the brother of' he wouldn't have got half of the roles he's played. The only time I thought he was pretty good was in the assassination of Jesse James.
Afleck was great in Ain't Them Bodies Saints - nobody sees to have watched it though.
I just watched the first half hour of R.I.P.D. and had to stop. It's stupid, unfunny and the dialogue seems to be written with the intention to be worse than The Room. I expected a standard action movie to pass a cold evening, but this? Are you kidding me? 1/10.
I spent today watching all the Indiana Jones films (All 3 of them. Because that's how many there are) and I think I've come to a near earth shattering conclusion that not only is Temple possibly the best, but Raiders might actually be the worst (Or the 3rd best. Of the 3. Because that's how many there are).

So....No one has any issue with this then?

Damn, I was hoping for a long drawn out drunken argument.

If there was one thing I thought I could rely on the Caf for.....
The second one is the most randomly nonsensical and inadvertently racist mainstream summer blockbuster ever made. It also has nothing to do with any of the other ones, or any kind of normal conventional plot. It's all dark and weird and shit. It also has loads of cultural tropes you'd know of, like the grabbing the hat from under the closing door trope for example, and lots of other ish like that.

Both Spielberg and Lucas were going through nasty divorces at the time and became all dark and sadistic for absolutely no reason. They both hate it now, because it's bonkers as shit, but thats clearly reason enough to love it. It's basically an 80s horror movie. With a bit of colonial racism and a child side kick thrown in.

You'd love it. Trust me.
Looking forward to American Hustle and Anchorman 2.

Considering Out of the Furnace.

Wondering if The Wolf of Wall Street and Lone Survivor will be as good as anticipated.

I predict 47 Ronin to be shit.
The second one is the most randomly nonsensical and inadvertently racist mainstream summer blockbuster ever made. It also has nothing to do with any of the other ones, or any kind of normal conventional plot. It's all dark and weird and shit. It also has loads of cultural tropes you'd know of, like the grabbing the hat from under the closing door trope for example, and lots of other ish like that.

Both Spielberg and Lucas were going through nasty divorces at the time and became all dark and sadistic for absolutely no reason. They both hate it now, because it's bonkers as shit, but thats clearly reason enough to love it. It's basically an 80s horror movie. With a bit of colonial racism and a child side kick thrown in.

You'd love it. Trust me.

It scared the shit out of little kids on Christmas Day when the Beeb showed it and forgot to take out the scene where he rips out the fellas heart. feck 'em, after the Queen's Speech you need some darkness.
The second one is the most randomly nonsensical and inadvertently racist mainstream summer blockbuster ever made. It also has nothing to do with any of the other ones, or any kind of normal conventional plot. It's all dark and weird and shit. It also has loads of cultural tropes you'd know of, like the grabbing the hat from under the closing door trope for example, and lots of other ish like that.

Both Spielberg and Lucas were going through nasty divorces at the time and became all dark and sadistic for absolutely no reason. They both hate it now, because it's bonkers as shit, but thats clearly reason enough to love it. It's basically an 80s horror movie. With a bit of colonial racism and a child side kick thrown in.

You'd love it. Trust me.

Not a lot actually goes on in Temple of Doom. They arrive at the palace fairly quickly spend a bit of time down there and then they spend about a third of the movie escaping. The dropping out of an aeroplane in a little dinghy and basically cruising to the Indian village was absurd even by Indiana Jones standards. And Kate Capshaw is fecking annoying.

Probably still better than The Last Crusade which suffered from that horrendous opening sequence with River Phoenix and never recovered.

I still love them all.
I've seen all th Indiana Jones films but I only remember the scene where they get served monkey brains as it grossed me out at the time. Seems like that was more than 20 years ago though for some reason, is my mind playing tricks on me or are these films really that old? Also, aren't there 4 of them if you count the last one starring the transformers kid with the absurd ending?
I've seen all th Indiana Jones films but I only remember the scene where they get served monkey brains as it grossed me out at the time. Seems like that was more than 20 years ago though for some reason, is my mind playing tricks on me or are these films really that old? Also, aren't there 4 of them if you count the last one starring the transformers kid with the absurd ending?

I think they came out in 1981, 1984 and 1989.
I think they came out in 1981, 1984 and 1989.

1984 was a great year. I saw all of these at the cinema...

Indy, Footloose, Karate Kid, Police Academy, Beverly Hills Cop, Revenge of the Nerds, Bachelor Party, Gremlins, Ghostbusters, Splash, Romancing the Stone, Amadeus, The Terminator, Breakdance: The Movie and all for only a quid.
1984 was a great year. I saw all of these at the cinema...

Indy, Footloose, Karate Kid, Police Academy, Beverly Hills Cop, Revenge of the Nerds, Bachelor Party, Gremlins, Ghostbusters, Splash, Romancing the Stone, Amadeus, The Terminator, Breakdance: The Movie and all for only a quid.

Was that the original Breakdance or Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo with Alphonso "Shabba Doo" Quinones?
Not a lot actually goes on in Temple of Doom

But he does a lot more than he does in Raiders. I watched it with someone who'd never seen it before and seeing it through fresh eyes was revelatory. Despite realising that ending would get slaughtered today, Indy basically does nothing (action sequences aside) that affects the plot, and the whole story would stand largely the same without him. In fact the two main things he does is slightly speed up the Nazi's search for the Ark, and then randomly get himself captured and be completely passive for the climax...where he suddenly knows to not look at it, despite absolutely no set up for that moment whatsoever. In fact part of the reason he gets himself captured is because he wants to see it opened.

It's still brilliant, obviously, but really weird. There's also an odd allusion to him being a pedophile.

The dropping out of an aeroplane in a little dinghy and basically cruising to the Indian village was absurd even by Indiana Jones standards.

The dropping out of the aeroplane was awesome, and shot in one very impressive take.....The then going off a cliff and landing in a ravine in dodgy CGI was Spielberg pushing his luck.

And Kate Capshaw is fecking annoying.

Agreed. Though Short Round was far less annoying than I remember. Though there is a weird bit where he suddenly knows kung fu, and beats up about 7 huge henchmen, despite that never being established before, or used anywhere else in the film.

Probably still better than The Last Crusade which suffered from that horrendous opening sequence with River Phoenix and never recovered.

I like the River Phoenix intro. I think he acts being Harrison Ford really well. But there's a cackling yokel henchman that goes a long way to ruining it.

I've seen all th Indiana Jones films but I only remember the scene where they get served monkey brains as it grossed me out at the time.

That's Temple. Because cartoon movie Indians eat severed monkey brains. And eye ball soup. And - bizarrely - uncooked live pregnant snakes.
Home Alone - Great christmas film etc. etc... few things stood out this year

  • I realised all my favourite Home Alone quotes are actually from Home Alone 2 (Credit Card? Yoooooou got it) though the first is the better film.
  • I think a big part of what makes the first one better is that Kevin wouldn't actually murder the Harry and Marv like he definitely would in the second. Knock them out? Scar? Cause brain damage? Sure, but not murder.
  • Where did he find the time to colour in his map?! Talk about priorities.
  • It's a shame he never gets to eat that Mac and Cheese he make, as it actually looks quite nice... though that's just poor planning on his behalf.
  • His fecking neighbour... why the first two times they meet does he just stare at him like a psycho?! No wonder he's fecking scared of you.
  • Though Kevin himself is clearly a psychopath... I imagine he grew up to become quite a violent man.
  • Marv's scream when the tarantula is on his face is delightful
Home Alone - Great christmas film etc. etc... few things stood out this year

  • I realised all my favourite Home Alone quotes are actually from Home Alone 2 (Credit Card? Yoooooou got it) though the first is the better film.
  • I think a big part of what makes the first one better is that Kevin wouldn't actually murder the Harry and Marv like he definitely would in the second. Knock them out? Scar? Cause brain damage? Sure, but not murder.
  • Where did he find the time to colour in his map?! Talk about priorities.
  • It's a shame he never gets to eat that Mac and Cheese he make, as it actually looks quite nice... though that's just poor planning on his behalf.
  • His fecking neighbour... why the first two times they meet does he just stare at him like a psycho?! No wonder he's fecking scared of you.
  • Though Kevin himself is clearly a psychopath... I imagine he grew up to become quite a violent man.
  • Marv's scream when the tarantula is on his face is delightful
The first one is OK ,but the rest are just the same film rehashed and are just boring.
But he does a lot more than he does in Raiders. I watched it with someone who'd never seen it before and seeing it through fresh eyes was revelatory. Despite realising that ending would get slaughtered today, Indy basically does nothing (action sequences aside) that affects the plot, and the whole story would stand largely the same without him. In fact the two main things he does is slightly speed up the Nazi's search for the Ark, and then randomly get himself captured and be completely passive for the climax...where he suddenly knows to not look at it, despite absolutely no set up for that moment whatsoever. In fact part of the reason he gets himself captured is because he wants to see it opened.
The opening scene is really cool though isn't it? Doesn't he end up with a massive snake (no euphemism) in his seat when he gets in the plane, for absolutely no reason?

What's the ending by the way, the ark in the archives place?

It's still brilliant, obviously, but really weird. There's also an odd allusion to him being a pedophile.
What's that? Can't remember it at all!

Though Short Round was far less annoying than I remember.
Lies. All lies!

Though there is a weird bit where he suddenly knows kung fu, and beats up about 7 huge henchmen, despite that never being established before, or used anywhere else in the film.
Best part of the trilogy.

I like the River Phoenix intro. I think he acts being Harrison Ford really well. But there's a cackling yokel henchman that goes a long way to ruining it.
I also like that intro, but I can't remember that henchman. I just remember the cool one who gives him his hat, I think.

That's Temple. Because cartoon movie Indians eat severed monkey brains. And eye ball soup. And - bizarrely - uncooked live pregnant snakes.
Indeed they do. You should get out more.

Home Alone - Great christmas film etc. etc... few things stood out this year

  • I realised all my favourite Home Alone quotes are actually from Home Alone 2 (Credit Card? Yoooooou got it) though the first is the better film.
  • I think a big part of what makes the first one better is that Kevin wouldn't actually murder the Harry and Marv like he definitely would in the second. Knock them out? Scar? Cause brain damage? Sure, but not murder.
  • Where did he find the time to colour in his map?! Talk about priorities.
  • It's a shame he never gets to eat that Mac and Cheese he make, as it actually looks quite nice... though that's just poor planning on his behalf.
  • His fecking neighbour... why the first two times they meet does he just stare at him like a psycho?! No wonder he's fecking scared of you.
  • Though Kevin himself is clearly a psychopath... I imagine he grew up to become quite a violent man.
  • Marv's scream when the tarantula is on his face is delightful

Brilliant films, so many great moments in 1 & 2 (never seen 3, apparently Scarlett Johansson is in it). Have to watch them again. I also have to rewatch the Godfather, I love watching those at Christmas.
The opening scene is really cool though isn't it? Doesn't he end up with a massive snake (no euphemism) in his seat when he gets in the plane, for absolutely no reason?

Yeah the opening scene is one of the best things in the history of all films ever. Though I don't really quite get why anyone would go to the effort of making all those booby traps just to protect that little gold idol. I mean, if you don't want people getting to it, just bury it in the ground or throw it in the sea or something.

What's the ending by the way, the ark in the archives place?

I meant the bonkers face melting ghosts of god resolution. We all just accept that's how it ends, because that's how it ends. It's Raiders of the lost Ark. It ends like that. But show it to someone who doesn't know that, and their first reaction is "what the feck is this shit?"....Which bizarrely, I never considered.

It gets to the big climactic moment with our hero in peril and the Nazi's about to win and then....erm...Some ghosts turn up, and God kills all the Nazi's and then even unties Indy, who knew how not to be killed because of some random thing no one mentioned ever at any preceding point in the film. I mean. It's terrible, terrible script writing. Like they just got to a point and went "it needs to end now. feck it, the Ark kills them"

It is the Deus Ex Machina of Deus Ex Machinas. Literally. God comes out of the machine and solves it.

What's that? Can't remember it at all!

When we first meet Marion, after we've established Indy no longer talks to her father because of a "falling out"...She slaps him and says "I was a child. I was in love. You knew it was wrong"

It's not remotely helped by this of course...

And apparently George wanted to make Short Round a virginal child princess in Temple at one point.

Lies. All lies!

Bare in mind I remembered him as being incredibly annoying. So only being very annoying was a huge improvement.
The Marion love theme is a lovely piece of romantic music though.

/Sapmode off
The main themes (not the theme tune) in all of them are brilliant.

Also the theme tune's brilliant.

I think this illustrates the point nicely.

Damn shame what happened to that kid in Home Alone. Rumors he was molested by a director or other high ranking official, and probably Wacko Jacko as well. I still don't get why Mila Kunis dated his scronny ass for years. Maybe out of sympathy. Was rather interesting when MTV had that child stars of the 80s/90s segment during a movie awards thing and Macauley was the only star that had no lines and was not miched.
Why on earth would they want to add a paedo theme to a family film- an 11yo, jeez.
The Lost Tribe
Not the worst but the poor acting was too distracting. Worth a watch if you have nothing else to see. Builds up well but doesnt really go anywhere 4/10

Well shot film and a good idea but the only problem was that it was not very scary (apart from one or two bits). Clive Owen does well. The story idea was really interesting but just needed better execution 5.5/10

Red Line
Not very original and doesnt push any boundaries but a decent thriller on a low budget. The last third becomes a little silly but until then, was pretty good 6/10
Hey guys, can you help me find a Thai movie called The Billionaire? I'm having no luck. Inbox me please.