Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Love And Other Drugs

Watched Love And Other Drugs last night. Started off well and thought it would be similar to Thank You For Smoking but with drugs and a love story intertwined with it. It was funny at times, soppy at others but came across as a mess that didn't know how to successfully merge it's one too many themes. If it kept it's tone of the first half hour it could have been a good dark comedy about drug salesman and that would have been a much better subject rather than the relationship of Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway. However we do get to see Anne Hathaway's tits, on more than one occasion too which knocks it up a couple of points.

The Cabin in the Woods
I dont know what it is about this film but twice I have nodded off watching it, although this time it was at home so I hit rewind and finished it off... It is a decent film with some clever ideas and looks into the meanings of typical horror cliches. I think showing the overall plot elements early on doesnt help it but it's a decent horror/comedy (if you can call it that). Not very scary but I dont think that's the point. It's actually quite good but I think its not as clever as it tries to be 6.5/10

A Tale Of Two Sisters
Love this film, just doesnt get old. Well paced, has an eerie feel to it, the story is engaging, the acting is brilliant and the cinematography is top-notch. I can believe Hollywood fecked this up so bad with the remake. A must see for all horror fans 8/10

Man Of Tai Chi
What a pile of shit. Keanu Reeves directorial debut. Very disjointed film. Awful editing, waaaay too many cuts, it feels like a MTV music video rather than a martial arts film. The story is a joke, the acting is beyond shit, even worse than my secondary school drama lessons, the music doesnt fit the fight scenes but I got to admit, the choreography was pretty good. I was excited for this as I read that Iko Uwais (The Raid) was in the film but dont let that be the reason you watch this...

He only comes at the end and in that scene the main guy decides he doesnt want to fight any more and spends the scene running away... what a fecking wasted opportunity :mad:

I felt cheated and really hated this film 4/10

Started promisingly and is the kind of film I'd usually enjoy, but it took a turn for the worse about half an hour in with ridiculous plot turn after ridiculous plot turn, very poorly developed and told. James McAvoy is very good but it's an absolute mess of a film.
You know I can't believe how much Pineapple Express kinda killed off Gordon Green's career....or well credibility, George Washington, Snow Angels good films as is Pineapple Express....but once in with that clique he just accepted the god awful scripts for easy big paydays I guess.

I just saw Now You See Me, which I thought was just odd, requires an insane leap of faith from the viewer, which I guess they tell you in the film itself, but ugh. I dunno I still kind of enjoyed it even though I just found myself thinking how absurdly insane it was....the magic could of at least been somewhat realistic at times other than the first 3 minutes.
You know I can't believe how much Pineapple Express kinda killed off Gordon Green's career....or well credibility, George Washington, Snow Angels good films as is Pineapple Express....but once in with that clique he just accepted the god awful scripts for easy big paydays I guess.

He probably enjoys hanging out with Seth Rogen and James Franco. I think he still has something to give though. George Washington definitely had somehing.
Man of steel.

Only got to see the first hour before the plane landed. Once you got past the so-and-so bit on Krypton it seemed ok. I like the fact it was original, ie Clark Kent is not what you expect to be. For all I know it goes downhill in the second half. Hope not.

What did ppl think to save me sifting through 500+ pages of this thread?
Balls. Got the bit when he hands himself in. So generic action fare...
The Iceman

Not sure how I feel about this one. It had a good cast and Michael Shannon in particular was fantastic. There was an amazing ponytail and moustache combo from David Schwimmer on display and it was a reasonably competent mafia tale with able support from Liotta, Davi and Ryder but then I had a little read up on the real life 'Iceman' killer Richard Klukinski after watching it and I can't help but feel a bit cheated. Turns out he was much more of a c*nt than they made out in this. I mean it's one thing to tone down the killings but to completely gloss over his abusive childhood and also to not accurately portray his own brutality towards his wife and children (in fact they overplayed it in the exact opposite manner) seems at best like a missed opportunity and at worst like a bit of a con.
The Iceman

Not sure how I feel about this one. It had a good cast and Michael Shannon in particular was fantastic. There was an amazing ponytail and moustache combo from David Schwimmer on display and it was a reasonably competent mafia tale with able support from Liotta, Davi and Ryder but then I had a little read up on the real life 'Iceman' killer Richard Klukinski after watching it and I can't help but feel a bit cheated. Turns out he was much more of a c*nt than they made out in this. I mean it's one thing to tone down the killings but to completely gloss over his abusive childhood and also to not accurately portray his own brutality towards his wife and children (in fact they overplayed it in the exact opposite manner) seems at best like a missed opportunity and at worst like a bit of a con.

It's the whole reason he turned into The Iceman, and they completely ignored it.
Anm travelling this weekend and am going to carry three movies with me for the travel. NEed them to be absolute bankers (universally agreed upon good movies). Need then to be light, thrilling watches since I don't enjoy watching slow, thinkng movies when I'm travelling. And they need to be upwards of 7.5/10.

I'm considering Exit through the Gift shop. Anything other suggestions?
Good film, really enjoyed it. Man on Wire is another brilliant documentary film if you haven't seen it, nothing too heavy and genuinely thrilling.

Thanks. Will check it out. Anything from the Dark Thirty Zero category (action/ thriller/ politics based melange)?
Yeah, Try Zero Dark Thirty. I enjoyed it. It's no Dark Thirty Zero though.

Similar movies...hmmm....Black Hawk Down comes to mind. And obviously the one Bigelow got the Oscar for, The Hurt Locker. Wasn't mad on that though tbh.

That said if we're going Bigelow then it has to be Point Break. A classic.
I hated Zero Dark Thirty with a passion... so my recommendations would probable be of no use here.

But for the hell of recommending... how about Source Code, which is a fun, short(ish) thriller... I rewatched Inside Man fairly recently too and that's still an excellent film in my book.
Charlie Wilson's War may not be full of action but I'd definitely recommend it as a political drama. Fantastic dialogue and despite the lack of "action" it's actually very entertaining.
The Swimmer - Burt Lancaster embarks on an odyssey wearing nothing but swimming trunks going from pool to pool in an allegorical, nightmarish vision of 1960's upper-class suburbia. At every stop something new is learnt about him as he's heading for existential nakedness. Good film.
Zodiac is brilliant, but not sure it meets the requirements of Interval Level who doesn't want to watch a slow movie. I'd say Zodiac is rather slow (voluntarily so, but still).
Zodiac is brilliant, but not sure it meets the requirements of Interval Level who doesn't want to watch a slow movie. I'd say Zodiac is rather slow (voluntarily so, but still).

I thought it was really well paced, not at all what I would call a slow film. It's quite long that's true but it never really drags.
I thought it was really well paced, not at all what I would call a slow film. It's quite long that's true but it never really drags.
I dunno, I didn't find it boring by any stretch of the imagination, and more than just a thriller/detective film, it's a film about the passage of time and obsession and so on, and the pacing of the film is absolutely perfect to develop these themes. It's just a film that I feel you have to be in the right mood for, and the feeling I get from Interval Level's post is that he'd want something lighter, not sure Zodiac will fit the bill as a good film to watch whilst travelling. It's definitely one to see at some point if he hasn't yet though.
I've watched 3 Eddie Murphy films in the last two days... which isn't generally a good sentence... but after giving Bowfinger a rewatch for the first time in years, I still enjoyed it this time round as much as I remember doing the first time - if not more. Some great laughs in there, as well as two good performances from Martin and Murphy. Also watched Coming to America which is a fun film, and good for some laughs (and a great cameo/crossover gag with Trading Places), but not a patch on Trading Places which still makes me laugh and is a great film to watch around this time of year.

Also, I'm ashamed to admit that I've only now just worked out that Trading Places is actually a double play on words... this is like that Blink 182 moment all over again....
I would have hunted you down if you hadn't.

Sometimes I worry with the classics that you just end up agreeing that they are well done rather than personally enjoying it so I'm always pleased to get personal enjoyment out of them.
Casablanca is one that I hadn't ever watched, and the longer I didn't watch it, the harder it became to finally go for it, because I was wary of being disappointed by it. It's like that for quite a few of the films considered as classics, which is a bit silly. But once I got down to finally watching Casablanca, I enjoyed it to bits. Excellent film with so many brilliant scenes in it.
So what's the best film that people have seen this year because off the top of my head I'm thinking it's been a bit underwhelming.

(And I mean films released this year)