Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

So what's the best film that people have seen this year because off the top of my head I'm thinking it's been a bit underwhelming.

(And I mean films released this year)
I'd have to go with World War Z or Oblivion, thought both were very entertaining. Still have to see Rush and Prisoners though, which will probably be up there aswell.

Edit - 'My brother the devil' was also very good.
It doesn't seem to have been the strongest year but I still haven't seen Gravity, 12 Years A Slave, Inside Llewyn Davis or Blue Is The Warmest Color which are the films everyone's been creaming themselves over.
I just got back from Gravity (3D) and wasn't massively impressed. The visuals were good but it did have a few slow moments in it and you were never in doubt how it would end. She was remarkably competent for 6 months training.
Stoker was really good. A great example of how an average script could be made into a great film thanks to some superb directing and great acting performances.

EDIT: average probably isn't the right word, there was nothing wrong with the script, it's just that there was nothing special about it.
I really liked Side Effects and The Conjuring. Elysium was one of the better blockbuster films and must give a shout out to Prisoners and Captain Phillips.
The Hunt is the best film I've seen this year. Before Midnight, Frances Ha, A Hijacking, Prisoners, Ain't Them Bodies Saints, Side Effects were all good to great.

Cheers. I've only seen Prisoners from that list.

I'd have to go with World War Z or Oblivion, thought both were very entertaining. Still have to see Rush and Prisoners though, which will probably be up there aswell.

Edit - 'My brother the devil' was also very good.

Really Vato? I thought both of those films (WWZ and Oblivion) were no more than average.

That's probably why I think it's been a pretty lean year.
So what's the best film that people have seen this year because off the top of my head I'm thinking it's been a bit underwhelming.

(And I mean films released this year)

One from The Way Way Back, Rush, Prisoners, Captain Phillips, Alan Partridge... and The Lone Ranger... yes, I'm being deadly serious.

Stoker is probably the best looking/directed film I've seen this year.
One from The Way Way Back, Rush, Prisoners, Captain Phillips, Alan Partridge... and The Lone Ranger... yes, I'm being deadily serious.

Stoker is probably the best looking/directed film I've seen this year.

Enjoyed both The Way Way Back and of course Partridge.

I've got The Lone Ranger and Stoker ready to go so they'll be next I guess.
Yeah I thought Only God Forgives was pretty bad. A bad Lynch knock off. Dunno what I'd have as film of the year, as above, it's a slim selection to choose from right now, though I've seen plenty of mainstream big films for Orange Wednesday nights out, just don't want to say they are the best...when I know they aren't. Mud wasn't bad though.
Elite Squad - Jose Padhila (2007)

Would've never watched a movie with such a shit title but this was recommended, and then recognized it was based on the legendary BOPE police squads from the Rio de Janiero favelas. These are the extremely violent elite of the elitest Brazilan police squads that take the drug war to ultra dangerous slums in Rio against the drug lords. Very violent shoot 'em up flick with very heavy psychological and sociological consequences. Very well done although I think it tries to tackle too many themes and gets a little out of control. Directed in a very realistic in your face style. Sort of reminds me of City of God, but not as creative.

Only a Brazilian could make this film. I was pretty blown away by this film, leaving me with scary sensations of how fecking insane life can be. I know Colombia has tried to imitate these BOPE squads to go to war in the Comunas de Medellin without any success. These are insane fecking people, on both sides.

Enjoyed this film a lot more than I thought I would. Might be a bit difficult for a European or an American to believe, but I think this was a pretty spot on account of what is going on in this war.

8 1/2 cocks up
I just got back from Gravity (3D) and wasn't massively impressed. The visuals were good but it did have a few slow moments in it and you were never in doubt how it would end. She was remarkably competent for 6 months training.

Just saw it too. I enjoyed it but agree with a lot of what you've said.

It's visually stunning but apart from that it's nothing special.

Absolutely loved it, Hugh Jackman's best performance I've ever seen.
Don't know if having a little girl myself has anything to do with it, but I thought this was one of the most gripping films I've seen to date along with Shutter Island. Some bits, like the scene with Hugh Jackman and Gyllenhaal in the car were outstanding but hard to watch at the same time.
Probably the best film I've seen this year. 8/10
Unsurprisingly, Spike Lee's Oldboy remake is being regarded as a poor imitation. Why do they bother?
Reviews I've seen have been largely mixed... some saying just that, but others saying it's surprisingly decent (though not spectacular)

I'm interested soley because of Lee and the cast... and because of that I'll probably watch it, but I don't expect much
I'd say most remakes are pointless - well 99% anyway. Off the top of my head, the only recent one I can think of is Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

Although not great, the Evil Dead remake wasn't pointless. It would have been better if it was it's own movie though.
I'd say most remakes are pointless - well 99% anyway. Off the top of my head, the only recent one I can think of is Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

Enjoyed Rob Zombie's Halloween remake, TCM remake was entertaining (the one with Jessica Biel), and Evil Dead was alright as well. Looking forward to American Werewolf in London remake but hopefully it's not full of shitty CGI and stuff.
The Hunt (Jagten)

Nice little film about how little lies can lead to accusations that can shatter reputations and permanently destroy lives.
One thing I didn't really get and didn't make much sense to me is
how one moment the main protagonist of the film, Lucas, can be the hero to all these kids at the school he works at and the next they're all telling the same story about how he supposedly molested them. But that's just nitpicking on my part, really.
Strange that it has some similarities to Prisoners, which I just watched yesterday. I slightly prefer it to this one, but not by much.
Certainly in my top 5 I've seen this year. 7.5/10
I thought I'd have a chilled hungover Saturday watching Machete Kills. I'm half way through and about to turn it off. You're 45 Robert. Come on now. Stop it.
Enjoyed Rob Zombie's Halloween remake, TCM remake was entertaining (the one with Jessica Biel), and Evil Dead was alright as well. Looking forward to American Werewolf in London remake but hopefully it's not full of shitty CGI and stuff.

Yeah TCM was good actually, but I thought the Michael Myers origin bit was a bit rubbish in Halloween.
Surprisingly fun due to a simple concept that allowed great characters to develop. A bit stereotypical in places but a great fun little animation worth watching. The voice acting was good and the race sequences were brilliant. I really enjoyed it 7/10

Drinking Buddies
Very natural kind of film and the acting was pretty spot on, mainly due to most of the dialogue being improvised. Some of the relationships seemed a bit unrealistic and forced though and it seemed to head nowhere. Minus points for Olivia Wilde not showing tits 6.5/10
Olympus has Fallen

Just got around to watching this. I thought it was a fun movie despite the reviews. Sure, the main hero miraculously doesn't get shot while everyone around him does, and some parts were very cliched, but I still enjoyed it.
Casablanca is one that I hadn't ever watched, and the longer I didn't watch it, the harder it became to finally go for it, because I was wary of being disappointed by it. It's like that for quite a few of the films considered as classics, which is a bit silly. But once I got down to finally watching Casablanca, I enjoyed it to bits. Excellent film with so many brilliant scenes in it.

I was the same, did not want to watch it , basicly because to was so old and I did not think it would be any good, it was only the recommendation on this thread that made me watch it.
I was blown away by it, it is one of the few films I have given 10/10, I have watched it a few times now and the part where they are singing the French National Anthem is a stunning scene.
It is definitely on my list of films I will watch over and over again.