Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

The Avengers - Spectacularly average. Dull action with a script devoid of any wit, just cringey cheese. Loki was the only character that wasn't totally boring.
Inside (À l'intérieur)

Not a bad film really, pretty much more gorey than an actual horror, but it can be creepy. It's hard to really take away much from the acting or script as everyone is meant to be moody and depressed, but it was a decent enough watch for a slasher/horror movie.

Could anyone who's seen Gravity in 3d, tell me if its worth going to see in 3d or if 2d would be just as good? I pretty much never bother with 3d but it seems with Gravity it may be a rare case of it genuinely adding to the film?
Could anyone who's seen Gravity in 3d, tell me if its worth going to see in 3d or if 2d would be just as good? I pretty much never bother with 3d but it seems with Gravity it may be a rare case of it genuinely adding to the film?

I saw the trailer for it in the BFI IMAX and it looked in a completely different league to anything else I've seen in 3D. Looked like a genuinely immersive experience.
I saw the trailer for it in the BFI IMAX and it looked in a completely different league to anything else I've seen in 3D. Looked like a genuinely immersive experience.

Cheers mate, looks like it'll be the rare case of genuinely worth paying the extra.
Exotica - Along the same lines as Crash. Dark, moody, Canadian...This one though was a more subtler and restrained piece as you had to piece together some things by yourself and whilst it doesn't quite reach the heights of the aforementioned film it was still a good watch.
Exotica - Along the same lines as Crash. Dark, moody, Canadian...This one though was a more subtler and restrained piece as you had to piece together some things by yourself and whilst it doesn't quite reach the heights of the aforementioned film it was still a good watch.

Do you see tits and fanny in it?
Thor: The Dark World - Enjoyable overall... though nothing new or overly different about it to seperate/elevate it from the rest of the Marvel/Avengers bunch. Tom Hiddleston, once again, is the best thing about the film and the scenes that feature him never fail to grab your attention. Other then him I enjoyed smaller turns from Zacahary Levi and Chris O'Dowd... not through anything they did mind, just because they were there. On the other end of the spectrum, it's a good job Kat Dennings has large breasts... it's her only redeemable feature, but considering they spend all of this film covered up, I don't entirely see the point of her being there.

Other criticisms would be that it felt like there was a lot of conveniant plot devices/turns/occurances to drive the story along (and that itself was pretty ordinary) and some of the comedy felt a bit forced/out-of-place (thinking about one scene at the end in particular - though Thor hanging his hammer was excellent)... but it's still good fun, and perfectly enjoyable if you enjoy this world of films (which I do).
The Wolverine

Not really getting the love for this. God it was boring. Up there with Superman Returns boring. I know let's take our hero and invent some plot contrivance that robs him off his powers, but not all the way just so that it makes him injured and slow and we can do this funky camera effect every 10 minutes to show he's not recovering as fast as he could. How boring does that sound? Don't even know what the plot was either as this was suitably covered up by having half the cast speak in Japanese, probably to give it some gravitas to go along with the mind numbingly boring Jean Grey dream sequences that crop up in the periods when Wolverine isn't getting injured or someone is talking in Japanese.

Also it blatantly stole a line from Diamonds are Forever.

Really cool thriller, kept me entertained the whole way through. The plot is patently ridiculous but it was so well done I didn't really give a shit. Good to see Nikolaj Coster-Waldau in something outside GoT.
I enjoyed Wolverine, but I went in with really low expectations. The last 10 minutes or so were a bit shit and it obviously had its flaws but I still remember thinking it was enjoyable enough. The post credit scene was probably the best bit though :drool:
The Worlds End

The first 30 minutes or so was amusing ("Gary King and the Enablers....good name for a band") and even mildly interesting but as soon as the 'robots' showed up someone might as well have thrown a bucket of faecal matter all over the screen. Shame because I thought we were gonna get a Pegg and Frost comedy with maybe a bit of heart or something to say about anything but all we got was a poor Invasion of the Body Snatchers imitation with a bunch of cut and paste Hong Kong fight scenes that they obviously had a massive wank over in the editing booth. feck off.
I watched the new Star Trek films, being only vaguely familiar with the series. Nothing makes much sense and they are every bit as absurd and idiotic as Prometheus or the Dark Knight films but win points for being fun and not taking themselves too seriously. I thought Into Darkness was more enjoyable than the first, with better character relationships and a greater sense of peril. Cumberbatch is brilliant and a tension is maintained throughout the film despite the action overkill.

One thing I found slightly unnerving was the Khan landing scene. Making references to real world events is one thing but this almost felt and certainly looked like an homage to Osama's own action movie set piece.
Could anyone who's seen Gravity in 3d, tell me if its worth going to see in 3d or if 2d would be just as good? I pretty much never bother with 3d but it seems with Gravity it may be a rare case of it genuinely adding to the film?

Have you watched it in 3D? Two of my friends have seen it in 3D and both said it was amazing. I'm still deciding.
Gravity is absolutely superb, and is definitely worth seeing in 3D. It really adds to the experience. Can't recommend it highly enough.
I really want to see it, but I don't think it'll live up to all the hype. Might leave it for a year or so.
You need to see it in the cinema in 3d. It's one of those movies.

My missus didn't overly like it, but she is a spa
Shutter (2004). One of the best horror movies i have seen in quite some time. The story is nothing special, however some of the scenes were really scaring the shit out of me. 7/10
Thor - The Dark World

I really like the MARVEL films and enjoyed the original Thor, but I didn't think this was in the same league. Too much emphasis on the
relationship between Thor (Helmsworth) and Foster (Portman). Loki seems just reduced to a bit part role and poor attempt at humour one-liners.
Always going to be aspects of the movie that are far fetched but I thought the plot and story line weren't that great either.

A disappointing 4/10