Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

The last days on Mars (2013):

I love this type of movies, but this one was terrible. Its like The Walking Dead on space. The difference is that in this movie, the guys are all Astronauts, supposedly some of the smartest people out there, but it seems they all have an IQ lower than 80. Plus some of the acting was so BAD, ridiculous levels.

Gravity 3D: Visual feast of a movie that doesn't really make any genuine attempt to engage with you emotionally and instead just asks you to sit back and enjoy the thrill ride. It is in essence exactly like a fairground ride with excellent use of 3D, and CGI that really gives you a feeling of being there. Not really worth bothering with the faulty physics or the linear plot as they are all part of creating a movie that allows you to focus on the sense of visual excellence. A very good popcorn movie but I can't think of any reason to see it in anything other than 3D.


Yeah, I'd agree with that. Saw it in IMAX 3-D and it's pretty much what cinemas were built for. More of a sensory overload than anything else (don't watch if you suffer from vertigo).

As good as it is visually I don't think it will have much re-watch value at home. It also got a tad silly by the end with the amount of shit that goes wrong. There were a few sniggers around the auditorium when
it looked like she might drown after all that. Even the feckin frog had the sense to avoid the weeds.
The Counselor

Oi vey. Terrible, terrible film, even.more.misguided than Only God Forgives. Pompous and stupid, confusingly told with some of the worst dialogue you'll hear. So much talent involved, such a waste. I'm just about done with Ridley Scott.
I Am Love - It started well, lavish and layered but when it descended into melodrama towards the end it just left me rather unaffected.

Life of Pi - I'd have preferred the story when everyone drowned at the beginning.
Has anybody seen The Master by any chance? I watched it the other week.

You know when you watch a film and you're actually fecking angry at the end of it. That's how I felt. Two hours full of pretentious nothingness. There isn't even a plot. It's yet another one of those vacuous films that critics fawn over even though it fails to do the very essence of what a film should do: entertain.

Please, somebody else hate this pile of stinking shite.
Has anybody seen The Master by any chance? I watched it the other week.

You know when you watch a film and you're actually fecking angry at the end of it. That's how I felt. Two hours full of pretentious nothingness. There isn't even a plot. It's yet another one of those vacuous films that critics fawn over even though it fails to do the very essence of what a film should do: entertain.

Please, somebody else hate this pile of stinking shite.

This was one of the ONLY 3 films I couldnt finish due to its shitness (the other two being Resident Evil: Afterlife and Mortal Instruments).
What was?

Also, can anyone recommend me a pirate movie? I've been playing Black Flag and watching the Caribbean movies and now I'm in a pirate mood. Cheers.

The Grandmaster.
Watch Captain Phillips, it's awesome.
Has anybody seen The Master by any chance? I watched it the other week.

You know when you watch a film and you're actually fecking angry at the end of it. That's how I felt. Two hours full of pretentious nothingness. There isn't even a plot. It's yet another one of those vacuous films that critics fawn over even though it fails to do the very essence of what a film should do: entertain.

Please, somebody else hate this pile of stinking shite.

Paul Thomas Anderson was definitely "making it up as he went along" and kept the cult around him alive.
I was just watching Another Earth. It had an interesting story with a couple of beautiful scenes and some incredibly forced scenes. I think they should have just scrapped the other earth shenanigans and focused more on the story. What ultimately let it down was the poor ending. It is a decent movie with lots of wasted potential. 6/10 and the main character would get it.

Well this was a bit of a mess all things considered. If you judge it on trying to be anything other than a dumb action movie it starts to fall down pretty quickly, from the cliched characters to the trite poor (good) vs rich (bad) narrative that makes the apartheid allegory of District 9 look subtle by comparison.

Also, I don't know if I've watched too much quality tv recently but I'm having a hard time giving a toss about any character arc when it's crammed into a 90-120 minute time slot. Of course it doesn't help when they are nonsensical as they are in this. I don't care that Matt Damon realises what the Hippo gets out of it when 45 minutes earlier he only seemed concerned with saving his own bacon. Also why does the scene stealing villain suddenly go from being a reckless psychopath to someone hell bent on taking over Elysium in the blink of an eye (after btw, having his feckin head blown off?!)?

Has anybody seen The Master by any chance? I watched it the other week.

You know when you watch a film and you're actually fecking angry at the end of it. That's how I felt. Two hours full of pretentious nothingness. There isn't even a plot. It's yet another one of those vacuous films that critics fawn over even though it fails to do the very essence of what a film should do: entertain.

Please, somebody else hate this pile of stinking shite.

Its a movie that has the potential in the early parts to be a good critique of Scientology/cults but doesn't follow through with any of its goals possibly due to PTA's close friendship with Tom Cruise. In my opinion there is a good movie in there somewhere but the director chickened out and tried to make it more about the relationship between the two central characters which doesn't really work as effectively as it needs to. Very good performance from Phoenix though.
I think it's a very good movie and I agree it was far too easy in its commentary. It definitely wasn't plotless. Shooting it on 70mm was a wank idea though. PTA is still one of the.most interesting directors in the US. Boogie Nights, Punch Drunk Love (which manages to make an actor of Adam Sandler) and There Will Be Blood are all excellent.
Its a movie that has the potential in the early parts to be a good critique of Scientology/cults but doesn't follow through with any of its goals possibly due to PTA's close friendship with Tom Cruise. In my opinion there is a good movie in there somewhere but the director chickened out and tried to make it more about the relationship between the two central characters which doesn't really work as effectively as it needs to. Very good performance from Phoenix though.

I agree about the start. I was enjoying the first half hour or so. The psychological profiling scene was intensely brilliant. I thought it would actually go somewhere after that. It didn't. It was just pretentious, arty-farty guff that focused upon a weird relationship between two guys that knew absolutely nothing about each other. Agree in regards to Phoenix, though.
Has anybody seen The Master by any chance? I watched it the other week.

You know when you watch a film and you're actually fecking angry at the end of it. That's how I felt. Two hours full of pretentious nothingness. There isn't even a plot. It's yet another one of those vacuous films that critics fawn over even though it fails to do the very essence of what a film should do: entertain.

Please, somebody else hate this pile of stinking shite.

I mostly agree about The Master and don't like the director at all, but is it really an issue that some directors think of a film as something other than "entertainment"?
I mostly agree about The Master and don't like the director at all, but is it really an issue that some directors think of a film as something other than "entertainment"?

Not at all. I love a good thought-provoking, imaginative film that takes itself seriously. I just didn't think this particular film did enough to captivate the audience - me.

On a different note, going to see Gravity 3D next week. Looking forward to that!
Fecking great film. I have low expectations for the remake though.
I don't really understand why they're even remaking it. Remakes should be reserved for good concepts which didn't have enough funding IMO. Not for films widely recognized as very good.
Just had a look at the cast and at least Michael Imperioli is playing, I loved him in the Sopranos :drool: But I have to agree, a remake of that movie doesn't make any sense at all.
Life of Pi - I'd have preferred the story when everyone drowned at the beginning.
Watching what's a treat at the cinemas on your laptop, and you expect to be wowed?

You're probably the worst of all the pretentious little dweebs we've had posting in here over the years.
Thor The Dark World - wasn't expecting much after seeing the trailers and I was right. Rather boring film with too much needless cliched comedy that didn't work. I wanted out after 45 min. I could do without any Natalie Portman for awhile after watching this drivel.
Watching what's a treat at the cinemas on your laptop, and you expect to be wowed?

You're probably the worst of all the pretentious little dweebs we've had posting in here over the years.

I expected to be at least entertained but it was an incredibly sugar-coated bore that I bet is adored by the same people who read books written by Paulo Coelho.
feck Pi, I was bored shitless barring some spectacular visuals. I just felt I'd do you a service and improve the quality of your posts.
Gravity: Visuals were top notch, especially in 3D. Some of the shots of Earth and the Sun were phenomenal. This is the type of movie where you have to watch it in a cinema rather than downloading it and watching it at home. There are some first-person view shots that make it seem like you're the one in the movie. The first 20 minutes or so was quite slow and I thought, 'Ah shit, paid $20 for a shit movie', but it really picks up from there. The music definitely adds to the epicness of some scenes. It was a strangely emotional ride for me. Maybe it's because right now I'm in a bad place mentally, but the hopelessness the characters faced really hit home for me. I can see why some people would not enjoy this movie. It definitely depends on your state of mind when walking into the movie.
That's uncalled for. It's just his opinion on a film, he doesn't even mention watching it on a laptop. R.N7 is a good poster.

Definitely uncalled for. Ignore me I'm just bored, and he reviews movies like a pretentious, supercilious twerp. Made sense to point it out.
Quality as in posts like this?

Gravity: Visuals were top notch, especially in 3D. Some of the shots of Earth and the Sun were phenomenal. This is the type of movie where you have to watch it in a cinema rather than downloading it and watching it at home. There are some first-person view shots that make it seem like you're the one in the movie. The first 20 minutes or so was quite slow and I thought, 'Ah shit, paid $20 for a shit movie', but it really picks up from there. The music definitely adds to the epicness of some scenes. It was a strangely emotional ride for me. Maybe it's because right now I'm in a bad place mentally, but the hopelessness the characters faced really hit home for me. I can see why some people would not enjoy this movie. It definitely depends on your state of mind when walking into the movie.


Mel's timing was great.