Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

What's the best movie you lot have watched in 2013? Looking for some good ones to watch at the moment.
What's the best movie you lot have watched in 2013? Looking for some good ones to watch at the moment.

My favourites so far:

The Great Beauty
The Grandmaster
Before Midnight
Spring Breakers
Laurence Anyways
This is The End
Ain't Them Bodies Saints
Our Children
The Hunt
The Act of Killing
A Field in England
Grave Encounters

What a freaky film, yet another found footage film but this one I did like.
a film crew and a presenting team from a ghost hunting type program go into a old abandoned asylum, pretty soon some very strange and freaky things happen.
The bit with the rat towards the end was gross.
There is a few bits that make you jump, but this is not that sort of film.
The story was OK could of been expended a bit for me, the acting was good for the most part.
One of the better found footage film I have seen.

What's the best movie you lot have watched in 2013? Looking for some good ones to watch at the moment.

Favourite 5 films I've seen at the cinema this year:

Lone Ranger
Alan Partridge
The Way Way Back

Honourable mention for being way better then I thought it had any right to be - The Wolverine.
My favourites so far:

The Great Beauty
The Grandmaster
Before Midnight
Spring Breakers
Laurence Anyways
This is The End
Ain't Them Bodies Saints
Our Children
The Hunt
The Act of Killing
A Field in England

Agree with all those I've seen and there's a good mix in there. I'd add Wajdja too.

Was Side Effects this year? I thought that was very good too.
Crash (1996) - Really liked it. Dark, menacing, powerful, twisted. Might be Cronenberg's best work.

Loved this film as well. Top rate acting, especially Elias Koteas. What a whacky persona. Anyone remember Koteas in the Sopranos episode when he was the intervention leader when they tried to intervene on Chrissy and it ended up in a massive donnybrook. Fantastic stuff.

The Ballard book, Crash is based on is brilliant as well. Can't believe Cronenberg is the same director that directs absolute wank such as History of Violence.
History of Violence was an excellent movie.

In fact given his, never dull but, hit and miss record this along with Dead Ringers and The Dead Zone (and a few others) is probably his best work. Crash didn't really work for me. Not that I hated it.
Sorry, History of Violence was bollocks.

Did you catch the first like 10 minutes?

Danish hollywood wannabe geezer gets shot in the foot, then walks/runs donkey loads of kilometers to save his family?

yeah, right


Watch it again. Bollocks. Ask for some viewer respect. Respect!

*Vigguis Mortenson was married to Exene Cervenka and they have a son named Henry
Grave Encounters 2

WHY was this rubbish even made.
A student obsessed with the first one, has a film blog where he rates films, he gets messages about the first film from a mystery poster. it ends up him and some of his mates going to the same place.
Surprise, surprise when they get them things start to happen, once they get to the asylum it is just like the first one , only worse.
The story is dreadful, the acting is worse
Why do they have to make crappy sequels, there is even talk of a 3rd film , for the love of god NO .

Saw The Conjuring last night and i thought it was pretty good. Better than expected at least... much better than insidious for example. Solid 7/10.
Bling Ring - Utter tripe... easily one of the worst films I've seen in ages. Disengaging/uninteresting characters, all acted horribly (Emma Watson reaches new depths of terrible) with no subtlety, shades of gray or actually, anything about them. Couple this with a story that isn't interesting or exciting, that has nothing intelligent or remotely revalatory to say about celebrity culture or youth or, well, anything. (Though I imagine it thinks it's really clever or something - note: it isn't) And to top all that off, it's not particularly directed very well by Sofia Coppla and in fact, is just a bit of a mess.

The only positive thing I have to say about it was that - at 90 minutes - it's mercifully short.
Sorry, History of Violence was bollocks.

Did you catch the first like 10 minutes?

Danish hollywood wannabe geezer gets shot in the foot, then walks/runs donkey loads of kilometers to save his family?

yeah, right


Watch it again. Bollocks. Ask for some viewer respect. Respect!

*Vigguis Mortenson was married to Exene Cervenka and they have a son named Henry

I think you might conceivable do exactly that if circumstances demanded. Of course you might well bleed to death in real life but most films aren't real life. Certainly more realistic than Crash.
Saw The Conjuring last night and i thought it was pretty good. Better than expected at least... much better than insidious for example. Solid 7/10.

Same here, enjoyed it. Was expecting it to be a bit less run of the mill horror but it was well made and scary.
I think you might conceivable do exactly that if circumstances demanded. Of course you might well bleed to death in real life but most films aren't real life. Certainly more realistic than Crash.

That's the thing, Crash isn't trying to be "realistic," rather a consciously bizarre work of fiction. History of Violence tries to present this real life kind of scenario and it comes off as totally unbelievable, bogus only-happens-in-hollywood crap. Seriously, watch it again and analyze it. Cronenberg should be ashamed of himself.
I really can't put my finger on Cronenberg, if he's just decent or in fact pretty good. I keep watching his films to find out. His style is often very restrained so it was nice to see him come out of his shell for Crash.
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I generally like Cronenberg, and I thought he was on quite a good run... but Cosmopolis put a stop to that. God-awful film.
I can't really put my finger on Cronenberg, if he's just decent or pretty good. I keep watching his films to find out. His style is often very restrained so it was nice to see him come out of his shell for Crash.

I think more than anything else, is that Cronenberg is an important director in the sense that he has the cojones to do bizarre, off the wall stuff and get away with it. And I think he got it totally right with Crash. Anyone who takes on making the unmakeable film of Naked Lunch you have to give credit to, although it understandably wasn't that great. That's what I dislike so much about History of Violence. It comes off, at least to me, as if it was made by any halfway decent hired gun in Hollywood.
Thor 2 - The Dark World

A classic case of a movie trying to deliver too much, but fails in all respects. Kinda emotionally lacking movie, where you don't feel the deaths, not laugh at the jokes, not afraid of the super-villain, not in awe of climax fight. A sense of lacking in what I got out of movie. Too many holes in the script and not even a partly engaging screenplay add to it's woes.

Worth a watch, just because it is a THOR movie...but set your expectation lower.

Rating: 6/10
All Hallows Eve.

Rubbish, don't watch it.
After trick or treating a kid find an old VHS tape in his candy bag, they watch it and it is a scary film, but it is not scary, it is brutal and gore in parts, but nothing you have not seen in a hundred of these films, not even the clown was scary in it and I hate clowns.
Is it too much to ask that they make a scary horror film that actually scares.
Horror is my favourite type of films but they are nearly always rubbish.

3/10 and that's only for the gore.
I Saw the Devil

An excellent Korean film .
When the pregnant fiancee of a secret service agent becomes the latest victim of a serial killer, he takes the law into his own hand and hunts down the killer and exacts his revenge.
It is a brutal film with lots of blood and extreme violence.
Min-sik Choi has the agent was excellent, some of the other acting was distinctly dodgy, but that took nothing away from the film.My only cripe is that is was a bit long, could of cut maybe 20-30 mins and not lost anything from the film.The ending is partially brutal.
One of the best films I have seen this year.

I Saw the Devil

An excellent Korean film .
When the pregnant fiancee of a secret service agent becomes the latest victim of a serial killer, he takes the law into his own hand and hunts down the killer and exacts his revenge.
It is a brutal film with lots of blood and extreme violence.
Min-sik Choi has the agent was excellent, some of the other acting was distinctly dodgy, but that took nothing away from the film.My only cripe is that is was a bit long, could of cut maybe 20-30 mins and not lost anything from the film.The ending is partially brutal.
One of the best films I have seen this year.


You watched The Chaser yet? If not, you should.