Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Gravity 3D: Visual feast of a movie that doesn't really make any genuine attempt to engage with you emotionally and instead just asks you to sit back and enjoy the thrill ride. It is in essence exactly like a fairground ride with excellent use of 3D, and CGI that really gives you a feeling of being there. Not really worth bothering with the faulty physics or the linear plot as they are all part of creating a movie that allows you to focus on the sense of visual excellence. A very good popcorn movie but I can't think of any reason to see it in anything other than 3D.

The Way Way Back

Beautiful little film. Rockwell is as dependable as always and it was nice to see Carrell playing against type. Loved the setting, loved the performances, loved the soundtrack. A textbook coming of age tale with some genuine laughs.
The Way Way Back

Beautiful little film. Rockwell is as dependable as always and it was nice to see Carrell playing against type. Loved the setting, loved the performances, loved the soundtrack. A textbook coming of age tale with some genuine laughs.
I thought Rockwell was great but the rest was a bit underwhelming. The kid was shit too and the film felt too short.
The Way Way Back

Beautiful little film. Rockwell is as dependable as always and it was nice to see Carrell playing against type. Loved the setting, loved the performances, loved the soundtrack. A textbook coming of age tale with some genuine laughs.

I really enjoyed this too... up amongst the better trips I've had to the cinema this year.
Gravity 3D: Visual feast of a movie that doesn't really make any genuine attempt to engage with you emotionally and instead just asks you to sit back and enjoy the thrill ride. It is in essence exactly like a fairground ride with excellent use of 3D, and CGI that really gives you a feeling of being there. Not really worth bothering with the faulty physics or the linear plot as they are all part of creating a movie that allows you to focus on the sense of visual excellence. A very good popcorn movie but I can't think of any reason to see it in anything other than 3D.

Have to agree with everything you said here, although one thing was different from my experience. I went to see this in DBOX (the first time I've decided to watch a film in DBOX) and this made it feel even more like it was designed to be a 4D fairground ride rather than a regular film. Me & the misses both said exactly the same thing afterwards; had we not watched the film in DBOX I don't think it would of kept our attention. Don't get me wrong, the visual element of the film is just excellent and cannot criticise that in the slightest, but the plot became a little bit too predictable at times and had I been watching this in 2 or 3D I don't think I would of enjoyed it anywhere near as much.
Shutter (2004). One of the best horror movies i have seen in quite some time. The story is nothing special, however some of the scenes were really scaring the shit out of me. 7/10

Glad you liked this. I first watched this before the 'yurei' craze and found it very scary. It's brilliant.

Thor: The Dark World:
Better than the first Thor film but that's not saying much. The best moments are when Loki is on screen but it focused too much on the love story and that was boring and unbelievable even in the context of thunder gods and such. The bad guy was underwhelming and overall it was decent but not special 6/10

Great great achievement in terms of filmmaking and visually it is brilliant. The film makes you feel as if you are in space and very claustrophobic at the same time but I dont see why people are saying this is the best film in the last decade, that is not true. The plot and character development was paper thin and very cheesy at times and it's hard to believe Sandra Bullock and George Clooney are single scientists! Great but not as good as the hype 8/10

Decent but not spectacular film starring Paul Walker. Has some emotional scenes and quite well acted. It's about a man trying to keep his new born baby alive on a incubator that he has to manually recharge every 3 minutes and has no support as everyone leaves the town due to Hurricane Katrina. The film is decent but not one you will remember a few months down the line 5.5/10

2 Guns
Quite enjoyed this. Mark Wahlberg and Denzel Washington were brilliant together and the film would have been even better if it focused more on the banter between the two of them. Quite old school fun to be had here. Much more enjoyable than I thought it would be 7/10
Have to agree with everything you said here, although one thing was different from my experience. I went to see this in DBOX (the first time I've decided to watch a film in DBOX) and this made it feel even more like it was designed to be a 4D fairground ride rather than a regular film. Me & the misses both said exactly the same thing afterwards; had we not watched the film in DBOX I don't think it would of kept our attention. Don't get me wrong, the visual element of the film is just excellent and cannot criticise that in the slightest, but the plot became a little bit too predictable at times and had I been watching this in 2 or 3D I don't think I would of enjoyed it anywhere near as much.

Yep completely agree about the plot, although I think the script writers(one of whom is also the director) knew exactly what they were doing by not allowing anything to distract from the visual journey. But lets be honest in anything less than 3D(or DBOX?) this is a very average film. The use of 3D really makes it what it is.
The Way Way Back

Beautiful little film. Rockwell is as dependable as always and it was nice to see Carrell playing against type. Loved the setting, loved the performances, loved the soundtrack. A textbook coming of age tale with some genuine laughs.

really enjoyed this, Rockwell was excellent in it.
Watched 'Eyes Wide Shut' for the first time in years. Quality movie. I had always thought of the movie as very slow and boring with lots of tits but after watching tonight I get a far deeper feel to the movie. Did some research and stumbled across this opinion piece. It delves into conspiracy theory and whatnot. Seems a bit outrageous but interesting nonetheless.

The Omen (1976)

After looking through the underwhelming list of modern horror films I decided to take it old school with this classic. Amazing score, brilliant performances and some clever scare techniques, this is still a brilliant film that makes you feel uneasy. Love the satanic themed 70's horror films and this was definitely one of the best 8.5/10
The Omen (1976)

After looking through the underwhelming list of modern horror films I decided to take it old school with this classic. Amazing score, brilliant performances and some clever scare techniques, this is still a brilliant film that makes you feel uneasy. Love the satanic themed 70's horror films and this was definitely one of the best 8.5/10

I agree, and the music makes me feel uneasy too, even watching in the daytime!
The Omen (1976)

After looking through the underwhelming list of modern horror films I decided to take it old school with this classic. Amazing score, brilliant performances and some clever scare techniques, this is still a brilliant film that makes you feel uneasy. Love the satanic themed 70's horror films and this was definitely one of the best 8.5/10

I agree the music makes the film,I enjoyed the second too just has much, the 3rd one is poor, it could of been so much better, I think Sam Neil is normally excellent.
A Perdre la Raison - 7/10

Based on Genevieve Lhermitte's true story. Emilie Dequenne couldn't have played the role any better; a really emotionally moving performance. The doctor was excellent too, there's something really sinister about his relationship with Mounir. Great score.


Twisted, gripping, nicely shot, Nicole Kidman would get it. 7/10

Really liked this too.
A Perdre la Raison - 7/10

Based on Genevieve Lhermitte's true story. Emilie Dequenne couldn't have played the role any better; a really emotionally moving performance. The doctor was excellent too, there's something really sinister about his relationship with Mounir. Great score.

Really liked this too.

That car scene.

Speaking of Belgian films starring Emilie Dequenne. Rosetta - The Dardenne brothers are one the few critics darling directors that I just can't bring myself to like. This film was typical shaky cam nausea that spins and spins until the wheels come off. They're films look good on paper but unfortunately, absolute chores to watch.
The Raid - Redemption - 8/10

Most enjoyable action film I've watched in a long time. Basically nothing in the way of character development or plot but god is it well made; the fight sequences and shoot-outs are relentless and thrilling and the soundtrack is excellent. Really looking forward to seeing what they do with the next one.
A Slit-Mouthed Woman

Decent attempt and a slightly different approach to asian horror as most of the action takes place throughout day and night as opposed to mainly night in other asian horror films and doesn't feature the 'yurei' character with black hair covering her eyes. The concept of the film was ok but the execution leaves a lot to be desired as it is quite bland and predictable. It's different enough to warrant a watch but definitely a missed opportunity 5/10
That car scene.

Speaking of Belgian films starring Emilie Dequenne. Rosetta - The Dardenne brothers are one the few critics darling directors that I just can't bring myself to like. This film was typical shaky cam nausea that spins and spins until the wheels come off. They're films look good on paper but unfortunately, absolute chores to watch.

I'm going to have to stick up for the Dardenne Bros here. I think you just have to get used to and appreciate the rhythm of their camera work and it works quite well, and is quite original and gives off a very realistic sense to their films. I feel the total opposite in that their films are the most natural, chore-less stories to watch. To each their own, I guess.

Ground breaking directors who are in a select group of winning the Palme d'or twice, and their profound social comment in their highly realistic films is second to none. They are definitely one of my favs.
Watched "Last Vegas" last night, and enjoyed it. I thought it's another average pensioner actors movie, but it was really funny and enjoyable, especially the first half of the movie.
The Conjuring

Not really a fan of 'haunted house' horror stuff but actually enjoyed it. It built up nicely although the ending seemed a little abrupt - the doll?


Les Miserables

Never, ever been interested in musicals but I recorded it when it was on Sky the other week out of casual interest and eventually got round to watching it last week. Absolutely loved it and the songs are great. I actually like a sing-through film musical. Who would have thought?!

Gravity - It's really quite spectacular

Is Prisoners any good? I've got it downloaded but have yet to watch it. Is it worth watching?

I really enjoyed it... the two lead acting performances are great and if you don't try and constantly pick flaws in the story, you'll "enjoy" it.
Gravity is fantastic. Only two tiny 'bad science' bits that I could see. And they really are tiny. I just want to geek out and talk about the science of it.

And play Kerbal Space Program all night. If you want to have a go at a real space programming simulator, play KSP
I'm going to have to stick up for the Dardenne Bros here. I think you just have to get used to and appreciate the rhythm of their camera work and it works quite well, and is quite original and gives off a very realistic sense to their films. I feel the total opposite in that their films are the most natural, chore-less stories to watch. To each their own, I guess.

Ground breaking directors who are in a select group of winning the Palme d'or twice, and their profound social comment in their highly realistic films is second to none. They are definitely one of my favs.

The Son was almost unwatchable for me due to the camera work, wasn't that annoying in Rosetta though.

I thought the actions of the characters in The Child were a bit unrealistic.
My friends lent me Spring Breakers to watch this evening... is it worth my time and effort? I'm still annoyed at wasting 90 minuets of my life on the peice of shit that was The Bling Ring.
I watched The Starving Games yesterday. I don't even know what to say, poking out my own eyes probably would have been more fun than watching this crap excuse of a parody. -10/10