Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I Saw the Devil

An excellent Korean film .
When the pregnant fiancee of a secret service agent becomes the latest victim of a serial killer, he takes the law into his own hand and hunts down the killer and exacts his revenge.
It is a brutal film with lots of blood and extreme violence.
Min-sik Choi has the agent was excellent, some of the other acting was distinctly dodgy, but that took nothing away from the film.My only cripe is that is was a bit long, could of cut maybe 20-30 mins and not lost anything from the film.The ending is partially brutal.
One of the best films I have seen this year.


So great - also one of the best films I've seen this year. As Leg-End said, definitely give The Chaser a watch, which is superb... also check out A Bittersweet Life and Man From Nowhere.
House Of The Devil - Rubbish. Nothing happened. Complete waste of time. 0/10

i really liked this movie. New movie but built on an old fashioned way. The music was nice. A improvement in the genre, specially for the XXI century movies.

And its not that nothing happened... its the anticipation where the magic happens.

This movie is not for the impatient. For me, big payoff by the time it ends.
I Saw the Devil

An excellent Korean film .
When the pregnant fiancee of a secret service agent becomes the latest victim of a serial killer, he takes the law into his own hand and hunts down the killer and exacts his revenge.
It is a brutal film with lots of blood and extreme violence.
Min-sik Choi has the agent was excellent, some of the other acting was distinctly dodgy, but that took nothing away from the film.My only cripe is that is was a bit long, could of cut maybe 20-30 mins and not lost anything from the film.The ending is partially brutal.
One of the best films I have seen this year.


I love this film, it's a revenge flick done right. If you like this, watch The Chaser as a few have said and Bittersweet Life. All excellent films!

House Of The Devil - Rubbish. Nothing happened. Complete waste of time. 0/10

As with all TI West films, he builds suspense so well and then delivers jack shit. If he knew how to do a payoff, he would be a much better director.
I recently saw The Thin Red Line for the first time in yonks. Magnificent film. There were some distractions though, like the odd bland, recycled Hans Zimmer piece and star cameo (Clooney!).
As with all TI West films, he builds suspense so well and then delivers jack shit. If he knew how to do a payoff, he would be a much better director.

I agree with that. The setup was great, it really looked and felt like and 80's horror. His pacing is terrible, though. The ending completely ruined the whole thing for me. I was given The Innkeepers as well, but now I don't want to watch it.
I agree with that. The setup was great, it really looked and felt like and 80's horror. His pacing is terrible, though. The ending completely ruined the whole thing for me. I was given The Innkeepers as well, but now I don't want to watch it.

its worse than House of the devil
So great - also one of the best films I've seen this year. As Leg-End said, definitely give The Chaser a watch, which is superb... also check out A Bittersweet Life and Man From Nowhere.

I am going to check out all these films, I only watched I saw the Devil after a read a review I saw searching for another film and I managed to get a copy with dubbed English.
I thought Another Earth was really good - having thought that the trailer looked like some mawkish woe is me indy garbage. It never resorts to doing that patronsing thing that most wannabe smart films - that deal with character mistakes and regret - do, of begging for sympathy on behalf of the character. And as a result it conjures empathy from exploring regret and human frailty. I didn't mind the scifi touches personally and thought they were a natural continuation of the allegorical nature of the film.

Really didn't like I Saw The Devil. I'm getting tired of these film makers that pretend to intellectualise vengeance, yet still want their credulity stretching revenge porn cake.
Alien Hunter

An alien black box is found in the South Pole, where a government agency is conducting botanical experiments. There is a connection to Roswell New Mexico in 1947.
The cryptologist Julien Rome (James Spader) is invited to investigate the mystery in the South Pole, and he flies to a research base. While a team tries to open a weird shell probably from the outer space, Julien solves the message, indeed a distress signal ordering not to open the case.
All the cast did well , nothing that will win an oscar but still well acted
The story I though was excellent, the ending was not what I was expecting but it worked and worked very well
Dont let the name put you off, yes it has Aliens in but there is no Hunt, the name may be a reference to Rome's previous job in SETI
One of the better SI-FI film I have seen .

...Really didn't like I Saw The Devil. I'm getting tired of these film makers that pretend to intellectualise vengeance, yet still want their credulity stretching revenge porn cake.

Good man.

Minor bit of trivia/world economics regarding the very apt "revenge porn cake" line: those ultra-violent films only got greenlit after the likes of Saw and Hostel did moderately high business in that region (which was suffering from severely declining domestic film box-office), after which producers/distributors were able to 'persuade' censorship board members to let them make their movies.

Contrast with Japan, where those torture porn (or 'gorn') movies absolutely tanked - because, well, Japan.
I thought Another Earth was really good - having thought that the trailer looked like some mawkish woe is me indy garbage. It never resorts to doing that patronsing thing that most wannabe smart films - that deal with character mistakes and regret - do, of begging for sympathy on behalf of the character. And as a result it conjures empathy from exploring regret and human frailty. I didn't mind the scifi touches personally and thought they were a natural continuation of the allegorical nature of the film.

Really didn't like I Saw The Devil. I'm getting tired of these film makers that pretend to intellectualise vengeance, yet still want their credulity stretching revenge porn cake.

The problem with Another Earth was just that it was so poorly written... and the lead character's actions/motivations didn't really make any sense - and in turn they made her a completely unsympathetic character.

That's also an incredibly simplistic take on I Saw The Devil, which is so much more then a standard revenge film.
Thor 2 - The Dark World

A classic case of a movie trying to deliver too much, but fails in all respects. Kinda emotionally lacking movie, where you don't feel the deaths, not laugh at the jokes, not afraid of the super-villain, not in awe of climax fight. A sense of lacking in what I got out of movie. Too many holes in the script and not even a partly engaging screenplay add to it's woes.

Worth a watch, just because it is a THOR movie...but set your expectation lower.

Rating: 6/10

I disagree - better than the first, possibly better than all the other Marvel movies for me. Plot holes for sure - but what comic book film doesn't? Atleast they are (for me) forgiving as the film doesn't try to be too serious and downed in realism that any holes become both obvious and frustrating (ie. Dark Knight Rises, Man of Steel).

Definitely could have used more Loki.

7.5/10 - best comic-book film of 2013.
Elvira Madigan - For being a Swedish film, it was uncommonly lush. Very lush actually and everytime I was set to make my mind up that it was too empty it threw an achingly beautiful or poignant scene at me to shut me up. You know that the score made an impression when the Mozart piece is now often referred to as just "Elvira Madigan".
I disagree - better than the first, possibly better than all the other Marvel movies for me. Plot holes for sure - but what comic book film doesn't? Atleast they are (for me) forgiving as the film doesn't try to be too serious and downed in realism that any holes become both obvious and frustrating (ie. Dark Knight Rises, Man of Steel).

Definitely could have used more Loki.

7.5/10 - best comic-book film of 2013.

As I mentioned before, I found it lame and uninspiring. Best comic in 2013. What's the competition, Iron Man 3 & Wolverine? 3 mediocre movies, to say!

Some points that I found as flawless gaps. Maybe I missed something...

Don't read if you have not watched the movie:

1. The dark elf lost with a big army to Asgard. Now a single ship manages to do this damage? Surprise may have been a option initially, but in an all out fight, there is no way they are beating Asgardians...which leaves the whole 'fight till last drop of asgardian blood' and Thor's quest meaningless.

2. In the scene where Thor visits Loki in prison, he is able to see through illussions, but in later stages (and teaser post climax) he is surprisingly not able to. And are we to take it that Loki fooled Odin too?

3. Why was the scientist wandering around naked in stonehenge?

4. All elves use guns like weapons, whereas asgardians use swords and spears with shields! Seriously?

5. The villian dies with the ship crumbling on him. If the power of Aether is so small, it sure is a anti-climax.
As I mentioned before, I found it lame and uninspiring. Best comic in 2013. What's the competition, Iron Man 3 & Wolverine? 3 mediocre movies, to say!

Some points that I found as flawless gaps. Maybe I missed something...

Don't read if you have not watched the movie:

1. The dark elf lost with a big army to Asgard. Now a single ship manages to do this damage? Surprise may have been a option initially, but in an all out fight, there is no way they are beating Asgardians...which leaves the whole 'fight till last drop of asgardian blood' and Thor's quest meaningless.

2. In the scene where Thor visits Loki in prison, he is able to see through illussions, but in later stages (and teaser post climax) he is surprisingly not able to. And are we to take it that Loki fooled Odin too?

3. Why was the scientist wandering around naked in stonehenge?

4. All elves use guns like weapons, whereas asgardians use swords and spears with shields! Seriously?

5. The villian dies with the ship crumbling on him. If the power of Aether is so small, it sure is a anti-climax.

All except one are pretty answerable to be fair.

1.) They were worried about him getting and using the aether. The Asgardians initially defeated the Elves because they managed to stop him using the Aether.

2) Perhaps you're right, perhaps Thor guessed as he knew Loki would be upset about losing his mother?

3) The scientist later alluded to having issues from having Loki in his head during the Avengers, hence the huge bag of medication. He was a bit unhinged.

4) That is a bit odd. Especially as the Asgardian defence system utilised lasers to shoot at the incoming ships.

5) The villain didn't necessarily die. You just saw the ship fall on him, but his death wasn't confirmed.
All except one are pretty answerable to be fair.

1.) They were worried about him getting and using the aether. The Asgardians initially defeated the Elves because they managed to stop him using the Aether.

2) Perhaps you're right, perhaps Thor guessed as he knew Loki would be upset about losing his mother?

3) The scientist later alluded to having issues from having Loki in his head during the Avengers, hence the huge bag of medication. He was a bit unhinged.

4) That is a bit odd. Especially as the Asgardian defence system utilised lasers to shoot at the incoming ships.

5) The villain didn't necessarily die. You just saw the ship fall on him, but his death wasn't confirmed.

Not necessarily...

The Aether is safe in middle of Asgard. How is the elf going to get it unless he defeats Asgardians? Why are they afraid that they will lose and get ready to fight till last blood, when the villiain does not even have the Aether?

2) A very big stretch. Guesswork? Not probable at all!

3) Ok. Probable.

4) Odd, indeed.

5) If the villian did not die and still has the Aether, then it is a lame-er ending!
Not necessarily...

The Aether is safe in middle of Asgard. How is the elf going to get it unless he defeats Asgardians? Why are they afraid that they will lose and get ready to fight till last blood, when the villiain does not even have the Aether?

2) A very big stretch. Guesswork? Not probable at all!

3) Ok. Probable.

4) Odd, indeed.

5) If the villian did not die and still has the Aether, then it is a lame-er ending!

I'm not saying it's perfect, but it's not half as bad as you're making out. Compared to Superman, it's almost water tight. It was a fun film that didn't take itself too seriously.

The Aether wasn't safe in the middle of Asgard, it was in Thor's girlfriend. The Elves knew exactly who to target and Malekith could sense where the Aether/she was. The defence shield was broken in the first attack, and Idris Elba said they couldn't repair it in time so the ships could have turned Asgard to rubble and half the soldiers with it, before they even set one foot on Asgard.
Trick 'R Treat
Watched this when it first came out but couldn't concentrate as my mates kept talking through it. Watched it again last night with the missus and enjoyed it a bit more. Still baffled by how people say this is on the same level as Carpenter's Halloween, it's really not but it is a good Halloween themed film, that really captures the magic of the halloween holidays. The film is a collection of 4 or 5 interlinked storylines told over the night of Halloween in a small town. It's quite hit and miss but the loose link between the stories as well as a lack of conflict and resolution hinders the film. The stories are ok, but only one of them is spectacular. It's a very strange film, it has gore and suspense but is shot/graded like a christmas movie and also has lots of comedy elements... it's worth a watch, but will probably be most enjoyed if watched during Halloween 6.5/10
Anybody seen Cloud Atlas? Is it any good? Is it a sad movie?
its a strange film.....

really ambitious given what it tried to do

the plots range from very good to a little contrived but it works well and the film develops well until its climax

there was something really brilliant about it though that I couldn't put my finger on - something a bit sad as you say and the theme music (cloud atlas sextet) is really beautiful

worth a watch for sure - maybe a 6/7 out of 10 for me
Gangster squad

Inglorious Bastards light, with Al Capone hats. Could have been a so much better film had the bad guys learn how to shoot a gun.

Not a masterpiece but it got me entertained throughout. Sean Penn stood out, gave an impressive performance as the bad guy. 6/10
Gangster squad

Inglorious Bastards light, with Al Capone hats. Could have been a so much better film had the bad guys learn how to shoot a gun.

Not a masterpiece but it got me entertained throughout. Sean Penn stood out, gave an impressive performance as the bad guy. 6/10

I personally thought Sean Penn's performance in that film was so over the top that his character seemed like a bad guy from a Looney Tunes cartoon. The film was quite enjoyable too... especially when they stall the car :lol:
Anybody seen Cloud Atlas? Is it any good? Is it a sad movie?

I enjoyed it, but I'd read the book so I knew more about what was going on and could fill in some of the gaps that were left out. It's cleverly done and is worth watching in my opinion, even if it's just to laugh at the multiple roles given to half the cast.

The first half an hour or so jumps around all over the place, but stick with it and it'll be worthwhile.
I personally thought Sean Penn's performance in that film was so over the top that his character seemed like a bad guy from a Looney Tunes cartoon. The film was quite enjoyable too... especially when they stall the car :lol:

I agree, whenever he spoke - the voice he used.. annoyed me constantly throughout the film.

However, I did read critic reviews that said the opposite, that the performance was impressive and stood out.
Gangster Squad would have been much better had they all had Dick Tracy sized heads.
I agree, whenever he spoke - the voice he used.. annoyed me constantly throughout the film.

However, I did read critic reviews that said the opposite, that the performance was impressive and stood out.
Ryan Gosling was the one who annoyed me, he sounded like they castrated him on the set.