Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

As I said Mockers I watched Olympus a week or two ago and totally forget the film which isn't such a good sign. Did you watch white house down yet? I actually would say it's better than how you describe Olympus if only for how the action is evenly spread out and it has some cool as feck heli crash scenes.

Finally watched it (White House Down) it's infinitely better than Olympus. It's still terrible, obviously, by its very definition and Jamie Foxx is a ludicrous President, but it's tone is right, it's effects are good, and it's politics isn't actually as reprehensible as you'd expect. All of which were severe problems with Olympus. As "Die Hard on an X" movies go, it's probably one of the better ones in fact.

If you only see one dumb stupid action film about the White House being blown up, see this one. Do not, under any circumstances, see the other one.
Chilling Visions 5 Senses of Fear.

More like 5 senses of rubbish, what a dreadful film, it was meant to a be a horror with one of the 5 senses as the back ground story.
One of the worst films I have seen this year.

Lore - 7

A beautiful film about the daily struggles of life in segmented Germany after Hitler's death, with a focus on a family of Nazi supporters which is torn apart as the mother is arrested and the father leaves for Belarus. Lore, her sister and her three brothers make the long trip from the Black Forest to their grandmother's house in Hamburg and along the way Lore s forced to confront everything her parents fought for. It meanders along in parts but that's what allows the film to develop this delicate balance between tenderness and brutality. One of my favourite films of the last few years.

7 out 10 for one of your favourites? You're a harsh critic, Brwned.

I've had this on the hard drive for a while, it's directed and co-produced by Australians funnily enough, despite being German language and all.
I really liked Lore, particularly the early scenes. The kids are great and the story gripped me throughout. I didn't really buy the character arc and the simplistic moral awakening of Lore though (perhaps showing it's short story origins) and the final scene was a little overwrought. Adam Arkapaw's cinematography is as good as ever.
Finally watched it (White House Down) it's infinitely better than Olympus. It's still terrible, obviously, by its very definition and Jamie Foxx is a ludicrous President, but it's tone is right, it's effects are good, and it's politics isn't actually as reprehensible as you'd expect. All of which were the severe problems with Olympus. As "Die Hard on an X" movies go, it's probably one of the better ones in fact.

If you only see one dumb stupid action film about the White House being blown up, see this one. Do not, under any circumstances, see the other one.
Jamie Foxx is the president? Though I guess he was on a good path, I mean Law Abiding Citizen showed he had morals and I guess it wasn't a huge leap to go from that DA job to the White House. I hope some day someone makes a film about the circumstances between those two pictures and his presidential campaign.

However, I will definitely be seeing both White House Down and Olympus has fallen, hopefully on the same evening. I want to see whether I can actually make my brain melt.
7 out 10 for one of your favourites? You're a harsh critic, Brwned.

I've had this on the hard drive for a while, it's directed and co-produced by Australians funnily enough, despite being German language and all.

I dunno, the Aussies are well into their Nazi stuff.
However, I will definitely be seeing both White House Down and Olympus has fallen, hopefully on the same evening. I want to see whether I can actually make my brain melt.

Admittedly I was quite drunk, and my expectations were very low, but it really wasn't that bad. It's got some very good actors (from The Wire & BB no less) saying some awful dialogue, but it knows it, and plays it tongue in cheek (Emmerich even references his own Independence Day, and there's some terrible running jokes about secret tunnels) whereas Olympus was some sort of sadistic rightwing invasion porn, complete with slow motion money shots of flags and po paced jingoism.

I'd advise watching Olympus first. Cos it'll annoy you if it's the last impression you're left with. It annoyed the shit out of me.
Admittedly I was quite drunk, and my expectations were very low, but it really wasn't that bad. It's got some very good actors (from The Wire & BB no less) saying some awful dialogue, but it knows it, and plays it tongue in cheek (Emmerich even references his own Independence Day, and there's some terrible running jokes about secret tunnels) whereas Olympus was some sort of sadistic rightwing invasion porn, complete with slow motion money shots of flags and po paced jingoism.

I'd advise watching Olympus first. Cos it'll annoy you if it's the last impression you're left with. It annoyed the shit out of me.
Olympus has fallen followed by WHD it is then. And beer. Lots of beer.
Admittedly I was quite drunk, and my expectations were very low, but it really wasn't that bad. It's got some very good actors (from The Wire & BB no less) saying some awful dialogue, but it knows it, and plays it tongue in cheek (Emmerich even references his own Independence Day, and there's some terrible running jokes about secret tunnels) whereas Olympus was some sort of sadistic rightwing invasion porn, complete with slow motion money shots of flags and po paced jingoism.

I'd advise watching Olympus first. Cos it'll annoy you if it's the last impression you're left with. It annoyed the shit out of me.
I watched both knowing that they would be bad, but WHD pleasantly surprised me, not half has bad as I expected .
It's a shame The Counsellor is getting panned by critics, I had high hopes for that one. Will make my own mind up when it's released here obviously but it's disappointing nonetheless!
The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans - A pretty unspectacular film made spectacular by the pairing of Cage and Herzog. Adaptation is the only other film when someone has actually utilized the madness within Cage.
The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans - A pretty unspectacular film made spectacular by the pairing of Cage and Herzog. Adaptation is the only other film when someone has actually utilized the madness within Cage.

I enjoyed that one. It's worth watching for Cage's looniness alone.
It's a shame The Counsellor is getting panned by critics, I had high hopes for that one. Will make my own mind up when it's released here obviously but it's disappointing nonetheless!
Indeed, high hopes for me too, great cast in that one. I love Fassbender especially. What are the critics saying globally speaking?
The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans - A pretty unspectacular film made spectacular by the pairing of Cage and Herzog. Adaptation is the only other film when someone has actually utilized the madness within Cage.
I enjoyed that one. It's worth watching for Cage's looniness alone.
Completely agree. One of my favourite films of whatever the year it came out was. 2012 maybe.
General consensus seems to be that it's boring and a bit pretentious. Not what I was expecting!

It's Ridley Scott though... So I imagine I will grant it every excuse / pass possible before finally whispering that it may possibly be a bit rubbish.
It's Ridley Scott though... So I imagine I will grant it every excuse / pass possible before finally whispering that it may possibly be a bit rubbish.


I'm the same, big fan of McCarthy's too and it's got some of my favourite actors which is why it's so disappointing to see the reaction to it.
It's a shame The Counsellor is getting panned by critics, I had high hopes for that one. Will make my own mind up when it's released here obviously but it's disappointing nonetheless!
I've recently learned that means the movie will be good, don't worry. It's when they rave about a film that you should be sceptical.
I've recently learned that means the movie will be good, don't worry. It's when they rave about a film that you should be sceptical.

It depends. With a few exceptions. 34% on RTs is generally not a very good sign at all and ignoring the percentage (which can be misleading) some of the actual reviews are scathing, particularly of McCarthy's script.

It's rare I find myself totally disagreeing with the majority of critics.

Edit: I'm sorry I read any reviews at all. I generally try to avoid them before I've seen the film myself but I couldn't resist this time as I was so surprised they were negative!
Ridley Scott always sounded like a weird choice to direct Cormac Mccarthy to me. Even when dealing with replicants Scott's characters represent humanist hopes and motivations capable of mastering their environment, in contrast to Mccarthy's miserablist, beyond salvation figures being dragged down by the landscape.
The Bell Witch Hunting

Yet another found footage film, they are not my favourite and this film did nothing to change that.
Meant to be based on a real event, a family move in to a house and soon things start to happen to them.
The usual stuff, that happens to all people who live in a haunted house, very predicable and boring.
Why cant they make one of these that is actually scary.
There is a couple of places that will make you jump but that's your lot.


Overall a good drama, Whitaker and Winfrey offers a fine performance, specially Oprah. Although the plot seems abit too political, but all and all it's an enjoyable movies if you're into drama and sorts.


Escape Plan

Thoroughly enjoyable, and Stallone and Arnold for the first time engaging in a full movie leaves alot to be desired. Although it has its own plot holes and stuffs, but overall an enjoyable movie

The Bell Witch Hunting

Yet another found footage film, they are not my favourite and this film did nothing to change that.
Meant to be based on a real event, a family move in to a house and soon things start to happen to them.
The usual stuff, that happens to all people who live in a haunted house, very predicable and boring.
Why cant they make one of these that is actually scary.
There is a couple of places that will make you jump but that's your lot.


I just got this the other day... haven't seen it yet and probably won't after your review! There are a few found footage films I have liked, have you tried [REC], Troll Hunter (not a horror) or Grave Encounters? Those are probably my favourite of the genre since BWP.
I've recently learned that means the movie will be good, don't worry. It's when they rave about a film that you should be sceptical.

Lone Ranger got crucified by critics and yet it's probably the most fun I've had at the cinema this year (though that might be in large part to my incredibly low expectations going in...)
Toy Story Of Terror:

It's only approx 20 minutes long, but I still think it counts as a film.
I'm not really sure what to think about this. I found Mr Prickle Pants' continuous commentary on how the situation would pan out in a horror film quite annoying. I also think it rehashed and mashed up Toy story 2 and 3 in a 20 minutes burst which was a bit of a disappointment. On the plus side, there were some truly brilliant moments that we've come to expect from Pixar, Combat Carl being one of them.

I'd recommend watching it, but it doesn't quite hit the standards of the full-length films.
I just got this the other day... haven't seen it yet and probably won't after your review! There are a few found footage films I have liked, have you tried [REC], Troll Hunter (not a horror) or Grave Encounters? Those are probably my favourite of the genre since BWP.

Seen REC and it was a decent film, not seen the others will give them a go.
Dont write if off completely, I thought BWP was dreadful and dont get the hype round it.
Toy Story Of Terror:

It's only approx 20 minutes long, but I still think it counts as a film.
I'm not really sure what to think about this. I found Mr Prickle Pants' continuous commentary on how the situation would pan out in a horror film quite annoying. I also think it rehashed and mashed up Toy story 2 and 3 in a 20 minutes burst which was a bit of a disappointment. On the plus side, there were some truly brilliant moments that we've come to expect from Pixar, Combat Carl being one of them.

I'd recommend watching it, but it doesn't quite hit the standards of the full-length films.

Watched it with the kids and it is good, like you say not up to the full film standards they and I enjoyed it.
Combat Carl and little Carl both excellent.
Seen REC and it was a decent film, not seen the others will give them a go.
Dont write if off completely, I thought BWP was dreadful and dont get the hype round it.

Troll hunter is a very interesting movie, it's the found footage genre done right, similar to Cloverfield. I'm having doubts about recommending Grave Encounters. My mates all hated it but it really freaked me out for some reason... would be interested to get your opinion on that.
Troll hunter is a very interesting movie, it's the found footage genre done right, similar to Cloverfield. I'm having doubts about recommending Grave Encounters. My mates all hated it but it really freaked me out for some reason... would be interested to get your opinion on that.

Grave Encounters sound like my sort of film, have you seen the second one ?
I like Cloverfield, so will give Troll Hunter a go.
Grave Encounters sound like my sort of film, have you seen the second one ?
I like Cloverfield, so will give Troll Hunter a go.

Yeah saw the second one, it was ok but not as good as the first. Troll Hunter isn't like Cloverfield but it does things differently as Cloverfield did when it came out. A new Hellraiser (reboot i think) has been announced. Should be good, I think they bringing back a lot of the original cast and crew!
Lone Ranger got crucified by critics and yet it's probably the most fun I've had at the cinema this year (though that might be in large part to my incredibly low expectations going in...)
Good to hear, another one I had on my hard drive that was low on my watch list due to that reason.

I've had the same with Oblivion and World War Z this year, went in with really low expectations due to some of the reviews and was very pleasantly surprised.
Yeah saw the second one, it was ok but not as good as the first. Troll Hunter isn't like Cloverfield but it does things differently as Cloverfield did when it came out. A new Hellraiser (reboot i think) has been announced. Should be good, I think they bringing back a lot of the original cast and crew!

The first few Hellraiser's were excellent, but they lost their way and the last few films were just bad.
i saw all the hellraiser and all the leprechaun movies... feck i really love those sagas.

Leprechaun reboot (leprechaun: origins) coming next year... high hopes, but im not sure about the leprechaun. Its supposed to be a WWF wrestler... haha.

Hopefully both reboots go back to the darkest period and stop with the comedy for a while.