Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Any decent action films around (old or new) that doesn't involve Jason Statham?

Dredd and The Raid are two of the best actioners of late I would say. If you want action with story, The Man From Nowhere is probably one of my favourite films that I watched this year.
Great suggestions by AN!, if you want pure action, The Raid is the way to go. 90 minutes of pure action, with some great choreographed fights. Gun fights, fist fights, blade fights, it's got everything. Dredd is also worth a watch, but it's not quite as good I'd say.

Watched this again last night for the first time in years. Still a very enjoyable film and definitely worth a watch.
Dredd and The Raid are two of the best actioners of late I would say. If you want action with story, The Man From Nowhere is probably one of my favourite films that I watched this year.

Saw the Raid and Dredd.

I don't mind watching foreign films, so i might give the Man from nowhere tomorrow.
Bad Grandpa

Absolutely hilarious and most I've laughed at a movie since Borat - some classic scenes

Bad Grandpa

Absolutely hilarious and most I've laughed at a movie since Borat - some classic scenes


Since Borat? That is very high praise indeed. Probably the film I've ever laughed most at.
Captain Phillips - Very good. Can see why it's getting so much praise... it's a very well crafted film and I imagine 90% of people will enjoy it, how much you enjoy it will probably depend on individual taste.

Saw the Raid and Dredd.

I don't mind watching foreign films, so i might give the Man from nowhere tomorrow.

Let me know what you think.
World War Z - 8/10
Spring Breakers - 0/10
Agree with both of these, spring breakers was so shit I ended up skipping through it to find some decent bits, but those parts were so shit I decided to go on youporn instead

Just watched Man of Steel, I'd give it 5/10, shoddy film
His Girl Friday:

1940's film about a guy trying to prevent his ex-wife getting remarried by manipulating her and her future husband. It is a very enjoyable little film, Cary Grant's fast talking manipulative Newspaper Editor pulls all sorts of strings and scams to keep his ex-wife from boarding her train. This is against the background of a major news story which his ex wife gets involved in (as a former reporter) and she has a race against time to complete the story and get on her train.

Definitely worth a watch.
Captain Phillips
Brilliant film, absolutely loved it. Tom hanks again shows why he is an A-List actor with a spectacularly powerful performance, and Greengrass is again showcasing why he is definitely a director to keep an eye on as he creates a film that isn't overly 'hollywood', instead is intense, engaging and nauseating with the shaky cam work, which perfectly works as the entire film is set at sea. The Somali pirates do an excellent job as do all the cast and the film has a gritty feel to it and is really edge of your seat stuff for the entire running length. It's just over 2 hours long but felt like it was no longer than 90 minutes. Excellent film, well worth the hype 9/10

Escape Plan
Arnie got the script, Sly probably didn't. It's hard to believe that Sly and 50 Cent are geniuses and that actually made me laugh a lot. Sly takes the role too serious but as soon as Arnie is introduced, it really takes off. He doesn't miss a moment to insert comedic elements and some of his lines are actually laugh out loud moments. The film is a throwback to 80's early 90's action films and is an enjoyable ride, if only Sly took the opportunity to be as charming as Arnie, this would have been a level above the likes of The Expendables, but it still is quite enjoyable, especially if you are a fan of old school action romps 7/10

The Stranger Within
What a pile of shit. So much bad acting, a plot that was probably written by a 5 year old and the director was very amateurish. The film didn't have an identity, jumping from genre to genre and in the end was a complete borefest. I just couldn't wait for it to end 2/10

Trade Of Innocents
I thought this was decent. Low budget sure, but the story was ok for a Sunday evening. The location of the film was refreshing for a western made movie but there was something missing. I think the lack of character development and originality really held it back 5/10
Broken Flowers - You can't base a film around just Bill Murray's face, it's just not enough to create comedy. T'was pretty flat in every department except the soundtrack.
Ffs if you're watching Springbreakers to see whatever her name is get naked, you obviously didn't understand the message of the film at all. And this isn't being pretentious or anything, but you really seemed to have missed the point.
Chopping Mall - A robot blows up a person's head with a laser 19/10

The beginning of the movie has the 3 robots being unveiled to an audience in the mall during what looks like the dead of night. People were visibly nodding off in the background of the scene, which isn’t really a good omen. The robots, who we are ostensibly supposed to be frightened off, are adorable by the way. They look like Wall-E with their little tank tracks. I want one for Christmas. They come equipped with darts and tasers and the like, with the man unveiling them insisting that they don’t kill people and that, and I quote, “nothing can go wrong”. Oh good. The audience asks a couple of questions, but nobody brings up the most obvious ones, like “How are you paying for this?” or “Why does a mall need to be defended by robots?” or “No seriously, how are you paying for this? Did they fall off the back of a van on its way to the Pentagon or something?”
movies ive seen in the last 2 weeks

Mud - 7/10
Kings of summer - 7/10
The Colony - 5/10
Pacific Rim - 8/10
Spring Breakers - 3/10
Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy (2011) - 7/10
Lore - 7

A beautiful film about the daily struggles of life in segmented Germany after Hitler's death, with a focus on a family of Nazi supporters which is torn apart as the mother is arrested and the father leaves for Belarus. Lore, her sister and her three brothers make the long trip from the Black Forest to their grandmother's house in Hamburg and along the way Lore s forced to confront everything her parents fought for. It meanders along in parts but that's what allows the film to develop this delicate balance between tenderness and brutality. One of my favourite films of the last few years.
Lore - 7

A beautiful film about the daily struggles of life after Hitler's death, with a focus on a family of Nazi supporters which is torn apart as the mother is arrested and the father leaves for Belarus. Lore, her sister and her three brothers make the long trip from the Black Forest to their grandmother's house in Hamburg and along the way Lore s forced to confront everything her parents fought for. It meanders along in parts but that's what allows the film to develop this delicate balance between tenderness and brutality. One of my favourite films of the last few years.

I've had it on my computer for a while, need to watch it someday.

2 students share a ride home in a snowstorm and are soon stranded on a deserted part of the highway after a car forces them off the road.
Strange things then start to happen.
Pretty run of the mill horror/thriller, there is a twist.
Not one of the best film I have seen but it was a decent enough watch.
