Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Yes! I've been trying to get people to watch that for ages.

Three wonderful stories. I usually can't concentrate that well on films but after the scene where the kid hangs himself I was left in awe and didn't take my eyes off the TV for a second after that.

It's an easy 8.5 from me, mate. What was your favourite part? Whose story did you enjoy the most?

I don't really know which was my favourite, probably:

The kid that hangs himself and the "Jennifer"... I thought the two dads were really well acted. That said, I did enjoy the other two storys as well. There wasn't really a weak point, I was engrossed in the film from start to finish, the two hours completely flew by.

I'll definitely be giving it another watch in the future, really enjoyed it.
Disturbing movies number two over last 2 days.

Funny Games (German version) is not so funny at all :(

I liked it (only saw the American version but they're supposedly almost frame for frame identical).

It's a strange kind of a movie in that it's basically insulting you for watching it.
Any yanks who want to post reviews of 12 Years A Slave in the coming days, I'd be very interested to hear what you think.

It's not on widespread release until November 1st. So unless you live in NY, LA, or another major city, you can't see it. I assumed it was a wide release but couldn't find it anywhere. I'll go see it in theaters in a few weeks.
Having just had my wisdom teeth out and been told by an actual proper doctor to sit at home on drugs watching films, rather than just choosing to do it as usual, I've caught up on some recent releases.

Pain & Gain - 5 - What is supposed to be Michael's Bay attempt at an auteur low budget passion project, but is basically just Transformers with large oily men instead of large oily robots, no one is sure what film they're actually in. The three leads are acting in a slapstick screwball farce, Bay is directing his usual frenetically cut, lens flare touretted action movie, and the story, along with much of the cast, are trying in vain to depict a gruesome, real life tragedy.

Some of the funny bits are actually genuinely quite funny, and The Rock in particular is very good, but the shifts in tone are horrendous and cack handed, and Bay's trademark misogynism, homophobia and general contempt for his audience confuses itself for satire, and led me to be stuck perpetually between wanting to like it and wanting to really, really hate it. It's hard to play this off as dark comedy (which is what it wants to be) when you're 100% certain Bay thinks the rape jokes, gay baiting and what one critic perfectly described as "dog on a skateboard shots" are actually hilarious and brilliant.

The real life aspect is the most unsettling. It's basically like Alpha Dog but with absolutely no reverence for the subject matter. Plus lots of dog on a skateboard shots.

2 Guns - less than 5...probably - Started well, then got farcically convoluted and senseless, then I fell asleep in a haze of Codine. By the time I'd woken up nothing made any sense, but I got the distinct impression this had nothing to do with the drugs or the sleeping. Denzel doesn't seem to have played a different character in about 15 years.

World War Z - 7 - Actually not that awful, though the obvious CGI is jarring at times and Brad seems to have slept his way through it, giving the most zombified performance of the whole film. It's essentially a better sequel to 28 Days Later than the actual sequel to 28 Days Later was.

Specific Rim - 6 - As dumb as a post, but pulled off pretty well considering the lead actor has all the charisma of a carrot, his main rival is played by a former Eastender doing an Australian accent by way of Dorset and Idris Elba is coasting his way through on a magic carpet made of cash.
I think that's what he thinks he was going for. At one point. Probably before he started actually filming it.
Watched Despicable Me 2 last night, after obtaining it in a very legal fashion. I think it's just about OK, like a 5/10 if I was going to give it a score. The main purpose of the film seemed to be to give Gru and the children a wife/mother character, so that aspect of the storyline between both films could be closed off, but the rest of the film was all very pedestrian, and none of the other side-plots were really that interesting. I know it's a kid's movie, and it's not going to have a shocking plot twist, but I don't think I'm expecting too much from it when I say that I'd prefer a bit more focus on Gru and his family, rather than "have more Minions!" It's still an enjoyable film, but doesn't come close to the first.

And just to say a bit about Pacific Rim, as that seems to be the film being discussed in here at the moment, I saw it in cinemas when it came out, and I have to admit I absolutely loved it. Maybe it's because I grew up watching Power Rangers, and the sight of giant robots and giant monsters makes me all nostalgic, but I loved every second of that film. I loved how over the top it was, I loved how much passion Guillermo del Toro obviously had for it, and I just loved how much fun I had watching it.
It's certainly testament to how a good director can make even the dumbest blockbuster with the blandest characters watchable and engaging.
Despised it. It was so heavy handed and obnoxious. Stone repeated his point every thirty seconds but did it by having an over the top orgy of violence that I couldn't help but think he secretly enjoyed.

I haven't seen it since it was released but I didn't rate it.
Senna - Brilliant. Moving, well paced, great depictions and even for someone like me who isn't very fond of motorsport, it laid bare the force and pure conviction behind Senna's dreams.
About to see Gravity. Ms Rip didnt want to see it so I'm at the pictures all alone like a sad bugger :( Haven't been to the cinema on my own for ages!
Before Sunrise - Brilliant. Superb performances from Ethan Hawke and Julie Delphy in a wonderfully beautiful film. Look forward to watch the rest of the films in the series.
About to see Gravity. Ms Rip didnt want to see it so I'm at the pictures all alone like a sad bugger :( Haven't been to the cinema on my own for ages!

I saw Prisoners the other night by myself because no one was around. Hid myself up the back praying to God no one I know comes into the cinema, and of course a bloke from my footall team rolls in with his girlfriend and sits right next to me :lol:

Edit: I don't think there's anything wrong with seeing a film alone because it's not a particularly social experience, but I still felt like a massive creep.
Before Sunrise - Brilliant. Superb performances from Ethan Hawke and Julie Delphy in a wonderfully beautiful film. Look forward to watch the rest of the films in the series.
It's prettyy crap IMO and goes downhill drastically from that (fairly low) point.
Is Gravity really that good? I thought it looked shit.
Well everyone will have their own opinion of it, you're bound to find people who found it shit or not that good or just decent. I thought it was exceptional. It's not so much a sci-fi film as a survival film set in space. Visually, it's stunning, honestly what's up on the screen is just incredible and 3D really sucks you in. And talking about sucking (no Goooose, it's not a proposition), that's the greatest achievement of the film: you are in space for 90 minutes. You're with Bollocks and Nespresso, and you're on the edge of your seat right until the dying seconds, and even a bit more after that. It's why I said it was a unique experience, I've rarely been so engrossed by a film, when I walked out and even when I got back home, I was still in shock and awe of what I'd seen.

When you say it 'looked shit', did you mean the visuals? Because they're stunning, it's probably the best looking film I've seen on a big screen. And if you meant the film just looked shit because of its story or whatever, it's indeed not very sophisticated (just two astronauts trying to get back home), but it doesn't need to be to deliver the levels of adrenalin and stress that it does.