Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Usually I'd go for the stupider film when it's so close, but I reckon you'd get more laughs from the over-the-top action in Olympus because they it is just insane and ridiculous.

Double billing is a brilliant idea. Start with WHD if so, just so you can fully appreciate the mindless onslaught of action in Olympus Has Fallen.

Also there are so many similarities between the two, it's hilarious to think they were released around the same time. Some parts seem almost identical.
Usually I'd go for the stupider film when it's so close, but I reckon you'd get more laughs from the over-the-top action in Olympus because they it is just insane and ridiculous.

Double billing is a brilliant idea. Start with WHD if so, just so you can fully appreciate the mindless onslaught of action in Olympus Has Fallen.

Also there are so many similarities between the two, it's hilarious to think they were released around the same time. Some parts seem almost identical.

Centurion and The Eagle were also released near each other and share a few similarities.
Just watched Shotgun Stories. Love these kinds of films about small town America and although having never been to such a place this felt real and authentic. Michael Shannon is great as always, but the rest of the cast are too. Might be a bit too sombre for some but it's a fine little film about family and a cautionary tale on revenge.
Filth, pretty tedious, only saw it Friday and have forgotten it already.

Really Pete? I thought it was excellent. Brilliant performance by McAvoy and a very dark, disturbing but amusing story. Quite interested now to pick up the novel it's based on.
I read a few reviews and based on them it's likely going to be a movie I'll avoid as long as possible as I'm a bit of a pussy when it comes to these things.
Ain't Them Bodies Saints - Really enjoyed this. A southern outlaw drama/romance film with gorgeous, lush cinematography..... Oh and Rooney Mara.
Quite brilliant, beautiful to look at and sad as tears.
Which one of White House Down or Olympus has fallen is the shittest? That is to say, which one would be the most appropriate for a viewing with some friends with pizza & beer, a film we just wanna laugh at? One liners, ridiculous action, cliché villains and brilliant deaths have to be part of the parcel, of course.

I haven't seen WHD but OHF has the line "how about you and I play a game of feck OFF... you go first" It's worth watching just for that :lol:
I haven't seen WHD but OHF has the line "how about you and I play a game of feck OFF... you go first" It's worth watching just for that :lol:
I've heard about that line (in here I think), just for that I can't wait to see the film. Don't know when though, usually have these pizza + beers + shit movies + FIFA nights with the guys when Mrs. RiP has something else planned but she doesn't seem to want to leave me alone during the next couple of weeks and then we're leaving for a month! It might have to wait until December!
Zal Batmanglij's Sound Of My Voice is worth a look if you have not seen it.. very well made and does not overstay it's welcome.

Basically about to journalist's investigating a cult (and joining it in pretense) led by a woman who claims to be from the future (2030)..

Liked this a lot .
I like a shit movie every now and again, but I'd challenge anybody to sit through the entire crapfest that is Compulsion.

A "film" starring Heather Graham, Carrie-Anne Moss and Kevin "I never seen brains like that before" Dillon. An obsessive chef that fantasizes about being on tv gets fixated on her celebrity neighbour. Cue a complete mess of a film with the most laughably bad and drawn out lesbian scene in existence.

Avoid like the plague.
I like a shit movie every now and again, but I'd challenge anybody to sit through the entire crapfest that is Compulsion.

A "film" starring Heather Graham, Carrie-Anne Moss and Kevin "I never seen brains like that before" Dillon. An obsessive chef that fantasizes about being on tv gets fixated on her celebrity neighbour. Cue a complete mess of a film with the most laughably bad and drawn out lesbian scene in existence.

Avoid like the plague.

I will accept that challenge :)
Another example of me getting unreasonably angry at a film because of my own expectations for it, Elysium is complete nonsense.

Lowest common denominator film making dressed up as a film with something to say. So much so that it almost makes me reconsider my reverence for Blomkamp's District 9, which I thought was a smart and intimate film with some action thrown in for entertainment, but could well have been a cliched action zonkfest with some papier mache social commentary thrown on that lucked out..because that's exactly what this is.

The cliches and ridiculously waved away McGuffin of the magic healing machine I can forgive. I can even forgive the inconsistent plot machinations, how people can understand complicated scrambled code downloaded from someone's head at a glance, or how said machine can bring someone back to life after having their head blown off because "The brain is still functional" (NO IT'S NOT!!) but the real crime is the lengths it goes to to hammer the home rich = bad, poor = good motif, which are so forced and one dimensional they completely undermine the po-faced tone of the film. A film that cost $115m.

William Fitchner is playing an evil cartoon baddie. Jodie Foster is playing an evil cartoon baddie doing a bizarre impression of Margaret Thatcher. Sharlto Copley is playing an even eviler cartoon baddie who inexplicably changes his entire motivation towards the end of the film. Matt Damon is playing every down on his luck hero you've ever seen, only he's playing it bald. Diego Luna is playing his obligatory helpful saintly best friend who will inevitably die for some reason. Alice Braga is playing a saintly love interest who's A NURSE!!!

Some other mean looking (but obviously morally decent) people mill around in those scruffy backstreet dens made of corrugated iron and neon that every action hero has to go to at some point to ask a favour off a gang boss. A gang boss who's also computer genius, and runs the illegal border crossing shuttles but NEVER EVER THINKS TO GO THERE HIMSELF UNTIL THE VERY END OF THE FILM WHEN IT'S CONVENIENT!!

At no point does anyone bother to address why all the rich live on a huge beige space station and all dress like extras from a Ralph Lauren commercial. Or how absolutely none of them are liberal enough to have ever thought of giving these magical healing machines to some people back on earth (presumably some have extended family?) Hell, even CHARGE them for it. Nope. They're evil. No one cares. Happy rich evil people in Ralph Laurel eating cupcakes and champagne. One guy even seems have RICH tattooed on his face. ON HIS FACE!!

It's just basically a big dumb shit of a film with some good ideas that no one could be bothered to expand on because YES, WE GOT MATT DAMON! We'll make loads of money now!

4 - Mostly for the effects and Shalto Copey's beard.
I like a shit movie every now and again, but I'd challenge anybody to sit through the entire crapfest that is Compulsion.

A "film" starring Heather Graham, Carrie-Anne Moss and Kevin "I never seen brains like that before" Dillon. An obsessive chef that fantasizes about being on tv gets fixated on her celebrity neighbour. Cue a complete mess of a film with the most laughably bad and drawn out lesbian scene in existence.

Avoid like the plague.
It has a lesbian scene in it and is bad? It must be exceptionally bad!
Just watched Disconnected. Anyone else seen it? Wasn't expecting a whole lot but was very pleasantly surprised. It's quite intense, especially the second half. It pretty much documents the darker side of the internet/social media, especially in terms of identity, and the potential consequences. That's not a very good description of it but if you're stuck for something to watch, it's definitely worth a go. Watch the first 45 seconds of a trailer (I don't like watching full trailers as it gives too much away) to see if it looks like something you'd enjoy. I'd definitely recommend it, even if it's not going to win any oscars.

Felt like an 8.5/10 for me, but that was probably due to low expectations. All in all it's probably a strong 7.5/10.
Just watched Disconnected. Anyone else seen it? Wasn't expecting a whole lot but was very pleasantly surprised. It's quite intense, especially the second half. It pretty much documents the darker side of the internet/social media, especially in terms of identity, and the potential consequences. That's not a very good description of it but if you're stuck for something to watch, it's definitely worth a go. Watch the first 45 seconds of a trailer (I don't like watching full trailers as it gives too much away) to see if it looks like something you'd enjoy. I'd definitely recommend it, even if it's not going to win any oscars.

Felt like an 8.5/10 for me, but that was probably due to low expectations. All in all it's probably a strong 7.5/10.

Yes! I've been trying to get people to watch that for ages.

Three wonderful stories. I usually can't concentrate that well on films but after the scene where the kid hangs himself I was left in awe and didn't take my eyes off the TV for a second after that.

It's an easy 8.5 from me, mate. What was your favourite part? Whose story did you enjoy the most?
Yes! I've been trying to get people to watch that for ages.

Three wonderful stories. I usually can't concentrate that well on films but after the scene where the kid hangs himself I was left in awe and didn't take my eyes off the TV for a second after that.

It's an easy 8.5 from me, mate. What was your favourite part? Whose story did you enjoy the most?

sounds very good, it is on my watch list.
An American Werewolf In London
Absolutely loved this. It is a horror comedy with just the right amount of horror and comedy. The horror sections are done well and give the film a surreal feel whilst the comedic set-pieces are laugh out loud moments. The visual effects were also way ahead of their time! The acting is quite hammy but that just adds to the feel of the movie. They just don't dont make 'em like this anymore 8.5/10

Rosemary's Baby
Brilliant horror classic that plays on the demonic/gothic horror sub-genre of the late 60's and early 70's. It is done to great effect and has the viewer having thoughts of paranoia about whether the protagonist is actually being threatened by a satanic cult or if it is all in her head. Well paced and brilliantly acted. The sound design was a bit off though... 8/10
Rosemary's Baby is one of my favourite movies, never seen American Werewolf in London though, I always thought it was a shit movie for some reason. Is it comparable to Gremlins in any way?
Watched Rosemarys Baby for the first time over the weekend. It was ok

Also saw some random movie on netflix, called The Girl Next Door. It's like made for TV movies but becomes pretty damn shocking in the 2nd half of the movie.
American Warewolf in London is nothing even remotely like Gremlins! I havent seen it in a long time but I can imagine it has aged better. Its well worth watching.

I watched Delicatessen at the weekend, which made me laugh out loud quite a number of times. Really enjoyable film, I didnt actually like Amelie all that much but I thought this was excellent.
Watched Rosemarys Baby for the first time over the weekend. It was ok

Also saw some random movie on netflix, called The Girl Next Door. It's like made for TV movies but becomes pretty damn shocking in the 2nd half of the movie.
Is The Girl Next Door the one with Jack Bauer's daughter?
American Warewolf in London is nothing even remotely like Gremlins! I havent seen it in a long time but I can imagine it has aged better. Its well worth watching.
When referencing The Gremlins, I really didn't mean it in a bad way. I think both Gremlins are excellent and I don't think they've aged badly. I only saw them for the first time a couple of months ago and thought they were thoroughly enjoyable, so when Schwein talked about a mix of comedy and horror, I wondered whether it had the same kind of tone.
Is The Girl Next Door the one with Jack Bauer's daughter?

When referencing The Gremlins, I really didn't mean it in a bad way. I think both Gremlins are excellent and I don't think they've aged badly. I only saw them for the first time a couple of months ago and thought they were thoroughly enjoyable, so when Schwein talked about a mix of comedy and horror, I wondered whether it had the same kind of tone.

Ah. No to be fair I loved Gremlins as a kid. Having said that I saw it on telly a few months ago - the start of it anyway - and I found it painful and had to turn it off. Anyway, they are very different types of humour and very different films.

To elaborate (and as I said, Gremlins is relatively fresh but AWIL I havent seen very many years) the Gremlins comedy is more obvious, more slapstick, more derived from the naughtiness and the shenanigans of the gremlins. American Warewolf in London from what I remember is a bit more subtle, the comedy is in the absurdity of the situations he finds himself in when he has been in warewolf mode and turns back into a human, for example. Its in the incidental dialogue. AWIL also has some touchingly sad moments.
Rosemary's Baby is one of my favourite movies, never seen American Werewolf in London though, I always thought it was a shit movie for some reason. Is it comparable to Gremlins in any way?

I was the same, I didn't watch it for a long time because of the title and I thought it would be really shit comedy and horribly low on scares but after a mate recommended it so highly I eventually gave it a go and I must say it far exceeded my expectations. I really recommend it. Nothing like Gremlins I can assure you! Gremlins is good but a lot more on the comedy side. This has perfect balance