Anyone seen The Painted Veil (last year's)?
Got it on a bootleg, is a very good cam rip
It will be released in september on DVD.
Inland Revenue's due for release as well, in a couple of weeks.
Oh and is Videodrome worth a watch?
Why don't you hold out for a better download? I only bother with DVD rips, to be honest.
Downloads in my internet speed would take ages. Have to rely on DVDs
I know what you mean though. But Tarantino films are hardly a visual spectacle
What about Near Dark?
Haven't seen that. I'm not a Bigelow, I have yet to see a decent film from her.
I haven't seen it yet, though, Cinc. . . tell me what you think of it.
It's good two days till its completed at current speed.
Better than 'Bird People in China', which should be completed sometime this year.
Is Barton Fink any good?
Not really. It is decent with a good cast. This friend is rewatching the whole Coen catalogue now, and says that he doesnt understand where this fantastic piece came from.
I'm guessing he doesn't rate the Coen Brothers?
The Big Lebowski and O Brother, Where Art Thou, were very good, I thought.
But it won't be out until early '08...
Can you give an over view of what it's about, too long to read right now.
Yes. Has he any other planned?
No shorts, but it seems like he will sell a script for a feature called 'Weekend'.
Ah. What genre does it fit in to?
I'd love to make a surreal comic book Ichi the Killer style film. . .
I hope it'll have big breasted vampires.
No, but it will have breasts for sure. And they will might be hers.
Is she famous?