Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

It probably could've used more slow motion though tbf.

Jean Claude was the slo-mo master. I used to love watching the same finishing kick from 5 different angles in super slo-mo.

Ismail would hate it!
Ismail, Blade Runner is bound to look dated & a little poor (quality-wise). Pacing, though, is subjective - a 'slow burn' can sometimes be more satisfying than instant action.
I really was disappointed on it. Probably because expectation was very high. Also, I was very tempted to leave watching in the middle of the movie. I don't understand what was so good on it. Plot at best was average, the love story wasn't that strong either, and the final fight was disgraceful. Also, the music in final fight was pretty bad too.

On another note, why in old movies directors overrate that much technology. fecking hell, the movie was only in 2018.

About rating, to me 6 is ok and 7 is good. Blade Runner to me wasn't ok.

You're so on a WUM.
Ismail, Blade Runner is bound to look dated & a little poor (quality-wise). Pacing, though, is subjective - a 'slow burn' can sometimes be more satisfying than instant action.

I think one it's strengths is how he doesn't look too dated. Alien either (aside form the industrial green screen computers and Ian Holms anal bead filled prosthetic head) They both stand the test of time well. Practical effects will always outlast CGI. Even in the Dark Knight Rises, what little CGI they used looked weird and out of place in such a practically staged movie.
True, mate, but these films have that poor-quality, blurry one might expect considering their age.
Ismail, Blade Runner is bound to look dated & a little poor (quality-wise). Pacing, though, is subjective - a 'slow burn' can sometimes be more satisfying than instant action.

The slow motion i mentioned is not a bad thing, I only mentioned it cause is really interesting how cinematography has changed from making movies very slow to now when everything goes in supersonic speed.

And don't get me wrong, I really like old movies. Star Wars is my favorite trilogy, I also loved Ben Hur, Casablanca, Psycho, 2 first Alien movies etc.

About Blade Runner, I really didn't like it. To me nothing was that good on it (expect Harrison's Ford acting and those 2 actresses). Plot didn't look interesting to me (which to me is the most important thing in the movie), dialogues weren't that good either, and the final fight really looked stupid. I know that many people love this movie, but really I am not one of them.
For me, maybe I'm not on a big enough screen or something, but Blade Runner is undoubtably one of the best looking transfer there is on blu-ray. It's clear as daylight throughout, I mean it clearly has some dated fashion and set ideas, but the film itself still looks fantastic.

I'd agree with Alien too.
G.I. Joe - The raise of cobra 6/10

Good special effects, good action, shit story and even worse acting.

In time 7/10

Concept was interesting, but the implementation of it was far from great.
Now I didn't want to comment yesterday on your very generous ratings above as I thought each to his own and all that, but considering your review below it looks like taking the piss to me now. Honest question, how old are you mate?

Blade Runner 5/10

I'm probably going to be crucified for this, but it looked terrible to me and didn't live in it's hype. Shame cause I was expecting a really great movie.

And by the way, why old movies are so slow motion?
Now I didn't want to comment yesterday on your very generous ratings above as I thought each to his own and all that, but considering your review below it looks like taking the piss to me now. Honest question, how old are you mate?

21 mate. G.I.Joe and The Time were average movies (most movies I rate with 6-7). I really disliked Blade Runner like I explained above, for that it get from me a low rating.
21 mate. G.I.Joe and The Time were average movies (most movies I rate with 6-7). I really disliked Blade Runner like I explained above, for that it get from me a low rating.

Fair enough, I just thought it was a bit weird that's all, the world would be a bit boring if we all had the same taste anyway.
I think Blade Runner still looks wonderful. I had my own complaints about it in terms of story, characters et al but I couldn't fault it in terms of aesthetics.
I think Blade Runner still looks wonderful. I had my own complaints about it in terms of story, characters et al but I couldn't fault it in terms of aesthetics.

Of course. There have been 30 years since it was released so it wouldn't be fair to fault it in that aspect.
I dunno, if I were directly compare it to something like Inception I'm not sure it'd look much worse. At all. As for the slow pace I agree with Steve it's just a matter of taste, most of my favourites movies have a pretty slow pace...too much screaming, shouting, car chases and basically just mindless action become really boring, really quickly IMO. You've seen it all before and there's no time for anything to sink in for you to really enjoy any of it. Fast-food entertainment.

If you get a chance and are at all interested I'd give Dangerous Days: Making Blade Runner a watch. Aside from having to listen to Ridley Scott go on and on about how wonderful he is (nauseating in the extreme, but there's not much of it) it makes for a really insightful documentary, I thought. The camera techniques used were really, really impressive.
I too think Blade Runner's wonderful. But then, I think 2001's a work of art though plenty think it's dull as hell.
Real Steel 7.5/10

robots and boxing = good fun

this is an entertaining flick which is best described as Rocky with robots - definately worth a watch - don't expect anything deep or an oscar nominated performance but its good fun all the same
Same. Many people with great taste in movies and plenty of appreciation for all kinds off types think so as well, so I wouldn't hold it against anyone. I thought it was magnificent. Although I do wonder if my opinion might change on repeat view at a different stage in my life.
I don't think anyone's saying that. I just think that in the grand scheme of things 2001 isn't really one of the most loved classics. Very highly regarded by many, of course, but it's perhaps one of the least appealing, highly regarded movies for your average movie-goer. And even at that there's plenty of professional critics who sing it's praises but say they admire it rather than enjoy it. But no, certainly not a niche opinion.
I'm a Wellesian but even I can't watch Citizen Kane very often. I recognise the genius, the innovation but it falls flat as entertainment. Sure, it's a wise commentary on movies & storytelling but I can well understand others thinking it's overrated.
Dial M for Murder - Thoroughly enjoyable and definitely up there as one of my favourite Hitchcock films. Ray Milland as Tony Wendice is genuinely a great bad guy, so calculated and so ruthless you almost want him to get away with it. Oh and if Grace Kelly had been a president she'd have been Babraham Lincoln.

I too think Blade Runner's wonderful. But then, I think 2001's a work of art though plenty think it's dull as hell.

I think it's massively dull but if you can't appreciate 2001 not only for it's technical prowess but for the legacy it's had on cinema then you need your head checking. But yeah dull.
White Heat - Very good gangster/film-noir flick with an immense performance from James Cagney.

My Life as a Dog - Don't know why it has taken me so long to watch this one. A touching bittersweet delight <3
The Dark Knight Rises: Excellent and just as epic as expected, falls short of a 9 due to one small plot point I had an issue with. Apart from that lives up to the hype and expectation. A must see.

Wag the Dog 8/10

Pretty good movie, shows in a way how government and media can manipulate the society. A bit scary knowing that is not that far away from the truth.

Dustin Hoffman's performance was really great.
Sixty Six - 7/10

Quite enjoyable film. Laughed throughout. Gregg Sulkin was great as Bernie and ffs do I want to rail the shit out of Helena Bonham Carter and I don't usually go for white women. Yea I know, "that's racist!" Anyways this film had one of the funniest lines I've ever heard.

Bernie- "I think the only person who could say they had a worse party than me, would be Rabbi Usef, <sp> who had to strangle a Nazi on his barmitzvah."
The Dark Knight Rises

I avoided any kind of spoilers other than watching the trailers.........yeah I think I'm gonna start giving those a miss because really the impact some scenes might have had was lost because I already knew what was coming based on the trailers. Even so, not many faults and it will rightfully go down as one of the best trilogy's of all time....if not the best. I had a quick look around in the dedicated thread & usual sources, some of the complaints are ridiculously nitpicky.

The Dark Knight Rises

I avoided any kind of spoilers other than watching the trailers.........yeah I think I'm gonna start giving those a miss because really the impact some scenes might have had was lost because I already knew what was coming based on the trailers. Even so, not many faults and it will rightfully go down as one of the best trilogy's of all time....if not the best. I had a quick look around in the dedicated thread & usual sources, some of the complaints are ridiculously nitpicky.


To be fair, some of them are also fair points about problems with the film... but the majority of people in the thread have stated that they enjoyed/loved the film regardless of its percieved plot faults.
I don't really see the point in nitpicking plot holes. Unless they are out of this world ridiculous then why bother? They exist in almost any film ever made, if everything was logical and sensible then films just wouldn't have half the drama they do.
Well for one, you pick the holes in the hope that someone else has a logical explanation for it that you haven't thought of... and for two, it can lead to much more humerous discussions then simply heaping praise onto a movie.

And besides, plot holes are discussed for every film ever made... but the bigger the film, the bigger the discussion.
Watched it last night. Was pretty epic.

It'll be interesting to see which director has the balls to pick Batman up again after this trilogy.
The Descendants

Was expecting more of a comedy as I didn't read anything about this before watching it, but it's much more of a chick flick drama with a few tear jerkers and a long drawn out story line. If sad movies about family crisis are your thing then this will be the movie for you, but it's just not my bag. Seemed overly drawn out but to be fair to it it wasn't written for me.

7/10 I'm only going that high cos my missus liked it.
The Devil's Advocate : 7.5/10

Good movie with very decent performances by Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves. Maybe Al Pacino overdoes his role sometimes, but he's still magnificent to watch. The movie has a decent build up, the right amount of pace through out. A lawyer, who never loses and slowly consumed by his desire to achieve everything and then realising it's all a trap.

A very nice performance by Charlize Theron as well.
I like the Devil's Advocate. It's silly but fun. Everyone in it's acting in completely different films though. Theron seems to be doing a psychological horror interpretation of Stella DuBois, Reeves is acting in the same Bill & Ted movie he has been for 20 years, Pacino's in a cheesy 70s Hammer Horror flick and everyone else is somewhere between the remake of The Wicker Man and a Tim Burton movie.
I liked very much the movie too. Interesting how stupid Charlize looked on it.

Al Pacino's acting was excellent as usual, but also Reeves's acting was decent too.
I like the Devil's Advocate. It's silly but fun. Everyone in it's acting in completely different films though. Theron seems to be doing a psychological horror interpretation of Stella DuBois, Reeves is acting in the same Bill & Ted movie he has been for 20 years, Pacino's in a cheesy 70s Hammer Horror flick and everyone else is somewhere between the remake of The Wicker Man and a Tim Burton movie.

I'm sure you'll rate the movie somewhere near 4, you condescending bastard :lol: