Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I did a google image search, and although the rack is admirable, the bonce is a turn off. Not my type I suppose, but she has got better looking with age.
If you wanked to monster you have problems. I never promised the bushy bowl, Saliph mentioned that.

Pretty certain about it, but I'm sure with a few minutes and our friend google you could find out.

You definately see the bush in devils advocate.
Jeez, the devil's advocate is still going on and on.

Speaking of Franchise movies, another one

Shanghai Knights : 4/10 Jackie Chan is himself, Owen Wilson is himself. A Few witty lines, English villain, Arthur Conan Doyle, Charlie Chaplin. That little Chinese girl is like an energizer bunny from hell, jumping around. Nothing here to see, at least Rush Hour had Chris Tucker and WAR.
Close-Up - Completely original and absorbing. It was part documentary, part reenactment and part staged scenes. The person it concerns (a man with a big passion for cinema who pretends to be a famous director as a sort of escapism) would normally have been branded as a weirdo in most societies that no one would have wanted to have anything to do with but he's sort of embraced here as the gentle soul that he really is.

The Straight Story - I was almost welling up a bit at some parts. A heart-warming film with some powerful performances. Lynch would have been one of the last directors I would have guessed had made this film if I hadn't known it on beforehand, definitely his most "experimental" film.

4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days - I expected a bit more. I liked the way it was shot but it didn't make me feel anything and wasn't as tense and gripping as I was hoping it would be. I really liked the dinner table scene but as far as harsh Eastern European films goes, Lilya 4-ever is the one to watch.
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Yeah Lilya 4 ever was a mind blower. I'd watched a couple of Lucas Moodyson's earlier movies, fecking Amal and Together, so I had no idea he would come out with a movie like Lilya 4 ever. feck me, was that ever disheartening. Watched Moodyson's Container a little while ago and that blew my mind as well. A very disturbing black and white stream of consciousness with a bizarre monologue that's hard to get through if you're not prepared for it. I'm almost afraid to watch any more of his movies. But he's too good of a director to pass up.
Yeah Lilya 4 ever was a mind blower. I'd watched a couple of Lucas Moodyson's earlier movies, fecking Amal and Together, so I had no idea he would come out with a movie like Lilya 4 ever. feck me, was that ever disheartening. Watched Moodyson's Container a little while ago and that blew my mind as well. A very disturbing black and white stream of consciousness with a bizarre monologue that's hard to get through if you're not prepared for it. I'm almost afraid to watch any more of his movies. But he's too good of a director to pass up.

He has sort of disappeared from the scene after having been hailed as the new Bergman in the beginning of his career, his experimental films didn't really go down that well. I've yet to see his latest film that was released a few years ago.
I can't help myself with Christina Ricci...except for Addams Family of course!
Penelope Wilhern (Christina Ricci) is a young woman from a wealthy family with all the qualities to make an excellent match for any other well-bred man of her status. However, what sets her apart is that she has pig-face disorder.
2001: A space Odyssey - The directing was the most original and unique I have ever seen. I liked very much the 3 first parts, but not the final chapter which I couldn't even understood (if it was even possible).
We get it amol, you loved Heath Ledger!

Yes I do :) Would have been great to have someone his age with such ability.

Just think how many more movies you can be blown away by if you're obsessed by his performance in TDK.

There are lots of performances apart from his from Pacino and co. that I love. But I was a Batman fan growing up and that sort of performance in a "fantasy" role is rare.

While we're on the topic, what would you say are your top 5 acting performances? I know it's off topic but I like discovering new things like this.
Gloria Swanson - Sunset Blvd.
Al Pacino - The Godfather
Marlon Brando - On The Waterfront
Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove
Klaus Klinski - Aguirre, the Wrath of God

I'd watch Sunset Blvd. again and again for Swanson's performance above anything else. I think I might've even preferred Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire but the whole cast plays their roles so well he doesn't stand out so much.
Only seen Godfather out of that lot. Thanks.

Have always wanted to see more of Brando but never gotten to it.
Gloria Swanson - Sunset Blvd.
Al Pacino - The Godfather
Marlon Brando - On The Waterfront
Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove
Klaus Klinski - Aguirre, the Wrath of God

I'd watch Sunset Blvd. again and again for Swanson's performance above anything else. I think I might've even preferred Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire but the whole cast plays their roles so well he doesn't stand out so much.
Pacino was better in Godfather 2 for me. Have not seen wrath of god, would watch it now. De Niro in Taxi driver is up there for me as well, though I know some prefer him in Raging bull.
I thought his performance in The Godfather was stronger although less prominent. Although that could be clouded by the fact that I liked the first film more.
Gloria Swanson - Sunset Blvd.
Al Pacino - The Godfather
Marlon Brando - On The Waterfront
Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove
Klaus Klinski - Aguirre, the Wrath of God

I'd watch Sunset Blvd. again and again for Swanson's performance above anything else. I think I might've even preferred Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire but the whole cast plays their roles so well he doesn't stand out so much.
Brando and Leigh in Streetcar and all.
Gloria Swanson - Sunset Blvd.
Al Pacino - The Godfather
Marlon Brando - On The Waterfront
Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove
Klaus Klinski - Aguirre, the Wrath of God

I'd watch Sunset Blvd. again and again for Swanson's performance above anything else. I think I might've even preferred Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire but the whole cast plays their roles so well he doesn't stand out so much.

Also, Daniel Day Lewis doesn't make it? I've heard so many great things about him. Only seen one of his films.
Pacino was better in Godfather 2 for me. Have not seen wrath of god, would watch it now. De Niro in Taxi driver is up there for me as well, though I know some prefer him in Raging bull.

Aguirre, Wrath of God isn't for everyone but I adore Herzog and Klinski. Little-known fact: the female replicant played by Daryl Hannah in Blade Runner was loosely based on Klinski's interpretation of Nosferatu, according to herself.

I preferred Pacino's understated, more versatile performance in the first one. And Raging Bull's better than Taxi Driver in every way for me except De Niro's performance, actually.

Also, Daniel Day Lewis doesn't make it? I've heard so many great things about him. Only seen one of his films.

Seen nothing of him myself! There was a thread about There Will Be Blood in the newbies bumped just today where one person said he was arguably the greatest actor of all-time...but I've heard mixed things about that movie. Might watch The Unbearable Lightness of Being with Juliette Binoche co-starring in it. She was great in Three Colours: Red, I'd recommend the whole trilogy if it appeals at all.

This should really just be in the movie review thread...

Brando and Leigh in Streetcar and all.

Yep, the first movie I'd point to for all-round acting but then I suppose that's why it's a film studies staple.
Day Lewis in There Will Be Blood is one of most tedious pieces of overacting I've ever seen. Right up there with Oldman in Leon and Pacino in Scarface.

What's great about Kinski's intense performance is that he just has to stare to give off a strong impression.
Aguirre, Wrath of God isn't for everyone but I adore Herzog and Klinski. Little-known fact: the female replicant played by Daryl Hannah in Blade Runner was loosely based on Klinski's interpretation of Nosferatu, according to herself.

I preferred Pacino's understated, more versatile performance in the first one. And Raging Bull's better than Taxi Driver in every way for me except De Niro's performance, actually.

Seen nothing of him myself! There was a thread about There Will Be Blood in the newbies bumped just today where one person said he was arguably the greatest actor of all-time...but I've heard mixed things about that movie. Might watch The Unbearable Lightness of Being with Juliette Binoche co-starring in it. She was great in Three Colours: Red, I'd recommend the whole trilogy if it appeals at all.

This should really just be in the movie review thread...

Yep, the first movie I'd point to for all-round acting but then I suppose that's why it's a film studies staple.
Don't agree about Taxi Driver/Raging bull thing but then Taxi driver is my favorite Scorsese movie.

DDL is a good actor indeed. I don't agree with RN about Three will be blood, he was not as good as some made it out to be but he still was good. His turn in Gangs of new york was as showy as Ledger's in TDK, only good thing about that movie as well. I liked him very much in last of the mohicans as well and have not seen my left foot till now.
DDL in There Will Be Blood was one of my favourite performances. I loved it from start to finish, an incredible movie overall.
How do you lot rate Schindler's List?

Downloaded it about a month back after seeing it on every list of greatest films.
Talking about good performances I really liked Humbrey Bogart's performance in Casablanca and Kevin Spacey's performance in The Usual Suspects, probably the best acting performances for me. Henry Fonda's performance in 12 Angry Men was exceptional too.

I think that this deserves a thread on it's own.
As for female performances, you can't leave out Ellen Burstyn in Requiem for a Dream. Regardless of what you think of the movie, that performance is sensational.
Daniel Day-Lewis was perfect in There Will Be Blood. I could watch that movie on repeat all day just for his performance. Paul Dano was brilliant aswell
Talking about good performances I really liked Humbrey Bogart's performance in Casablanca and Kevin Spacey's performance in The Usual Suspects, probably the best acting performances for me. Henry Fonda's performance in 12 Angry Men was exceptional too.

I think that this deserves a thread on it's own.

Nah it's all been said before, and there's been plenty of threads dedicated to it to just pack it all into one thread I think. The best ones are so well-known and agreed upon there's not much room for discussion, as you can see in the most recent one:
A truly disgusting, vomit-inducing piece of overacting.


His performance could be viewed like that, for sure. For me, it was one of the few times that an actor succeeded in nearly convincing me that he actually was the character. And even in a so-so film like Gangs of New York, DDL sets the mood in each scene he features in. For example, in the bar after a fight, he creates an atmosphere of easy, splendid leisure; even though he's a ruthless killer who may strike out at any second, he somehow makes the viewer relax with him, so to speak. A deceptively charming but soulless villain.
Ingrid Bergman and Liv Ullmann in Autumn Sonata is two really outstanding female performances. Ullmann is basically brilliant in, like, everything she's ever been in.
Rightly or not, I've the feeling that Autumn Sonata influenced the writing of Black Swan.