Film The Redcafe Movie review thread


Pretty fecking awesome. I heard a lot of criticism about this when it came out, can't say I particularly agree with any of it. The music, albeit different and strange, seemed in tone with a movie that on the whole was quite strange. I loved the noir feel, it was all very dark and a bit twisted. Gosling was a great badass. The opening 10 minutes is one of my favourites intro's and title scenes I've seen in a long, long time.

8.5/10. Would watch again!

Just felt dated. I've seen some Bresson films I've really enjoyed, but this was just one of those that I couldn't get into. I'll give it a 6 cause it wasn't completely shit, but it didn't engage me in any way.

Just felt dated. I've seen some Bresson films I've really enjoyed, but this was just one of those that I couldn't get into. I'll give it a 6 cause it wasn't completely shit, but it didn't engage me in any way.

I didn't rate it much either, put me off watching any of his other films for a while.
Before Night Falls - Very good film about the repressed Cuban poet Reinaldo Arenas. Johnny Depp and Sean Penn's cameo in this were a bit pointless but at the same time served a purpose I guess in drawing people to watch the film. I wish they'd have kept it in Spanish though as Bardem and the others were a bit hard to understand at times. It was a bit of a shame since the film otherwise looked very authentic.

Manon Des Sources - After watching Jean de Florette a few months ago I was a bit sceptical if it really needed a sequel, but this sewed up the whole story pretty well, descending into a greek tragedy in the end. The beautiful Provence countryside and music was still there. It did feel more like a continuation than a standalone film though. Emmanuelle Beart looked gorgeous as the shy protagonist.


A Cabin in the Woods - For all the hype of this being such a groundbreaking, genre bending, creative take to the slasher horror schtick, I thought this was absolute crap. B-movie at best. Laughable acting, shit dialogue, making little sense the sequence of events . . . pure mumbo jumbo. I can't believe I sat through this.
A Cabin in the Woods - For all the hype of this being such a groundbreaking, genre bending, creative take to the slasher horror schtick, I thought this was absolute crap. B-movie at best. Laughable acting, shit dialogue, making little sense the sequence of events . . . pure mumbo jumbo. I can't believe I sat through this.

Bugger, really? It got good reviews over here so I was going to make an effort to watch it.
I think it has a certain charm for genre geeks who used to work at video stores, and still might be living at home. My take at least.
Think you are being too harsh on it. It does definitely overplays on the horror genre clichés and will appeal more to those who like such pop culture musings. The acting and dialogue was always going to be that way to serve that purpose. It is definitely over hyped due to Whedon's name being attached to it.
Bugger, really? It got good reviews over here so I was going to make an effort to watch it.

Just to offer a contrasting opinion... I loved it. I thought it was funny, but when it comes to Whedon-Funny, you either like it or you don't. If humour is one of the reasons you've enjoyed his other films then I don't see why you wouldn't find this one amusing.

It is a bit crazy, silly and well... I wouldn't bother over-analyzing the plot. It's pretty thoroughly explained but it will still remain completely crazy, but hey... it's a Sci-Fi. If you are the sort of person who thought Lost didn't make sense because there was black smoke in the jungle then this plot might annoy you a bit. I would just describe it as a fun horror/comedy, but I really fecking enjoyed it.
Just to offer a contrasting opinion... I loved it. I thought it was funny, but when it comes to Whedon-Funny, you either like it or you don't. If humour is one of the reasons you've enjoyed his other films then I don't see why you wouldn't find this one amusing.

It is a bit crazy, silly and well... I wouldn't bother over-analyzing the plot. It's pretty thoroughly explained but it will still remain completely crazy, but hey... it's a Sci-Fi. If you are the sort of person who thought Lost didn't make sense because there was black smoke in the jungle then this plot might annoy you a bit. I would just describe it as a fun horror/comedy, but I really fecking enjoyed it.

I think this is the crux of it . . . either you like Whedon, or you're totally into something else when it comes to film.
Doctor Horrible is great... still waiting patiently for the promised sequel! (I heard that it was in the pipeline for the end of this year/start of next?)

Sunshine (2007)

Picked up the Blu-Ray of this the other day... a format which films like this were made for I'd say! Looked and sounded absolutely fecking fantastic.

Anyway, I love pretty much everything about this movie. As said, the visuals and soundtrack are superb, the acting is great, as are the idea and themes that the film is trying to get across. I even like the much derided 3rd act... as I see it as an integral part to both the story and the themes of the film.
Highlander 5 is currently on Iplayer. Any review I give this film won't do it justice. It's a must watch. I genuinely have no idea what even happened at the end.
The Wicker Man (1973)

Watched it the other night, it had been years since I'd last seen it and it's still batshit crazy and watchable by anybody's standards. Nicholas Cage should be forced to watch it every day.
Highlander 5 is currently on Iplayer. Any review I give this film won't do it justice. It's a must watch. I genuinely have no idea what even happened at the end.

Which one was the one with Van Peebles? 3? That was the last I saw, because it sucked extremely hard. Granted I dont remember much of 2 either, just that it involved a shield around the Earth and it was shit.

In retrospect though, even the first one was shitty, but that didnt matter for a 10-12 years old kid like me, it had swords.
Which one was the one with Van Peebles? 3? That was the last I saw, because it sucked extremely hard. Granted I dont remember much of 2 either, just that it involved a shield around the Earth and it was shit.

In retrospect though, even the first one was shitty, but that didnt matter for a 10-12 years old kid like me, it had swords.

That was the worst thing about this new film*- it didn't really have swords. They snapped his awesome, ivory handled samurai sword early on and he went through most of the film without a sword, and then at some point he magicked up some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turrtle-esque plastic knives, which he then proceeded to throw at the floor every time he went into a fight, and beat people up using his fists instead.

Also there was something about a source, although it was never explained what the source was or what it did. But the writers made up for this by having the actors utter the word 'source' about 800 times. I'm at work so can't check, but if the last fight scene is on youtube, just watch it. It's incredible.

*Not even close to the worst thing.
Red Lights

The new Robert De Niro one where he plays a blind psychic. Cillian Murphy and Sigourney Weaver are two sceptical academics who investigate and debunk all sorts of unexplained phenomena. De Niro comes out of 'retirement' (he was a bit like Uri Geller and did all that spoon-bending shit) after 30 years, and there's all sorts of media hype and excitement. Murphy wants to investigate De Niro, but Weaver is reluctant. Strange shit starts happening to Murphy as he pursues De Niro more and more....and then there's a twist at the end.

Pretty pedestrian pace, not really that exciting, not very enjoyable. The twist is cool, if not a bit obvious. I'd give it a 7/17.
Wrath of the Titans - 5/10

Even worse than the first movie but with some better special effects. I don't know if it is worth watching.
The Decalogue - A fantastic, chilling 10 part take on the ten commandments, Polish society and the human condition in general. You could sort of tell that different cinematographers were involved in every part, some parts looked better than others. My favourite parts I reckon were Part 1, Part 4, Part 6, Part 3.

This bloke was most certainly left to one's own interpretation I'd imagine. A higher being observing stuff or whatever.
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Safe House

Great actionpacked movie which reminded me a lot to the Bourne trilogy, which is good. Fantastic performances from Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washington (as always), this movie didn't bore me for one second.

Highly recommend it. 8/10

Giant, fire-breathing spiders terrorise N'Awlins. Edward Furlong plays somebody's dad...god I feel old. I happened across this and couldn't stop watching the do things like this get made?

:lol: Have you seend Mongolian Death Worm on Syfy? That channel is an unending river of shit movies.
Le Quattro Volte - Set in a serene rural mountain village in Calabria, Italy. It consists of four cycles of transmigration along the lines of Pythagoras, starting off with an old, dying goatherder, then goes on to another realm. It contains no dialogue except for some mutterings and it sort of puts the humans in the background and focuses more on the animals (Goats galore! Never thought watching the exploits of a young goat could be that absorbing, there was also a dog that did stuff I have no idea how they got it to do in such a long take), the trees, coal...

All this is more interesting than it sounds like and the film is a testament of how you can make a profound film from scratch. Recommended!
Le Quattro Volte - Set in a serene rural mountain village in Calabria, Italy. It consists of four cycles of transmigration along the lines of Pythagoras, starting off with an old, dying goatherder, then goes on to another realm. It contains no dialogue except for some mutterings and it sort of puts the humans in the background and focuses more on the animals (Goats galore! Never thought watching the exploits of a young goat could be that absorbing, there was also a dog that did stuff I have no idea how they got it to do in such a long take), the trees, coal...

All this is more interesting than it sounds like and the film is a testament of how you can make a profound film from scratch. Recommended!
This happens to be on Film4 tonight at 23.35 bst. If I dislike it I'll hold you personally responsible!