Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Le Quattro Volte was the least entertaining film I've seen since Better Things. It is the cinematic equivalent of going to your local farm and sitting on a wall for 90 minutes in silence. fecking hell. I cant believe I sat through it all. Well, I farted all the way through, and that was far more entertaining than this pretentious shite.


And that 0.5 was for the dog's performance.

You wouldnt like Tarr Bela's films-
Saw Men In Black 3 the other day.

Decent film with a good ending. 7/10.
Martha Marcy May Marlene: Good solid well acted drama about a young girl who runs away from life with an abusive cult/commune and attempts to recover in a house by a lake with her sister and sisters boyfriend. Told through flashbacks and present day scenes this is well scripted and engrossing. A good solid movie.

Dazed and Confused - Richard Linklater

I couldn't even get halfway through this. The movies has massive cult status, like a 98% critics favorable rating, Tarantino considers it one of the best over, but feck me, I found it absolutely thin, and the bad acting unbearable. I get the whole period schtick as I lived through that era, but it did nothing for me. Maybe if I was a kid I'd have liked it, or better yet, I'm probably just a miserable git. But I did really enjoy Linklater's prior effort, Slacker.

One cock up.
I think I posted here saying I loved it, but I'll say it again... I fecking loved it!!

I can't remember the last time a film affected me that much. Haven't been able to get it out of my head since.

Saw Prometheus last night and having intentionally gone in with low expectations it still fell below them. Shocks weren't shocking enough, surprises weren't surprising enough, cardboard characters. Very disappointed. 6.
Watched Alien in glorious HD the other day...and yeah, obviously it's a great film, but I didn't realise it looked that great till I watched it on BR. My only gripe was with the alien, its head/face looked menacing, the tail was fantastic but the body was too damn anthropomorphic. Anyone else share my beef? On a sidenote, why did Ripley go back for Jones(cat)? Why? Why?
Watched Alien in glorious HD the other day...and yeah, obviously it's a great film, but I didn't realise it looked that great till I watched it on BR. My only gripe was with the alien, its head/face looked menacing, the tail was fantastic but the body was too damn anthropomorphic. Anyone else share my beef? On a sidenote, why did Ripley go back for Jones(cat)? Why? Why?

Virtually all aliens are anthropomorphic with perhaps, the exception of the blob.
The only time you really notice is at the very, very end. Then it's clearly rubber man suit. It's the only part of the film that feels at all dated though. Apart from the Ian Holm head bad editing bit.
American Reunion - 1/10

I presume this was made because almost every single actor has had little-or-no success since the movies. And to give them their credit, they didn't let the fact that the script wasn't even remotely funny get in the way of making this liquidy turd.
I can't remember the last time a film affected me that much. Haven't been able to get it out of my head since.

Saw Prometheus last night and having intentionally gone in with low expectations it still fell below them. Shocks weren't shocking enough, surprises weren't surprising enough, cardboard characters. Very disappointed. 6.

I think it's that kinda film that if you happen to enjoy it then the setting, the music, pacing, style.. everything about it is so distinct that it kind of sticks with you.
American Reunion - 1/10

I presume this was made because almost every single actor has had little-or-no success since the movies. And to give them their credit, they didn't let the fact that the script wasn't even remotely funny get in the way of making this liquidy turd.

I saw that recently and agreed. Trash film. Absolutely nothing even made me remotely chuckle, nothing felt natural or anything. Glad I never paid a penny for it.
Mysterious Skin - A very disturbing yet very good film.

The Banishment - Visually brilliant. There were many Tarkovsky allusions in it but I'm not sure if most of them were deliberate or just distinctively Russian. The obvious allusions were at least dignified and not just put in there like some sort of a badge of honor (Von Trier). I agree with the most common criticism this film has gotten which have been about the slightly contrived central plot line.
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It's All About Love - Thomas Vinterberg

Had always heard this movie sucked, but hadn't realized it was directed by Vinterberg, so I gave it a try. Started off rather compelling with a good cast, including Claire Danes and Joaquin Phoenix, and cameos by Sean Penn, and an offbeat subtle rhythm to it filled with repressed Scandinavian heaviness, but I think Vinterberg lost control of it and it became a little ridiculous in a sort of Fight Club sense. Had some very strong and beautiful images and scenes that saved it somewhat. Thought it wasn't very good but worth watching. Vinterberg is definitely an interesting artist.

5 cocks up
The Amazing Spiderman - I saw that this afternoon. I was entertained and enjoyed Martin Sheen. The story was all right, except for the cranes and the school battle.


Emma Stone She's not astoundingly hot, but I'm in love with her.

Bad Teacher - Another terrible comedy that I'm questioning why we even bothered watching. No chemistry with the cast again, the script never felt natural at yeah, two key components for a good comedy there and has neither, the rest doesn't matter. 1/10
Savages - Loved this film. Really good storyline, great cast. Lots of violence, and much of it is fairly believable as well. 8/10

Dazed and Confused - Richard Linklater

I couldn't even get halfway through this. The movies has massive cult status, like a 98% critics favorable rating, Tarantino considers it one of the best over, but feck me, I found it absolutely thin, and the bad acting unbearable. I get the whole period schtick as I lived through that era, but it did nothing for me. Maybe if I was a kid I'd have liked it, or better yet, I'm probably just a miserable git. But I did really enjoy Linklater's prior effort, Slacker.

One cock up.

I loved this film, but I probably was around 16 or 17 when I watched it. Itd be interesting to see how it stood up to scrutiny now.
I'm vaguely watching Event Horizon right now, the film is nuts, not really the good kind either. Not surprising considering it's Paul WS Anderson film.
Moonrise Kingdom - 10/10

Fantastic. Great cast and great performances all around. Best film I've seen in a theater in probably 5+ years.
Moonrise Kingdom - 10/10

Fantastic. Great cast and great performances all around. Best film I've seen in a theater in probably 5+ years.
Really? I was left rather unfilled from that film, I expected so much more than it delivered. And the first half of the film was completely ruined by the trailer which showed every single good bit of the first 40 odd minutes. The cast and performances were pretty good sure, but it was gimmicky as feck and it went a little bit overboard with itself.
Get The Gringo One of Mel Gibson's better recent efforts. Not at all bad in fact even if much of the plot is a bit silly. Well worth a watch though. In the days when video libraries existed I'd have said that it was a decent Friday evening DVD rental option. Watchable as long as your expectations aren't to high. 6/10
Dazed and Confused

Watched this on the telly yesterday not knowing much about its cult status, and quite liked it. Good narrative and interesting enough to make me want to watch the whole thing, which is rare with me and movies. Michelle Burke circa 1993 has to be one of the prettiest women I've ever seen.
Punch-Drunk Love - A neat little bizarre comedy. Finally a Paul Thomas Anderson film that wasn't overrated beyond belief and finally a performance by Adam Sandler that didn't make me want to throw acid on the screen.

My Own Private Idaho - Brilliant, really enjoyed it. River Phoenix was quite good at this acting business wasn't he?
Punch-Drunk Love - A neat little bizarre comedy. Finally a Paul Thomas Anderson film that wasn't overrated beyond belief and finally a performance by Adam Sandler that didn't make me want to throw acid on the screen.

My Own Private Idaho - Brilliant, really enjoyed it. River Phoenix was quite good at this acting business wasn't he?

If you want a performance by Adam Sandler to prove just how much talent he has... Reign over me. It's IMDB is modest but it's metacritic is shockingly low. I thought it was a brilliant film and very emotional... maybe Sandler made the movie better than it was.. but well, just watch it, let me know what you think.
If you want a performance by Adam Sandler to prove just how much talent he has... Reign over me. It's IMDB is modest but it's metacritic is shockingly low. I thought it was a brilliant film and very emotional... maybe Sandler made the movie better than it was.. but well, just watch it, let me know what you think.

I'll look into it.
I wouldn't piss on Adam Sandler if he was on fire. But then, I wouldn't piss on anyone if they were on fire, it's an incredibly weird thing to do. And probably quite dangerous.
Bad Teacher - Another terrible comedy that I'm questioning why we even bothered watching. No chemistry with the cast again, the script never felt natural at yeah, two key components for a good comedy there and has neither, the rest doesn't matter. 1/10

Cameron Diaz is so overrated and fugly to boot.
I wouldn't piss on Adam Sandler if he was on fire. But then, I wouldn't piss on anyone if they were on fire, it's an incredibly weird thing to do. And probably quite dangerous.

Even if, say, your dear old Mum was on fire and there was no other way to put her out?
If you want a performance by Adam Sandler to prove just how much talent he has... Reign over me. It's IMDB is modest but it's metacritic is shockingly low. I thought it was a brilliant film and very emotional... maybe Sandler made the movie better than it was.. but well, just watch it, let me know what you think.

63% positive on Rotten Tomatoes which is about right. Far less shit than anything else Sandler has ever done but also far from brilliant. Enjoyable in bits and a bit sappy in others.
I still prefer him in Punch Drunk Love... but possibly because it's a better film in my opinion.

He's actually okay in Funny People IIRC, that poorly-marketed/misunderstood (not that I'm saying it's actually a good film or anything) Apatow film.