Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Weird Science

An 80s classic. It makes no sense at all, but it's amusing. Kelly LeBrock is also fantastic. It's pure popcorn entertainment. It doesn't pretend to be anything else.


Dead Snow

Fairly attractive Noggie chicks, check. Zombies, check. Nazi zombies, double check. It's an entertaining film with Nazi zombies. There's not much else to say about it.

You're in for a treat. The LOTR triology is up there with the best movies i've ever seen.

Just watched Two Towers today and I thought it was even better than the 1st one, which really does take some beating. It was superb. 10/10. Can't wait to watch the final one now.
The Pact

Very disappointed I was expecting something a bit scary , after all it was billed has the scarest film this year
Well it's not , there is no scary bits in it , it was just a run of the mill story of a spirt wanting revenge
When is somebody going to make a proper scary film.

I watched the Criterion Collection DVD of Les Quatre Cents Coups last night. Very enjoyable and the extras are good too. What a discovery in Jean-Pierra Leaud. What are your opinions on the follow-up films...worth a watch?
Saw Get the Gringo with Mel...Had a Payback feel to it but overall pretty entertaining...7.5/10

Get the Gringo
I watched last night and I agree I thought it was fairly decent. Not the best acting in the world but the plot was original enough and Mel plays the anti-hero as good as anyone.


Accidental Hero (1992)
Dustin Hoffman plays a not-so-nice man who rescues passengers from a crashed airliner, only to see someone else take credit.
A funny black comedy with a big cast & some genuinely funny moments.

Finished the LOTR trilogy this afternoon by watching Return of the King extended edition. Long but worth it. An all-time classic. I advise anyone who hasn't seen the trilogy yet to go back and see it.
Finished the LOTR trilogy this afternoon by watching Return of the King extended edition. Long but worth it. An all-time classic. I advise anyone who hasn't seen the trilogy yet to go back and see it.

I have never watched all three of these, watched about half of the first one and it kind of bored me, think I will try again with them.
I have never watched all three of these, watched about half of the first one and it kind of bored me, think I will try again with them.

It only gets better from there. The first half of the first one is really the whole build up to it. I didn't mind it, but I didn't find it incredible myself. As I said though it really starts to build in the 2nd half of it after the fellowship is formed and then it never looks back from there. The 2nd is superb, while the last one is gripping and mind blowing towards the final battle sequences of it.
Accidental Hero (1992)
Dustin Hoffman plays a not-so-nice man who rescues passengers from a crashed airliner, only to see someone else take credit.
A funny black comedy with a big cast & some genuinely funny moments.


Always liked that movie. Bit of a box office disappointment in it's day though. I guess Hoffman's performance was too 'odd'. Satire or irony aren't usually loved by audiences, so maybe it was never going to be a crowd pleaser.
It only gets better from there. The first half of the first one is really the whole build up to it. I didn't mind it, but I didn't find it incredible myself. As I said though it really starts to build in the 2nd half of it after the fellowship is formed and then it never looks back from there. The 2nd is superb, while the last one is gripping and mind blowing towards the final battle sequences of it.

Brilliant films, and as close to the book as they could get imo
Tower Heist

Watched it yesterday because I heard it was good but seriously its not even that funny for a comedy movie.And I am a fan of Ben Stiller type movies as they are great past-time.

Shame - Really well shot, great performances, grim and realistic. Didn't like the ending though and Mulligan singing the entire New York, New York was taking the piss a bit.

My Week with Marilyn - Admirable effort by Williams but the potrayal never really felt close enough to the original, which was the same problem I had with the potrayals of the other notable people in it and thus was a bit of an annoyance throughout. Add to that a poor screenplay and untolerable levels of smugness on the face of the main actor. Avoid it.
John Carter(from Mars): Average Sci-fi romp set on Mars. Good use of CGI but the kind of muddled Sci-Fi plot that instantly relagates it to bog standard Sci-Fi territory. Still mildly entertaining if innocuous.


Safe House: Alot better and more entertaining than I was led to beleive by some of the reviews i've read. Yes it quickly decends into standard action/bourne territory and yes it could afford to be a bit more cerebral and less action based but still well put together and with enough good actors to make it both enjoyable and watchable. Moves at the kind of pace which ensures its never boring.

Brazilian Cinema:

The Man Who Copied: Charming Brazilian comedy about a young black man working in a photo copying shop who hatches a plan to impress a girl he falls in love with, disaster insues with pretty amusing consequences. Very improbable in parts but with enough charm and good nature to bring you along with it. Good comedic performances all round especially from Lazaro Ramos as the main character.


Bruna Surfistinha: Brazilian drama about a 17 year old girl who runs away from her adopted middleclass family and goes on to becomes a prostitute who gains notoriety for her sexualy explicit blog. Putting aside the fact that the main actress Deborah Secco(beautiful as she is) looks in her late 20's to early 30's even when playing a 17 year old, this still maintains a fairly entertaining raucous energy about it. Decent watch with some mildly funny scenes. Nothing special but decent watch.


Elite Squad 1: Brazilian police drama based around a corupt police force and an elite unit of police officers who aim to root out the coruption as well as tackle drug barons in the slums of Rio. Not sure whether the fact that my version was dubed into english by american actors effected my view of it but I would have prefered a subtitled version if I could have layed my hands on one. For my money still a decent movie that aims to reproduce the kind of hard edged american cop drama thats become standard fare in Hollywood. The setting of Rio at least gives it a fresh look and there is enough action and beautiful scenery to keep it interesting. Good but not spectacular.


Central Station: Another brazilian drama however this time a little more light hearted and with alot more comedic charm and heart about it. A former school teacher and spinster begins a road journey of sorts to help a young boy find his father. Emotional and uplifting in the right places, a movie well worth seeing.

I've been meaning to watch Central Station since, like, forever.

Its definately worth the time. Just the right amount of good cinematography, charm and humour.

Carancho: Good gritty Argentinian crime drama about a solictor who works for a criminal firm who solicite victims of traffic accidents looking to represent them in claiming for damages but secretly rip them off and take most of the compensation awarded. Two excellent standout performances from the two main leads especially Matina Gusman as Luján. Loses its way a little in the final 3rd which prevents me giving it a higher mark but the two main leads make it very watchable. Well worth a look.
My Week with Marilyn - Admirable effort by Williams but the potrayal never really felt close enough to the original, which was the same problem I had with the potrayals of the other notable people in it and thus was a bit of an annoyance throughout. Add to that a poor screenplay and untolerable levels of smugness on the face of the main actor. Avoid it.

I thought it was excellent. It never unravels Marilyn, but it conveys the Monroe mystique well. I thought the cast were uniformily great, strong on character essence, rather than surface accuracy. It's light on story but it's the film's affection, for the beauty and magic of the cinematic image, that really won me over.
Brilliant films, and as close to the book as they could get imo

Haven't read them yet so I really can't comment. My mates going to give me them soon though, and he'll give me the Hobbit too so I can read that before it comes out.

It sounds like it stayed close to the book. It's hard to stay exact to it, and it should be almost impossible for any well detailed book, but it seemed close enough and the films were epic. Brilliant acting, visuals, soundtrack, brilliant everything really.
Tucker and Dale Vs Evil

It was actually very good. It's very funny. I'm not sure how much I can say about it without getting close to spoilers.

Haven't read them yet so I really can't comment. My mates going to give me them soon though, and he'll give me the Hobbit too so I can read that before it comes out.

It sounds like it stayed close to the book. It's hard to stay exact to it, and it should be almost impossible for any well detailed book, but it seemed close enough and the films were epic. Brilliant acting, visuals, soundtrack, brilliant everything really.

Try and read the Hobbit before LOTR and yes, brilliant everything. The casting was superb
I'm sure he will,but the Hobbit is the prelude

Perhaps, but I wouldn't bother, it's solely for kids...I can't imagine an adult male enjoying it. And if he can get past Two Towers before dying of utter boredom...I'll give him...your car.

But anyway...I've purchased Alien on BR...and it cost me 6 quid. Good deal.
Haven't read them yet so I really can't comment. My mates going to give me them soon though, and he'll give me the Hobbit too so I can read that before it comes out.

It sounds like it stayed close to the book. It's hard to stay exact to it, and it should be almost impossible for any well detailed book, but it seemed close enough and the films were epic. Brilliant acting, visuals, soundtrack, brilliant everything really.

They are dull and boring and having seen the films there is no point reading them. Hobbit though, give that a go.
If you like 1D characters...without an ounce of human nature, if you like black and white...good verses evil, if you like tedious poetry...then go a head...prepare to have your world moved. I felt like slitting my wrists, but I'm gay like that when it comes to tedium.
I thought it was excellent. It never unravels Marilyn, but it conveys the Monroe mystique well. I thought the cast were uniformily great, strong on character essence, rather than surface accuracy. It's light on story but it's the film's affection, for the beauty and magic of the cinematic image, that really won me over.

It alluded to this a few times but never really explored it fully, therefore rendering the film a bit pointless imo.
Peter Jackson has made one of my favourite movies, Heavenly Creatures, any LOTR fan should watch it. The two girls fantasies are produced mesmerisingly, I'm pretty sure that was the main factor for Peter Jackson's name to be considered for the Tolkien-project.

And Melanie Lynskey is absolutely fantastic in it.

If you like 1D characters...without an ounce of human nature, if you like black and white...good verses evil, if you like tedious poetry...then go a head...prepare to have your world moved. I felt like slitting my wrists, but I'm gay like that when it comes to tedium.

I enjoyed them. Although I always skipped the poetry. And Tom Bombadil is the most pointless character ever.