Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I liked The Dictator. I'm sure some Americans will moan about him going on some rant about what's really a dictator speach. Classic, that speach part not the movie.

Hatfields & McCoys on History Channel is highly entertaining.
The Raid - Devoid of any real plot, dialogue and such, just intense, brutal martial arts, knife fighting mayhem. I was sweating a bit after a while because of the intensity of some of the fights, they were almost rhytmic at times. It didn't bore me as other films like this have done in the past, well worth a watch.

Red Desert - A woman fighting mental illness in a colourful industrial landscape. It didn't leave much of an impression on me but I could stare at Monica Vitti all day long, definitely one of the most beautiful leading actresses ever.
To my shame watched Fellowship of the Ring, 1st part of the LOTR trilogy, tonight. Was as brilliant as it's hyped up to be.

Does take a while to get going, but once it does it's absolutely brilliant. Can't wait to watch the 2nd one now.
To my shame watched Fellowship of the Ring, 1st part of the LOTR trilogy, tonight. Was as brilliant as it's hyped up to be.

Does take a while to get going, but once it does it's absolutely brilliant. Can't wait to watch the 2nd one now.

You're in for a treat. The LOTR triology is up there with the best movies i've ever seen.
Iron Sky.

Well I watched this last night in work and OMG , it is dreadful, really bad storyline and really bad acting.
But it made me smile all though the film , I saw quite a few references to other film and that made me laugh

The helmets that the Nazi's wore in space just looked like a Stormtroopers in Star Wars , the used the phrase By your command from BSG and the best one for me was they did the Hitler scene that has been copied many times , no doubt there was others that I missed.

Yes it is a dreadful film but I enjoyed iT.
Watch it expecting it to be rubbish , I may watch it again to see what other things I missed .

Men In Black 3

Put simply - it's better than the 2nd one and is closer to the 1st. For me it restored the balance between serious and silly. We're given more backstory here and it really helps us to understand why certain people and things in MIB are the way they are. There were some genuinely funny moments throughout the movie as well, mainly thanks to Will Smith. A solid effort this time around.


Rather than sit in my hotel room I went and saw this tonight and quite enjoyed it. Of course it was fecking stupid, but it was entertaining and fun and a good way to burn two hours.

Why do those alien ships do the butterfly stroke through the water instead of flying though?
The Raid - Devoid of any real plot, dialogue and such, just intense, brutal martial arts, knife fighting mayhem. I was sweating a bit after a while because of the intensity of some of the fights, they were almost rhytmic at times. It didn't bore me as other films like this have done in the past, well worth a watch.

Red Desert - A woman fighting mental illness in a colourful industrial landscape. It didn't leave much of an impression on me but I could stare at Monica Vitti all day long, definitely one of the most beautiful leading actresses ever.

Iron Sky.

Well I watched this last night in work and OMG , it is dreadful, really bad storyline and really bad acting.
But it made me smile all though the film , I saw quite a few references to other film and that made me laugh

The helmets that the Nazi's wore in space just looked like a Stormtroopers in Star Wars , the used the phrase By your command from BSG and the best one for me was they did the Hitler scene that has been copied many times , no doubt there was others that I missed.

Yes it is a dreadful film but I enjoyed iT.
Watch it expecting it to be rubbish , I may watch it again to see what other things I missed .


I liked it, I really enjoyed it...It's a B movie, no doubt, but original, well acted and humorous...7/10
Men In Black 3

Put simply - it's better than the 2nd one and is closer to the 1st. For me it restored the balance between serious and silly. We're given more backstory here and it really helps us to understand why certain people and things in MIB are the way they are. There were some genuinely funny moments throughout the movie as well, mainly thanks to Will Smith. A solid effort this time around.


Agree with this. I thoroughly enjoyed it . I also thought Josh Brolin worked well in it

Rather than sit in my hotel room I went and saw this tonight and quite enjoyed it. Of course it was fecking stupid, but it was entertaining and fun and a good way to burn two hours.

Why do those alien ships do the butterfly stroke through the water instead of flying though?

Don't you feel awkward sitting in a cinema alone?
Iron Sky.

Well I watched this last night in work and OMG , it is dreadful, really bad storyline and really bad acting.
But it made me smile all though the film , I saw quite a few references to other film and that made me laugh

The helmets that the Nazi's wore in space just looked like a Stormtroopers in Star Wars , the used the phrase By your command from BSG and the best one for me was they did the Hitler scene that has been copied many times , no doubt there was others that I missed.

Yes it is a dreadful film but I enjoyed iT.
Watch it expecting it to be rubbish , I may watch it again to see what other things I missed .


I told you will enjoy it:)
You weren't sitting beside me for Bladerunner in the Leicester Square Odeon in 1982 were you?

I always preferred the Prince Charles myself. Remember watching The Hitcher there. I thought it was a fantastic film, but after a couple of re-watches on video could not work out why I enjoyed it so much.
To be honest I liked Iron Sky better than Top Secret

Top Secret is a cult classic here in Hungary, ever since the 1980s. Maybe because it portrayed the commie east germans as nazis and was subsequently banned like Rambo II and all the James Bond movies were.

We had it on a pirated overdubbed (with only one voice) VHS tape and we watched it dozens of times.

I havent seen it in 15-20 years.
Snow White and the Huntsman - It's too long, which is especially annoying as nothing seems to happen for a good bit in the middle. There are pretty much no laughs to be had; the dwarves were disappointing in that regard. For a while it seems like there is going to be a love triangle story going on, then that goes nowhere, and apart from that it's all a bit predictable which added to the boredom of it being too long. It's not completely awful, there are a few good scenes and there is nothing wrong with the acting. All in all, 5/10.
Don't you feel awkward sitting in a cinema alone?

Why would anyone feel awkward sitting in the dark on your own (except for all the other people who are there sat in the dark) watching a film? The odd person would be the one distracted from the film by another person who happened to not be accompanied.
Top Secret is a cult classic here in Hungary, ever since the 1980s. Maybe because it portrayed the commie east germans as nazis and was subsequently banned like Rambo II and all the James Bond movies were.

We had it on a pirated overdubbed (with only one voice) VHS tape and we watched it dozens of times.

I havent seen it in 15-20 years.

I love Top's as good as Airplane and still makes me laugh. Chocolate Mousse, Latrine, the cow, but one of my favourite little bits is when they are fighting in the truck and you see them both changing the radio station. Genius little comic moments like that throughout.
Deja Vu - Denzel Washington plays a dangerously unprofessional, incompetent and incredibly rapey ATF agent and the worst driver in the world. After directly causing the death of his long term partner with little or no remorse he continues to put several more lives in danger in his pursuit to save a woman he doesn't know who he's been spying on in the shower.

Tony Scott can't work out whether he wants to shoot the entire film in slow motion or on fast forward and the whole thing is scored relentlessly like the control room scenes from Armageddon. Val Kilmer plays a fat Val Kilmer and does absolutely nothing for the whole film.

The opening scene is one of the most annoyingly edited things I've ever seen. And I include youtube videos in that.
Hemingway and Gellhorn. Dont. Its boring and and has no redeeming features apart from a Nicole Kidman who doesn't look like a white plastic cup in this movie. 3/10

Also, Lars Ulrich has a very punchable face.
Fast Five:

Some laugh-out-loud moments due to incredibly shoddy dialogue that could have been written by trained chimp. Even the best actors in the world would struggle with delivering some of these lines. Unfortunately the task was given to The Rock and Vin Diesel, therefore hilarity ensues!

It has some decent action and you pretty much know what to expect when you make the decision to watch it, forget the "plot" and the script and just enjoy the chases, gunfights and carnage.
I really wanted to watch this movie, but now I am not sure. Its releasing this friday.
Surely it can't be that bad?
Nope. Though they do their best to re-create the tiny white pants scene from Alien, but they just end up looking like bandages.