Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Again, "arses on couches" regarding real public opinon (that what I mean) is a bad one. The only time it would work between even two films, would be if they were of the same age, were shown on channels with the same penetration, received the same amount and quality promotion and were shown on the same night in the same time.

These movies have been around a long time - they're a known quantity. I have more faith than you in the market - if a big, lucrative audience existed for these films, they would eventually find it.
I still remember the excitement of actually watching it in 1977...and then each subsequent film.

My first ever cinema experience and one of my first memories was Empire and than at age 7 I watched the first showing of the Jedi in Hungary in a cinema with only one projector and with a woman translating it live.

By that time me and my brother must have seen the first two 100 times combined and had all the gear we could get behind the iron curtain. That means mostly reprinted promo pictures that were sold in the nearby tobacco shop and the books/comics.
These movies have been around a long time - they're a known quantity. I have more faith than you in the market - if a big, lucrative audience existed for these films, they would eventually find it.

And they do in dvd/BR sales, in art house cinemas. 20 years from now more people will buy 2001 than Avatar or the Avengers on the then current format.
I got the missus to sit down with me to watch Dial M for Murder a few weeks ago. I kept on asking her if she was awake and following what was going on until she got arsey and told me stop bothering her. Sure enough, the film ends and she's fast asleep..."Oh, I missed the last ten minutes...what happened"


That is pretty much what happens every single time I try to watch a film with my Mrs. It took five attempts for her to get through Zelig. It's 79 minutes long.
I got the missus to sit down with me to watch Dial M for Murder a few weeks ago. I kept on asking her if she was awake and following what was going on until she got arsey and told me stop bothering her. Sure enough, the film ends and she's fast asleep..."Oh, I missed the last ten minutes...what happened"


again another film recommended to me on here and again I loved it
My first ever cinema experience and one of my first memories was Empire and than at age 7 I watched the first showing of the Jedi in Hungary in a cinema with only one projector and with a woman translating it live.

By that time me and my brother must have seen the first two 100 times combined and had all the gear we could get behind the iron curtain. That means mostly reprinted promo pictures that were sold in the nearby tobacco shop and the books/comics.

So the woman spoke Ewok, Huttese and all the other dialects? That's fecking impressive.

That's a great movie memory though.
I always found the psychoanalytic stuff in some of Hitchcocks movies very irritating. It makes me want to throw things at the screen. :smirk:

Didn't like Rope then I'd imagine? I've never been able to judge what film of his is the best, or the worst one for that matter. I rate them all the same basically. Sometimes Vertigo is the best, then Strangers on a train, then Shadow of a Doubt, and on and on.
So the woman spoke Ewok, Huttese and all the other dialects? That's fecking impressive.

That's a great movie memory though.

Yep, by the way in the soviet block when VHS came in (in the mid eighties) american movies were pirated than copied in countless copies from german VHS-originals with a man or the woman translating it all live on tape (so from English to German to Hungarian/polish/romanian etc.). And sometimes very-very badly.

Yep, by the way in the soviet block when VHS came in (in the mid eighties) american movies were pirated than copied in countless copies from german VHS-originals with a man or the woman translating it all live on tape (so from English to German to Hungarian/polish/romanian etc.). And sometimes very-very badly.

Must have been awful having to translate all that clunky Lucas dialogue.
Ok 1 last question should I watch the original star wars trilogy first or should I watch them after the prequels?
Heard they've added few scenes to the original so should I watch the prequels first?

I'm thinking of only watching the original star wars, just to see why almost everyone likes it.
Ok 1 last question should I watch the original star wars trilogy first or should I watch them after the prequels?
Heard they've added few scenes to the original so should I watch the prequels first?

I'm thinking of only watching the original star wars, just to see why almost everyone likes it.

Watch the OT first, definitely.
And they do in dvd/BR sales, in art house cinemas. 20 years from now more people will buy 2001 than Avatar or the Avengers on the then current format.

If you're going to talk about art house audiences...... people who need a 'praised by the New York Times' sticker on the toilet bowl before taking a piss.

Seriously, I'm not denying there's a market for these films - they're part of the 'Great Movie' canon. Some people will always want to watch them. But they'll never be popular with those who go to movies with no baggage except to have a good time.
If you're going to talk about art house audiences...... people who need a 'praised by the New York Times' sticker on the toilet bowl before taking a piss.

Seriously, I'm not denying there's a market for these films - they're part of the 'Great Movie' canon. Some people will always want to watch them. But they'll never be popular with those who go to movies with no baggage except to have a good time.


French psychological horror-type thing. A designer invites his boss and his wife to dinner. The wife acts weird, causes a scene, the boss drags her home, then the real weirdness starts. I don't want to give too much away, but it was worth a watch. 12.69/17
I'm ashamed to admit I watched the trailer for it, why would anyone over the age of 15 watch a Miley Cyrus movie?!
Exactly as Brwned put it sky. Why sky, why?! :mad: :(

Oh come on, this coming from me who probably watched 200 out of the imdb 250 .

Sometimes you just need something light to lighten up your mood.

I get it it's not that great of a movie, but it's far from shit, and it can be entertaining sometimes. You can't help but having a feeling for the parents, and the stuffs they've been thru.

Plus. Demi's an eye candy :P
Red Tails This should have been an uplifting and exciting film about the marginalized Adrican American fighter pilots in WW2. Sadly it wasn't. Neither Saving Private Ryan nor Hogan's Heros and poorer for it. Avoid unless you are really really bored and have nothing else to watch.2/10

Safe House Given the quality of the cast, Ryan Reynolds and Denzil Washington, in a spy thriller I expected lots more from this run of the mill thriller. Tolerable but nothing special. 5/10
Tyranasaur Paddy Consedine's directorial debut. Dark, somewhat depressing but very moving. One of the best things I've seen this year. 8/10
Star wars A new hope
I didn't find it as good as others, probably I would have liked it more if I had seen it in 80's.

By the way shooting accuracy of bad guys was great.

The 1988 film Dangerous Liaisons, Erica. A modern masterpiece, in my view. :)
A Seperation

Not as emotionally hooking as I thought it would be, but nonetheless brilliantly put together. 8/10!