Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Surely, that's not a true story? I find it hard to believe a case like that could actually make the courts, in a civilised country. The Priest's defence was pathetic. . . overall, very hilarious.

Awful film.

Just checked. . . . it was based on a true story of Anneliese Michel, who was murdered by religious fanatics, claiming she was possessed by demons. She was actually epileptic but her religious family asked the local church for some help, and that's how the exorcisms began. Her was death was caused by the malnutrition and dehydration that resulted from almost a year of semi-starvation during the rites. The film actually tried to rationalise it. . .as it supported the side of the priest. I bet it was directed by Mel Gibson or some other Bible-bashing whackjob. The real verdict was of manslaughter, but the priests and parents were only given six months.

Apparently the German film 'Requiem' is nearer to the truth. I'll probably check it out sometime.

. . .

Rope. Enjoyed it. Very good film.
Watch The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Wibbs. It'll make you chuckle, (especially a certain witness supporting the defence's case)
Where the woman claimed that *insert name of drug* was blocking the exorcism, despite never trying it or testing it on any person?

Watched Strangers On A Train. Very good film. Still think Rebecca's the best out of the four I've seen recently(Hitchcock films)
I've downloaded 1408 feckhead, it better be good

Just watched 'The Pathfinder'

Premise: Indian woman comes across a crashed Norse boat, finds child on it and raises him as an Indian. Fast forward 18 years or so and the Vikings are back killing the Indians. Cue the now fully grown halfbreed killing loads of Vikings. This movie annoyed me. The Indians spoke perfect English for the camera whilst the Vikings spoke their Nordic language.

4/10 - i wish he'd fallen off the path.

just wasted 2 hours of my life watching this pile of shit :boring:
Saw Curse of the Jade Scorpion. Woody Allen's dialogues alone was worth every minute of it. Thought it was a good revival of the old fashioned movies

"It's a match made in heaven... by a retarded angel." :lol:

Once Were Warriors

An excellent movie about a Maori family in New Zealand. The husband's a right cnut who beats up his wife but loves her like crazy. Shit happens. Watch it.

Paprika. (anime). Plot - After machine that can enter people's dreams goes missing, all hell breaks loose.

This was very a convoluted film, but not difficult to follow. I enjoy surrealism, so for me it wasn't really a problem. . . Apparently it was littered with metaphors, most of which could only be understood by the Japanese. That said, it was still highly enjoyable, although the last 15 mins weren't as good as the rest of the film.

I wonder what how a David Lynch adaptation would turn out. My guess is that the ending would be a lot more ambiguous.

Once Were Warriors

An excellent movie about a Maori family in New Zealand. The husband's a right cnut who beats up his wife but loves her like crazy. Shit happens. Watch it.


I give it more like a 9/10

Very raw and very brilliant.
He made some really crap movies after Chinatown up until The Pianist, which I haven't seen. But his earlier stuff is supposed to incredible. I've only seen Chinatown, Rosemary's Baby and Bitter Moon (which was shit) by him.

As for Lynch, his best work has to be the Elephantman. Brilliant film.
He made some really crap movies after Chinatown up until The Pianist, which I haven't seen. But his earlier stuff is supposed to incredible. I've only seen Chinatown, Rosemary's Baby and Bitter Moon (which was shit) by him.

As for Lynch, his best work has to be the Elephantman. Brilliant film.

The Tenant was brilliant too, and it was made after Chinatown. Probably the creepiest film I have ever seen. As for Lynch, I still haven't seen The Elephant Man, but I love his surreal work, such as Mullholland Drive, Lost Highway(creepy) and Wild at Heart(fairytale for adults). A Straight Story was very good, as well, but it's not what I'd describe as a typical David Lynch film. Yet to see Eraserhead, which is probably his most surreal to date. I just love convoluted films.
Blue Velvet as well. Can't believe I missed that one out. And I figured Elephantman was a straightforward film. Will probably watch it over the next few days.
Elephantman, having just watched it recently, is still pretty good. That being said, I skimmed through a couple of pages and didn't see any discussions on horror movies.

Has anyone here watched Shutter? It's a Thai film and it's probably the best horror movie I've ever seen. It's got a fair amount of scares, a good plot, and surprisingly, a good story. The ending is brilliant as well. The most important thing is that everything - the story, the scares and the characters, are all tied up brilliantly - without it being a touching drama bollocks horror movie(unlike most western horror films).

I read somewhere that Hollywood is going to butcher it soon. I highly recommend it.
Actually we've discussed horror movies a number of times and have come to the conclusion that Rosemary's Baby is best there is.

Alright I apologise then. Have never seen it. Does the movie still hold up?

And have you watched Shutter? Sometimes ratings on imdb can be bollocks.
TBH with you this thread could probably have its own subsection in the Entertainment forum. It's too massive to keep up.
"Pirates" by Polański - Great pirate movie. Pirates From The Caribbean, watch and learn...

"Immortal" - European Science Fiction, no american crap, very intresting movie.

Just watched "Pathfinder" - Jesus Christ... Viking berserks hiding in the woods and waitng for the blind Indians with sharp senses to attack. And guess what ... Indians are falling into the trap like stupid animals. RUBBISH !

Vikings looked like a black riders with Nazguls lookalike from LOTR and those stupid helms with horns, all looks the same... Bullshit ! Vikings had many weapons & clothes from raped and looted cultures. Everyone should look different, not like regular army of Rome !

Even Karl Urban didn't saved that #@$@*

Oh, and one thing... I didn't watch it to the end. I was too tired of this "great" and "intresting" storytelling.

Eragon > Shitfinder
Why people making such a shit fantasy movies ???

There is so many fantasy subjects made with passion and legend making style. Salvatore, King... Both authors wrote a books in the world of AD&D - Heroic Fantasy and Warhammer - Dark Fantasy. Of course there is Professor Tolkien with Hobbit & Silmarillion. The camera is waiting, Peter. :)

Excellent worlds full of great characters, places, adventures, beautiful women, sense of humour and chaos, evilness, something that awaits in the dark... That's Fantasy as we should know !

The Hollywood studios can create all kind of amazing worlds with no problem. LOTR showed that Fantasy isn't shite thing to watch on the big screen. After that movie, my hope for next great, fantasy movie production rised like the phoenix from the ashes...

I was hoping for movie in the world of Warhammer or AD&D - Trylogy of Drizzt, Tales of the Dragon Slayer...

But time to face the reality... Eragon.

Jeremy Irons, have mercy, please ! ...And there is this peon boy with look of Luke Chadwick who finds the egg. And when the Dragon appears we see a blue pokemon dragon with bird wings... WTF ?!

The whole country that this kid live in looks like Shire Mark II ! There's one positve guy in this adaptation... Evil wizard, who tries to save the movie and John Malkovich :devil:... Of course, they fail, as peon on a pokemon dragon wins. AAAARGH !
Reign Of Fire - "A brood of fire-breathing dragons emerges from the earth and begins setting fire to everything, establishing dominance over the planet."

Surprisingly a good movie with Christian Bale.

Liked it, gonna watch it again.
Reign of Fire was awful.

Anyhow. . . I watched Save the Green Planet(Korean), last night. All I can say is that it's totally insane. I loved it. Had everything, black humour, revenge, sci fi. . . really did cover all genres. It parody plenty of classics, such as 2001, Misery and The Shining, too. Some may dislike the ending but I wouldn't take it literally(spoiler: it was Lee Byeong-gu's imagination, and then he had flash backs of his life ).
Catch and Release A bit of a chick flick with Jennifer Garner bereaved just before here wedding. The bereaved's mates, family and secret love child provide the drama and a few laughs. Somewhat predictable but well handled and a step up from the usual trash in this genre. Well worth a watch with the missus on DVD. 8/10