Why people making such a shit fantasy movies ???
There is so many fantasy subjects made with passion and legend making style. Salvatore, King... Both authors wrote a books in the world of AD&D - Heroic Fantasy and Warhammer - Dark Fantasy. Of course there is Professor Tolkien with Hobbit & Silmarillion. The camera is waiting, Peter.
Excellent worlds full of great characters, places, adventures, beautiful women, sense of humour and chaos, evilness, something that awaits in the dark... That's Fantasy as we should know !
The Hollywood studios can create all kind of amazing worlds with no problem. LOTR showed that Fantasy isn't shite thing to watch on the big screen. After that movie, my hope for next great, fantasy movie production rised like the phoenix from the ashes...
I was hoping for movie in the world of Warhammer or AD&D - Trylogy of Drizzt, Tales of the Dragon Slayer...
But time to face the reality... Eragon.
Jeremy Irons, have mercy, please ! ...And there is this peon boy with look of Luke Chadwick who finds the egg. And when the Dragon appears we see a blue pokemon dragon with bird wings... WTF ?!
The whole country that this kid live in looks like Shire Mark II ! There's one positve guy in this adaptation... Evil wizard, who tries to save the movie and John Malkovich

... Of course, they fail, as peon on a pokemon dragon wins. AAAARGH !