The People's President
Yeah, the ending is a bit shocking.
Spoiler: Well it was a fairlytale, I guess. I actually loved the ending. Really finished off the film.
Yeah, the ending is a bit shocking.
It did, by shocking I didnt mean bad, just that it was totally unexpected.
I've just started downloading Inland Empire, I'm really curious... Too bad it is a full dvdr version on slow torrent, but all the other versions are italian dub only.
Full DVDR version, as in it's a full DVD?
Can you give us the link, Cincs?
I didn't know Inland Empire was out.
Yeah, it's out. Well, sort of. It is out for rental in Italy and will be released on DVD worldwide in august.
No theatretical release though
Heard it's probably his most surreal film, yet.
Yeah I've heard that too. It will hard be to beat Eraserhead in that department though.
Cincs, it's(IE download) a DVD5. CCEX6, any idea what this is?
Silent Hill.
Rating: 1/5.
silent hill consists of a confusing storyline that becomes ten times more confusing in the final scenes, leaving you with more questions than answers. If someone can actually shed me some light on what the hell Silent Hill is actually about, I would be very appreciative.![]()
Live Free or Die Hard
4/5 very entertaining, Bruce Willis is Legend.
John McClane takes on an Internet-based terrorist organization who is systematically
shutting down the United States.
Yeah I've heard that too. It will hard be to beat Eraserhead in that department though.
miles more weird than Eraserhead I can tell you that
the Rabbits are in it
Shame I could only see it once while on the big screen in Germany.
DV doesn't look too ugly. I was expecting something like youtube video but it's not that bad.
When there are dark scenes the camera loses its focus for a while, but I guess that's something David Lynch enjoys (wants).
Still..35 mm is better imo, I can't imagine Mulholland Drive in shaky, grainy shape.
I know a couple people who own one of those and I've personally used them on a couple of shoots. It's a good starter HD camera. Doesn't have as many options as the big boy $100,00ish(after a few bells and whistles) Sony F900, but is good for smaller projects.I'm not sure it's the same thing 'cause Sin City and SW3 are probably shot with some fancy HD cameras and regular ones too
as opposed to Lynch who's using only this tiny piece of shite![]()
resolution: (480/60i) (source format)
Though it's very encouraging for the independent filmmakers (or the amateurs) because the camera costs around $4000 or something
I know a couple people who own one of those and I've personally used them on a couple of shoots. It's a good starter HD camera. Doesn't have as many options as the big boy $100,00ish(after a few bells and whistles) Sony F900, but is good for smaller projects.
Yeah Rebecca was pretty good although the book is still better.
Is it that good?
Yes it is.
Watched 2 films tonight at work - not sure if they have been reviewed..
Densel Washington
Plot: man goes back in to the past to stop a bombing
Nicholas Cage
Plot: man sees into the future to stop a bombing.
Both actually very good films.
Tough one to answer really. I look at it two ways: as someone who works with both, and as a general fan of movies.what's your take on this whole DV-Film debate?
Tough one to answer really. I look at it two ways: as someone who works with both, and as a general fan of movies.
DV makes everything so much simpler. It requires less lighting, is smaller, requires less crew, and is cheaper. I've been on many shoots with HD cameras where we wanted detail out of a black shirt. With film, you'd have to get out a 650w light, put it on a stand, get power to it, and set it. With some HD cameras(varicam is one), you can bring up the brightness just by a couple clicks in the menus. DV is also much better for run and gun type shooting. They're easier to calibrate, load the tape and be on your way, also DV cameras are much lighter than film cameras since there's no 400ft roll of film on the back. So in terms of working with one or the other, I prefer digital.
As a movie lover, I tend to lean on the side of film. There is a certain look/feel that film has that DV just doesn't have. When I think of true cinema I think of 35mm film. I don't think of the Viper HD camera. Picture wise, HD is the better picture, but lacks that grainy element that we have come to love because of all the years of film.
That's the quick version of my debate.
I've finished downloading Inland Empire just to find out it's in italian only....Bassza meg a kurva élet!!!
1408 WAS shit