Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Titanic is a pretty mediocre film, but why is there a fecking musical and why is a bit of Ireland going totally batshit about the whole thing?
I had trouble reading that through a huge cloud of smug.

Why not just say that it is good looking but shallow and slightly pointless melodrama?

Well, because she probably wouldn't have been paid as much, or have forged a writing career.

Is there a big market for serious one sentence reviews?

Wrath of the Titans - 3

Some of the graphical work was nice but the 3D was almost completely pointless and for large stretches non-existent, and those glasses get really fecking annoying after a while. Liam Neeson came out of a movie looking bad for once so that says it all about how poor the movie itself was. I swear some of the scenes were taken directly out of a Hercules game on the playstation I played about a decade ago though. Still just about watchable.
Well, because she probably wouldn't have been paid as much, or have forged a writing career.

Is there a big market for serious one sentence reviews?

I actually suspect there is a market but of course I was more commenting on the insufferable smugness of the review. It would have been much better if it had been funnier and stating the bleeding obvious about a film nobody thinks is a masterpiece seemed self indulgent and boring.
Well, because she probably wouldn't have been paid as much, or have forged a writing career.

Is there a big market for serious one sentence reviews?

Titanic: Emotionally charged tosh, best described as the cinematic equivalent of listening to Leona Lewis for 3 hours.
The Hunger Games

I went to see this without knowing hardly anything about the plot, the cast and nothing about the books.

I thought the acting was spot on, the story pretty good. I liked the whole feel of the film. Woody Harrelson pretty much played himself, I always love his characters.

All in all very watchable 8/10

* maybe for another thread but going to the theatre to see movies is getting more and more tedious these days. The last two or three theatres I've been to have been full of dickheads who talk throughout the film, text, someone even answered their phone at one film I saw recently. How people don't get shot at movie theatres in the States is beyond me. Rant over.
The Proposition - An alright Aussie Western that was a bit of a poor mans The Assassination of Jesse James mixed with some vague elements of Heart of Darkness. I couldn't really warm to Ray Winstone (- giant floating head) being the lead in a film like this. John Hurt was a bit too shouty and overtheatrical, almost to the point of it being tedious. Nick Cave and Warren Ellis make great film scores together.
Shame: Good movie with two standout performances at its heart from Fassbender and Carey Mulligan.

Staring Fassbender as a sex addict prone to occasional drug taking and daily causual sexual encounters the film manages somehow to humanise a character who you wouldn't from the outset expect to feel a lot of sympathy for.

Shot with just the right amount of coldness and detachment especially during the sex scenes its credit to both Fassbender and Muligan as well as Steve McQueen's(no not that one) direction that this manages to to have a heart at its centre. A very good character study.

The Last Circus

Caught it last night. Spanish film, about a clown and another clown who with contrasting characters are both in love with the same woman, fought and the woman died. And of course as in Spanish films, Franco gets some sort of look-in here. Amazingly shite and unrealistic at times, 3.5/10
Just saw 'The Lady' directed by Luc Besson; the biography of the phenomenal and brilliant woman that is Aung San Suu Kyi.

I must say, I was ashamed of myself at the end of the movie that I knew so little about her life and struggle.

Wonderful film, superlative direction and stunning performances from Michelle Yeoh as Aung San Suu Kyi and David Thewlis as her husband.

Deserves all the awards at any fim festival it cares to go for, simply for those stunning performances as well as the message the film sends.

I'm still ashamed.


One bad film. Should only be watched in a group of friends who have fun making fun of the cheesy tagline and the awful performances in it. Why are you there Bruce Willis? You must have cost half of the movie production. It's so bad. The script is just soooo bad. Ryan Philippe is the worst in this. I was hoping for some mindless action at least. I knew this was about a bank robbery and had 50 Cent, Philippe and Bruce on the cover. I'm assuming he just made 5 million for his 8 minutes in this mess.

It has the Russian mafia, Italian mafia, Middle Eastern big shot group and non of them really mattered. Willis clearly didn't gave a feck and the Hollywood stuntman who wrote and directed this doesn't have a clue what he's doing or he can't get people like the ones he directed to care.

In one scene when they turn a body around I could swear I saw it blink it's eyes. Can't even act dead.


The Sunset Limited

Figured this movie was a play. The entire movie takes place in an apartment in the ghetto and it only stars Sam Jackson and Tommy Lee Jones. They mostly talk religious philosophy and each other lives. Decent movie. Didn't know what I was getting into when I put it on and I wasn't 100% focused on it. Should have been as it demands it. Would probably had enjoyed it more and even more so as the play.

Based on the play by the same writer who wrote No Country for old men and The Road so if you're in the mood for a movie that's strictly dialogue I'd recommend it.
Mision to Mars

Admittedly I missed the beginning but when they found the giant face and the genetic code clue, it became quite interesting. But then the alien was so naff it was unbelievable (oval face and eyes, really- original). Hand-holding bit at the end a bit gay too. 'We are all the same, feck racism, yeah!'.

I realise this review is 12 years out of date but ended up watching it on Watch or some ropey satellite station while waiting for Homeland.
7 Below
A really bad horror film, a group get stuck in a strange house that was the scene of a mass murder
It has a twist in it but nothing you won't guess
It also had Val Kilmer and Luke Goss and both are dreadful

Ever seen Sunset Blvd., Paul? Very like Casablanca in that it's one of the quintessential Hollywood films, well worth a watch.

WTF have I just watched ? It is one of those crappy SyFy films bu OMG this is the worst I have ever seen
The story was rubbish the action was even worse and the alian looked like it was wearing a morph suit
Don't waste your time

Come on Erica, even Norma's not that deluded!
21 Jump Street

Totally ridiculous, but pretty funny overall. A lot of the comedy is "awkward" comedy, as seems to be the staple these days, but some moments did actually get genuine big laughs from myself.Also, to my suprise, I actually enjoyed Tatum in this more then Hill.

Nostalgic for some films I used to watch as a kid on Sundays back in the US...Buck Privates (1941), Abbott & Costello...Haven't watched an Abbott & Costello film since I was probably 10 years old but still a great example of that vaudeville magic we just don't see anymore

I just watched an Australian film on Sky Movies called Tomorrow, When the World Began which to sum is the Australian version of Red Dawn, a bunch of teenagers return home from the Bush to discover that Australia is under invasion, their hometown is being occupied and they begin to fight back.

This is an adaptation of the first book in a series that has apparently sold millions of copies that I had never heard of before today and it is done fairly well, and focuses more on the human element rather than going gung ho and being thinly veiled anti-soviet propaganda as Red Dawn is which itself has been remade for release later this year.

I'll be generous and give it 7/10
Mision to Mars

Admittedly I missed the beginning but when they found the giant face and the genetic code clue, it became quite interesting. But then the alien was so naff it was unbelievable (oval face and eyes, really- original). Hand-holding bit at the end a bit gay too. 'We are all the same, feck racism, yeah!'.

I realise this review is 12 years out of date but ended up watching it on Watch or some ropey satellite station while waiting for Homeland.

I remember that getting laughed at when it came out.
Amazing Grace - Decent bit of history lesson let down by an annoying main character (Well, annoying main actor, the rest of the cast were great) and occasional schmaltzy and preachy dialogue.
21 Jump Street (2012) - 6

Surprisingly good actually. Not remotely original but it felt fresh and it was good fun.

Another Earth (2011) - 6

Some of it's really well done but it's too artsy for me. Brit Marling's worth keeping an eye on.
Machine Gun Preacher- well this is not the movie I thought it was going to be- it's far better. Shamefully I have never heard of Sam Childers before, so I would be interested to know how much of the film is actually fact and how much fabrication. Butler was very good in it, but it is at times not easy to watch. Some bits annoyed me, but again I don't know if they were just holes in the writing or if that's actually what happened so it's hard to criticise. 7/10
The Kid with a Bike (2011) - 8

Equally heartbreaking and heart-warming, well worth a watch.
I thought Jump Street was much better than I thought it was going to be too. Probably because I thought it was going to be awful. The plastic faced twat from those dancing films was actually funnier than Jonah Hill. 6 is probably about right, but I did find it fun.
Sleeping Beauty(2011). Not the fairy tale, but the one with Emily Browning; which is nothing like the fairy tale. I could watch the fairy tale again and be far more entertained than what I just witnessed. If you want to see Browning naked, you're in luck. If you want to see something with a plot you want to see developed, characters you want to see, or anything like that, you've chosen the wrong movie. I remember reading that this movies was supposed to be 'controversial'. It's not controversial. It's actually quite ridiculous. It possesses the line, 'make sure your lipstick matches the color of your labia'. The best part of the movie for me(outside of pretty decent set design and cinematography) was the line 'feck you. feck you 'til you're dead'. That's a pretty awesome line I want to say at least once to someone.
God Bless America This is the latest film written and directed by Bobcat Goldthwaite (him with the funny voice off Police Academy) and is basically a retelling of Bonnie and Clyde but with jokes and brain cancer. The dastardly duo go about America killing anyone who they think is mean or annoying but it's really just a long ramble about what Goldthwaite thinks is wrong with modern society, people talking in cinemas, x factor, spoilt kids. It doesn't really get much deeper than that, although it tries and at times feels more like a preachy standup dialogue than a script but I still kind of liked it. It has funny moments and at least he tried to say something.
The Hunger Games

Just a bit... meh. I enjoyed the build up and the setting of the dystopian world, but once it got to the hunger games itself it was just Battle Royale-lite. The problem was it felt to much like a 12a, which I don't think a film about children killing eachother should be rated. There is just an uncomfortable mix between a serious and brutal theme but a desperate need to pander to the post-twilight depression, it was just all a bit teeny bopper for me.

On the plus side Woody was great, and Jennifer Lawrence does gritty and tough very well. (Anyone seen her in Winterbone? Thought it was boring as feck).

Anyways, 6/10. Decent effort.
MI4: Ghost Protocol

Twas alright. Very similar to the third one minus a great villain in Phillip Seymour Hoffman. I got the impression that they just picked out 3 awesome locations (The Kremlin, worlds tallest hotel in Dubai, India) and decided to build the film around it. Decent enough popcorn fare and whoever said it's the worst of the lot is well wide of the mark. That'd be the second one by some distance.
The Cabin in the Woods

It is good, but very strange. If you are hoping for answers at the end you will be disappointed. Clever movie, but I can't go into even semi detail about the plot without ruining it.

It's definitely worth watching.
MI4: Ghost Protocol

Twas alright. Very similar to the third one minus a great villain in Phillip Seymour Hoffman. I got the impression that they just picked out 3 awesome locations (The Kremlin, worlds tallest hotel in Dubai, India) and decided to build the film around it. Decent enough popcorn fare and whoever said it's the worst of the lot is well wide of the mark. That'd be the second one by some distance.

Indeed, the second one is hilarious.