Film The Redcafe Movie review thread


Saw it last night in the Cardiff Cineworld screening. The security was insane, Took our mobiles, Scanned people as they went in, Check Bags but it was worth it as I loved it.

Mark Ruffalo's take on Bruce Banner/ Hulk completely steals the show and is much better than previous film versions of Hulk. Robert Downey Jr does a better job than his previous Iron Man's with his character. Loki was a great bad guy as well.
It has lots of great little comedy moments throughout the film. The faults were Captain America, Thor and Hawkeye who didn't seem to have much screentime. The big set piece battle which while its great seems to have been stolen from another movie.

I did enjoy Scarlett Johnson in that suit btw
Beginners - Decent indie film. For being a romantic comedy/drama it was very melancholic, really made feel a bit down and it was also quite complex. Plummer got most of the plaudits but I thought McGregor and Laurent (looked really stunning too) were also great.
Sherlock Holmes(A Game Of Shadows): Good enough romp that makes decent use of the material from the short stories and novels. Think they fecked up the finish a little by not leaving a question mark at the end but overall as a huge fan of the short stories and novels i've enjoyed this series alot more than any other adaptations i've seen so far(not got around to watching TV series Sherlock yet). Overall pretty enjoyable experiance.


Mission Impossible(Ghost Protocol): Decent action movie with some really good set pieces mostly during the Dubai scenes. Don't think it all adds up to much more than that and some of the humour either doesn't quite work or seem slightly misplaced but overall enjoyable if a little shallow fun.


The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo(english language version): Wasn't expecting to really enjoy this having been a fan of the foreign language version but funnily enough I did. I also wasn't expecting to see much difference in the way Noomi Rapace played Lisbeth and Rooney Mara's portrayal but the differences are there if slight. Mikael Blomkvist seems to come out of this version as a bit more of a cnut than I remember him being in the foreign language version. Still a good movie even though I don't quite understand why the books have been so popular.

Battleship: Basically a US Navy recruitment film. Just like Transformers the level of military propoganda was just cringeworthy. In true Michael Bay style it features frequent near pornographic shots of US warships and fighter jets. Flag waving nonsense aside, I actually thought the movie was a lot of fun to watch. Visually it's spectacular and if you like lot's of explosions, cheesy one liners and aliens hell bent on destruction of the human race. This is the brainless popcorn action flick for you.

I can't watch a movie based on the board game Battleship starring Rihanna and Brooklyn Decker as members of the military. That's just too much.
Battleship was rubbish. Some nice CGI no doubt, but it was horrible on several levels.

And what the feck was the deal with all the old farts appearing out of nowhere?
The Samaritan An action thriller. Storyline was very dark and twisted at times but incredibly smart. Acting was superb and the characters very believable. I enjoyed this film immensley. The main character (Samuel L. Jackson) was just the right mix of tough, cool, smart but ultimately decent.
The Girl, there's always a girl, was quite sexy in a weird way and was a good foil for the lead. The villan, I actually wanted to kill him, numerous times. I felt real rage and anger. This is why I loved the film, it took me through a good range of emotions. The storyline and characters were top notch.
Best film I've seen in ages. 9.5/10
The Raid - Don't really know how to a film, it's non-existent. If you love action that makes no sense but is balls to the wall crazy, you'll love it....I got bored half way through. That shit ain't my thing....give me Die Hard or Hard Boiled any day, action and at least some minimal story/character development.
Hugo - Really liked it. A sweet love letter to early cinema. Looked fantastic, striking cinematography and with good acting by the child actors.

Volver - It was decent but not one of the better Almodovar films that I've seen, the story didn't interest me that much. Cruz was great though.

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me - I was initially enjoying it but then Lynch went a bit into overdrive like he did with Inland Empire straight after Mulholland Drive, t'was hard to really focus on what was going and not let the mind drift away after about an hour. It's been a few years since I last saw the series as well so my memories of it weren't that fresh.

Almost the same as the Icelandic original. Probably wouldn't have been if not for the same director. Pretty much an Americanized version. Well made I feel. You seldom see a remake sticking that close to the original.

The ending was a bit Hollywood though. A very happy ending. If I remember correctly Reykjavik-Rotterdam ended with them fishing out the money and the main character finding his wife in the cement but we didn't know if she was alive or dead and the painting they didn't end up with as well. They thought nothing of it, left it in the car in Rotterdam and later on saw it on the news. So not the perfect happy ending.

7/10 movie.
Howl - About Allen Ginsberg and his poem. It consisted of three segments that kept overlapping with each other, the obscenity trial, animated sequences accompanying a reading of the poem and an interview with Ginsberg + a backstory. It was alright but is mostly for those who are interested in the subject. The animation sequences were a bit shitty and I have enough problem as it is imagining Jon Hamm as anyone other than Don Draper and they put him in a period piece wearing a suit, I mean come on!
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The Avengers

Best superhero movie i've seen! Every good review talks about how well the characters all interact with each other and they're right. The screentime is divided very well and there are some classic moments in there. I watched it in 3D and there were some nice effects throughout. Otherwise the action was spectacular and the storyline gave everyone their chance to shine. It left me wanting more.

If they eventually get around to making a Justice League movie for DC Comics it will have a lot to live up to. Marvel's Avengers have set the bar very high.

MI: Ghost Protocol - Pretty impressed by how much I actually enjoyed it, thought it was a very well made action flick too. You could stop it almost any moment and have an amazing photo, great cinematography in it. I also liked that they didn't do the classic cliche "agent disappears after spotted" at the end too. Solid all around. 6/10
Howl - About Allen Ginsberg and his poem. It consisted of three segments that kept overlapping with each other, the obscenity trial, animated sequences accompanying a reading of the poem and an interview with Ginsbergs plus a backstory. It was alright but is mostly for those who are interested in the subject. The animation sequences were a bit shitty and I have enough problem as it is imagining Jon Hamm as anyone other than Don Draper and they put him in a period piece wearing a suit, I mean come on!

I've thought it was boring as hell, and I like Ginsberg. but again, it might be me.
I saw Haywire recently only because it had a respectable rating on RT

Carano is a logical casting choice for a Bourne like role and the action sequences were quite realistic compared to a lot of stop motion CGI stuff we see in films of this genre...Still, it couldn't make up for a muddled plot and generally poor acting performances all around...Even minute cameos from Michael Douglas and Banderas couldn't save it from a pretty thin script of inconsequential dialogue...Fassbender had the best lines and delivery but I think he was in the film for all of 10 minutes...What a string of poor films from Ewan, as well - where did his career go?

It's memorable for the action scenes but otherwise pretty weak...80% on RT but it's a 5/10 for me
Intouchables - Fantastic feel-good movie, that was quite funny and felt 'real', so to speak. See it.

Saw it in Paris thinking I was going to see some other movie (forgot what it was now, kinda similar in name). My dad was actually pissed off we messed up the tickets etc. and kept on complaining during the previews.

Turned out it was a great mistake. Superb movie.
Has anyone seen The Grey ? Just watched it and loved it. Liam Neeson leads a bunch of survivors across Alaska after a plane crash and they're chased by man eating wolves throughout. It's really good.
Into the Abyss - A documentary in which Werner Herzog talks with a death row inmate and his accomplice who were guilty of a triple homicide, he also goes through the backstory and the affected people around them. He didn't plunge into his own thoughts as much as he's done in past documentaries and was more of an observer in this one. He never really got preachy about his views on the death penalty and I think the film was more about death and the preciousness of life amongst a few other themes. The score was very chilling and the interviews with the victims family members were pretty heart-wrenching. It's probably my favourite of all the documentaries of his that I've seen.
American Pie Reunion.

I was kind of wary seeing this, whether it would be as good as the others, but I have to say I really enjoyed it.

It was great seeing the entire cast back together, even if some of them just had small cameos. It had some real laugh out loud moments, and the cast have great chemistry together.

In my personal opinion, Jim's dad and Stifler stole the show. They were both hilarious. I would maybe put the first and second one just ahead of it, but I definitely prefered it to the third one (with the wedding).

American Pie Reunion.

I was kind of wary seeing this, whether it would be as good as the others, but I have to say I really enjoyed it.

It was great seeing the entire cast back together, even if some of them just had small cameos. It had some real laugh out loud moments, and the cast have great chemistry together.

In my personal opinion, Jim's dad and Stifler stole the show. They were both hilarious. I would maybe put the first and second one just ahead of it, but I definitely prefered it to the third one (with the wedding).


The part in the Wedding one where he has to eat the dog shit, is one of the funniest parts of the whole series of films
Women in Black (remake)

I loved it every bit has good as the original , Ratcliffe was excellent has the main.
Scary in places and a couple of part I found damn scary.
Easily one of the best new films I have seen so far this year.

Session 9

This was a strange, weird movie. It was filmed on location in an old, abandoned insane asylum. It's about these 5 guys who have to go into the building and clear out asbestos, and the horrific past of the building comes back to haunt them. One of the guys listens to taped sessions of a former patient who was there.

It wasn't that scary, no real jumpy moments but it gets you thinking a bit. It's very psychological.

Has anyone seen The Grey ? Just watched it and loved it. Liam Neeson leads a bunch of survivors across Alaska after a plane crash and they're chased by man eating wolves throughout. It's really good.

I'd heard mixed reviews of this film but I agree it was very watchable. 7/10
The Devil inside.

A dreadful film , nothing that has not been done before only better.
The story was weak , some of the acting was appalling.
The ending was just rubbish.
The picture they use of the blind nun has nothing to do with the film , I thought it was very poorly put together film and left more question unanswered , in fact the film did not answer anything about any of the people in the film.

A very poor effort 3/10
I'm currently watching Bad Ass with Danny Trejo. It's one of the worst written films I've ever seen. Ive no idea how anyone got this made. It's dreadful. Its like a cliche of a cliche of a bad vigilante film, without the irony. At one point he turns up on a crime scene several days after the crime, exasperated that the police aren't making any progress on his friends murder, and finds two pieces of important evidence in about 20 seconds just lying in the street. Its farcical. It honestly makes me angry that things this bad can get made, with real money, and semi respectable actors. The worst thing being, no ones taking the piss here, it is actually just bad.

I'm only half way through it but I'm going to give it a 3 already just cos I'm so annoyed by it.

feck that, 2.
Well, he's an actual actor with a name. Ron Pearlman's in it too. They shouldn't be, this is the kind of shit that should be on Armenian late night televsion.
pfft, Perlman and Trejo would both do any movie if there was a paycheck at the end of it. Perlman was in an Uwe Boll film man.