Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Entertainment is subjective.

It is possible to give an opinion on something without telling somebody else they are wrong to find it entertaining. Too many, yourself included, are too dim to understand that it seems.

Heh. The irony of you bringing up subjectivity and calling people too dim to understand a concept in the same post that you misinterpret this...

I honestly don't understand comments like 'it's good entertainment' when it's a poor film...

Since when is poor entertaining? telling someone they are wrong about anything.

I expected it to be poor, but it was fairly decent for the most part. Unfortunately there was a blatantly speeded up action sequence involving Eric Bana which made me laugh, and the last 20 mins were a bit naff.
It was like the Bourne Identity through the eyes of a teenage girl, with a bit of comic relief thrown in and amnesia substituted for isolation/misinformation.
There is "clearly a market" for all kinds of shit in the name of entertainment. From Jedward to Jon Carter. Why does this mean nobody is allowed to question the merit of either of the above?

I haven't said nobody is allowed to question the merit of something at all. I question the way they have chosen to do so. Still failing to understand I see.
Heh. The irony of you bringing up subjectivity and calling people too dim to understand a concept in the same post that you misinterpret this... telling someone they are wrong about anything.

I've misinterpreted nothing. I've questioned how people dictate to others what is or isn't entertaining. Where have I said anyone is wrong? Keep on misunderstanding.
I haven't said nobody is allowed to question the merit of something at all. I question the way they have chosen to do so. Still failing to understand I see.

Oh right. Only that's exactly what he did. Prompting a sarky response from you. Well done.

I'm leaving this thread to actual movie reviews now. Toodle pip.
Oh right. Only that's exactly what he did. Prompting a sarky response from you. Well done.

I'm leaving this thread to actual movie reviews now. Toodle pip.

No. He told somebody what is or isn't entertaining. Keep on misunderstanding Pogue.

I expected it to be poor, but it was fairly decent for the most part. Unfortunately there was a blatantly speeded up action sequence involving Eric Bana which made me laugh, and the last 20 mins were a bit naff.
It was like the Bourne Identity through the eyes of a teenage girl, with a bit of comic relief thrown in and amnesia substituted for isolation/misinformation.

I thought the first third of the movie was very well done and almost perfect. Then it all fell apart and did not really go anywhere. They could have either done an all out non stop action-revenge movie like Bourne series or dwell more into how a girl isolated from civilization would reach after being thrown into it. In the end, it accomplished neither. Final rating: 6/10
Game Change 5.5/10.

HBO movie with Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin. A fantastic performance by Moore and a decent/level headed retelling of the end of the 2008 McCain campaign, but the story as a movie does not work and doesnt tell anything we didnt already know. Completely pointless, mediocre biopic.
I thought the first third of the movie was very well done and almost perfect. Then it all fell apart and did not really go anywhere. They could have either done an all out non stop action-revenge movie like Bourne series or dwell more into how a girl isolated from civilization would reach after being thrown into it. In the end, it accomplished neither. Final rating: 6/10

It certainly started off very well. I agree with you in the fact that it lost its way. It built up into a potentially good film and then petered out into mediocrity. I didn't really give it too much thought because I expected it to be poor and thought I'd watch it because nothing else was on. Now that I've read your comments I think you're spot on about how it could have been improved.

The fish-out-of-water, sensory overload bit in the Hotel was great but was then almost instantly brushed over.
Catfish A low budget documentary is normally something I'd avoid but having nothing else to watch I decided to give it a punt and what a good decision it was. In turns charming, funny, tragic and surprising. That it examines some of the issues surrounding social media only makes it more fascinating. Made on a shoestring yet one of my favorite films in recent years.


Is it real or fake or a bit of both? I really don't know or care but it is a great ride either way.
Anyone watched 'The Devil Inside'? Caught it yesterday and it was pretty disturbing to say the least. The exorcism part was kinda real to me even though it was just acting, abrupt ending though i can see it coming
The Grey

One of the worst films I've seen in years.

Dialogue is appalling. How they casted the wolves as monsters was laughably cringe-worthy. Loved the lion screams they made though. Not to mention when that dude has a mental breakdown and carves up a wolf, to mess with it's pack.

Wanted to kill everyone except Liam Neeson, who is somehow always good. 1/10


Loved this one. Korean unorthodox thriller where a former policeman turned pimp goes looking for his disappearing hookers. Damn good film. 9/10.
Anyone watched 'The Devil Inside'? Caught it yesterday and it was pretty disturbing to say the least. The exorcism part was kinda real to me even though it was just acting, abrupt ending though i can see it coming

Going to see it next Sunday with some of my friends

Was quite good, similar style to phonebooth where it is set mainly in one place (an elevator). About 5 people who end up trapped in a lift...all start dying when the lights go out and one of them is the killer, would recommend as an easy to watch film.

21 Jump Street

I thought it would be terrible. It was one of the better new movies I've seen this year. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum are hilarious. They set up the movie in about 2 min, which is awesome, rather than setting up a backstory over 5-10. You got the gist of it in two scenes.

21 Jump Street

I thought it would be terrible. It was one of the better new movies I've seen this year. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum are hilarious. They set up the movie in about 2 min, which is awesome, rather than setting up a backstory over 5-10. You got the gist of it in two scenes.


I was going to come on here to review this, but you've basically summed it up for me too. I thought the comedic chemistry between Tatum & Hill was brilliant throughout, the action scenes even managed to come across well in this and it had some good surprises I wasn't aware of beforehand! For me the best comedy I've seen this year, & probably the best since the original Hangover.

I'd go a little bit further and give it 8.5/10
What about Bob - Bill Murray plays Bob a total neurotic who follows his psychiatrist to New Hampshire on vacation. Pretty standard 80s/early 90s comedic fair but Bill Murray is always good and Richard Dreyfuss as his put upon counsellor is excellent too.

The Savages - Very well acted account of two siblings dealing with their confused and dying previously estranged father. Very depressing at times with some great laughs thrown in to stop you reaching for the razorblades and I love Laura Linney so it was well worth a watch. Terrible ending though, don't know whether it was tacked on because of studio pressure but it would have been a better film without the last 15 minutes.

The Station Agent - Peter Dinklage stars as a loner who inherits an old train station from his only friend. His only real neighbour is an overfriendly food truck owner who along with a middle aged woman, in town to escape her failing marriage and the grief over her dead son, start to bring him out of his shell. Enjoyable enough, I thought how it chose to take these peoples insular issues and show how they all cope with them over a brief period of time rather than the usual film narrative where every problem has an obvious conclusion was a nice idea and it was well acted all round.

Going the Distance - Charlie Day is brilliant in this, every time he's on the screen he steals it by being hilarious, the problem is he's only in about 5 scenes. The rest of the film is pretty weak, storywise it is tedious and it is weirdly preachy at times. Drew Barrymore and Justin Long are unconvincing which is odd as they were dating in real life at the time and although Christina Applegate and her husband who's name I forget have a few good moments it is dragged down by the terrible main plot. I watched this on Saturday after a 13 hour drinking session so I wasn't in any state to really judge the quality of anything but like the girl at the bar with the adam's apple and hairy knuckles my standards won't ever reach this low.
21 Jump Street

I thought it would be terrible. It was one of the better new movies I've seen this year. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum are hilarious. They set up the movie in about 2 min, which is awesome, rather than setting up a backstory over 5-10. You got the gist of it in two scenes.


I was going to come on here to review this, but you've basically summed it up for me too. I thought the comedic chemistry between Tatum & Hill was brilliant throughout, the action scenes even managed to come across well in this and it had some good surprises I wasn't aware of beforehand! For me the best comedy I've seen this year, & probably the best since the original Hangover.

I'd go a little bit further and give it 8.5/10

Aye, went to see this last night. We fancied a comedy and there was little else on but this and went with low expectations. Really enjoyed it. Two leads were good and was funny all the way though 8/10
The Grey

One of the worst films I've seen in years.

Dialogue is appalling. How they casted the wolves as monsters was laughably cringe-worthy. Loved the lion screams they made though. Not to mention when that dude has a mental breakdown and carves up a wolf, to mess with it's pack.

Wanted to kill everyone except Liam Neeson, who is somehow always good. 1/10


Loved this one. Korean unorthodox thriller where a former policeman turned pimp goes looking for his disappearing hookers. Damn good film. 9/10.

The chaser is excellent.
Aye, went to see this last night. We fancied a comedy and there was little else on but this and went with low expectations. Really enjoyed it. Two leads were good and was funny all the way though 8/10

The car chase is awesome. :lol:

"Someone will DEFINITELY pick you up."
Law Abiding Citizen (2009) - 4

Littered with poor acting, a ridiculous plot and a few bizarrely gruesome scenes, but somehow it was reasonably watchable. I've no idea how Jamie Foxx is an 'actor'.

Wild Strawberries (1957) - 7

Victor Sjöström was great in it but I was almost a little disappointed given a few had it as their favourite Bergman. Much preferred Persona and I'd have it behind a couple of others too.
Law Abiding Citizen (2009) - 4

Littered with poor acting, a ridiculous plot and a few bizarrely gruesome scenes, but somehow it was reasonably watchable. I've no idea how Jamie Foxx is an 'actor'.

I can't believe it.
He tunnelled his way into every jail cell, apparently. And no-one noticed. A mobile gattling gun/rocket launcher somehow wasn't seen in an empty graveyard despite having a whole team of officers. He strapped bombs to 15+ cars in a parking lot, while they were expecting some kind of an attack, and no-one saw any sign of it. What the feck. Jamie Foxx wasn't as shit in Collateral but he was still shit.
It certainly started off very well. I agree with you in the fact that it lost its way. It built up into a potentially good film and then petered out into mediocrity. I didn't really give it too much thought because I expected it to be poor and thought I'd watch it because nothing else was on. Now that I've read your comments I think you're spot on about how it could have been improved.

The fish-out-of-water, sensory overload bit in the Hotel was great but was then almost instantly brushed over.

The end was pretty naff. Was always hard to disconnect reality and imagine this tiny stick of a lass's punches knocking massive bruisers flying too...

Is on SkyPrem at the moment. Was kind of funny in parts, mildly disturbing in others and downright violent as well. Not sure it quite worked and the saccharine ending was a bit lame.

Bright Star - About John Keats. It was a bit too much of a chick flick for my taste, had some good moments though. Paul Schneider put in a good performance as the douchey Scot.

Au Revoir Les Enfants - Very good, even though the whole boarding school stuff felt like something I'd seen about a hundred times before. The ending felt very hurtful and personal (the film was based on the directors own childhood)...was a bit too sudden though I have to say.

El Topo - Acid western. Not as fecked up as The Holy Mountain but just like that one it all was a bit too much in the end. Had some decent segments though.

Jane Eyre - Striking cinematography, good acting performances, but seemed to lack a bit of heart and chemistry. Enjoyed it though.
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The Grey

One of the worst films I've seen in years.

Dialogue is appalling. How they casted the wolves as monsters was laughably cringe-worthy. Loved the lion screams they made though. Not to mention when that dude has a mental breakdown and carves up a wolf, to mess with it's pack.

Wanted to kill everyone except Liam Neeson, who is somehow always good. 1/10

I rate this rating. It was awful.

That fecking wallet bit made me angry, nonsense
Wild Strawberries (1957) - 7

Victor Sjöström was great in it but I was almost a little disappointed given a few had it as their favourite Bergman. Much preferred Persona and I'd have it behind a couple of others too.

What other films of his would you have ahead of it? The Seventh Seal I'd imagine. Persona sort of went over my head when I watched it so I really need to watch it again.
Same on both counts here Bill. Might go watch it tonight and it does seem remarkably similar. Really like Jennifer Lawrence.
Catfish A low budget documentary is normally something I'd avoid but having nothing else to watch I decided to give it a punt and what a good decision it was. In turns charming, funny, tragic and surprising. That it examines some of the issues surrounding social media only makes it more fascinating. Made on a shoestring yet one of my favorite films in recent years.


Is it real or fake or a bit of both? I really don't know or care but it is a great ride either way.

My personal opinion is that it's fake... it might have started of real, but some of the things that happen are far to contrived/convenient for it to be real... also, it would make the (seemingly quite smart, technologically savvy) guys who made it complete morons.

Like you say, I don't think it matters though... and I think the intruige of whether it's real or not only adds to it as a "documentary"
Saw the midnight screening last night. It's a faithful and well made adaptation. It's clearly made for a PG audience and that really shows, there hardly and violence and any comparisons to Battle Royale are going to be pointless. There were some groan-out-loud moments when they try to amp up the love-angles but for the most part its well shot and well-acted. Oh, and its going to make a truck load of money if the audience reaction for a midnight show is anything to go by.