Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I liked the final death, cause I hate his face... but it was a pointless addition. All of the things Scorese added that wasn't in Infernal Affairs was quite rubbish.

Well... we couldn't have him getting away with it could we?? That wouldn't be very "Hollywood" like would it...

But then, I don't think any of the characters had the subtle shades of grey that the same characters in Infernal Affairs had, so the bad guy was just that, a bad guy... then again, nothing about The Departed is at all subtle. in my opinion.
Ghostrider 2. 0/10. It might have been the worst film I've ever seen. I knew that going into it, but still. It was worse than I expected. There are no redeeming factors.

The Departed is massively overrated. Nicholson is obnoxious in it. It's a pretty good film, but I just never rated it that highly.
Ghostrider 2. 0/10. It might have been the worst film I've ever seen. I knew that going into it, but still. It was worse than I expected. There are no redeeming factors.

The first one was one of the worst films I have ever seen, so wouldn never waste my time on the sequel.

On a side note, anyone watched Hanna on Sky Prem?

Couple of things. With that ending, are they just trying to leave it open to a sequel? ie 12yo girl totally on her own...? Plus can any of you really suspend your disbelief when this waif of a girl is smacking round neo-nazi looking thugs? She must weight about five stone!
I never saw the first one. My friends and I go see bad movies intentionally just for amusement. This one takes the cake though.
I never saw the first one. My friends and I go see bad movies intentionally just for amusement. This one takes the cake though.

There is bad and then there is this sequence of films though!
:lol: We have two criteria for movies, normally: 1. If they're above 75-80% on Rotten Tomatoes, we see it. 2. If it's below 20% on Rotten Tomatoes, we see it. It's not necessarily all films in those categories, but a fair amount. It's best when we go late at night so we can laugh and have the theater to ourselves. When everyone else was taking Ghost Rider somewhat seriously, we were trying not to laugh too hard at it.

Nicholas Cage movies fall into category #2. Season of the Witch was exceedingly bad.

Luckily, I missed out on Street Fighter: the Legend of Chun'li, DragonballZ, and Avatar: the Last Airbender.
The first one was one of the worst films I have ever seen, so wouldn never waste my time on the sequel.

On a side note, anyone watched Hanna on Sky Prem?

Couple of things. With that ending, are they just trying to leave it open to a sequel? ie 12yo girl totally on her own...? Plus can any of you really suspend your disbelief when this waif of a girl is smacking round neo-nazi looking thugs? She must weight about five stone!

depends what you want from a film, if you go to see Ghost Rider and want an intelligent thought provoking film them you will be very disappointed.
On the other hand if you want to see Cage hamming it up and beating up on bad guys ,then it is OK , I must be one of the very few people , that liked the first one.
The Art of Getting By. Very predictable, and lacks focus. It features characters we've seen before in situations we've seen before, but lacks the development to make you care about the journey. Soundtrack is ok I guess. 4/10
50/50 was enjoyable, funny in places and emotional in others. I like Seth Rogan. :nervous:
:lol: We have two criteria for movies, normally: 1. If they're above 75-80% on Rotten Tomatoes, we see it. 2. If it's below 20% on Rotten Tomatoes, we see it. It's not necessarily all films in those categories, but a fair amount. It's best when we go late at night so we can laugh and have the theater to ourselves. When everyone else was taking Ghost Rider somewhat seriously, we were trying not to laugh too hard at it.

Nicholas Cage movies fall into category #2. Season of the Witch was exceedingly bad.

Luckily, I missed out on Street Fighter: the Legend of Chun'li, DragonballZ, and Avatar: the Last Airbender.

That film was shit but how those actors kept a straight face while uttering such lines as 'Oh no, the fire people have sent their most dangerous bender!' made me chuckle at least.
Yeah streetfighter was pap- mortal kombat was pap but more bearably so!
Early morning Sky film......Phone Booth....always a solid enough watch.

Bought the ultra manly Point Break though yesterday on blu-ray, can't wait yeah.
Early morning Sky film......Phone Booth....always a solid enough watch.

Bought the ultra manly Point Break though yesterday on blu-ray, can't wait yeah.

I love Point Break, it's cheesy as hell but it has a certain charm. Back off Warchild, seriously.
Take Shelter (2011) - 7

Best movie I've seen from 2011. Great acting, Michael Shannon was brilliant but Jessica Chastain was great too. Loved the pacing, wonderfully atmospheric, smart plot.
Anyone seen Martha Marcy May Marlene? Sounds a bit similar to Winter's Bone in terms of it being the breakthrough performance from the main young actress. Heading out to see it this week.
Friends with benefits:

God, I love Mila Kunis.
Intouchables (2011) - French dramedy


It's been hyped quite a bit in my neck of the woods but only this weekend got around to seeing it...8/10...Humorous, well acted and felt authentic too
Take Shelter (2011) - 7

Best movie I've seen from 2011. Great acting, Michael Shannon was brilliant but Jessica Chastain was great too. Loved the pacing, wonderfully atmospheric, smart plot.

Ending is disappointing.

Evidence (2011)

Found footage film similar to Blair Witch Project, but feck me, what did I just watch?

Project X

Saw it at the cinema a couple of days ago, thought it was hilarious.
Obviously only appealing to 15-25yo, but was laughing most of the way through.

Only disappointing bit was...
the corny bit at the end with the guy getting the girl and all that, but i guess that's what comes with most american movies...

John Carter

Shit. Not surprising really... Though I thought it would at least be a spectacle like Avatar, if not dissimilar in story terms too. Was just a shitty movie though.
Unfortunately had a change of plans and was dragged along to John Carter myself, terrible movie. Boring characters, shit love story and the 3D was largely pointless. It felt really long.
John Carter

Shit. Not surprising really... Though I thought it would at least be a spectacle like Avatar, if not dissimilar in story terms too. Was just a shitty movie though.

It's a superhero movies sci fi, what to expect.

All and all quite a good popcorn flick for me.

There are movies that's good on the basis of just that, a good entertainment.
I honestly don't understand comments like 'it's good entertainment' when it's a poor film...I read a review recently encouraging people to go see John Carter despite all the poor reviews out there - pointing out that it's worth it just for the CGI :boring:

Since when is poor entertaining?...I think too many of us have become too accustomed to paying for garbage...Only way films improve and become more original is if we stop paying for garbage
I honestly don't understand comments like 'it's good entertainment' when it's a poor film...I read a review recently encouraging people to go see John Carter despite all the poor reviews out there - pointing out that it's worth it just for the CGI :boring:

Since when is poor entertaining?...I think too many of us have become too accustomed to paying for garbage...Only way films improve and become more original is if we stop paying for garbage

I honestly don't understand how people don't realise that different people like different things.
Unfortunately had a change of plans and was dragged along to John Carter myself, terrible movie. Boring characters, shit love story and the 3D was largely pointless. It felt really long.

Exactly... Seemed to drag on for ages.

Would not bother with that movie, which is a shame because the ads promised a lot.
I honestly don't understand how people don't realise that different people like different things.

Fair enough but films are supposed to tell a story...Music vids and video games are perhaps more appropriate for appreciating CGI etc if the story is secondary
I honestly don't understand how people don't realise that different people like different things.

Do you think every movie ever made could be described as "good entertainment"?

I mean, someone, somewhere probably liked it, right?

Such a cop out to deny people to point out a shit movie/song/tv show is shit because, hey, different people like different things. Makes the whole concept of informed criticism completely redundant.
Do you think every movie ever made could be described as "good entertainment"?

I mean, someone, somewhere probably liked it, right?

Such a cop out to deny people to point out a shit movie/song/tv show is shit because, hey, different people like different things. Makes the whole concept of informed criticism completely redundant.

Entertainment is subjective.

It is possible to give an opinion on something without telling somebody else they are wrong to find it entertaining. Too many, yourself included, are too dim to understand that it seems.
Fair enough but films are supposed to tell a story...Music vids and video games are perhaps more appropriate for appreciating CGI etc if the story is secondary

There is clearly a market for these kind of films or they wouldn't make them.