Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory 4/4

- Yet another masterpiece from Berlinger and Sinofsky. As chilling, captivating and enraging as the first two films, and with the added bonus of witnessing Echols, Baldwin and Misskelley finally being released from prison after 17 years (on Death Row for Echols). The only thing missing now is for the State of Arkansas to actually admit they've made an obvious and unforgivable mistake.

Obligatory viewing for all documentary fans.

Never heard of this before but looks really good, love this type of stuff.
If that movie had had a bigger budget, it would be in the endless Shawshank/Castaway rotation on cable.

EDIT: IMHO, more people need to watch it. One of those rare borderline-saccharine films that pass the "just watch it" test. A test that even some "great" films don't pass. Excellent recommendation, RD.
Never heard of this before but looks really good, love this type of stuff.

Can't recommend them (all three) highly enough. Quite simply some of the most disturbing and chilling piece of filmmaking I've ever seen.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010)

I will always watch any film regardless of its reviews...but this film was ridiculous. It was not scary at all, the plot made no sense at all and they didn't even try to explain things, not once. I always find that scary films are scary when you never really see the thing that is causing all the this they are shown all the time and it gets rather comical to the point of stupid. I watched it with a group of female friends as we always watch scary films together, we just talked and made jokes through the whole thing...if you are after scary, don't watch's shit and embarrassing.


Great movie, but it's too long. 2 and a half hour is too long for any movie. 8/10
Hugo 6/10
Not really a kids film, and boy does it drag at times. Enjoyable, fantastic cinematography, just lots that does'nt feel right. The quirky side characters arn't actually that quirky or funny, the main plot promises a lot but gets mired instead into Scorsese(is that how you spell it?) little love letter, that in itself could have given so much more.
The Iron Lady 7/10
I liked it and forgetting the actual hatred that Thatcher brings up I really enjoyed it. Streeps performance is very good as she did that one little thing that I find most important in these biopic films, I completley didn't notice it was Meryl Streep, but it did have its flaws, as opposed to Streep, Broadbent stuck out like sore thumb and couldn't have been anyone else but Broadbent, and the journey into her character could have been more detailed, instead it felt rushed and probably could have gotten away with an extra 30-45 minutes to really dive into both her triumphs and wrong doings, instead of portraying her at times like a nasty head mistress, as opposed to the more complex subject matter available in the reality, that would have also giving Streep some really and truly memorable moments that could have elevated the film to a classic.
There are many things to criticise The Departed for, but it's running time is surely not one of them.

Is 2 and a half hours really that long?? Are peoples attention spans really that short? Maybe if you're going over 3 and a half I could sort of understand, but there are loads of films that go around 150 minutes and are all the better for it.
I'd say 3 hours is a long movie. Not too long, just long. Never thought I'd hear anyone say 2 1/2 hours is too long though.
Eh, it's all based on the film tbf, like Transformers 3 was 150 minutes of the reasons I'll never watch it, because it's obviously terribad, and I can only tolerate a certain amount of that.

Obviously some are too dreary and slow as well and do drag however well done they are done(Bergman I'm looking at your grave), but a good-classic 8/10+ Hollywood long film usually flies for me, Departed being one of them, I didn't even know it was that long until it got mentioned in this thread. Godfather is like 4 hours and that flew by as well, a friend who I'd never expect to even like it, said the same on it too, did it in one night.
I've noticed that the last movie was the highest rated and won the most awards. I much prefer the first two...

It's political bullshit that the three didn't win more. Sound, make-up, cinematography, direction, acting, editing. It was all equally good in every movie. 2 and 3 has Gollum over the first one. That slightly gives it the edge because it was a new technology at the time. But they knew it would come out at similar time 3 years in a row and didn't want to give the same awards year after year.

No way Chicago is a better movie than LOTR: TTT.

That being said I like the third movie the best. It was also the best book of the three.
Watched Schindler's List yesterday, truly remarkable movie, it really was great.

Moneyball: good movie, although I couldn't understand few terms because I am not familiar with all the terms in baseball but overall it was a good movie.
150 minutes is a fecking long film. That's past a point where sitting becomes physically uncomfortable.

Like I said in the other thread it's unusual that I finish a very long film in one sitting, like you don't really finish a book in one sitting. Unless I'm at the cinema of course. The length of the breaks vary, from an hour to a day.
Weird comparing film and literature....not many really finish even the shortest novels in one sitting, most do generally finish films in one sitting(well except the outstandingly long or bad I guess)

I'm just a all your attention should be on it type of guy, which it always is with literature, with phones, laptops, and everything, it's not really with films anymore and that gripes me.
Act of Valour: Great technical scenes but the acting/script were unbelievably bad. I felt I was watching a video game!

But fight scenes/photography and the US tactical tools on hand were pretty cool.
The Quite Earth.
A strange film , which I really enjoyed.
About a man who wakes up everybody else has gone , something to so with a project he was working on.
He goes out to try and find others , which he does eventually and he works out what happened.
I have no idea what the ending meant


Extremely superior "children's" film. First 15 minutes are utterly superb (and heart-wrenching) and the rest of it just carry's on from there.

Probably my 3rd favourite Pixar effort behind Wall-E and Toy Story 1.