Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I love how people try to hide the fact that something actually scared them or made them bf jumped at the window scene in the new version and he just turned to me and said "oh that was cool..." Whatever lol
I for one am not afraid to embrace the scaredy-cat side of my character. In fact, I'm hiding behind the sofa as I write... :D
Have rented a film for my girly night tomorrow...I was a bit annoyed they didn't have The Changeling so I rented The idea what its like...probably crap but will let you know
The Changeling is on Youtube, mate. :)

Have rented a film for my girly night tomorrow...I was a bit annoyed they didn't have The Changeling so I rented The idea what its like...probably crap but will let you know

That movie with Kristen Stewart? That movie is crap and not scary at all.
Hugo 9/10

One of the best films in recent years, I watched it two times over the weekend (once I 'rented' it, next day we went to see it at the movies). A wonderful film, Scorsese's best in the last 20-30 years surely. I have to add though 3D still not adds anything to a film.

My only gripes are with two performances in the film, I didnt like Cohen and the leading girl - but these didnt take much away. Some of the CGI, especially in the beginning was off, but this is still a must see for any movie lover.
The Iron Lady Stunningly good performance from Meryl Streep. If anyone else wins the Oscar then it will be a film well worth watching. I also enjoyed the film as a whole a great deal.

Framing the film in terms of an old woman's recollections of past times mixed in with her dementia induced hallucinations of Dennis still being alive was a great idea and made any historical inaccuracies irrelevant.

A film that made me feel sorrow and pity for Thatcher must be doing something quite well. I don't think that it was an especially sympathetic portrayal and that it captured her strength, single mindedness (for good or bad) and drive as well as explaining where she came from personally and politically. I suppose younger people won't get as much out of the film as those of us old enough to have lived through the Thatcher era and that is probably its main weakness. 8/10
The Muppets - 7.5

Film wasn't my choice, I wanted to hate it and I did in the overly cheesy parts (which were OTT on purpose but still...) but it was hilarious for the majority. Charmingly silly might be the best way to describe the film, surprisingly I'm not sure children would enjoy the film quite as much as adults.
The Muppets - 7.5

Film wasn't my choice, I wanted to hate it and I did in the overly cheesy parts (which were OTT on purpose but still...) but it was hilarious for the majority. Charmingly silly might be the best way to describe the film, surprisingly I'm not sure children would enjoy the film quite as much as adults.

Wow...I went to see it the other day with my son and I didn't like it that much...I didn't think it was very funny at all, not compared with others and it was too son ended up a pain in the arse as he got bored after an hour and a half...
The Grey

Strong first 30 minutes then weak until pretty much the end. Far too many things that annoy me about it. I liked the emotion of it and the soundtrack was solid but it just really didn't kick on from the start. You get the feeling if it wasn't Neeson as the alpha it wouldn't have been half as good.

Rewatched two films for the first time since the cinema in the past 3 days...

The Dark Knight

For some reason, I enjoyed this a whole lot more the 2nd time round then I did in cinema. First time round, I thought it was good, but not as great as everyone was saying.... but this time I was totally into all of it, and thought it was excellent. Aaron Eckhart is brilliant, and really underrated in this movie due to all the attention being on Heath Ledger (whose also great of course)

Star Trek

Loved it in cinema, loved it again now. Makes Star Trek totally accesible to non-fans like myself and is just a highly entertaining film. It's also one of the best Blu-Rays i've seen so far... Sound and Picture quality are fantastic.
The Condemned

Watched this on 5 last night. Typical all out action movie, pretty gruesome in places. Not a masterpiece but a good watch.

There's a brief essay about Orson Welles on my website, if anyone's interested:

'As David Thomson wrote in his superb biography, Rosebud: ‘Welles was never happier than when looking back and seeing the lovely projection of his hopes.’ This is key: it is a clue to the secret of Orson Welles’s artistic vision. On the surface, it appears that Thomson is merely noting Orson’s vanity, his penchant for nostalgia, the obsessive building and rebuilding of the monument to himself. Certainly, his triumphs were remarkable, memorable, and have ensured the kind of ersatz immortality in which this myopic modern age specialises. But those triumphs were past, Welles’ hopes long dashed – why did he ruin his reputation?'

The Immortal Story: Orson Welles & the Art of Lying
Wow...I went to see it the other day with my son and I didn't like it that much...I didn't think it was very funny at all, not compared with others and it was too son ended up a pain in the arse as he got bored after an hour and a half...

Aye I can see why a kid would get bored, bit mis-sold really as I think a lot of parents would take their kids for them only to be bored. It was more of a tribute than anything.
There's a brief essay about Orson Welles on my website, if anyone's interested:

'As David Thomson wrote in his superb biography, Rosebud: ‘Welles was never happier than when looking back and seeing the lovely projection of his hopes.’ This is key: it is a clue to the secret of Orson Welles’s artistic vision. On the surface, it appears that Thomson is merely noting Orson’s vanity, his penchant for nostalgia, the obsessive building and rebuilding of the monument to himself. Certainly, his triumphs were remarkable, memorable, and have ensured the kind of ersatz immortality in which this myopic modern age specialises. But those triumphs were past, Welles’s hopes long dashed – why did he ruin his reputation?'

The Immortal Story: Orson Welles & the Art of Lying

Good read.
I have seen quite a few films recently, so here goes:

The Woman in Black
Average ghost film with a few bits that try to make you jump out of your seat, but fail. 5 or 6 out of 11, depending on your menstrual cycle.

District 13: Ultimatum
Bit of an advert for this 'free running' bollocks, where athletic young twats jump over fences without twisting their ankles like normal people. Some martial arts. Some awful stereotypes. Too many French people. On a scale of iSparky to Lance Uppercut, I give it a Kid Cunto. And that's being generous.

Teenagers. Tchoh!

Red Cliff
Epic Chinese fantasy stuff, based on true events. Directed by John Woo. Massive armies. Martial arts. Blood. Guts. Swords. Fit bird. No French people. Double thumbs up!
So... There was a discussion about Real Steel a few pages back, with some people calling it a stupid film, and some calling it a fun kids film... and that peaked my interest to watch it for myself.

Have to say, I'm definitely in the later camp. Yes it was daft, yeah it was very corny at times... but damnit, a film about giant robots fighting shouldn't be half as entertaining and enjoyable as that was. Decent way to spend and evening I thought.

Also, the Boxing consultant on the film was Sugar Ray Leonard... so it has that going for it too.

I'm going to watch Warrior tomorrow night... might try for some form of fight themed movie week.
I have seen quite a few films recently, so here goes:

The Woman in Black
Average ghost film with a few bits that try to make you jump out of your seat, but fail. 5 or 6 out of 11, depending on your menstrual cycle.

District 13: Ultimatum
Bit of an advert for this 'free running' bollocks, where athletic young twats jump over fences without twisting their ankles like normal people. Some martial arts. Some awful stereotypes. Too many French people. On a scale of iSparky to Lance Uppercut, I give it a Kid Cunto. And that's being generous.

Teenagers. Tchoh!

Red Cliff
Epic Chinese fantasy stuff, based on true events. Directed by John Woo. Massive armies. Martial arts. Blood. Guts. Swords. Fit bird. No French people. Double thumbs up!

Where did you see District 13: Ultimatum? Been looking for an english subbed version for ages. Enjoyed the first so wouldn't mind catching the second.
Where did you see District 13: Ultimatum? Been looking for an english subbed version for ages. Enjoyed the first so wouldn't mind catching the second.

I know it was on Sky/Sky Player fairly recently...or you could just go buy it, I managed to get it obn BluRay for £3.50.

It's nowhere near as fun as the first film mind, but it has its moments.
I know it was on Sky/Sky Player fairly recently...or you could just go buy it, I managed to get it obn BluRay for £3.50.

It's nowhere near as fun as the first film mind, but it has its moments.

Not privileged enough for Sky :(. Was hoping for an english subbed version but might have to settle for a dubbed version.
The Messengers-
Was so terrible, it was slow...didn't really have a story and all the apparent scary bits were not...bad acting by all involved.

Tin Tin, secret of the unicorn. 8/10.
Absolutely loved it, this had everyhing that was missing from Indiana jones 4. Fantastic, entertaining just brilliant. (with the exception of the bits tat were obviously for 3d)
Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory 4/4

- Yet another masterpiece from Berlinger and Sinofsky. As chilling, captivating and enraging as the first two films, and with the added bonus of witnessing Echols, Baldwin and Misskelley finally being released from prison after 17 years (on Death Row for Echols). The only thing missing now is for the State of Arkansas to actually admit they've made an obvious and unforgivable mistake.

Obligatory viewing for all documentary fans.