Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

The Artist 3/10

Piss poor if you ask me, rarely have I been quite so bored by a movie and the silent conceit simply didn't work (relying on most of the audience never having seen a proper silent movie like 'Sunrise').
He'll clearly dislike it....because it's popular and gets great feedback. I know this, because I'll probably dislike it for the same reasons.
(relying on most of the audience never having seen a proper silent movie like 'Sunrise').
Ah, (otherwise excellent) Lambchop toured with that film. They showed the film and played instrumental stuff to it. I love Lambchop but don't remember any of the music, I was too busy enjoying the film.
The Troll Hunter. 8/10 Loved it. Great fun. 'We have a friend in Jesus' has never been so funny.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - Pretty good, but many parts of it went over my head, it really felt like it was trying to encompass a lot of stuff into just one film. The mood and the performances were excellent though.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - Pretty good, but many parts of it went over my head, it really felt like it was trying to encompass a lot of stuff into just one film. The mood and the performances were excellent though.

There pretty much my feelings on that film too. Could really appreciate the tone, setting and performances in the film... but found it difficult to follow what was going on at times, especially in the first 45 minutes.

Not really a fan of horror films in the slightest, but ended up watching 2 in the last 2 days..


The first 30 minutes/45 minutes are somewhat creepy, and have some decent shock moments... but then the whole thing gets bogged down in ridiculous plot, over realms and a whole load of stuff I didn't care for... and ultimately took me right out of the film.



Fairly ordinary horror/thriller film which is elevated by John Cussack and (in the few time he's actually on screen) Sam Jackson. Pretty good creepy factor to the film, has some decent scare moments, and actually has a layered central protagonist, complete with backstory, who you can root for and be somewhat interested in.... and that's something that your more mundane horror films tend to lack I find.


The first 30 minutes/45 minutes are somewhat creepy, and have some decent shock moments... but then the whole thing gets bogged down in ridiculous plot, over realms and a whole load of stuff I didn't care for... and ultimately took me right out of the film.


This film was OK till Dumber and Dumber can in to it and that stupid old women .
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - Pretty good, but many parts of it went over my head, it really felt like it was trying to encompass a lot of stuff into just one film. The mood and the performances were excellent though.

Got the book for Xmas and am about a quarter of the way through. Jolly good show so far. Once I've finished, it's the 70s series, followed by this new film.
I did it in reverse, loved the film, so did the rest. Obviously the book/series cover more ground and are easier to keep up with, but I loved the film, I really hope they get something together for Smileys People also. Love when it when a good ensemble of British faces get together for a film.

Got the blu on pre-order, I now it's leaked and all, but it's worthy of my cash(again).
I liked Tinker, Tailor, but if anything there were too many great actors in it, that there wasn't enough for all of them to do. Stephen Graham was a case in point, whose part in any other film would've been played by an interchangeable jobbing D lister. But here they've got Stephen Graham, and he just feels a bit wasted because of it. Toby Jones too, despite having a high ranking role, didn't have a lot to do, ditto Hurt and to an extent Strong. Hardy put in a good shift, and got to do a bit of pathos, Firth got a nice bit of meaty smarmyness and Oldman of course just dissolves into is character, but I spent so much of the film wishing more of the characters were in it more often. There should've been some kind of group act off. Or an added scene where the whole cast get locked in a room and start shouting at each other out of demented paranoia. Just the whole cast in a room for an hour and a half. I'd watch that.

Good problem to have though of course. It's hardly a fault. More a frustration. I hope they do the follow ups.
Watched Biutiful last night. Bardem basically plays a man in freefall who has limited time to come to terms with the world. Really well made. 8/10.
The Signal.

When a signal is sent via the TV ,everybody starts killing each other , very bloody and grisly.
This is maybe the best horror I have seen for a while , really good acting, story was well written.
The story is told in 3 parts , there is even some humour in there , everybody gets affected by the signal but in differant ways.

watch for the part when this guy has connected a severed head to a battery charger and is talking to it and there is a part where 3 are sat drinking and eating snacks ,while they are covered in blood and bodies laying round

Well worth a watch.

I saw The Iron Lady the other day. I have a lot of time for the subject and admire any person who faces up to adversity and MT broke the mould of politics in more ways then one. Most notably the advancement of women in society to her handling with areas such as Argentina, Ireland & Europe. In no way do I support some of her views by the way.

Sadly this film offered little in the way of a political digest on her life, but the film deals more so with an old lady dealing with Dementia & death. Meryl Streep does an excellent job acting the role, but I left the movie theatre a annoyed that it was not what I was expecting. It was like seeing a can of Red Paint for sale, having Red Paint written all over the tin, then buying it and opening it and realizing it was Pink.

All in all I give this film 3/10.
The Help

Great film, great acting and deals with racism admirable. Good plot as well
The Help

Great film, great acting and deals with racism admirable. Good plot as well

I've just started reading the book and plan to get the movie when I've finished it.
The Skin I Live In - Really enjoyed it. Expertly structured and had me captivated the whole way. It reminded me of Eyes Without a Face but was even more twisted and gruesome.
Trespass - a bit disappointing and predictable action/thriller about a welathy family being robbed and threatened at gunpoint. When last did Cage star in anything good? Ditto Kidman. 5/10
The Ruins:
I don't know why I watched it, I was channel hopping before bed and I found myself watching it until the end. Tremendously silly premise and I didn't really care about the characters. I'd like to meet the man that came up with the idea of vines mimicking voices and ringtones.

I'll repeat that incase you think I'm insane.

I'd like to meet the man that came up with the idea of vines mimicking voices and ringtones.

That is all.
Finally got around to watching "Restrepo" and it was fecking gripping. The bit where
Rougle was killed
was especially hard to watch. One of my best friends growing up just got back from a 9 month deployment to Afghanistan and lost quite a few guys in his company so it was particularly gut-wrenching being able to relate.
Contagion. 6/10
Well acted, well shot, good plot, good dialogue, bit dull in parts. I did like the fact though that science won through and not some pure luck Hollywood jeopardy drama. Also anyone think when they saw Jude Laws character, Mockney in 10 years?
Never Let Me Go:

Interesting film, I wasn't familiar with the source material and I didn't know what the film was about. It was thought provoking and interesting, although it was a bit slow in places.
I don't want to ruin the plot for those who are thinking of seeing it, I'll just say that it's set in an alternate reality and raises certain questions about morality and the value of life.

It certainly isn't a film for everybody and I can see why people may dislike it, but I thought it was very good.