Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

This was my review: Stallone should have this part, its Over The Top meets Rocky with nice special effects. 2/10

I stand by that.

Spot on.

They even rip off the "Anything he hits he destroys" line from Rocky 4 but substitute the word 'destroys' for 'kills' in a lame attempt to disguise such blatant theft despite the fact that it makes no sense whatsoever as robots are clearly not sentient beings.

feckin cobblers.

I'm 12 years old by the way so I feel entitled to rant about this, being in the key demographic that this movie was intended for.
Real Steel, it's a kids film, may as well start acting superior about Pokemon.
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer - German director, set in France with British actors and Dustin Hoffman, random...but a very good film. Not perfect but a very audacious and satisfying attempt.
Yes, but it's ok Spoons, I am definitely superior to people who like this film.

Technically, Blade Runner is about fighting robots.

I expected less child dancing.

That's a stretch, but Blade Runner also scored points for inventive uses of origami. I've not seen Real Steel, but I'd wager that any origami involved would be rubbish.

Spot on.

They even rip off the "Anything he hits he destroys" line from Rocky 4 but substitute the word 'destroys' for 'kills' in a lame attempt to disguise such blatant theft despite the fact that it makes no sense whatsoever as robots are clearly not sentient beings.

feckin cobblers.

I'm 12 years old by the way so I feel entitled to rant about this, being in the key demographic that this movie was intended for.

Real Steel, it's a kids film, may as well start acting superior about Pokemon.

I do. Pokemon is shit. Kids should be given something far more intelligent and/or creative than an excuse to sell them toys. There is far more to children's programmes than "stuff that's stupid, but hey it's for kids, they'll watch any old crap." The Simpsons is technically a kids show. Pixar films, one & all, are great kids films. Kids actually like quirky, off the wall, creative shit. Not by the numbers factory produced hokum. How many kids were rooting for Wolverine to get with Kate from Lost exactly? I'll bet that tortuous relationship was a real highlight for them ey? I bet they talked about it all the way home.

Its still an awful kids film.

Yes it is.

It's a great kids film.

No it's not.

It's a cynical exercise in cliche writing, product placement & money making. There is nothing redeeming or creative about it whatsoever. It's something you'd sit kids in front of to shut them up for a couple of hours.
It is a great kids film that the whole family can enjoy. It is exactly what it says on the box so why you would watch it if you don't like this sort of film? It is like criticising Star Wars for being a cliqued mythical western in space. What did you expect? The Godfather?
The whole family can only enjoy it if your whole family are retards with no imagination. Hope this helps wibbs.

I hate the "you can't criticise this, it's for kids" excuse (why it's almost as bad as the "why would you watch something you thought you might have a bad opinion of?" one - Challenging your assumptions and not making your mind up about something before you've seen it, are indeed overrated qualities). There are literally a million things that are "made for kids" Should we just assume they're all brilliant and can't be criticised because of it? And if so, what makes the actually good stuff so special? Is there only good stuff and really, really good stuff? Balls to that. This was awful bollocks with terrible dancing child acting and a ridiculous cliched story told with no imagination. (also, BUY Dr.Pepper!!!)

As for criticising Stars Wars, you've obviously never seen me in a Star Wars thread.
Not at all. Films can be shit whoever they are aimed at. This just isn't one of them. It is great light entertainment. Just because it wasn't pseudy enough for you doesn't mean that it wasn't great family entertainment. I'd also be interested to see what you think is great family entertainment.

Of course men in in their 20's aren't very good at spotting good family entertainment (as demonstrated in this thread) possibly in part because they are still putting childish things behind them and possibly because they don't have kids which makes knowing good family entertainment harder.
Not at all. Films can be shit whoever they are aimed at. This just isn't one of them. It is great light entertainment. Just because it wasn't pseudy enough for you doesn't mean that it wasn't great family entertainment.

What makes you assume it's lack of pseudyness was what I hold it in contempt for? Nothing about any Pixar film is particularly pseudy, and I think they are fantastic family entertainment. It doesn't need to touch on existential themes to be good but it should try and be less of a corny, hackneyed, cynical by the numbers mechandising exercise IMO.

To quote a review.

This is a film that feels as if it’s been written by a five-year-old who’s been allowed to create it as some sort of bizarre birthday present. “Yeah, I fink there should be robots in a Robot Boxing League and they fight and they have cool names and do cool stuff and Wolverine should be in it and have a son who does cool things. Can I have some cake now?”

I'd also be interested to see what you think is great family entertainment.

Well like I said, Pixar. Home Alone, ET, Jurassic Park, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Addams Family, Bugsy Malone, Wallace & Gromitt, The Love Bug, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, The Mask, Watership Down..Just off the top of my head..You know, things made with an ounce of creativity, originality, and flair and not just an automated script writing programme penned boxing underdog story with all the actual pathos taken out and some corny hashed together chracters/dialogue/fighting montages thrown together between some cynical product placement.

Of course men in in their 20's aren't very good at spotting good family entertainment (as demonstrated in this thread)

Or, don't agree with your definition of it..

..possibly in part because they are still putting childish things behind them and possibly because they don't have kids which makes knowing good family entertainment harder.

Or...Don't agree with your definition of it. Personally think I've done a good job of identifying some good family entertainment that isn't as wank as this film.

Not very nice calling my whole family retards BTW.

All I said was that if a family (and by that I meant mostly those above 9 in the viewing audience) actually enjoyed this film, rather than tolerated it for the sake of giving their kids something to look at for a couple of hours, then they were likely retarded. You were the one who fitted their family to it.
i still think we need a ' poncey film buff ' thread and an ordinary for this very purpose so if we like ordinary films, we aren't called retards

and yes mockney, that's exactly how your retard retort looked, as if it was aimed at wibble's family.
You have picked some great family entertainment. The problem is that much if it is really silly at it's core. Home Alone, Pirates OTC, The Love Bug and The Mask are just as ludicrous (and just as enjoyable). Rocky with Robots. What isn't fun about that?

Pixar are generally great with the exception of Cars 2 which was garbage.

And my point about childless 20 somethings not being that great at picking good family entertainment stands. They just tend to pick the family entertainment that has something for adults. 20 somethings also tend to have far less to occupy them so appreciate mindless family entertainment less than those who have far more time for entertainment when they aren't exhausted.

Real Steel may not be the best kids film ever but it has been one of the most entertaining this year.
i still think we need a ' poncey film buff ' thread and an ordinary for this very purpose so if we like ordinary films, we aren't called retards

The thing is Erica is that you can enjoy mindless blockbusters and pseudy/arty/poncy film buff type fare. I do. Of course I also hate various arty and popular films. We all do.

Although the idea of a 3 hour silent/black and white subtitled russian epic from the 1930's does tend to be a bit daunting on Friday night when I haven't had more than 5 hours sleep for days or weeks. A bit of mindless entertainment goes far better. Of course I'd rather that mindless entertainment was of the standard of the films Mockney mentioned but in their absence I have no problem enjoying fun bollocks like Real Steel.
The thing is Erica is that you can enjoy mindless blockbusters and pseudy/arty/poncy film buff type fare. I do. Of course I also hate various arty and popular films. We all do.

Although the idea of a 3 hour silent/black and white subtitled russian epic from the 1930's does tend to be a bit daunting on Friday night when I haven't had more than 5 hours sleep for days or weeks. A bit of mindless entertainment goes far better. Of course I'd rather that mindless entertainment was of the standard of the films Mockney mentioned but in their absence I have no problem enjoying fun bollocks like Real Steel.
I see your point Wibbs but it's the mindless entertainment ( not my words ) which are often slated and not some of these poncey ( I like this word ) films, some of which are mind numbingly boring beyond belief.
You have picked some great family entertainment. The problem is that much if it is really silly at it's core. Home Alone, Pirates OTC, The Love Bug and The Mask are just as ludicrous (and just as enjoyable). Rocky with Robots. What isn't fun about that?

I think you're misunderstanding me a tad. I'm not against the premise. The premises for most films that aren't biopics, dramas or thrillers are bonkers. However I think it's perfectly possible to make a good film out of a bonkers premise. Home Alone didn't work because it was about a small boy left on his own with some criminals. Baby's Day Out was about virtually the same thing. It worked because of it's execution. It's comedy, it's charm, the acting etc. Plus a lof of that shit was original or inspired. The one liners, the mouse trap like set pieces created, etc.

Nothing in Real Steel sticks out as being anything original, creative or memorable. I've forgotten everything about it already and I only saw it yesterday.

Pixar are generally great with the exception of Cars 2 which was garbage.

I agree with that. I didn't much like Cars 1 tbh, but I put that mainly down to the fact that it was a far more "American" movie than any of their others if you get what I mean. (American Dream, Nascar, broken down ol' rusty trucks with hillbilly accents etc)

And my point about childless 20 somethings not being that great at picking good family entertainment stands. They just tend to pick the family entertainment that has something for adults. 20 somethings also tend to have far less to occupy them so appreciate mindless family entertainment less than those who have far more time for entertainment when they aren't exhausted.

I get this. It makes complete sense, but it still doesn't make it a good movie. I just makes you more tolerable of it, surely?

Real Steel may not be the best kids film ever but it has been one of the most entertaining this year.

How so though? What about it was "great entertainment"? What lines were good? What scenes were good? Surely if it was good, there'd be something actually good about it? (I appreciate the "mindless entertainment" label, but if you're going to use it, you surely have to admit that it's mindless. There is a middle way between dostoevsky parables for the under 9s, and this.)

Erica, what makes you assume that I only like poncey films?
I think you're misunderstanding me a tad. I'm not against the premise. The premises for most films that aren't biopics, dramas or thrillers are bonkers. However I think it's perfectly possible to make a good film out of a bonkers premise. Home Alone didn't work because it was about a small boy left on his own with some criminals. Baby's Day Out was about virtually the same thing. It worked because of it's execution. It's comedy, it's charm, the acting etc. Plus a lof of that shit was original or inspired. The one liners, the mouse trap like set pieces created, etc.

Nothing in Real Steel sticks out as being anything original, creative or memorable. I've forgotten everything about it already and I only saw it yesterday.

I agree with that. I didn't much like Cars 1 tbh, but I put that mainly down to the fact that it was a far more "American" movie than any of their others if you get what I mean. (American Dream, Nascar, broken down ol' rusty trucks with hillbilly accents etc)

I get this. It makes complete sense, but it still doesn't make it a good movie. I just makes you more tolerable of it, surely?

How so though? What about it was "great entertainment"? What lines were good? What scenes were good? Surely if it was good, there'd be something actually good about it? (I appreciate the "mindless entertainment" label, but if you're going to use it, you surely have to admit that it's mindless.)

Erica, what makes you assume that I only like poncey films?
don't take this as insult but you seem a bit poncey ( bearing in mind I'm from the North and lots of Londoners always seemed a bit poncey to me )
It was boxing robots. And they danced. And they nearly won. Like Rocky.

It was just great mindless fun. We all enjoyed it a great deal. Admittedly we haven't been telling anyone about the "best" bits. Better than Happy Feet 2 anyway which was more of the same only less so.
don't take this as insult but you seem a bit poncey ( bearing in mind I'm from the North and lots of Londoners always seemed a bit poncey to me )

Don't worry, I dont take anything written on here as an insult (which is why I probably come across as insulting or facetious to some myself..Rather than just wummish) But what do you mean by poncey exactly? Could you narrow it down?

I think I'm probably quite elitist when it comes to comedy, or parts of music perhaps. But I think my film taste is quite broad. I'm not a fan of Lynch, or Tarr, or Bergman. I just don't like incredibly cliched stuff. Or stuff that's written with the express purpose of making some money out of it.
Not at all. Films can be shit whoever they are aimed at. This just isn't one of them. It is great light entertainment. Just because it wasn't pseudy enough for you doesn't mean that it wasn't great family entertainment. I'd also be interested to see what you think is great family entertainment.

Of course men in in their 20's aren't very good at spotting good family entertainment (as demonstrated in this thread) possibly in part because they are still putting childish things behind them and possibly because they don't have kids which makes knowing good family entertainment harder.

One of my favourite films is Goonies - now thats family entertainment.
I haven't seen it. I was 21 when it came out so it might have seemed uncool to see it.

Sit down with your kids and watch it. It's fantastic family entertainment that I can enjoy almost as much now as I did when I was a kid.
The Artist was great fun. I've seen loads of silent films and still enjoyed it, Pete. Some of the praise it's been getting might be a bit over the top but it's still an enjoyable, delight of a film.
District 13 Ultimatum - Not quite as mental (and in turn, as good) as the first film, as it get a bit too bogged down in story and ends on a bit of a whimper... but there's still enough action and stuntwork elsewhere to still make it a shit load of fun.