Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Warrior 3.5/4

Fantastic stuff, much better than I expected. The trailer really doesn't do it justice. Great acting, Hardy and Nolte in particular are spectacular. I was even close to shedding a tear a couple of times.

Excellent soundtrack as well:

War Horse.

You could sit around all day and pick holes in it, but Spielberg takes a lot of mushy shit and builds a big wall of slightly more solid (but still very emotional) shit. He is rather good at that kind of thing is Spielberg, really makes you care for that damn horse.

Rum Diary 3.5/10

I'm a big fan of the book, but this apart from a few locales and a couple of characters' name, it doesnt have much in common with it.

That wouldnt be a big problem, if it was a good movie. But its not, its disjointed, lacks any sort of narrative, the characters are one-dimensional and uninteresting, and has very little charm.

Its shot well, and Puerto Rico looks amazing in it - but thats the only saving grace of the movie, pushed up the rating by 3 points.
What makes you assume it's lack of pseudyness was what I hold it in contempt for? Nothing about any Pixar film is particularly pseudy, and I think they are fantastic family entertainment. It doesn't need to touch on existential themes to be good but it should try and be less of a corny, hackneyed, cynical by the numbers mechandising exercise IMO.

To quote a review.

Well like I said, Pixar. Home Alone, ET, Jurassic Park, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Addams Family, Bugsy Malone, Wallace & Gromitt, The Love Bug, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, The Mask, Watership Down..Just off the top of my head..You know, things made with an ounce of creativity, originality, and flair and not just an automated script writing programme penned boxing underdog story with all the actual pathos taken out and some corny hashed together chracters/dialogue/fighting montages thrown together between some cynical product placement.

Or, don't agree with your definition of it..

Or...Don't agree with your definition of it. Personally think I've done a good job of identifying some good family entertainment that isn't as wank as this film.

All I said was that if a family (and by that I meant mostly those above 9 in the viewing audience) actually enjoyed this film, rather than tolerated it for the sake of giving their kids something to look at for a couple of hours, then they were likely retarded. You were the one who fitted their family to it.

How about those who don't agree with your definition of family entertainment? They're wrong though aren't they?
Someone recommend me a fillum.

Have no kids/wife at home, for the first time in fecking ages. This means I can turn my telly up incredibly loud and savour some wide screen, high def goodness.

Nothing too complicated, in terms of plot. I plan on getting high as a motherfecker before, during and after watching this movie. Really stupid blockbusters get on my tits though. I'm thinking something that has a belting soundtrack and is gripping, entertaining and exciting - without being completely fecking stupid or in any way intellectually taxing. Sci Fi or Thriller would be ideal. Don't really like horror. Must be out on Blue Ray too.

Come at me, bro(s)
Someone recommend me a fillum.

Have no kids/wife at home, for the first time in fecking ages. This means I can turn my telly up incredibly loud and savour some wide screen, high def goodness.

Nothing too complicated, in terms of plot. I plan on getting high as a motherfecker before, during and after watching this movie. Really stupid blockbusters get on my tits though. I'm thinking something that has a belting soundtrack and is gripping, entertaining and exciting - without being completely fecking stupid or in any way intellectually taxing. Sci Fi or Thriller would be ideal. Don't really like horror. Must be out on Blue Ray too.

Come at me, bro(s)

i guess this is what you want:

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) - IMDb
Warrior 3.5/4

Fantastic stuff, much better than I expected. The trailer really doesn't do it justice. Great acting, Hardy and Nolte in particular are spectacular. I was even close to shedding a tear a couple of times.

Excellent soundtrack as well:

What an odd rating system. Why not go the whole hog and give it a 1.75/2 rating?
Someone recommend me a fillum.

Have no kids/wife at home, for the first time in fecking ages. This means I can turn my telly up incredibly loud and savour some wide screen, high def goodness.

Nothing too complicated, in terms of plot. I plan on getting high as a motherfecker before, during and after watching this movie. Really stupid blockbusters get on my tits though. I'm thinking something that has a belting soundtrack and is gripping, entertaining and exciting - without being completely fecking stupid or in any way intellectually taxing. Sci Fi or Thriller would be ideal. Don't really like horror. Must be out on Blue Ray too.

Come at me, bro(s)

Source Code, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Animal Kingdom, Snowtown, Red (might be considered completely fecking stupid but I watched it stoned and thought it was the best film in the history of cinema ever at the time).
The ending is definitely what ruined it for me. I'm a huge fan of Jones' other movie, Moon, so maybe I had super high expectations for this one.

I actually thought the ending of Moon was more flawed than Source Code. To be fair, Source Code does have glaring plot holes, but weed is known to erase plot holes so is probably the perfect film for Pogue.

The Thing prequel is completely pointless. And I say that having seen it and having been a little bit excited about it.
I actually thought the ending of Moon was more flawed than Source Code. To be fair, Source Code does have glaring plot holes, but weed is known to erase plot holes so is probably the perfect film for Pogue.

The Thing prequel is completely pointless. And I say that having seen it and having been a little bit excited about it.

Hmmm... Can go either way for me. I've a tendency to go into an introspective tail-spin repeatedly going over a simple plot contrivance in my head, ignoring the rest of the movie in the process.
The ending is definitely what ruined it for me. I'm a huge fan of Jones' other movie, Moon, so maybe I had super high expectations for this one.

Loved Moon... probably my favourite Sci-Fi film since Sunshine, but I also thought Source Code was terrific, and didn't mind the ending at all. I can see why they went in that direction and for me didn't take away from the rest of the film.
Loved Moon... probably my favourite Sci-Fi film since Sunshine, but I also thought Source Code was terrific, and didn't mind the ending at all. I can see why they went in that direction and for me didn't take away from the rest of the film.
I loved Sunshine until
the captain of Icarus I got on Icarus II

There were still some good moments after that, but it definitely hurt the film in my opinion.
I loved Sunshine until
the captain of Icarus I got on Icarus II

There were still some good moments after that, but it definitely hurt the film in my opinion.

Yeah, it's a fairly common criticism that is levelled at the film, but again I don't mind it, and think it's a good way of

showing how the sun (the real villain of the piece) can effect people to the extreme. The whole film is really about showing this crew and their varying reactions to both the mission and the sun, and the captain of the other ships reaction was extreme. It also fit in with the whole science vs. god theme... though that's just my take on it anyway, I can see why people don't appreciate it though, as it can just as easily be seen as turning a magnificent sci-fi into a bit of a hoaky horror peice
The Grey

Or, as it was originally titled: Liam Neeson walks around in the snow being incredibly badass. But then they thought that wouldn't catch on, so they changed it.

The film is pretty great. They do a good job of giving you the main group of characters' backgrounds, so you're rooting for all of them throughout most of the movie. You see just enough of Neeson's character's background to understand what he's doing there, and why his personality is as it is, but not too much that the film takes too long talking about him.

Easily the best scene in the movie for me, was the one where...

Neeson is kneeling, surrounded by the wallets and photos of the people that died along the way (they said they were going to keep the wallets of the deceased in a bag for families), and he realises that he's found his way into the wolves' den. Cue him strapping broken bottles to his fist, and clutching a knife in the other. Very moving and very awesome.

Although it has to be said that the film wasn't very realistic. If it was based in fact, then in the first five minutes the wolves would have been like "wait, is that Liam Neeson? Yeah, we'll just be going then."

If you have to go decimal, your scale is too small. What's wrong with rating out of 10?

Because I end up going decimal anyway, and I think 10 is too high. Plus most of the reviewers I read use it, so I've grown acustomed to it.
How can it be too high? It is the same as 4 on your scale - it's the number 1-10 that matters.

I'm not specifically trying to have a pop at you by the way, I've seen people do similar in the player ratings thread. I get using a 4 or five star rating in a publication where space is limited, but using a small scale where you need decimals that leave you with (for example) a 87.5% rating is a bit odd on a forum where we do not have space restrictions.
How can it be too high? It is the same as 4 on your scale - it's the number 1-10 that matters.

I'm not specifically trying to have a pop at you by the way, I've seen people do similar in the player ratings thread. I get using a 4 or five star rating in a publication where space is limited, but using a small scale where you need decimals that leave you with (for example) a 87.5% rating is a bit odd on a forum where we do not have space restrictions.

Probably has to do with me growing acustomed to it more than anything. Something doesn't sit right with me about the 1-10 scale anymore. I just don't like it. Plus, I like feeling special.

But I'm going to be the bigger man here and just say:

Warrior 9/10
I went to see Haywire the other day. It was alright. I think the trailer shows the best bits of the film, but I don't mean that in the usual negative way. They just happened to be the best bits. The rest was a decent Colombiana/Bourne hybrid. And the bird is pretty fit.

Using the Premier League rating system, I give it a Newcastle.
Btw, I thought Sunshine was a bit shit.

I'm also taping that District 13: Ultimatum tonight. I set the Sky+ to record the prequel a few nights ago and the fecking thing didn't tape it. "Power cut"? Liar!