Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Good choice. It doesn't get better

Apart from a million reasons the film was rubbish I don't really like Captain America. As far as superheroes go he is just like... a buff man really? Arnold Schwarzenneger isn't a superhero and I reckon he played at least 5 more characters just as buff as Captain America but also far more manly and intimidating. If Captain America was in a room with Conan he would be so out-testosteroned he would grow a vagina.
I am firmly in team Drive. I really enjoyed it, so there!

I felt like watching a truly awful film yesterday to ease my hangover woes. I chose the library of a certain Nicholas Cage, as he's almost always in bad films. Thankfully he didn't disappoint!

Season Of The Witch: Where do I start? I guess the thing that stayed at the forefront of my mind from this film was the decade of Crusades in 10 minutes sequence. The director obviously wasn't confident in holding the audience's attention without a bit of variety, therefore I was treated to fights in sunshine, fights in snow, fights at night and fights indoors.
Once the nonsense was finished, we got to the main point of the film, which was plagues and witch transportation. Thankfully this only led to more nonsense, interspersed with the odd bit of bad CGI. Was I entertained? I guess I was. Was the film awful? Absolutely terrible!
The highlight of the film was Nicholas Cage and his sword deflecting crossbow bolts that were fired at him from 10 yards. The low point was the rest of the film.
If you're expecting a good film, avoid it like the plague ;)
If you fancy a cheesy/crappy film that you can laugh at, this does the job.

I saw this on a bus in Thailand. It was so shit. Ron Pearlman and Cage were like some whacky comedy duo.

Felson: What is that smell?
Behmen: That would be you.

I mean. Really. How does THAT make it past the first draft?

Felson: What they do with deserters anyway?... Hang them?...
[deeply in thoughts]
Felson: Burn them?
Behmen: Probably both.

Felson: Tell me Behmen, are we going in there to defeat a demon, or to save the girl?
Behmen: Both.

How many times can you use the 'both' thing in one film? I've got one... Will this film make you wish you were dead or wish Nicolas cage was dead? Probably both.
I saw this on a bus in Thailand. It was so shit. Ron Pearlman and Cage were like some whacky comedy duo.

Felson: What is that smell?
Behmen: That would be you.

I mean. Really. How does THAT make it past the first draft?

Felson: What they do with deserters anyway?... Hang them?...
[deeply in thoughts]
Felson: Burn them?
Behmen: Probably both.

Felson: Tell me Behmen, are we going in there to defeat a demon, or to save the girl?
Behmen: Both.

How many times can you use the 'both' thing in one film? I've got one... Will this film make you wish you were dead or wish Nicolas cage was dead? Probably both.

Good points DouLou, If you're expecting a decent film, I can imagine this would grate. However, I knew it would be bad and I could laugh at the absurd lines.
I was the same , to be honest did not want to watch it because it was made in 1942 , stupid I know.
But when I watched it , it blow me away , you really must watch it.
Yes I did say I dont like Woody Allen film , I just cant get in to his stuff

Have you tried 'Sleeper'? That's one of his funnier films.
Judging peoples ratings is probably why people were complaining about the elitism in this thread.....
I do the same Erica, my ratings are purely how much I liked them, I think most do. I don't really think Manhattan's a better movie than Casablanca, but I'd recommend it to other people and watch it again before I'd do so for Casablanca. Likewise for not really thinking Aliens and the Loved Ones are just as good as each other, I just enjoyed them about the same. The cinematography (or at least what I understand it to be!) is a factor in how much I liked it, though.
I love Allen's Play it again, Sam.

Casablanca is wonderful, and worthy of its fame.
No I do think Zen has a point cinc - there was a time when I used to even consider putting in one of my daft films as it wouldn't be deemed highbrow enough

Thats silly. I dont think there are highbrow and lowbrow films, just good ones and bad ones.

And certainly dont think that a "snobby" movie (like the godawful Melancholia) is better than a good popcorn movie by virtue.

Simply, I dont understand how could A Knight's Tale be 20% away from perfection. Or was your 8/10 a rating on a logarithmic scale?
Thats silly. I dont think there are highbrow and lowbrow films, just good ones and bad ones.

And certainly dont think that a "snobby" movie (like the godawful Melancholia) is better than a good popcorn movie by virtue.

Simply, I dont understand how could A Knight's Tale be 20% away from perfection. Or was your 8/10 a rating on a logarithmic scale?

I just really liked Knights Tale in particular the soundtrack . I don't think of films in terms of perfection in afraid
I really enjoyed this film , yes it is just like any other disease film, somebody catches it and spreads it around and then a vaccine if found and then everybody is cured.
This film does it in a very calm way there is no mad rush to find a cure and there is no Dustin Hoffman type person who finds a cure while picking his asre.
It deals more with what happens to everyday life and how it totally breaks down completely , from airports closing to rubbish being piled in the streets because there is nobody to collect it.

Well worth a watch

Have to say I enjoyed the Norwegian indie "Troll Hunter" there was something really charming about it and the background vistas were pretty spectacular, makes me wanna go there
Have to say I enjoyed the Norwegian indie "Troll Hunter" there was something really charming about it and the background vistas were pretty spectacular, makes me wanna go there

They're out of butter so I wouldn't bother. Warrior tonight for me Tom Hardy doing a yank accent.
I just watched Real Steel. It was a very good movie and I enjoyed it. I liked what they did with the robots. A dad-son combo having a shitty robot and then converting that into a good fighting one to take on the best robot out there. It ends with a very good fight. I would recommend it.

I really enjoyed this film , yes it is just like any other disease film, somebody catches it and spreads it around and then a vaccine if found and then everybody is cured.
This film does it in a very calm way there is no mad rush to find a cure and there is no Dustin Hoffman type person who finds a cure while picking his asre.
It deals more with what happens to everyday life and how it totally breaks down completely , from airports closing to rubbish being piled in the streets because there is nobody to collect it.

Well worth a watch


I've just DL'd that..I'll have a look tonight. Yeah...that Hoff one was annoying.
Just watched Warrior and whilst a lot of it was hackneyed cliche tournament fighting film. The in ring action was very well done ( except the final fight). More importantly though I thought the acting was superb from all involved. Hardy is definetly the rising star. 8/10
Judging by the trailer only, Warrior looks very formulaic?

Trailer doesn't do it justice, yes it has the formulaic tournament ending but it's also just as much about the destructive nature of the relationships between the characters. It even has a training montage but ones thats not overly done.
I enjoyed it, definitely good and worth a watch but I agree with Grinner in that it was overrated when it came out.

Problem I had with the hurt locker was there's only so many times you can go to the rised tension well before it loses it's effectiveness and impact. Which is about 5 minutes into the second tableau.
A fair criticism, but I still think it's worth watching. There's some nice photography and it's a good enough film to sit down and watch, even though I've never felt the urge to watch it again.
A fair criticism, but I still think it's worth watching. There's some nice photography and it's a good enough film to sit down and watch, even though I've never felt the urge to watch it again.

Oh don't get me wrong it's definetly worth watching but.... there was actually a better film hidden in it. Wouldn't you, like me have preffered to watch Fiennes and his boys maurauding around the desert.
The scene that stayed with me was when James was pushing a cart around the supermarket. How on earth do soldiers adjust to civilian life??
Oh don't get me wrong it's definetly worth watching but.... there was actually a better film hidden in it. Wouldn't you, like me have preffered to watch Fiennes and his boys maurauding around the desert.

There was definitely room for better stories, on that I can certainly agree.

The scene that stayed with me was when James was pushing a cart around the supermarket. How on earth do soldiers adjust to civilian life??

Yea, I liked that scene.
Contagion A really great movie that misses out on being truly brilliant by it's failure to make us care about the characters enough. I think the director was so careful not to make this a James Cameron film e.g. take a well worn plot and insert a love interest stroyline e.g' Titanic. Avatar and the soon to be remade Fantastic Voyage, that he went too far the other way. Well worth a watch mind 8/10