Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I made the mistake of watching this one first, with a mate who'd seen the others and was desperate to see this. Complete waste of time really. If you haven't seen the others this is just a second rate courtroom drama dealing with the events of two films i haven't seen. It's also occasionally very silly (why would 2 people who'd tried to kill each other, in what is now a major nationwide investigation/story, be put in the same hospital, a few doors down from each other? Schoolboy)

I will watch the first two, but this has sort of out me off it for a bit.

Actually it's just a second rate countroom drama regardless of if you've seen the other two or not. Only the first one is good, and watching the third shouldn't truly ruin that for you, maybe some stuff based around the mystique of her, but that doesn't come into place until the second film, which isn't any good either. I hope Fincher does a better job with the sequels.
50 50 Marketed as a comedy but while it has funny moments it isn't strictly a comedy. It is an amusing and strangely emotional look at a young man's struggle with cancer. I liked it quite a bit and most of the performances were very good. Agreed with cinc that the romance didn't really work although it could have done with different casting I suspect. I also liked the music in the main. 7.5/10
Attack the Block

Painful... really really painful. Annoying cast, shit acting, shit aliens, shitty dialogue.
50 50 Marketed as a comedy but while it has funny moments it isn't strictly a comedy. It is an amusing and strangely emotional look at a young man's struggle with cancer. I liked it quite a bit and most of the performances were very good. Agreed with cinc that the romance didn't really work although it could have done with different casting I suspect. I also liked the music in the main. 7.5/10

Anjelica Huston and the leading man were great.
Yes. Leading man in particular. He was actually superb. The love interest was rubbish mind. I have pot plants with more charisma.
Not a film, but I just watched "Wishful Drinking" by Carrie Fischer. Its basically a stand-up about her life. I've found it great - my childhood fascination might help, but I really think she's fascinating, now moreso than ever.
The Thing (2011)

This was supposed to be a prequel to the 1982 film of the same name. I liked the 1982 version with Kurt Russell and was actually looking forward to this one. It turned out to be a total waste of time. The story is unoriginal, the acting is nonexistent and there are no characters or any semblance of dialogue you could give a flying shit about. Even the action scenes are so lame they can't save this turkey.
Snowtown 8/10

A film about the banality of evil. A really tough watch and about a million times better than the weak-minded shite that is 'Kevin'.
American Psycho - Nah, thought it was a bit average and...douchey. Basically a film with douchey characters being douchebags. I know some people get off on Christian Bale being a douche though I suspect most of them are douches themselves.

Arrietty - A substandard Ghibli film, which is not really a bad thing at all really. It's guaranteed to cheer you up.
American Psycho - Nah, thought it was a bit average and...douchey. Basically a film with douchey characters being douchebags. I know some people get off on Christian Bale being a douche though I suspect most of them are douches themselves.

i didnt like the book that much (I like few other Ellis novel) and the film was even worse, I remember that I've thought the movie completely meaning of the story, but cant remember how.

The one good thing about the film is the American Psycho remix of Something in the Air (Bowie)
The Loved Ones (2009) - 4

Basic plot is high school student Brent is driving along with his dad and gets in a car crash, he survives but the dad doesn't. He's depressed, his mum's depressed. Another depressed girl asks Brent to the prom (which is later that night), he says no so she stalks him and looks more depressed. Brent climbs up a cliff as he thinks about killing himself, decides against it, but then gets kidnapped and tortured. And there's some incest implied and zombie-type people here while he's being tortured.

It was ok. One way of looking at it is it's the best Australian movie I've seen, but then it's the only one I've seen too. It went for the horror on prom night classic setting from a slightly different angle, and the horror aspect was basically just the torture porn. It's still beyond me how anyone enjoys this kind of thing, but there you go. There were some funny moments mixed in with the torture porn, and the bits on depression were done quite well. It was well acted in general too, I liked the main actress Robin McLeavy. I've just lost interest in any recent horrors, really.

Das Boot (1981) - 9

Intense, brutal, claustrophobic and at times very amusing - it's all been said before really. It really drags you through the experience; you feel every wave crashing and every bomb slowly chipping away at the submarine, the panic and despair of being stuck at the bottom of the ocean with no sign of getting out and the utter pain of the final scene. Brilliant.
Not a review, but a recommendation. The director's new film will come out next week after 26 years since the last one was made.

This is perhaps the best of his and I've found it with english subtitles:

Marcell Jankovics: The Son of the White Mare (based on Hungarian and other nomadic origin myths)

Good point, Mr G. Though I haven't seen that many, to be honest.
Watched From Hell:

From Hell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For a film with such an interesting premise, it really disappointed; not least in the 'Gor blimey, I'm a Cockneee, innit' School of Acting on show.


I watched this too, this week. Even Depp and Coltrane couldn't save it

Interesting theores though, from Stephen Knight, I think ?
The Innocents 9/10 (1961)

A governess is engaged by the rich uncle of two children whose parents died, to look after them at his country estate. Initially the governess -beautifully played by Deborah Kerr - is charmed by the children but comes to suspect that they have been influenced by their former nanny and footman, both now dead.

A very good atmospheric film which builds in expectation . Dont expect blood and gore, but If you liked Woman in Black, you will love this
Marvellous film. The scene with Miss Jessel (a rubric name used in homage in John Harwood's The Ghost Writer hit novel) on the reeds is particularly chilling. Film makers - in general - have lost the gift of making movies like this, sadly.
Marvellous film. The scene with Miss Jessel (a rubric name used in homage in John Harwood's The Ghost Writer hit novel) on the reeds is particularly chilling. Film makers - in general - have lost the gift of making movies like this, sadly.

Very chilling, Steve. Much like the appearances of
Quint, who really did look evil. Apparently they achieved his appearance at the window - by pulling him on a trolley. What did you make of the last kiss ? When Miles was dead I mean?
That scene is as deliberately ambiguous as James' novella, isn't it? To be honest though, as a confirmed scaredy-cat when it comes to ghosts, I found just about every scene frightening. :D Especially Miles' singing...gulp. :D
Never say Never again.

Should be named Never watch this shite again , I love Bond films and have watched them all many times, but this unofficial remake of Thunderball is dreadful.
Sean Connery was excellent in his stint has Bond , but in this I dont know what was worse his acting or his wig or Fatima Blush , worst villain ever, her best acting was when she was blown up.

4/10 and only because its a Bond film otherwise it was be a 2 at best.

WOW what a film , I loved everything about it.
I must admit I was not expecting to like the film just has much as I did , never watched a Bogart film before.
Yes I knew all the one liners and the song but to hear them is the film was even better.
Bogart and Bergman are fantastic together and she was stunning.
I wanted to see more of Peter Lorre.
French National Anthem...what a scene.
I am usually good at guessing the endings , but this one had me totally , I was not even close.
Even though War/ Romance and not my cup of tea and rarely watch them., I will be watching this one many times.
For a film that was made in 1942 it is better than 99% of films I have seen, and is in all honesty possibly the best film I have ever seen.

The Thing (2011)

If you watch this film and have not seen or read about the original then you would enjoy it better.
The trouble is most people have seen the original and know how the alien operates.

I did enjoy the film , though the acting was good and the women in the lead role was OK.

Dont do what I nearly did and stop watching , you have to watch the end credits.

In Time - I'm tempted to say fantastic because I'm not entirely sure it isn't some huge elaborate parody of how much expense is thrown at terribly written popcorn sci-fi. I'm holding out hope that's the case here, otherwise I might just be incredibly angry that scripts like this actually get made.

The premise is of a future society (possibly, not made clear) where the ageing process has been halted at 25 somehow (not made clear - just 'cos) with the catch being that rather than money, the chief unit of currency is time. So the rich have thousands of years to be lazy, arrogant, selfish cartoons, playing poker and being vacuous in a sterile metropolis populated by hundreds of George Osbornes and the poor are all living day to day in shit hole ghetto run by underwear model gangsters in feather hats. There is absolutely no middle ground here, we're in strictly black and white territory. Which is quite funny cos there are virtually no black people in this film. There's one, I think he has about 2 lines. He doesn't have a name though. He sort of wanders around with Cillian Murphy being told to shut up. The rich world is also lit dully in monochrome palets while the poor world is more vibrant. See how deep that shit is? Bang! Subtext bitches!

Despite the intriguing concept and the darker places you could go with the idea of 4 generations of the same family being all physically the same age, this is basically a film based around a series of time puns with a Robin Hood-lite story scribbled around the edges in crayon. "Hey, we could call the police the Time Keepers and the gangsters the Minute Men, and the cities different Time Zones Oh, Oh, and when people give each other their time by holding hands (They can do that for some reason) they can say things like 'don't waste my time' or 'you got a minute?' - yeah, that's frickin awesome dude!...Puns!!" I'm positive most of the writing time was spent thinking of these puns.

I say Robin Hood because Timberlake (for it is he) spends half the time talking about "justice" for no apparent reason at inappropriate times and telling everyone they've been "stealing time" without any real investigation into any of this. At one point he robs and leaves a rich woman with a day to live for seemingly no other reason than he doesn't like rich people. It's a bit odd. We're supposed to think this is ok because he keeps saying it is, but it's never quite fully explained why? (because no-one deserves to be rich presumably? now give us your $20 for our $40m film) There's a sort of subplot backstory about his dad being a kind of freedom fighter (or, perhaps, time bandit? - see what I did there? feck yeah!) at one point, but then that's forgotten about completely. Then it turns into Bonnie & Clyde for a bit.

It's a sort of communist manifesto by way of anti-Darwinism acted out by underwear models that varies between making no sense at all and contradicting itself.

Towards the end there's a brilliant line that would pass for existential profundity if it wasn't so absolutely spasticated. When a rich cartoon dick tries to legitimise the death of poor people in his quest for immortality, Timberlake rebukes him with the line "No one should be immortal if it means even one person has to die" ..An amazing line that fails to even understand itself.

Utter piss water. But worse than that, it's utter piss water that thinks it's got something important to say. But it says it through a series of weak catchphrases, unexplained righteousness, cartoon one dimensional characters AND TIME PUNS!!!! But hopefully, it's all a big joke. In which case 10/10
Arghhh Christ, I can't believe that they've ripped-off Dostoyevsky with that 'killer' line...

You missed out the best bit, the CGI during the car crash was so bad it made Thunderbirds look modern.
Hugo The best new movie I've seen this year. Set in Paris in the 1920's, mainly in Montparnasse railway station, and based on the actual life of an early movie pioneer. Story, acting, cinematography and direction are all first rate. Seems like a labour of love from Scorsese and will appeal to all ages. 9/10
The Ides of March is decent. Clever, verbose, politik, cynical. I wanted to love it but it's just a little bit too empty. Clooney is too perfect/cliched a movie Democrat - from the Sorkin mould but with less wit - and the twist/last act is a bit too predictable and common place in these kinds of films.Plus the dialogue wasn't quite snappy enough. There are a few great lines, but not really enough for a film like this that basically depends on them and they're more from a political perspective ("I'd love to hear a real candidate say that") than an movie one ("oooh snap, you got pwned n**ga!"). It probably would've been better off it Sorkin had actually written it.

I went along with it intently as I watched, but when it was over I wasn't left with anything particularly lasting, other than the fact that Gosling's going to be proper A list soon, even with his wonky eye.

Hoffman & Giamatti are underused. Marisa Tomei doesn't take her clothes off. 7.5
The Thing (2011)

If you watch this film and have not seen or read about the original then you would enjoy it better.
The trouble is most people have seen the original and know how the alien operates.

I did enjoy the film , though the acting was good and the women in the lead role was OK.

Dont do what I nearly did and stop watching , you have to watch the end credits.


Yeah, this was odd. I thought we were getting a proper prequel but it was little more than a remake masquerading as a prequel.

Naturally it could never top the original and I just wanted to stick that on instead about half way through.

Old school sfx >>>>> CGI
Hugo The best new movie I've seen this year. Set in Paris in the 1920's, mainly in Montparnasse railway station, and based on the actual life of an early movie pioneer. Story, acting, cinematography and direction are all first rate. Seems like a labour of love from Scorsese and will appeal to all ages. 9/10

I'm really looking forward to seing this one.

I enjoyed Drive. I'm now off to acquire the soundtrack.
50 50 Marketed as a comedy but while it has funny moments it isn't strictly a comedy. It is an amusing and strangely emotional look at a young man's struggle with cancer. I liked it quite a bit and most of the performances were very good. Agreed with cinc that the romance didn't really work although it could have done with different casting I suspect. I also liked the music in the main. 7.5/10

Watched this yesterday and also really really enjoyed it... probably give it an 8.5/10

Joseph Gordon Levitt was tremendous I thought... really good wide-ranging performance. He was the stand-out, though I think everyone played their parts superbly (even, suprisingly, Seth Rogen). Having said that, you're right about the romance... it felt a little bit forced, and didn't quite work as well as the rest of the film did... though I'm not sure whether that was the fault of Kendrick or Levitt or just the story/dialogue they were given.

The marketing for this film has been pretty bad though I would say. I was built up too much as a Comedy (which horribly has become "The Cancer Comedy"), when there were a lot of really dramatic moments in there, and the film handled a very serious subject matter very well. Basically, I felt it was the story, not the comedy, that was the drivign force behind the film.
The Thing (2011)

This was supposed to be a prequel to the 1982 film of the same name. I liked the 1982 version with Kurt Russell and was actually looking forward to this one. It turned out to be a total waste of time. The story is unoriginal, the acting is nonexistent and there are no characters or any semblance of dialogue you could give a flying shit about. Even the action scenes are so lame they can't save this turkey.

Aye, it was dogshit. Enjoyed the original a lot more.
The marketing for this film has been pretty bad though I would say. I was built up too much as a Comedy (which horribly has become "The Cancer Comedy"), when there were a lot of really dramatic moments in there, and the film handled a very serious subject matter very well. Basically, I felt it was the story, not the comedy, that was the drivign force behind the film.

Sounds a lot like 'Funny People' with Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen.