Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Rise the Titanic

Why did I pick this film , boring afternoon in work and 100's of films to choice from and I pick this pile of streaming turd.
What can I say , crap acting crap story , trying to find some super rare mineral that happened to be put on the Titanic , so they rise it to try and get it with the Russians on the tail and it turns out not to be even on board.
There is nothing good about any of this film.

2/10 and that's being kind
Jane Eyre (2011)

Not sure there's anyone that doesn't know the story but why not...


Raised by her aunt Sarah (Sally Hawkins) after her parents die of typhus, young Jane Eyre (Amelia Clarkson) is later shipped off to a stark boarding school as the result of her perceived insolence, and suffers greatly at the hands of the cold, unusually strict administration. Upon turning 18 and completing her education, Jane (Mia Wasikowska) finds work as a governess for Adle Varens (Romy Settbon Moore), the ward of Edward Fairfax Rochester (Michael Fassbender), master of Thornfield Hall. It doesn't take long for the young Adle to warm to Jane, and upon returning home the charming Rochester, too, falls under the spell of his modest yet captivating governess. On what was supposed to be the happiest day of Jane's life, however, a scandalous secret is revealed, and the emotionally shattered governess takes flight...

Well made, well shot and well acted but it doesn't really bring anything new to the story, unsurprisingly, and while it deals with it all very delicately and elegantly it won't be for everyone because people will see it as dull. I liked it. Mia Wasikowska and Michael Fassbender both very good, with Wasikowska playing the role very believably with suitable restraint and understatement. It looks great too.

Just watched Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. I really liked the movie. The first real action movie I liked since the summer. Good characters and Paula Patton was just :drool:. I would give it a 7.5/10.
Melancholia - Not bad but not great. Kinda lost interest after an hour and a half. Can't fault the actors though they were all consistently good throughout the film. Charlotte Gainsbourg has a very sexy voice.
Just watched Tin Tin. Other than the stunning visual, I thought the movie was pretty bleh. Okay-ish adventures, true-to-script characters, but pretty shallow and didn't really give me much thrill. 7/10.
Can someone recommend a decent new-ish comedy for me to down, er, rent tonight.
If you're watching it with the missus then Bridesmaids is decent enough. Win-win looks like it's worth a watch, was planning on watching it some time this week.
We've seen it. It's alright, worth a watch.

All of my lonesome tonight so it doesn't have to have a story, or even interesting female characters.
If you're watching it with the missus then Bridesmaids is decent enough. Win-win looks like it's worth a watch, was planning on watching it some time this week.

Saw that the other week. Surprisingly good.
"The Artist" (silent and in B&W) Probably the best movie I've seen this year, really well done! This should win a whole bunch of Oscars if there is any justice, though it's probably too arty for mainstream audiences..... the dog was brilliant... seriously

Trollhunter - It takes the Blair Witch/Cloverfield idea of a fake documentary and actually does a pretty good job of it. There's lots of references, humorously, to troll lore. I like the idea of trolls(or other fantastical beasts) existening outside the knowledge of the public. One thing that was a little strange, which I guess is the point,...trolls can get rabies.


The whole film was strange...and not much of it made much sense but it was enjoyable nonetheless. I suspect it was tongue firmly in cheek.
The love(hate)for Christians was a nod to troll mythology, the legends were created during a time when the the location population were Christianised(everyone except mythical trolls), so it was funny seeing a Muslim thrown to the lions...sort of like well....let's see what Trolls think of Muslims. Multiculuralism hits the Troll world eh.

Troubled divorcee Mary Kee is tormented by a series of sinister phone calls from a mysterious woman. When the stranger reveals she's calling from the past, Mary tries to break off contact. But the caller doesn't like being ignored, and looks for revenge in a unique and terrifying way...

I'm too thick to understand what happened in this film. Interesting though.
Le Cercle Rouge - Classy crime/heist film. Alain Delon wears a tache and is pretty cool in general. It struggled to grip me after the first hour which I thought was excellent with the rest of the film being a pretty dull and average affair imo. There was one scene that baffled me. The fugitive, chased by hundreds of policemen accompanied with dogs takes off all his clothes and crosses a small stream, then puts his clothes back on and runs away, the police and the dogs looses the trail and stands there like idiots?? wat
Spanish sci-fi/horror (that what it was billed has) about this bloke , who is looking at this girl in the woods stripping and goes to have a better look , he gets attacked and ends up going back in time about 90 mins.
It confused the hell out of me, but I still enjoyed it , even with the subtitles it is well worth a watch.

Been reviewed to death I would of thougt but still I love it and watched it again for about the 100th time tonight.
I know a lot hate it , but one of my fav films , love the acting ,Joaquin Phoenix is fantastic in it , has is Russell Crowe.
The last 5 mins when Maxmus is dying and can see his dead kid running after him , just gets me every time.
Been reviewed to death I would of thougt but still I love it and watched it again for about the 100th time tonight.
I know a lot hate it , but one of my fav films , love the acting ,Joaquin Phoenix is fantastic in it , has is Russell Crowe.
The last 5 mins when Maxmus is dying and can see his dead kid running after him , just gets me every time.

Couldn't agree more Paul. Brilliant film and the music is wonderful.
The whole film was strange...and not much of it made much sense but it was enjoyable nonetheless. I suspect it was tongue firmly in cheek.

Go and see "The Artist" spoons, its absolutely splendid, so simple and effective. My personal feeling on it being silent and in B&W overwhelming illustrates what has been lost in the art of movie making with the over-use of special effects and corny dialogue. The Artist pays homage to so many classics such as Sunset Boulevard, Citizen Kane, Singing in the Rain, A star is Born and actors such as, Gene Kelly, Errol Flynn, Chaplin, Gable, Valentino and many many other actors and movies.

Roger Ebert has a great quote on site where he references Norma Desmond from Sunset, "Back then we didn't need voices, we had faces" if you see the movie you will understand what he means by that line, The Artist :: :: Reviews

There's nothing deep or complicated about it, just a great story about the great actor of his day having a personal crisis due to transition from silents to talkies, but done really really well. The music is also pretty incredible, overall this is one not to miss!!
I watched Sherlock Holmes a week ago. It's got lots of fight scenes, explosions, etc, which aren't really Sherlock Holmes. I understand they are trying to make a film for the masses with a beloved character, but it would have been preferable if they had actually used the character rather than making a "mystery" and shoving Holmes and Moriarty in it to sell it as Sherlock Holmes.

Stephen Fry was amusing though.
I am firmly in team Drive. I really enjoyed it, so there!

I felt like watching a truly awful film yesterday to ease my hangover woes. I chose the library of a certain Nicholas Cage, as he's almost always in bad films. Thankfully he didn't disappoint!

Season Of The Witch: Where do I start? I guess the thing that stayed at the forefront of my mind from this film was the decade of Crusades in 10 minutes sequence. The director obviously wasn't confident in holding the audience's attention without a bit of variety, therefore I was treated to fights in sunshine, fights in snow, fights at night and fights indoors.
Once the nonsense was finished, we got to the main point of the film, which was plagues and witch transportation. Thankfully this only led to more nonsense, interspersed with the odd bit of bad CGI. Was I entertained? I guess I was. Was the film awful? Absolutely terrible!
The highlight of the film was Nicholas Cage and his sword deflecting crossbow bolts that were fired at him from 10 yards. The low point was the rest of the film.
If you're expecting a good film, avoid it like the plague ;)
If you fancy a cheesy/crappy film that you can laugh at, this does the job.

:lol: I reviewed this before. It is really one of the worst films I've seen. We went to see it just because it was going to be awful. It didn't disappoint.
I watched match of the day last night and The Guardian was on immediately afterwards. For some reason I found myself watching it, and I stayed and took my punishment until the final credits.

It uses all the cliches known to Hollywood and then it gets to the final act and goes into emotionally charged bullshit overload. I found myself cursing the screen as the credits rolled. Once I turned off the telly, I couldn't help comparing it to Mark Lawrenson and I came to the unfortunate conclusion that it's one of the few things on the planet that's more pathetic and annoying than the aforementioned smug pundit.
Go and see "The Artist" spoons, its absolutely splendid, so simple and effective. My personal feeling on it being silent and in B&W overwhelming illustrates what has been lost in the art of movie making with the over-use of special effects and corny dialogue. The Artist pays homage to so many classics such as Sunset Boulevard, Citizen Kane, Singing in the Rain, A star is Born and actors such as, Gene Kelly, Errol Flynn, Chaplin, Gable, Valentino and many many other actors and movies.

Roger Ebert has a great quote on site where he references Norma Desmond from Sunset, "Back then we didn't need voices, we had faces" if you see the movie you will understand what he means by that line, The Artist :: :: Reviews

There's nothing deep or complicated about it, just a great story about the great actor of his day having a personal crisis due to transition from silents to talkies, but done really really well. The music is also pretty incredible, overall this is one not to miss!!

Noted. And will do.

Watched it for the first time last night and I loved it.
James Stewart was excellent and Kim Novak was stunning ,
Loved the way the story panned out.
My first Hitchcock film , not even seen the original Psycho but I will be watching a few more , very soon.


Watched it for the first time last night and I loved it.
James Stewart was excellent and Kim Novak was stunning ,
Loved the way the story panned out.
My first Hitchcock film , not even seen the original Psycho but I will be watching a few more , very soon.


Dial M for Murder. You'll love it.
I was going to watch Damien: Omen II, as I liked the first film, so I read the film's plot summary on Wiki; not good. Made-up example ahead:

Primary teacher Mrs Knitting befriends class outcast Damien. On her way to his house, a giant anvil falls on Mrs Knitting's head.

A Jesuit priest forces Damien into a bus stop and prepares to kill the boy. An ice cream van tears through the glass, and drags the priest all the way to Golgotha.

Rinse & repeat. Yawn. You can view the real plot below, and see what I mean:

Damien: Omen II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I was going to watch Damien: Omen II, as I liked the first film, so I read the film's plot summary on Wiki; not good. Made-up example ahead:

Rinse & repeat. Yawn. You can view the real plot below, and see what I mean:

Damien: Omen II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The second Omen is alright, not as good as the first, but still pretty decent. Seem to remember the third, particularly the ending, being a bit crummy.
The second Omen is alright, not as good as the first, but still pretty decent. Seem to remember the third, particularly the ending, being a bit crummy.

Oman 3 is the pits , could of been so much better than it was , the story was there , IMHO it even had the right man of the part Sam Neil , but the script was dreadful , some of it was cringworthy and painful to watch

I would like to see a remake of Oman 3 and do a better job of it , mind you could not be any worse.
We Bought a Zoo.

brought the kids to see this today. it was ok. nothing special but Matt Damon was good enough. the kids that played his 7 yr old daughter was so precocious.
his love interest was gorgeous :drool:

why they had to set it in California and not England I don't know.

anyway 6/10.

as a side note ; we went to the Lego shop in the mall after the movie and we all got interviewed for a local news story about new Legos aimed at girls. my son was quite chuffed to see himself on TV this evening. my daugther didn't even want to watch it. too shy or something. she's 10 going on 16 I think.