Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

50/50 was much much better than Funny People. It didn't have a completely pointless 3rd act.

Whilst I certainly agree... I think he was talking from a Marketing stand-point, in whch Funny People was terribly marketed (certainly more-so than 50/50) as some sort of laugh out loud comedy when it was nothing of the sort.
Drive Slow, filmed seemingly in slow motion with only enough plot for half a film and shot in an incredibly annoying style. Combine this with an incredibly stupid ending and you have an almost perfect storm of shitness. Did I mention that it is a car chase film with very few car chases? Avoid. 2/10
So just watched Malicks tree of life.......

The most expensive student film ever made.

The stock BBC nature footage was nice to see again.
I thought Drive was a bit schizophrenic in what sort of film it wanted itself to be. It was just loads of different styles mashed together with a pretty weak plot. Throwbacks to 70's films, Bullit, Clint Eastwood but also Mullholland Drive and characters with lack of dialogue and sudden violence reminded me of Kitano's films. That said I enjoyed it though, not a bad film by any stretch.

So just watched Malicks tree of life.......

The most expensive student film ever made.

The stock BBC nature footage was nice to see again.

It annoys me because it could have been so great. If Malick wouldn't have used his distinctive style and played out some scenes more for them to really hit home and also given the characters more dialogue, so not to having to rely too much on confusing whispering voice-overs. Sean Penn said it was the best screenplay he's ever laid his hands on and I'm convinced there was a great movie lost somewhere.
It annoys me because it could have been so great. If Malick wouldn't have used his distinctive style and played out some scenes more for them to really hit home and also given the characters more dialogue, so not to having to rely too much on confusing whispering voice-overs. Sean Penn said it was the best screenplay he's ever laid his hands on and I'm convinced there was a great movie lost somewhere.

I agree, unfortuanetly what we ended up with was a real life version of Carson Clays 'Playback Time' from the Mr Beans holiday. Still the BBC's footage was nice to see.
Drive Slow, filmed seemingly in slow motion with only enough plot for half a film and shot in an incredibly annoying style. Combine this with an incredibly stupid ending and you have an almost perfect storm of shitness. Did I mention that it is a car chase film with very few car chases? Avoid. 2/10
I thought it was brilliant.

Guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
A Haunting in Salem -minus ten

Possibly the worst film I have seen and frankly I begrudge the time I wasted on it.

No story to speak of with a lead actor so ugly and uncharismatic I actually had to look to see if he'd been in a fire or something similar.

Dreadful dreadful dreadful
I thought it was brilliant.

Guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

Its actually a good film and gets a hard press on this forum, i'm not sure whether some might not have realised its a genre piece which is supposed to be quite compact and unflashy.

I enjoyed it personally, reminded me of vanishing point and alot of other 70's movies of that ilk. It doesn't have alot of substance but tells a very compact story well.

6/10 for me.
Tokyo Story (1953) - 9

Simple plot; grandparents come to Tokyo for the first time to visit their children and grandchildren, stay for a few days and then head back home, then a couple of days later the grandmother becomes critically ill and her children take the trip up to see her. A very plain story told in a very plain way that somehow manages to make such deceptively complicated issues seem so simple to understand, as if the story could be told in the exact same way about your own family. There's a wonderful sincerity to the story and how it's told. That said, this could also fall into the 'boring' category. Very little of note actually happens, it's very slow paced and overall it's very minimalistic in how it's set up, so it's not for everyone. It'd be impossible for anyone to not find countless moments in the story that they can relate to, likewise for the prevalent feeling of regret when it comes to family issues, though.
Its actually a good film and gets a hard press on this forum, i'm not sure whether some might not have realised its a genre piece which is supposed to be quite compact and unflashy.

I enjoyed it personally, reminded me of vanishing point and alot of other 70's movies of that ilk. It doesn't have alot of substance but tells a very compact story well.

6/10 for me.

Which genre? A mish mash of a few in reality. And it was anything but compact. You could have shot it better as a 20 minute short film. And the end made no sense whatsoever.
Which genre? A mish mash of a few in reality. And it was anything but compact. You could have shot it better as a 20 minute short film. And the end made no sense whatsoever.

Well its essentially a heist movie but yes you are right there are elements of other genres in there.

What was it about the end that didn't make sense to you?

Mark Wahlberg stars has an ex marksman , who is framed for an assassination attempt on the US President.
Danny Glover is really good in it.
Very good story line and some good acting with plenty of violent death..
If you watch it look put for the scene on the mountain , some cracking shooting in it.

Watched Cell 211 (Celda 211) the other night. Top, top film. 8/10

Plot summary from wiki
Juan Oliver wants to make a good impression at his new job as a prison officer and reports to work a day early, leaving his pregnant wife, Elena, at home. During his tour of the prison, an accident occurs that knocks him unconscious. He is rushed to the empty but visibly haunted walls of cell 211. As this diversion unfolds, convicts break free and hijack some prison officers. Aware of the violence that is to come, the prison officers flee, leaving Juan stranded and unconscious in the heart of the riot. When Juan awakens, he immediately takes stock of the situation; in order to survive, he must pretend to be a prisoner.

Juan manages to convince the other prisoners that he is one of them, and that he just entered the prison that very day for homicide. He not only makes himself believed as inmate, but befriends the violent deep voice leader of the riot, Malamadre (Badmother in English), who takes him under his wing.

Malamadre discovers that Basque terrorists associated with ETA are being held in the same prison, and plans to use them as a bargaining tool. When this hits the news, it triggers a stream of prison riots throughout the country as well as demonstrations in the Basque Country. Juan quickly realizes that he is on his own as the situation becomes more politicized and the government gets involved, afraid of potential ramifications in the Basque community.

Juan's pregnant wife, Elena, slowly learns about his impossible situation and heads for the jail. Once there she is brutally beaten outside the prisons, while trying to get information about her husband. A TV inside the prison cell block reveals the information to the prisoners. Camera footage indicates that Elena was at the riot. Fearful for her safety, Juan insists on learning information regarding her status.

Malamadre demands information of all those injured by the riot. The authorities respond with a short list of only four names. This infuriates the prisoners, who believe that the police are withholding information, and decide to kill one of the ETA prisoners. However, Juan intervenes and suggest they merely cut an ear, an act he is forced to perform himself.

The authorities then provide additional information on all the injured. Juan learns Elena is in the hospital, though he is told she is recovering. Juan insists on talking to her but is rebuffed. Utrilla, the police guard who hit Elena, is suspended and asked to leave. Meanwhile, Apache learns the truth behind Juan's status as a guard, having contacted a friend at the police via a secret cell phone. He tells Juan he'll give Juan a chance to defend himself before letting Malamadre know.

Later, Malamadre has Apache ask Juan that he needs to speak to him. Juan is brought to a secluded room, the door closed behind him, and several of Malamadre's men surround him. He asks, nervously, "What faces?" in an effort to defuse the situation given his worry that Apache betrayed his true status. Instead, Malamadre shows Juan a cell phone video from a different camera at the outside riot. The footage shows that Elena was beaten by Utrilla, another prison guard, who then proceeded to leave her on the ground. Juan insists that Utrilla be brought inside.

Inside, Utrilla is faced with the cell phone footage by an infuriated Juan. Juan again insists on talking to Elena, but he instead learns that both she and her unborn child have died. In response, the prisoners viciously beat Utrilla until he loudly insists that Juan is a prison guard. He asks Juan to tell the truth; instead, Juan slits Utrilla's throat and fully joins the prisoners in their fight, having lost all will and reason for life outside. In private Malamadre and his other cohorts are furious but Malamadre leaves him alone, given that he ruthlessly killed Utrilla.

The government sends a messenger to deal directly. The government acquiesces to Malamadre's demands. However, Juan drags Utrilla's corpse in front of the liaison and insists that the government agree in public or they will kill the ETA prisoners. Malamadre is furious at being upstaged though he understands that Juan is correct. Malamadre tells Juan that if the SWAT team invades instead of agreeing, then he will either die or kill Juan. In either event, Malamadre insists only one of them will live, as punishment for Juan's betrayal.

The government does not agree to the demands and sends in the SWAT team. Apache kills Juan and severely injures Malamadre, and it is implied that he is the new king of the prison population once the riot ends. At an inquiry held by the government, the prison officials regret Juan's death but did the best they could in the situation. Finally, the prison official simply asks, "Any more questions?"
I just ordered the blu ray box set of the Bourne Trilogy

Pretty much everyone I know has seen these. I have no idea why I have avoided the series
Earth's Final Hours.

I watched this after seeing that it had a rating of 7.9 on imdb , but did not read the review.
How the hell did this rubbish get a score of 7.9 is beyond me.
It is another end of the world film , with what could of been a very good story , if it was done right , but my god it was done so badly.
Dreadful acting from the start ,plot with many many holes in it.
Avoid it like the plague , unless you like really bad disaster films , I do but still found this to be the pits.

Earth's Final Hours.

I watched this after seeing that it had a rating of 7.9 on imdb , but did not read the review.
How the hell did this rubbish get a score of 7.9 is beyond me.
It is another end of the world film , with what could of been a very good story , if it was done right , but my god it was done so badly.
Dreadful acting from the start ,plot with many many holes in it.
Avoid it like the plague , unless you like really bad disaster films , I do but still found this to be the pits.


a, imdb scores are meaningless

b, I checked and that film had 8 votes (all from the cast and crew I presume)
It's strange how you can relate so much to it despite it being so distinctively Japanese. Very slow film but worth the effort.

Yep, very much so. On the other side it showed how cold the Japanese customs can appear too, though - no embraces, the closest thing to any contact was in giving a present.

On an unrelated note, there's something about Asian cinema that makes me dread watching any Asian movie despite most of the ones I've seen being right up there with the best...can't quite figure out what it is though. Raise the Red Lantern's one of my favourite movies and Ikiru's one of the best I've seen but even then there's a part of me going into it half-thinking I might not enjoy it. And it's nothing to do with foreign films or subtitles, I look forward to the next Bergman, Truffaut or Tarr film without any of the pessimism. Anyone else the same or am I just a little racist?

Ordet (1955) - N/R

Revolves around a family in a small farm and their constant battle with religion, a battle within themselves in times of despair, battles between family members and battles between different churches and religious beliefs. One of the sons is agnostic, another wants to marry a woman of another religion, while the third son believes he's Jesus.

I didn't really like it. It looked good, the acting was very good (the father and the insane son particularly) but it just didn't appeal to me. The subject doesn't appeal to me but then the same could be said for the Seventh Seal and I liked it, so it was more about Dreyer's approach to it. Just not for me.
I've got 30 minutes of Captain America to go and I really can't be arsed to finish it.

It's so naff. Agent Smith plays some weird noseless devil freak, who is so evil he wants to kill Hitler cause even he isn't evil enough to hang out with him. Also the fight scenes are rubbish, his shield is shit and his costume is gay.

I rate it 3/10.
The Inbetweeners If you love the TV series then you will really enjoy this feature length goodbye. It has some of the usual faults of British comedy converted to movie length but there are more than enough cringe inducing and outright hilarious moments to make it more than worth watching. 8/10
Finally watched The Aviator with DiCaprio, it was fantastic. He looks a bit young to play the older Howard Hughes, but Kate Blanchett is perfect as Katharine Hepburn.

I am firmly in team Drive. I really enjoyed it, so there!

I felt like watching a truly awful film yesterday to ease my hangover woes. I chose the library of a certain Nicholas Cage, as he's almost always in bad films. Thankfully he didn't disappoint!

Season Of The Witch: Where do I start? I guess the thing that stayed at the forefront of my mind from this film was the decade of Crusades in 10 minutes sequence. The director obviously wasn't confident in holding the audience's attention without a bit of variety, therefore I was treated to fights in sunshine, fights in snow, fights at night and fights indoors.
Once the nonsense was finished, we got to the main point of the film, which was plagues and witch transportation. Thankfully this only led to more nonsense, interspersed with the odd bit of bad CGI. Was I entertained? I guess I was. Was the film awful? Absolutely terrible!
The highlight of the film was Nicholas Cage and his sword deflecting crossbow bolts that were fired at him from 10 yards. The low point was the rest of the film.
If you're expecting a good film, avoid it like the plague ;)
If you fancy a cheesy/crappy film that you can laugh at, this does the job.
Drive solid film agreed. Some people love it too much....some people just being haters, I guess I'm in the middle, enjoyable watch and Gosling and Brooks are always good value.

Anyway I watched Inbetweeners, yep good stuff.....I guess they were being honest when they were saying they basically made season 3 too stupid and forced and kept the legit writing back for the film, because I actually laughed a fair bit...probably the most from any film this year(beside this and Bridemaids, pretty awful year for comedy, mainstream at least.) Cliche storyline and all that, but the gags are there if you liked the series.
I am firmly in team Drive. I really enjoyed it, so there!

I felt like watching a truly awful film yesterday to ease my hangover woes. I chose the library of a certain Nicholas Cage, as he's almost always in bad films. Thankfully he didn't disappoint!

Season Of The Witch: Where do I start? I guess the thing that stayed at the forefront of my mind from this film was the decade of Crusades in 10 minutes sequence. The director obviously wasn't confident in holding the audience's attention without a bit of variety, therefore I was treated to fights in sunshine, fights in snow, fights at night and fights indoors.
Once the nonsense was finished, we got to the main point of the film, which was plagues and witch transportation. Thankfully this only led to more nonsense, interspersed with the odd bit of bad CGI. Was I entertained? I guess I was. Was the film awful? Absolutely terrible!
The highlight of the film was Nicholas Cage and his sword deflecting crossbow bolts that were fired at him from 10 yards. The low point was the rest of the film.
If you're expecting a good film, avoid it like the plague ;)
If you fancy a cheesy/crappy film that you can laugh at, this does the job.

If you have not already seen it, may I recommend Snake Eyes the next time you are seeking more of the same.
Snake Eyes opening scene.....all 25 minutes of it

Rest of it is clearly awful though.
If you have not already seen it, may I recommend Snake Eyes the next time you are seeking more of the same.

I've not seen this film, and I don't make a habit of knowingly watching bad ones. Sometimes I do get the urge though, so next time I'm up for a bad film, I might well check it out.

How would you rate it on the Nicholas Cage movie scale?
I've not seen this film, and I don't make a habit of knowingly watching bad ones. Sometimes I do get the urge though, so next time I'm up for a bad film, I might well check it out.

How would you rate it on the Nicholas Cage movie scale?

It's well in the realm of "so bad it's great" film making. It must be one of the absolute worst films ever made (well, considering the cast, director and budget), nevermind on the Cage scale.