Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I just watched The Change Up. It started off freakin' hilarious. The humor started to die down a little bit and it got a teeny-tiny bit serious. The ending was good and it was like a moral. But Olivia Wilde was just :drool:. Damn she is fecking hot!!!!
Gran Torino

Quite good. Eastwood does that old, grumpy, hard character really well. Too bad the Hmong actors are average, especially the guy who play Tao.
The Motorcycle Diares - A nice road movie with some fine scenery of South America. Garcia Bernal was very good, as was the other guy.

Last Life in the Universe - Normally the melancholy film about alienation that I like, but I don't know, was definitely decent but I just didn't enjoy it as much as I would have liked. Started promisingly but I didn't like how it all panned out. Nice soundtrack though.
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Source Code

It was on while I was calling "people" names on the inturdnet, so I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention. Still, from what I can gather, it made absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Just watched Unknown. It started off okay. Got a little boring and then towards the end it turned into Bourne Ultimatum.

Limitless was a different type of movie. It was sorta entertaining. Worth a watch.
Source Code

It was on while I was calling "people" names on the inturdnet, so I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention. Still, from what I can gather, it made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

It sort of made sense but only as long as you didn't worry about the gaping plot holes.
Super 8

I liked the start, then it started to drag in the middle, and the ending was pansified beyond belief. Disappointing.
Super 8

I liked the start, then it started to drag in the middle, and the ending was pansified beyond belief. Disappointing.

Watched it yesterday, exactly my thoughts. Loved the beginning of the movie, the ending, however,
with all the hugging and tears and reconciliation, fecking awful.
The Lincoln Lawyer. 3/10. I might be biased but I cannot stand the super cool ridiculously good looking mega twat Matthew Macocknehy. Absolute garbage.

Off to watch Luc Bessons's "The Extraordinary Adventures Of Adele Blanc-Sec".
Super 8

I liked the start, then it started to drag in the middle, and the ending was pansified beyond belief. Disappointing.

I hated it too.

I mean come on, the adults are running around tearing their heads apart thinking what to do. And this kid just finds everything by himself and then fecking talks to the bloody alien and tells him to just go home.
The Perfect Host

Brilliant. Go into this movie without ANY prior knowledge and you will be blown away. David Hyde Pierce is excellent. I'm not going to say anymore simply because its best watched that way.

The Vicious Kind


A relatively unknown, little indie film I recently ended up loving. A stellar central performance from Adam Scott who manages to be vile and yet sweet/funny all at the same time.

Let The Right One In - 10/10

Absolute brilliant masterpiece. A film about a boy who meets a girl and, combined with some brilliant cinematography, produces one of the most romantic and touching story i've ever seen on the big screen. This is the movie that everyone says Twilight should have been. I'm going to read the book as soon as i have the time.

Let Me In (2010) was made two years later in the US, it is a remake but with certain areas tweaked to better suit the mainstream audience. I haven't seen it yet, and I really want to, because i love Chloe Moretz and Richard Jenkins, and the kid from The Road is also an excellent actor, but i can't bring myself to watching it so soon after the original because it's simply impossible to improve upon perfection.
The Tourist


Gave it the same score as Wild Target for being as bad but at least having Paul Bettany in who is always watchable, but then an extra half a point for also not making me hide my face behind my hands in sheer cringing embarrassment. Not to mention the worst "twist" ever. Stay away.
Super 8

I liked the start, then it started to drag in the middle, and the ending was pansified beyond belief. Disappointing.

I have just watched Super 8 and to be honest , I could not decide who the film was aimed at.
It was like a Famous five film , the train crash at the start was OK but after that it went down hill , very fast.
If the ending has been any more chessey , I could of put it on toast with brown sauce.

Just watched Super 8 and to be honest, it was plain to see who the film was aimed, it was like a Famous five film, the train crash at the begining was great and after that itjust kept climbing to great heights. The ending though a bit rushed gave a great wrap up to the film, like a cheese sandwich with tomato sauce.


Seriously though, i loved it, the ending did feel rushed and the whole way the kids dealt with the alien was a bit wtf and felt suddenly rushed. The characters were developed beautifully. For a kids film it is far above the normal dross they get served with and remember folks thats what this is a kids film. A strong 8/10 for me.
Just watched Super 8 and to be honest, it was plain to see who the film was aimed, it was like a Famous five film, the train crash at the begining was great and after that itjust kept climbing to great heights. The ending though a bit rushed gave a great wrap up to the film, like a cheese sandwich with tomato sauce.


Seriously though, i loved it, the ending did feel rushed and the whole way the kids dealt with the alien was a bit wtf and felt suddenly rushed. The characters were developed beautifully. For a kids film it is far above the normal dross they get served with and remember folks thats what this is a kids film. A strong 8/10 for me.

mmm has a kids film , yes an 8 seems fair , but I did not want a kids film , I was expecting something a bit more adult.
mmm has a kids film , yes an 8 seems fair , but I did not want a kids film , I was expecting something a bit more adult.

It was a kids film though, and should be viewed as such. Like the Jackie Chan Karate Kid film which I thought was fantastic. We havethis thing were we expect films from Speilsberg and the like should be for everyone, but then like the Goonies, which has an equally if not cheesier ending, it is a kids film.
It was a kids film though, and should be viewed as such. Like the Jackie Chan Karate Kid film which I thought was fantastic. We havethis thing were we expect films from Speilsberg and the like should be for everyone, but then like the Goonies, which has an equally if not cheesier ending, it is a kids film.

The only reason I watched it is because it was compared to The Goonies. Not in the same league.
Same age as me you old bugger. I'm finding it's not aging overly well. Also "The Case" at the end. My mrs is a film student and it was better than 90% of her class can produce.
The Thing.

Another classic film on ITV.
Even watching it again for the umpteenth time , still a quality film , the best part has to be when the head grows legs.
I hope the remake/prequel is has good , but I doubt it.

another 10/10
The Leopard - Quite good, but lacked something extra, not sure of what though at the moment. A bit forgettable as well. Burt Lancaster was great in it though.

Akira Kurosawa's Dreams- Some parts were delightfully neat and surreal, but some seemed to drag on forever especially towards the end.

Contempt - Decent at times, yet very inconsistent. Nice score.
An interesting Australian film , about a young couple that go to an uninhabited island and of course things start to happen , a bit slow in parts , but I thought a good story.
Ending had a twist to it but you could guess it before it came.

The Thing.

Another classic film on ITV.
Even watching it again for the umpteenth time , still a quality film , the best part has to be when the head grows legs.
I hope the remake/prequel is has good , but I doubt it.

another 10/10

Really didn't like this when I watched it a couple of weeks ago, was so disappointed. Another well-regarded horror just completely not living up to the hype, for me. Recommend me some decent horrors Nilsson, Mehro, Spoony and co., I know horror's not everyone's favourite (probably everyone's least favourite) but surely you've seen some good ones.

Watched a lot of excellent movies recently. Went on a bit of a Hitchcock run in the past couple of days; really enjoyed Vertigo (not sure why some didn't like it, found it really interesting to see how intimately it reflected Hitchcock's perception of women and the cinematography's great (and even ground-breaking at points, surely?)) , North by Northwest and Dial M for Murder, Rear Window was my favourite. Got Rebecca, the 39 Steps, Strangers on a Train, the Man Who Knew Too Much, To Catch a Thief, Rope and The Birds all lined up to watch within the next week or so.

Aside from that; Touch of Evil was great on so many levels (first time seeing Welles), Barry Lyndon was so elegant and brilliant in terms of cinematography but I didn't love it the way I did any other Kubrick movie (one I'm definitely needing to watch again), 2001 was incredibly indulgent at times but more than made up for it with breathtakingly good imagery, 12 Angry Men's quite simply amazing for how minimalistic it is and a lesson in how to make something so simple so great, Breathless had such verve and panache it's easily one of my favourite movies, Amélie was very good with enchanting visuals, and Seven Samurai was simply brilliant all-round (it deserves another watch though, not as in love with it as some of you lot).

Too many movies to do reviews on and they're such classics there's little point in even going into them. Suffice to say I loved pretty much all of them, Barry Lyndon aside. Wasn't half as daunting as I thought it would be with a subject that really didn't interest me and 3 hours of it, but it wasn't. Still, will be a while before I watch it again. Rear Window, Seven Samurai and Touch of Evil probably the best, Rear Window, Breathless and Dial M for Murder probably my favourites. Oh, and Star Wars isn't very good, you gimps. It's on a level with Toy Story for its influence in an entire style (can't think of another word, it's obviously not genre...?) of movies - i.e blockbuster and animation - and isn't half as good in terms of storyline. Was so underwhelming.

Going to watch The Killing tonight.
Really didn't like this when I watched it a couple of weeks ago, was so disappointed. Another well-regarded horror just completely not living up to the hype, for me. Recommend me some decent horrors Nilsson, Mehro, Spoony and co., I know horror's not everyone's favourite (probably everyone's least favourite) but surely you've seen some good ones.

Watched a lot of excellent movies recently. Went on a bit of a Hitchcock run in the past couple of days; really enjoyed Vertigo (not sure why some didn't like it, found it really interesting to see how intimately it reflected Hitchcock's perception of women and the cinematography's great (and even ground-breaking at points, surely?)) , North by Northwest and Dial M for Murder, Rear Window was my favourite. Got Rebecca, the 39 Steps, Strangers on a Train, the Man Who Knew Too Much, To Catch a Thief, Rope and The Birds all lined up to watch within the next week or so.

Aside from that; Touch of Evil was great on so many levels (first time seeing Welles), Barry Lyndon was so elegant and brilliant in terms of cinematography but I didn't love it the way I did any other Kubrick movie (one I'm definitely needing to watch again), 2001 was incredibly indulgent at times but more than made up for it with breathtakingly good imagery, 12 Angry Men's quite simply amazing for how minimalistic it is and a lesson in how to make something so simple so great, Breathless had such verve and panache it's easily one of my favourite movies, Amélie was very good with enchanting visuals, and Seven Samurai was simply brilliant all-round (it deserves another watch though, not as in love with it as some of you lot).

Too many movies to do reviews on and they're such classics there's little point in even going into them. Oh, and Star Wars isn't very good, you gimps. It's on a level with Toy Story for its influence in an entire style (can't think of another word, it's obviously not genre...?) of movies - i.e blockbuster and animation - and isn't half as good in terms of storyline. Was so underwhelming.

Going to watch The Killing tonight.

Have you seen Theater of Blood? That's a fun horror. Check out Night of the Demon and Dead of Night too.

You're being unfair on Star Wars because you don't understand what a phenomenon it was when it came out. It was so innovative (I know, I know...he stole lots of classic themes) and visually stunning that it simply blew your mind.

Rosemary's Baby, Audition, Omen, Exorcist, Lost Highway, Ring, Don't Look Now, The Tenant.
The Shining.

I'd also throw in Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It's a skilful use of resources to create unease and tension. Same goes for Halloween. Trouble is by today's standards they are somewhat pedestrian and tame.
Really didn't like this when I watched it a couple of weeks ago, was so disappointed. Another well-regarded horror just completely not living up to the hype, for me. Recommend me some decent horrors Nilsson, Mehro, Spoony and co., I know horror's not everyone's favourite (probably everyone's least favourite) but surely you've seen some good ones.

Watched a lot of excellent movies recently. Went on a bit of a Hitchcock run in the past couple of days; really enjoyed Vertigo (not sure why some didn't like it, found it really interesting to see how intimately it reflected Hitchcock's perception of women and the cinematography's great (and even ground-breaking at points, surely?)) , North by Northwest and Dial M for Murder, Rear Window was my favourite. Got Rebecca, the 39 Steps, Strangers on a Train, the Man Who Knew Too Much, To Catch a Thief, Rope and The Birds all lined up to watch within the next week or so.

Aside from that; Touch of Evil was great on so many levels (first time seeing Welles), Barry Lyndon was so elegant and brilliant in terms of cinematography but I didn't love it the way I did any other Kubrick movie (one I'm definitely needing to watch again), 2001 was incredibly indulgent at times but more than made up for it with breathtakingly good imagery, 12 Angry Men's quite simply amazing for how minimalistic it is and a lesson in how to make something so simple so great, Breathless had such verve and panache it's easily one of my favourite movies, Amélie was very good with enchanting visuals, and Seven Samurai was simply brilliant all-round (it deserves another watch though, not as in love with it as some of you lot).

Too many movies to do reviews on and they're such classics there's little point in even going into them. Oh, and Star Wars isn't very good, you gimps. It's on a level with Toy Story for its influence in an entire style (can't think of another word, it's obviously not genre...?) of movies - i.e blockbuster and animation - and isn't half as good in terms of storyline. Was so underwhelming.

Going to watch The Killing tonight.

Horror is not everybodys cup of tea , but I love it ,even the really crap ones , mine you of late they are all really crap ones.
I have not been frightened by a horror since the first time a Nightmare on Elm street was released , and that was a long time ago.
I have seem a few Hitchcock films but not many to be honest, never really got in to him , might have to watch a few more and see where it takes me.
The 3 latter Star Wars are not up to the original first 3 standard , but again if you like them you like them.
I also though 2001 was rubbish , I thought 2010 was much better.