Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

The Shining.

I'd also throw in Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It's a skilful use of resources to create unease and tension. Same goes for Halloween. Trouble is by today's standards they are somewhat pedestrian and tame.

I reckon we've been desensitised. I watched TCM again, a few months back...and it did nowt for me this time around.
I reckon we've been desensitised. I watched TCM again, a few months back...and it did nowt for me this time around.

Yes...but just remember what it was like first time around. I was struggling to watch...that scene where he belts the bloke on the head, drags him into the room and shuts the door stuck with me for a long time.
You're being unfair on Star Wars because you don't understand what a phenomenon it was when it came out. It was so innovative (I know, I know...he stole lots of classic themes) and visually stunning that it simply blew your mind.
Only if you were 12.
I watched the original a few weeks ago to be honest thought it was average at best.
I remember watching it many years ago and thought it was scary them , but not now.

Effects and sound have come on, I think the reason why Exorcist was so scary for its time was largely down to the effects, funnily enough, Now I'm not sure but I read somewhere it's the first film that had props that moved, making the whole effect more chilling.
Effects and sound have come on, I think the reason why Exorcist was so scary for its time was largely down to the effects, funnily enough, Now I'm not sure but I read somewhere it's the first film that had props that moved, making the whole effect more chilling.

yeah you do have a point , I find most horror films today and just not up to it.
They have a few bits of scary stuff and then nothing.
Insidious is a good example , promised so much good reviews , best scary film for years they said , but what did it give a good opening followed by 20 mins of good stuff and the rest was rubbish.
Is it to much for them to make a horror film that actually scares you.
yeah you do have a point , I find most horror films today and just not up to it.
They have a few bits of scary stuff and then nothing.
Insidious is a good example , promised so much good reviews , best scary film for years they said , but what did it give a good opening followed by 20 mins of good stuff and the rest was rubbish.
Is it to much for them to make a horror film that actually scares you.

Yeah, I don't films that make you jump due to effects particularly scary. Good psychological horrors/thriller do scare though...and I can't think of many more disturbing and atmospheric than The Tenant. Now, that was one creepy film.
Yeah, I don't films that make you jump due to effects particularly scary. Good psychological horrors/thriller do scare though...and I can't think of many more disturbing and atmospheric as The Tenant. Now, that was one creepy film.

not seen The Tenant well not the 1976 version , I have seen a later one and that was OK.
Will have to get the original one.
The Thing.

Another classic film on ITV.
Even watching it again for the umpteenth time , still a quality film , the best part has to be when the head grows legs.
I hope the remake/prequel is has good , but I doubt it.

another 10/10

the one thing..excuse the pun, I dont like about is seeing the 'thing' assimilate teh huskeys.

I love dogs.. and I have a huskey.

makes me wannna burn that 'thing' over and over....

The Shining.

I'd also throw in Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It's a skilful use of resources to create unease and tension. Same goes for Halloween. Trouble is by today's standards they are somewhat pedestrian and tame.

The Shining's great, obviously. Watched TCM some time last year (watched the remake first, good lord it was shocking) and enjoyed it but is the word, didn't do all that much for me. Same for the Omen, watched it with my dad and he talked it up as the scariest movie he'd ever seen...underwhelmed, to say the last. Very good all the same.

Have you seen Theater of Blood? That's a fun horror. Check out Night of the Demon and Dead of Night too.

You're being unfair on Star Wars because you don't understand what a phenomenon it was when it came out. It was so innovative (I know, I know...he stole lots of classic themes) and visually stunning that it simply blew your mind.

Will look them all up.

Yeah yeah, throw in a few lightsabers and it's the coolest thing ever made. They were pretty enjoyable, the second one better (takes away a bit of the shock factor when you already know he's his father, obviously) and somewhat impressive for the creativity in the effects, but I never got into it. I can understand how it influence an entire generation (mainly of kids, let's be fair), but then so did Toy Story...just maybe not to the same degree. But then the plot's better in Toy Story. Seriously, wouldn't have levels between them at all as a trilogy. That said, haven't got around to watching the third one.


Rosemary's Baby, Audition, Omen, Exorcist, Lost Highway, Ring, Don't Look Now, The Tenant.

Liked Ringu but it's far from great, seen none of the others but the Omen. Started to watch some of the Exorcist but didn't get into it, nor did the couple of mates watching it so I'll give it another go. Alone, obviously. Already have Audition downloaded but didn't think it was much of a horror. First Miike I'll watch, hopefully of many. Doesn't seem like he's for everyone, though.

Probably give Theater of Blood then Rosemary's baby a go.
You're being unfair on Star Wars because you don't understand what a phenomenon it was when it came out. It was so innovative (I know, I know...he stole lots of classic themes) and visually stunning that it simply blew your mind.

Nah, he's being completely fair tbh, and objective. It's you lot that do understand what a "phenomenon" it was that aren't, and are excusing all it's failings because of it in my opinion...As a film, it doesn't really stand the test of time as much more than an event movie of its age, just as (IMO) the LoTR films wont either....Raiders does, for example, because it was the far better film.

I've had this argument loads of times though, and it only upsets Randall Flagg.
Nah, he's being completely fair tbh, and objective. It's you lot that do understand what a "phenomenon" it was that aren't, and are excusing all it's failings because of it in my opinion...As a film, it doesn't really stand the test of time as much more than an event movie of its age, just as (IMO) the LoTR films wont either....Raiders does, for example, because it was the far better film.

I've had this argument loads of times though, and it only upsets Randall Flagg.

The reason Shawshank makes it to most tards #1 spot is precisely because all the classics that the poncy film buffs love don't stand the test of time in their eyes. I'll bet Exorcist gets high placings but as you see from the discussion above, it's dated and no longer very scary. Yet at the time of it's release it literally terrified audiences. They wouldn't show it on UK telly because it was deemed too disturbing.

I'm not claiming that Star Wars is top ten material but it's in the 100 fo' sho'.
Worried that I might be a bit underwhelmed by the Indiana Jones series so I've put it off for a while actually...still, fun is fun in any era, you'd think.
I think Raiders has worn well because it is set in 'our' past, while Star wars has been dated by better effects even by the same series.

That's a possibility...But I'd personally put it down to Spielberg being a measurably better director, the dialogue being much superior to the drivel Lucas writes and also Jones being a significantly more interesting character than anyone in Star Wars....Even Solo. Significantly.

Worried that I might be a bit underwhelmed by the Indiana Jones series so I've put it off for a while actually...still, fun is fun in any era, you'd think.

Nah, it's on practically every Christmas and it hasn't worn...Still a great film. The 2nd one has though. Quite badly. 3rd ones up and down.
Midnight in Paris is Woody Allen’s latest release and depicts Gil, played well by Owen Wilson, an uninspired writer who is transported each night at midnight to his idealistic historical period 1920s Paris where he rubs shoulders with greats such as Hemmingway, Picasso, Cole Porter and the beautiful Adriana who he understandably falls for. The problem for Gil lies in that he is already engaged to Inez who is played by Rachel McAdams, what’s that you say ‘how could someone fall for someone else when they’ve already got Rachel McAdams ?’ Well I should have mentioned Adriana is portrayed by the divine Marillon Cotillard, lucky bastard. Anyway Gil and Inez are the classic couple who you know shouldn’t be together, their outlooks on life are so far apart it is hard to imagine why they ever got together to start with and Gil begins to fall further in love with Adriana and the 20s, inspiring him to write and leaving him with important questions about his future, or the future, or possibly the future past future or something.

Summary: Woody Allen does Goodnight Sweetheart
Liked Ringu but it's far from great, seen none of the others but the Omen. Started to watch some of the Exorcist but didn't get into it, nor did the couple of mates watching it so I'll give it another go. Alone, obviously. Already have Audition downloaded but didn't think it was much of a horror. First Miike I'll watch, hopefully of many. Doesn't seem like he's for everyone, though.

Probably give Theater of Blood then Rosemary's baby a go.

Ringu's is an okay watch, but truth be told, there aren't many brilliant horror films, and Ringu's storyline is ridiculous but it's worth a watch. As for Audition, I think you'll like it - I thought it was creepy as feck.
Aye, I'd still recommend Ringu as one of the better recent horrors. Just not all that. Creepy's good, pretty much what you're hoping for from a horror rather than 'scary'. These days at least. Creepy and sinister.

The Killing was very good but not one of Kubrick's best, I don't think - the direct influence on Reservoir Dogs and the Usual Suspects and the like was obvious, though. Probably Kubrick's shortest film? Still felt like something was missing, didn't think the cinematography was at the usual level. Watched it in the morning though, never seem to be able to focus on movies as well in the morning. Strange.


Watch Amelie, ITMFL's too absorbing and it's not as upbeat, shall we say. It's not really a happy romance story. Amelie's got it's sombre moments but it's still more cheery, basically.
I really liked Amelie but I didn't get how it's put in with a list of 'great' movies, I must say. Take it it's not going in your list Nilsson? A nice story told well with its aesthetics with Tatou playing the role very well, but not a whole lot more than that.
Yup Brwned I've seen the movie and I agree with your assessment. RN7 I didn't think it was that amazing either, number 20 something in mehro's 100 top movies of all time though the poof. Mehro my girl has gone back to NYC therefore new pastures and what not.
I do wonder about ITMFL, whether it's something that anyone can enjoy for its beauty or whether it's the style of movie that's more of an acquired taste. I'm going to pass it on to a few of my mates but I fully expect them to say it didn't make any sense and it was too slow, or something. I downloaded Rosemary's Baby but didn't have the time to watch it, they watched it and said it was crap and boring and turned it off after 20 minutes so I deleted it without even giving it a go. Gimps.
I really liked Amelie but I didn't get how it's put in with a list of 'great' movies, I must say. Take it it's not going in your list Nilsson? A nice story told well with its aesthetics with Tatou playing the role very well, but not a whole lot more than that.

Nah, probably not.

Towards the end it turned a bit too creepy rather than quirky for me to be completely charmed by it.
How about Poltergeist? There's a good horror film. I quite liked Rosemary's Baby, but I can easily see why people would have gotten bored of it. It's hardly the most exciting and fast moving film and I did not find it even slightly scary.
Midnight in Paris is Woody Allen’s latest release and depicts Gil, played well by Owen Wilson, an uninspired writer who is transported each night at midnight to his idealistic historical period 1920s Paris where he rubs shoulders with greats such as Hemmingway, Picasso, Cole Porter and the beautiful Adriana who he understandably falls for. The problem for Gil lies in that he is already engaged to Inez who is played by Rachel McAdams, what’s that you say ‘how could someone fall for someone else when they’ve already got Rachel McAdams ?’ Well I should have mentioned Adriana is portrayed by the divine Marillon Cotillard, lucky bastard. Anyway Gil and Inez are the classic couple who you know shouldn’t be together, their outlooks on life are so far apart it is hard to imagine why they ever got together to start with and Gil begins to fall further in love with Adriana and the 20s, inspiring him to write and leaving him with important questions about his future, or the future, or possibly the future past future or something.

Summary: Woody Allen does Goodnight Sweetheart

Was it any good though? Seems to be getting a good reception on IMDB. Not seen a good new Woody Allen film for ages.

Also, how odd that Owen Wilson's character is attached to a character called Inez again. Wonder if it was a deliberate Bottle Rocket reference?
The Perfect Host.

What a strange film ,but I enjoyed it.
I wont give anything away , make your own mind up when you watch it.


Glad to see someone else watching this. Not been getting the attention it deserves. David Hyde Pierce was excellent.
I do wonder about ITMFL, whether it's something that anyone can enjoy for its beauty or whether it's the style of movie that's more of an acquired taste. I'm going to pass it on to a few of my mates but I fully expect them to say it didn't make any sense and it was too slow, or something. I downloaded Rosemary's Baby but didn't have the time to watch it, they watched it and said it was crap and boring and turned it off after 20 minutes so I deleted it without even giving it a go. Gimps.

I reckon it's definitely an acquired taste, especially for younger people. I've given up trying to recommend films to my mates, they just won't listen, probably cause I never want to watch the rubbish they watch.