Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Super 8


I saw this a few weeks ago and it needs bringing up because I like complaining about things. After treading dodgy ground with Star Trek, JJ Abrams has now been added to my list of directors who's films I will go out of my way to avoid seeing in the future. The list is currently just him and Michael Bay.

The reasons for this are numerous in nature, but what sealed it was how the film played itself out as some giant mystery, which would all come together towards the end into some unpredictable, exciting conclusion, ...and then instead, the most dull, uninspiringly boring end to any film since my VCR broke half way through Titanic happened. It's like the complete opposite to that Simpsons episode where Mel Gibson lets Homer create the ending to his film. I was so angry immediately afterwards I wanted to shout at someone, anyone, but knew I'd come along voluntarily so only had myself to blame.

Other things to be wary of:
- Kid actors: children can't act, although the girl was bizarrely better at acting in the scenes where she was acting like she was acting, than she was at actually acting. The fat child was also mildly tolerable for the first ten minutes or so.
- Cloverfield: I don't know what "Cloverfield" means, I don't know what "Super 8" means. I expect Abrams next "original" film will be similarly titled as if he'd just nicked the name from some product in the local supermarket, and will probably feature some kind of monster that looks remarkably similar to the one from Super 8 (which looks remarkably like the one from Cloverfield), roaming about pointlessly for a bit wreaking havoc, while some kind of completely unrelated and dull side plot takes over the film and ruins it.
- LOUD NOISES - There are lots of these. More than in any other film I've seen at the cinema. That stupid Transformers alien robot sound also puts in a predictably needless appearance. None of it seemed all that necessary. I'm pretty sure a real train crash would be like a silent harmony compared to how it was portrayed here.

Verdict - 4/10 - Some people will love it but I'll never fathom why. Go see Apes instead of 8. It's much better, plus it has apes in it.
Is The Wicker Man any good? I had the misfortune of watching the Nicolas Cage remake in the cinema but it was so abysmal I think I've managed to completely erase it from memory. The original seems to have decent reviews.
Hm, shame. Going to watch Spirited Away now I think, not particularly looking forward to it seeing as the only previous Anime I'd seen was Howl's Moving Castle and I wasn't all that fussed on it. This seems to be the one to watch though, if I'll like any I'll like this.
Hm, shame. Going to watch Spirited Away now I think, not particularly looking forward to it seeing as the only previous Anime I'd seen was Howl's Moving Castle and I wasn't all that fussed on it. This seems to be the one to watch though, if I'll like any I'll like this.

It is much much better than Howl's
The Whistleblower (the new one with Rachel whatsherface) I don't really know what to make of this film. It's just distressing / frustrating more than anything, it's a world I sort of wish I had never glimpsed, as selfish as that sounds. As a film though it's not overly great, there are no particularly powerful or standout scenes, the acting isn't anything special, it at times felt disjointed and overall the film hasn't done very well with the material available. The subject matter is the only thing this film has going for it, which I suppose makes it a decent 6/10.
Watch Akira.

It's brilliant, and does that customary Japanese thing where the last half hour of the film goes completely fecking weird.
Spirited Away had terrible audio with it, crackled every 5 seconds, so never got around to watching it. Trouble with downloads.

Watched Rosemary's Baby instead, thought it was very good but maybe slightly underwhelmed. Was expecting a classic but I don't think it was quite that. Easily one of the better horrors though. Loved the opening part of the score, same song was used in the documentary about Polanski (which was very good).

Ole there wasn't a moment that movie looked at all decent; not the trailer, not the storyline and not the cast...come on. Probably watch the Tenant tonight.
Ole there wasn't a moment that movie looked at all decent; not the trailer, not the storyline and not the cast...come on. Probably watch the Tenant tonight.

I am well aware of that, but I've been a bit under the weather the past few days and was looking for something mindless to watch. It was a horrible movie to watch though.
I went to see Season of the Witch just to see how bad it was. It didn't disappoint. It was amazingly bad. There was no value to the film at all. Like most Nic Cage movies. I've yet to see Drive Angry though.

Also, I watched Street Fighter(the old one with Raul Julia and Jean-Claude van Damme) again the other night on blu-ray. :lol: JCVD as the All-American soldier Guile is a truly great casting decision. It was terrible, but it brought back memories from my youth when the quality of films I enjoyed was much lower.

Standout line of the film:

Well, I'm not going home. I'm gonna get on my boat, and I'm going up river, and I'm going to kick that son of a bitch Bison's ass so hard that the next Bison wannabe is gonna feel it! Now, who wants to go home... and who wants to go with me?
The Tenant

Saw it recommended here and watched it. Bizarre, claustrophobic, creepy. Plus the original 70s feel to it is just unbeatable. Definitely worth watching.
Repulsion - loved it. A masterpiece. Knew I was in for a treat within minutes of watching it. Catherine Deneuve's utterly beautiful - well, as beautiful as a vulnerable, demented, mentally ill person can look - but her performance is even more mesmeric.


Full Metal Jacket - excellent. Some inspired timing for dark comedy at points. Not what I was expecting but exactly what I wanted. I'm strangely apprehensive about war films, partly because I watched about a third of The Deer Hunter when I was younger and it didn't appeal to me whatsoever. There's too many good ones just to ignore an entire genre, though, so I reckon this one eased me into it with it being an atypical war film but still containing many of the key elements.

Season of the Witch is worse than Drive Angry, just for the fact that it's got some kind of attempted pseudo historic value and some genuinely decent actors saying the most ridiculously awful dialogue.....I'm stunned that films like that get made
Watching The Tenant. Good so far. Polanski looks like Messi. :D

Downloaded Sátántangó a couple of years ago without recognising that it was actually an 8 hour long movie, don't quite know what to do about it. Anyone on here watched it? I don't like stopping a movie halfway through and watching it the next day, but then I'm not sure I'm alright with spending literally a third of my day on one movie either. Or it might be better if I leave it a few years until it's more to my tastes...
Downloaded Sátántangó a couple of years ago without recognising that it was actually an 8 hour long movie, don't quite know what to do about it. Anyone on here watched it? I don't like stopping a movie halfway through and watching it the next day, but then I'm not sure I'm alright with spending literally a third of my day on one movie either. Or it might be better if I leave it a few years until it's more to my tastes...

I've been thinking of watching it for quite some time but yeah, 8 fecking hours and apparently is even more slow moving than a typical Tarkovsky film.

I'm planning to watch some epic-length films in the near future though, Berlin Alexanderplatz and The Decalogue. They're split up in different parts though.
Repulsion - loved it. A masterpiece. Knew I was in for a treat within minutes of watching it. Catherine Deneuve's utterly beautiful - well, as beautiful as a vulnerable, demented, mentally ill person can look - but her performance is even more mesmeric.


Full Metal Jacket - excellent. Some inspired timing for dark comedy at points. Not what I was expecting but exactly what I wanted. I'm strangely apprehensive about war films, partly because I watched about a third of The Deer Hunter when I was younger and it didn't appeal to me whatsoever. There's too many good ones just to ignore an entire genre, though, so I reckon this one eased me into it with it being an atypical war film but still containing many of the key elements.


I enjoyed Repulsion more than The Tenant.

Also find Full Metal Jacket grossly overrated. He might as well have ended it after the first act.
Aye, I'll be watching Dekalog within a couple of weeks. Sounds great.

Will be watching the Tenant tonight so I'll see where I stand on that.

Blade Runner - I almost feel like I'm insulting some people if I don't think it was utterly amazingly brilliant, but I just didn't. Loved it up until it went with the annoying Hollywood dramatic action scene and a big dramatic sequence following it at the end, which was a bit of a shame. Plus I don't really like Harrison Ford, didn't think Han Solo was cool at all in Star Wars he was just a bit cheesy and in general I seem to have some irrational hatred for him, so that doesn't help. That said Hauer was great. Looked great, loved the noir atmosphere and the plot was moving along nicely but the ending felt cheap when it was meant to be powerful. Great movie that it unquestionably is and one that I'll happily watch again, it's not one of the best of the best, for me. Huge expectations didn't help either, mind, so maybe I'll appreciate it more next time.

I think you'll find I'm fashionably late

:) Movies I have seen in the last few days -

Amadeus - Hulce's laugh and Abraham's general sinisterness. Good stuff !
Lives of others - For some reason, I've never got around to seeing this in its entirety. Glad I did. Has to rank along with Downfall as the best films to come out of Germany.
Exam - Utter garbage.
13 Assasins - A Miike samurai movie. Win Win. Flawed but extremely enjoyable.
Not sure about a classic but yeah, thought Lives of Others was great. Quite comfortably one of the best movies of the last decade.
It'll be thought of as a classic in 20 odd years. I've no doubt. The ending somehow avoids being incredibly schmaltzy, despite being incredibly schmaltzy. It's lump in the throat stuff. Even for really hard cool people like me.