Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

How to train a dragon. 8/10

Best animated film I think I've seen. Some emotive scenes going on there!
Right... just seen "shelter (2010)

Turned out pretty tense and eerie in the first half of the movie, it's such a great premises to begin with even i'm lost as to what to expect. But fast forward 1 hours it's a yawn fest they managed to screw up a good start by having voodoo and witchdoctress and plotholes all over.
Angel Heart ( 1987 ) 9/10

A young Mickey Rourke before he found plastic surgery as a down at heel Private Eye hired by a saturnine Robert De Niro to find someone.
Really too difficult to give a brief synopsis, but it's a very good fiLm, and was very popular at the time.
Directed by Alan Parker, this film has a little of several genres, thriller, crime, devil worship and chiller.
Suspect X - 7/10

Japanese thriller/drama. Probably not for anyone who hasn't had their foreign-film immunization shots, as apparently the film is heavy with social undercurrents that a Westerner simply will not understand and which push the film into 10/10 territory for natives. But if you're a murder-mystery fan you'll find plenty to enjoy.

A genius physics professor who moonlights as a police consultant turns down work on a 'boring' case involving an airtight alibi only to discover that one of the suspects is his long-lost best friend, a kindhearted genius mathematician who severed all social ties and disappeared seventeen years ago.

My God this was a difficult watch. I'd file it in with Requiem For A Dream and Irreversible as films to watch once and once only. Christ knows how Fassbender was allowed to lose that much weight. The piss mop scene is oddly mesmeric.
Hanna I have to be critical, simply because somebody somewhere, at one time, thought this was a good idea.

Bloody hell i wish i read this earlier. I watched this yesterday and dear God it was rubbish!
Angel Heart ( 1987 ) 9/10

A young Mickey Rourke before he found plastic surgery as a down at heel Private Eye hired by a saturnine Robert De Niro to find someone.
Really too difficult to give a brief synopsis, but it's a very good fiLm, and was very popular at the time.
Directed by Alan Parker, this film has a little of several genres, thriller, crime, devil worship and chiller.

A better review

Angel Heart (1987) 8/10

Mickey Rourke enters this film with a similar obsession as that of his own life at that time; an odd relationship with fans. This is in the post "Rumble Fish" phase (where he's a genius) and pre "Pope of Greenwich Village"/"8 1/2 Weeks" (where he's drunk) climb-down. Jesus, when he was good, he was great.

Rourke plays a Private Investigator contracted by a villianous business man who trades under the name Cypher, played by Robert de Niro in his usual un-erring and vacant style - him peeling and then eating an egg being a highlight of his performance. Eventually Rourke relocates to the deep south in search of clues regarding a famous wartime crooner who appears to have gone missing, causing de Niro's character a messy account. Voodoo bedlam occurs, but not before Rourke has an opportunity to show his full acting range at the time, which was fairly substantial to say the least. De Niro on the other hand only has one gear here. Recommended
Hunt to Kill

Caught this on Sky Movies (Playing all Week) It stars Stone Cold Steve Austin. It was better than I expected, Reminds me of Cliffhanger. Not bad for a straight to dvd film.

39 Steps is a good one. Also check out Seconds and Manchurian Candidate by Frankenheimer and Double Indemnity, Some Like it Hot, The Apartment by Wilder(also Sunset Blv).

As long as it's either the Robert Donat or the Kenneth More version. The Robert Powell version was dire.

Double Indemnity is simple brilliant!
Has anyone here seen the Final Destination series? How good are they?

In my humble opinion, 1 was pretty good, 2 was good and it went downhill from there.
It's good fun watching the death scenes unfold.

This is basically a more violent (and if honest, slightly funnier) version of Kick-Ass with Dwight from the US version of the Office playing a loser who's wife (Liv Tyler) walks out on him to go be with seedy drug dealer Kevin Bacon.

Like I said it's a slightly darker version of Kick Ass. He basically goes around caving peoples heads in with a monkey wrench for pushing in front of cinema queues and the like.

The climax is uber violent and the only real negative for me was Ellen Page who was particularly annoying as his side kick.

Definitely worth a watch if you're in the mood for something a bit kooky/violent/brainless.
Captain America was pretty awesome.

If you're interested in this, don't read the Empire Online review. They basically ruin the ending. I will probably still watch it, but I was very annoyed.


This is basically a more violent (and if honest, slightly funnier) version of Kick-Ass with Dwight from the US version of the Office playing a loser who's wife (Liv Tyler) walks out on him to go be with seedy drug dealer Kevin Bacon.

Like I said it's a slightly darker version of Kick Ass. He basically goes around caving peoples heads in with a monkey wrench for pushing in front of cinema queues and the like.

The climax is uber violent and the only real negative for me was Ellen Page who was particularly annoying as his side kick.

Definitely worth a watch if you're in the mood for something a bit kooky/violent/brainless.

I remember liking the sound of this, but I forgot all about it. I will have to give it a watch.
Unforgiven: Haven't really seen many Westerns but I really liked this, burnt slow and Jaimz Woolvet was quite annoying but the rest of the cast made up for that and when it finally kicked in it kicked ass.

Submarine: Directorial debut of Richard Ayoade and a very good start. The subplot of the Oliver's parents was probably the weakest aspect but the main story of the two young lovers was great and the film comes highly recommended from me which should matter to you all. Parts were filmed in my home town too which is still a novelty despite Gavin & Stacy.
I'm watching The Haunting (1999 version). God knows why, as it's the worst film in the history of history.
Gawd, I've been in love with Sophie Marceau since Braveheart, chief. :D

I watched Miller's Crossing last night; really excellent mob film. :)
Unforgiven: Haven't really seen many Westerns but I really liked this, burnt slow and Jaimz Woolvet was quite annoying but the rest of the cast made up for that and when it finally kicked in it kicked ass.

Another western which is a slow burner but kicked ass at the end is Open Range. Very fine western; up there with the best.
Do it Bill. It will probably be a better watch if you haven't seen Kick Ass either.

I have seen Kick Ass, but I will watch Super. I will keep an eye out for it.

Another western which is a slow burner but kicked ass at the end is Open Range. Very fine western; up there with the best.

If Westerns are your thing, the 3:10 to Yuma remake is worth a watch too.
Source Code's watchable in a Quantum Leap crossed with Groundhog Day way, but remember to disengage your brain. Full of plot holes and an ending that would grace any Hollywood flick, nevertheless it was fairly entertaining... just don't expect anything cerebral or else you'll be well and truly disappointed.
Igby Goes Down: Very good coming of age drama starring Kieran Culkin as a troubled teenager growing up in an emotionally detached upper middleclass family. A witty script and good acting performances all round from a cast that includes Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman, Susan Sarandon, Claire Danes and Ryan Phillippe make this a very enjoyable movie full of good acerbic one liners and some touching moments.


The Orphanage: Spanish supernatural drama thriller taking place in a former orphanage that has now been turned into a family home by a woman who used to be a child at the orphanage herself. Well told story with some genuinely chilling moments and a very good central performance from (MILF) Belén Rueda make this a good watch, although I’m still not sure how I was supposed to feel about the ending. Recommended.

I just saw transformers 3 on a bus ride since it was playing on the shared screens and there was nothing else to do. Like putting my brain through a blender. I won't say it was worse than the second one because I had the option to turn that one off and I exercised that after 20 mins but this was still probably worse than the worst movie I had seen before today.
Actually I've seen a few movies recently

Horrible bosses - funny except in bits when it is isn't. Recommended

The orphan - not the worst horror movie ever. Maybe I just liked it because of the really good looking company I had while watching it

The killers - terrible. Not transformers level terrible but definitely Ashton kutcher level terrible
I would've liked Horrible Bosses a lot more if it hadn't had Jason Sudeikis in it. I don't get him at all. He's like that guy who writes himself into all his own scripts as the smart, handsome, funny, ladies man everyone loves. Except that he isn't writing the scripts, so I've no idea why people keep casting him as that. He comes across as a twat.

Especially when you have Charlie Day & Jason Bateman flanking him, being effortlessly more funny, endearing and interesting, which only serves to make him look more of a twat. It also seemed to cop out of being a genuine dark comedy a bit. I got the feeling the actors (minus Sudeikis) were carrying a slightly toothless script.

As usual, Spacey steals every scene he's in. As does Day. Bateman is Bateman and Aniston sucks off a lolly. Worth it for them alone. Though I'm not sure whether I've gotten across well enough how much of a twat I think Jason Sudeikis is.

The Orphan seemed quite good, until it got about half way through and then it became ludicrous, bizarre and ever so slightly uncomfortable (she's, er, like 12 or something dude?)

In comparison The Orphanage was really good, until it got to the very very end, where it could've done without the whole happy(ish) ending...Which felt a little tacked on IMO. Possibly because they were hoping it would get bought for an instant US remake, which as we all know is now obligatory for all foreign horror films, or else the world will explode...Or something.

Super suffered in comparison to Kick Ass IMO. Not because it wasn't good, but because it never quite felt as comfortable in it's own setting, if that makes any sense. Some of it was really funny (and dark) but some of it was really dull (and dull) and I never felt convinced this was happening in a consistent universe..Everyone other than him was thoroughly 2D and it seemed like certain characters or bits were added in because they felt they should probably have some kind of thing happening here (news report!!) so it seemed more like a film...And I agree with CC, Ellen Page was annoying.

Bad Teacher I saw the other day, and thought it was fecking woeful. Someone obviously thought they'd try and ride the coat tails of Bad Santa, but without any of the wit of that, and with a central character that's neither particularly bad nor particularly interesting, nor particularly a teacher. Bad Santa works because, as with other loser/wanker lead characters, from Kenny Powers to Alan Partridge, everyone around them thinks they're a flying cnut, but they're oblivious/don't care (in short, the ideal role for Jason Sudeikis) Here, she thinks she's amazing, and everyone else thinks she's amazing and at the end...Everyone still thinks she's amazing (much like the roles Jason Sudeikis keeps bafflingly being cast to play) She's not amazing, and Jason Sudeikis is a twat. Script writing 101 fail.

Your Highness was similarly woeful, but actually far far worse. An entire film built around the premise that saying "suck my fecking dick" whilst dressed in Medieval clothing is a hilarious joke that everyone will think is brilliant. That's it. That's the whole film. And yet someone managed to get a huge CGI budget and Natalie Portman's bum out of it. Baffling.

Captain America was actually quite good for a film I expected to hate. The hero is more interesting than the villan, which is usually a good thing (Batman Begins....err...yeah that's the only one I can think of) except here I'm not sure whether it's actually because the hero was interesting, or because the villan was specifically uninteresting, despite having a cool red face. Either way, it's still pretty fun.

In summary, I don't like Jason Sudeikis.
But she was not , she was acting like a 12 year old , she was a fully grown women.

Yes, but the actress wasn't...She was 12....I was sort of talking to the director, in my head...Or something...I just found it all quite disturbing. But not in the way they presumably intended.

It doesn't make Jason Sudeikis any less of a twat though.