Film The Redcafe Movie review thread


Val Kilmer must need money really badly.
This "film" is to be avoided at all costs.
I avoided it after the first 10 minutes and avoided it quiet a bit.

It was a horrible situation. I have saved City Of God on my Sky Planner and I've been trying to get the other half to watch it for weeks. She decided she was in the mood for a comedy and we watched Macgruber.

I said "you could have watched one of the best films I've ever seen, but instead we watched that pile of shite." To be fair, she didn't disagree!
Source Code: really good compact Sci Fi movie, that takes a quite simple central premise and creates around it a thought provoking and quite touching movie. Some nice nods to quantum leap and all round good perfomances and direction make this an enjoyable watch. Recommended.

Saw 'Horrible Bosses' last weekend and was pleasantly surprised. Not particularly 'smart humor' as I prefer, but good nonetheless. Great cast and glad to see Charlie Day finally in a big role.
Source Code: really good compact Sci Fi movie, that takes a quite simple central premise and creates around it a thought provoking and quite touching movie. Some nice nods to quantum leap and all round good perfomances and direction make this an enjoyable watch. Recommended.


I enjoyed it, but I think it could have been much better. Interesting film though.
the tree of life

Absolute madness for half an hour - Malick genuinely illustrates the behavioural patterns of Dinosaurs and equates them to Brad Pitt's domineering father figure. Settles down into a completely unconventional format of lyrical prose and windy scenes of childhood - for an additional two hours. Sean Penn briefly enters and exists the film, as bemused as it's viewers (this being intentional), after being born out the front door of his childhood bedroom.

Having said all that, it's not bad. 7/10 - nowhere near The Thin Red Line or Badlands but an interesting effort all the same
Executioners from Shaolin. Didn't really care for it. As most kung fu films do, it tries to fit in a lot of elements. This one doesn't handle them very well though. The fight scenes are ok, but nothing special. Average is the best word for it.
The Green Mile - I recently watched this for the first time and it was just amazing from start to finish. It didn't even feel like it was 3 hours long, it was fantastic. I'm a big fan of Tom Hanks, I don't think I've ever seen a bad movie of his, and of course he was brilliant in this movie. But it was Michael Clarke Duncan who stole the show for me. His character was this beast of a man (in size), but he made me weep. This movie was definitely one of the saddest I've ever seen, and definitely one of the best.

Socialisme 0/10

Godard's last work - an excuse for a piece of cinema that has no redeeming qualities (even the subtitles don't bother translate most of the French in an apparent 'feck you' to the English-speaking world). Worst film I've seen since Polanski's last effort and one which again would never have seen the light of day without the 'name' director. Don't waste your time or money.
The tv film version of Sarah Waters' novel Affinity. Quite rubbish compared to the brilliant book but it still made me want to cry like a disappointed transfer muppet. Bugger being macho. :D

Socialisme 0/10

Godard's last work - an excuse for a piece of cinema that has no redeeming qualities (even the subtitles don't bother translate most of the French in an apparent 'feck you' to the English-speaking world). Worst film I've seen since Polanski's last effort and one which again would never have seen the light of day without the 'name' director. Don't waste your time or money.

I can't get into his work.
The Green Mile - I recently watched this for the first time and it was just amazing from start to finish. It didn't even feel like it was 3 hours long, it was fantastic. I'm a big fan of Tom Hanks, I don't think I've ever seen a bad movie of his, and of course he was brilliant in this movie. But it was Michael Clarke Duncan who stole the show for me. His character was this beast of a man (in size), but he made me weep. This movie was definitely one of the saddest I've ever seen, and definitely one of the best.


I happen to think it's one of the worst films ever made.

Oh no! not the mouse! anything but the mouse! I loved that mouse! now I'm proper depressed.......
Hall Pass

My mate told me this was quite like Old School, which I'd liked. It wasn't. The only similarity was that Owen Wilson was in both. Well, he wasn't, but he sort of was. But Hall Pass was toss for the following reasons....

Almost no jokes
It tried to make a serious point about the grass not always being greener.
Owen Wilson depresses me since his suicide attempt. It's a tears of a clown thing.
Jason Sudeikis (I can't even be bothered looking up his name he's so devoid of any talent or charm).
Christina Applegate - Good to look at, awful to listen to.

Source Code Not a bad premise if you don't think about it too deeply. Decently acted and scripted, a nice little sci-fi thriller in many way, but the ending, which IMO was a cop out, spoilt it quite a bit.7/10

Unthinkable This should have been a great thriller even if we have seen it all before. However, a great cast couldn't save this. Basically I didn't believe a word of it. Sadly. 5/10
Hall Pass

My mate told me this was quite like Old School, which I'd liked. It wasn't. The only similarity was that Owen Wilson was in both. Well, he wasn't, but he sort of was. But Hall Pass was toss for the following reasons....

Almost no jokes
It tried to make a serious point about the grass not always being greener.
Owen Wilson depresses me since his suicide attempt. It's a tears of a clown thing.
Jason Sudeikis (I can't even be bothered looking up his name he's so devoid of any talent or charm).
Christina Applegate - Good to look at, awful to listen to.


I turned that shit off after about half an hour. I was lured in in a similar fashion.
Source Code is annoying because it lets itself down by being riddled with careless plot-holes that could so easily have been avoided and, indeed, would have made the film better if they had rectified them. I think it threatened to be a very good film, but you just can't ignore the fact that the story is so irrefutably flawed. Which is a shame, as in the end you just get the feeling the film makers assume their audience must not be in possession of a single free thinking braincell.
Source Code is annoying because it lets itself down by being riddled with careless plot-holes that could so easily have been avoided and, indeed, would have made the film better if they had rectified them. I think it threatened to be a very good film, but you just can't ignore the fact that the story is so irrefutably flawed. Which is a shame, as in the end you just get the feeling the film makers assume their audience must not be in possession of a single free thinking braincell.

Yep, pretty much this. Plus it was just so dull. That might just be down to what scientists call the 'Jake Gyllenhal effect' though.

It certainly wasn't down to Michelle Monaghan. :drool:
Source Code was fun as hell, sure the plot holes were gaping, but the fact they played with the flawed idea so seriously was what made it enjoyable to me, just gotta ignore stuff like that in sci-fi sometimes, Jones obviously knows how to make sci-fi, just go with the idea and the characters rather than the effects, and i've enjoyable both his films so far(Moon clearly being superior due to it not being a plothole heaven.)
I Saw the Devil... I'm getting straight to the point, it was an incoherent, implausible, unbelievable mess of a film that I had to endure for over two hours. Was so tedious that I had to fast forward the last 15 mins.
Bad Teacher......... Not great at all. Worth a "purchase online wink wink" for the sake of Cameron Diaz, but that's all it has going for it. Few giggles but skips past bits in the film, as if they didnt even happen. 5-6/10

Only went to that as "The Guard" was sold out just as we arrived :(
Submarine A coming of age comedy set in 1980's Wales. The reviews have been brilliant but despite me enjoying it quite a bit it wasn't as good as suggested, primarily because it just wasn't funny enough. They seemed to be going for humor not dissimilar to The Inbetweenners but without the actual humor most of the time. Well worth a watch though. 7/10

Love Birds A New Zealand comedy around a bloke who loves Queen and then a duck after his girlfriend dumps him. He then finds love again blah blah blah. Often badly scripted, directed and acted it somehow manages not to be completely shit and the duck is pretty good. Yet again not really funny enough for a comedy. 5/10

The Makeover A low buget Aussie comedy so appalingly unfunny that we turned off after 10 minutes and watched Love Birds (see review above). I suspect Love Birds gained a few points that it didn't deserved merly from the comparison to this antipodean turd. 0/10

I Am Slave A channel 4 film and rather well made one about domestic slavery in London (in this case from The Sudan). Not a light watch as you might imagine but with one quibble
A bit silly that the one black bloke she gets to talk to her on the street happens to not only be from The Sudan but knows of her tribe etc
I thought it was pretty damn good. Well worth a watch 7.5/10

The Tournament A British venture into the mindless action thriller genre with Robert Carlyle playing the part of an alcoholic priest accidentally caught up in a competition amongst the worlds best assassins to kill each other for a big prize while big rollers bet on the outcome. Oddly enough they chose to set this competition in Sunderland. Yes. Sunderland. Or as one US reviewer put it, "A town in Scotland". Even Vin Diesel as the last champion, once retired but now back again to find which one of the other assassins killed his pregnant wife, can't save this one. Some of the action is decent enough but the plot, such as it is, is such a clusterfeck of shitness that the actors and action can't save it. SUNDERLAND 3/10
Ip Man 2. Not as good as the first one.

In a similar vein, saw Jet Li's Fearless. It was a slow burner and I was beginning to think that it was just another mindless Kung Fu movie but turned really well in the end.

Submarine A coming of age comedy set in 1980's Wales. The reviews have been brilliant but despite me enjoying it quite a bit it wasn't as good as suggested, primarily because it just wasn't funny enough. They seemed to be going for humor not dissimilar to The Inbetweenners but without the actual humor most of the time. Well worth a watch though. 7/10

Just watched this myself today too. I adored the book and had high hopes for the film. Very much sticks to the tone of the book but I think the two storylines felt very rushed overall, but most adaptations tend to suffer from that for obvious reasons. I enjoyed it though, thought it was very nicely shot too. The fact it was promoted as a comedy is probably unfair on it too, as it isn't, and never tries to be, a laugh out loud effort. Being that it was directed by the star of The IT Crowd, I reckon a fair few would go into watching this expecting something that it's not. A 7-8ish rating is about right. On a side note, don't see The Inbetweeners similarity aside from the fact they broadly cover similar themes.
thanks spoons. will get that. :)

tell you what...they knew how to make movies in those days.

I also got 39 steps..the original version. So I will be busy.

39 Steps is a good one. Also check out Seconds and Manchurian Candidate by Frankenheimer and Double Indemnity, Some Like it Hot, The Apartment by Wilder(also Sunset Blv).