Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Watched Rififi the other day....and yes it was highly entertaining....and it's true, the heist scene was full of tension, but I didn't like the way it descended into a moralistic tale.

heh folks, crime doesn't pay.... Ahhh only in fairytales, I hear you say.
I finally got around to watching The Social Network. It was quite enjoyable given the subject matter.
Drive Angry. Pure garbage. William Fichtner was good, occasionally. 2/10.

Meet Bill. Comedy with Aaron Eckhart. Shit movie full of over-used, unrealistic, cliched scenes, including one in which the lead character smokes a joint and gets all funny and crazy in a shopping centre.Wow so funny! 1/10.

Battle Los Angeles. A long stare in the eyes of a fellow soldier: "A marine never quits". Makes you want to vomit. The battle scenes were good. 2/10.

Wasted approximately six hours of my life.
Watched Rififi the other day....and yes it was highly entertaining....and it's true, the heist scene was full of tension, but I didn't like the way it descended into a moralistic tale.

heh folks, crime doesn't pay.... Ahhh only in fairytales, I hear you say.

Did you watch that on the UK blu-ray? It was my first ever criterion about 6 years ago but sold most of the DVD as they are still high value ready for blu ray upgrades, but I don't think they are planning to upgrade it anytime soon, so thinking about picking up the UK release. Good transfer?
Watched Rififi the other day....and yes it was highly entertaining....and it's true, the heist scene was full of tension, but I didn't like the way it descended into a moralistic tale.

heh folks, crime doesn't pay.... Ahhh only in fairytales, I hear you say.

Woah woah woah. You take that back. Rififi rocks.
Watched a film called Bloomington tonight. Saw it on No idea why I downloaded it other then it was about 2 hot lesbians, but found it to be quite a good movie. Check it out, it's worth the viewing if not for just perving on Allison McAtee
Tangled 6/10

For a movie it was alright. Compared to computer animated movies it's not as nearly as good as some of the Pixar movies.
But to look at it from a cost perspective it was very average at best. 2nd most expensive movie of all time. Wouldn't guess that from the look of it.

But then again, many movies of those top 10 aren't anything special.

Enjoyable romp. Girlfriend liked it more than me. It just had crappy villains, not enough horse etc.
jgraham; said:
Well its been a while since I reviewed something, here are two outstanding movies.....

The Secret in Their Eyes
It's an Argentinian film telling the story of a retired counsel (detective type) who had an unsolved homicide case that he could never quite forget. The story is told fantastically well and leaves no stone unturned - the acting is perfect and despite it being a subtitled film you find yourself completely lost within the film. If you've never watched an Argentinian film then start with this, it won't disappoint!

Well more of a documentary than anything telling the story of Ayrton Senna's career, it's such a powerful movie and left me teary eyed at times which I haven't experienced whilst at the cinema for as long as I can remember. It's a film that will stay with me for a long long time. It's only got limited showing i believe so if you get chance to see it at a cinema near you then take that chance.

watched Senna after reading that, absolutely fantastic. And as you say will stay with me for a long long time. Song choice for end credits was perfect.
Jackass 3D - You pretty much get what you'd expect, entertaining stuff as always.

The Man Who Would Be King - A good old fashioned historical adventure film. Good performances by the two leads.

Stagecoach - Suprisingly enjoyable, the best John Ford western I've seen so far.

Time Masters - Highly imaginative and psychedelic animation, not quite as good as Fantastic Planet though.

I also watched the first hour of Biutiful last night, so far so good.
Battle Los Angeles. A long stare in the eyes of a fellow soldier: "A marine never quits". Makes you want to vomit. The battle scenes were good. 2/10.

Wasted approximately six hours of my life.[/QUOTE]

maybe the worst 40 mins of film I have ever watched , thats all I could take .
Battle Los Angeles. A long stare in the eyes of a fellow soldier: "A marine never quits". Makes you want to vomit. The battle scenes were good. 2/10.

Wasted approximately six hours of my life.

maybe the worst 40 mins of film I have ever watched , thats all I could take .[/QUOTE]

Was there any story to it? I bought it for £3 in Sainsburys. Thought it was a bargain. Now I think I was robbed.
[QUOTE Was there any story to it? I bought it for £3 in Sainsburys. Thought it was a bargain. Now I think I was robbed.

Typical Alien invasion stuff , you was robbed , sorry[/QUOTE]

It wasn't even typical imo. At least Independence Day and War of the Worlds had a personal aspect to it. And an element of fun.
More in depth on Bloomington 7/10

Bloomington is story about a former child star attending college beginning a relationship with a female professor. The female professor 'Allison McAtee' has a history of sleeping with former lesbian students, and Jackie 'Sarah Stouffer', doesn't play around in getting to the point. After a a week or so, the two begin their relationship which spans over the fall semester of college. Along the way, both begin to fall in love. Around the mid point, Jackie is offered a role in a movie based off her television show. Catherin 'the professor' doesn't take particular kindness to this, and the relationship falls bitterly falls apart. It is at this point that Catherin is fired from the university due to this relationship destroying her career. In the end the two reconcile however they are once again together only for a short while as its clear that the relationship wouldn't work long distance. For such a nice film the ending is a little underwhelming. In my opinion, its been set up for a sequel which would and should give proper closure to the story. The

As I anticipated a steamy movie about Lesbianism, Bloomington became very much a thought provoking film. It holds a similar look and feel to Juno however the queer aspect gives you a bit of a brain feck. Looking at this, you could change one of the main characters for a male, and it would be a well rated, and highly popular film. The film itself is well written, well directed, and well acted. The most thought provoking aspect revolves around the relationship, and the contrast of the two characters. It becomes almost unnerving in that you have to remind yourself that the character played by Sarah Stouffer is 22, and not 16 as Alison McAtee is rather tall and imposes herself on screen as much older person even if there is a small age gap. For Allison especially, it seems this movie should boost her up to bigger and better things. To be honest, I only stumbled on to this movie, but it turned in to being an absolute gem. I've seen many supposed blockbusters show alot less promise and even thought the ending is quite underwhelming, it has a charm about it thats hard to shake off. Even if its simply to perv at McAtee, go and watch the film because its certainly worth the download.
The Maltese Falcon
Sunset Boulevard
The Third Man
Touch of Evil
The Big Sleep
To Have and Have Not
The Night of the Hunter
Strangers on a Train
Key Largo

To add to a good list

Double Indemnity
Ace in the Hole
The Lost Weekend

Nothing screams film noir quite like double indemnity though. Also search this thread and you'll find plenty of others being mentioned.
maybe the worst 40 mins of film I have ever watched , thats all I could take .

Was there any story to it? I bought it for £3 in Sainsburys. Thought it was a bargain. Now I think I was robbed.

I'm Confused. Which are you talking about?

£3 in Sainsbury? That is the Asylum version called Battle of Los Angeles

The one that was in the Cinema was called Battle Los Angeles.
Rebecca, 1940. Nope, that's not the name & time of my most recent date; it's a film by Alfred Hitchcock. And very good it was too. Surprisingly, the incredibly lovely Joan Fontaine acted the great Olivier off the screen, in my opinion.


Mrs de Winter learns that she doesn't have a date with SteveJ


The evil Mrs Danvers in action, complete with repressed dress


Laurence Olivier auditioning for Ultravox
thanks Steve.

any of you watched Crime and Punishment - Peter Lorre (1935)?
almost every frame is absorbing.

amazing movie.

saw Jane Greer in The Company She Keeps. man she was stunning.

no DVd of it available though she does appear on The Big Steal and Out of The Past.
Haven't seen that version of Crime and Punishment, mate, although the novel's written by my favourite author.

I'm going to watch The Haunting (1963) next. :)
Road to Perdition - Not the most original of stories but fantastically shot and had a really beautiful and brooding atmopshere, largely thanks of the haunting score. It was in the Once Upon a Time in America vein of gangster films. Good acting, especially by Paul Newman in his last great role.
Same old story , somebody gets infected with a virus that send them mad and they infect everybody else ,a bit like 28 days later.
This story had a bit of a twist to it , but still you knew what was coming and how it would end.

Rebecca, 1940. Nope, that's not the name & time of my most recent date; it's a film by Alfred Hitchcock. And very good it was too. Surprisingly, the incredibly lovely Joan Fontaine acted the great Olivier off the screen, in my opinion.


Mrs de Winter learns that she doesn't have a date with SteveJ


The evil Mrs Danvers in action, complete with repressed dress


Laurence Olivier auditioning for Ultravox

try " My Cousin Rachel " next, from another Du Maurier novel
I was pleasantly surprised by 'Bridesmaids'. I went in expecting a few laughs here or there, but it was downright hilarious at times.