Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I think I bought Persona with around a million other DVD's last time I was in Bangladesh.

I may dig it out if it's worth watching.

I've been spending my spare time reading recently, but I think I'll watch Irreversible soon.
The Good Shepard I suspect that this film will be too slow for most people under 35. Stylishly directed by DiNero in a way that reminds you of Godfather 2. The acting is dry but top notch (with the exception of Angelina Jolle who is rubbish and almost spoils the film) reflecting the era it represents. My film of the year. 9/10
I think I bought Persona with around a million other DVD's last time I was in Bangladesh.

I may dig it out if it's worth watching.

I've been spending my spare time reading recently, but I think I'll watch Irreversible soon.

That is one fecked up/great film, not sure which really.
The Good Shepard I suspect that this film will be too slow for most people under 35. Stylishly directed by DiNero in a way that reminds you of Godfather 2. The acting is dry but top notch (with the exception of Angelina Jolle who is rubbish and almost spoils the film) reflecting the era it represents. My film of the year. 9/10

I've had this for a while, yet to watch it because of it's length. I keep saving it for a rainy day.
Bladerunner was the first film that I remember as being called Cyberpunk.

Doesn't mean that is was the first one mind.
The Good Shepard I suspect that this film will be too slow for most people under 35. Stylishly directed by DiNero in a way that reminds you of Godfather 2. The acting is dry but top notch (with the exception of Angelina Jolle who is rubbish and almost spoils the film) reflecting the era it represents. My film of the year. 9/10

I'm under 35, and enjoyed this film. Was very interesting I thought.
Watched Bullet Boy and Life & Lyrics the other day.


Both are worth a watch, me reckons.
I'm under 35, and enjoyed this film. Was very interesting I thought.

All I really meant is that the pace of films had increased significantly over the years. Just watch the action films of the 80's and they are far slower than the modern equivalent.

The trouble with slow paced movies is that you need dark quite rooms and enoght time to be relaxed enough to sink into them. Two of my all time favorite movies are adistinctly slow - Godfather II and Three Colours Blue.
All I really meant is that the pace of films had increased significantly over the years. Just watch the action films of the 80's and they are far slower than the modern equivalent.

The trouble with slow paced movies is that you need dark quite rooms and enoght time to be relaxed enough to sink into them. Two of my all time favorite movies are adistinctly slow - Godfather II and Three Colours Blue.

This sounds silly, but I can't watch films that are too action packed. I get bored. I love the less is more approach, overall. Although, would you say the Godfather was actually that slow? Had a lot of dialogue and a plot, which sucked you in. Blue I think is a much better example.(great film, as well)

Watched V for Vendetta last night, not exactly subtle with it's message, but I liked it. Decent entertainment.

ps Have seen the on screen adaption of 1984, Wibbs??
Gone In Sixty Seconds(original). feck the first half of this movie, the second half is what the film was for. A 40 minute car chase scene, may seem a bit too long, but it isn't. Good chase, crap everything else.
This sounds silly, but I can't watch films that are too action packed. I get bored. I love the less is more approach, overall. Although, would you say the Godfather was actually that slow? Had a lot of dialogue and a plot, which sucked you in. Blue I think is a much better example.(great film, as well)

Watched V for Vendetta last night, not exactly subtle with it's message, but I liked it. Decent entertainment.

ps Have seen the on screen adaption of 1984, Wibbs??

V for Vendetta started out interesting, but the ending of it was so unbelievably bad, it killed off the whole movie for me.

1984(the John Hurt version) is a very decent, yet very straightforward adaptation.
V for Vendetta started out interesting, but the ending of it was so unbelievably bad, it killed off the whole movie for me.

1984(the John Hurt version) is a very decent, yet very straightforward adaptation.

Yes, it was very good.

Watched The Innocents yesterday(1961). I really enjoyed it, although, I wished it would've been a bit more ambiguous(to the viewer).
The Good Shepard I suspect that this film will be too slow for most people under 35. Stylishly directed by DiNero in a way that reminds you of Godfather 2. The acting is dry but top notch (with the exception of Angelina Jolle who is rubbish and almost spoils the film) reflecting the era it represents. My film of the year. 9/10

It was too slow and boring.
Hannibal Rising

Well, what a dissapointment, worse than I was expecting too.

What the film should have been - A story about Lecter from young up untill where we found him in Silence of the Lambs.

What we actually got - A revenge film. Bog standard cop-out Hollywood flick with the plot almost entirely focusing on one section of his life and nothing from any further on than his late teens. They'll probably exploit this by making another fill in film in the next two years. This film is basically answering the question of why he is how he is, two fecking hours to explain something that could be told in a few scenes and then on to some more interesting shit. Lazy film.

And, I wasn't convinced by the guy playing Hannibal either, questionable accent and acting.

Conclusion - Could have been so much better. Shite.

Watched loads of movies off late...

Old School - Hated it, I can bear to watch movies like Wedding Crashers but tjis wasn't even upto those standards for me... 3 out of 10

Brick - Had trouble understanding the slang but descent movie, though the suspense was bit obvious. 6 outta 10

Fever Pitch- saw both american and british versions. British one was much better than US one, which was like any other Hollywood dating movie and didn't touch the real issue at all. 6 outta 10 for UK one, 2 for US one

16 Blocks- Not that good, suspense and action both were a let down. 4 outta 10

Before Sunset- Loved it. They should make another one. 7 otta 10

Music and Lyrics- typical romantic comedy. 5.5 outta 10

Shopgirl- Directed by Steve Martin. Started well and thought it may touch a novel concept of a loner in city but lost it's way in middle and that too horribly. 4 outta 10

Illusionist- Typical example of dumb Hollywood movies. It was so painfully obvious what the climax of movie would be. Started well but last half of movie was painful to watch. 5 outta 10

Shooter- Good action, no more. 6 outta 10
Spoony, I've been reading up on this guy Robert Bresson.

Will probably try to get hold of some of his movies. Check it out if you want.


Rather than download random classics, I think I'm going to just watch films by a particular director, in future. Already ordered Persona and downloaded The Seventh Seal, so'll check out most of Bergman's films, if I like those two, first.
Right. A list of films I've either bought or downloaded over the last couple of weeks.

The Seventh Seal
Bitter Sweet Life
Lady Vengeance
The Sting
Au reviour, Les Enfants.
Glengarry Glen Ross.
The Devil's Backbone
Kung Fu Hustle
Dog of Cookery
Funny Games
Dazed and Confused
Clerks II

Anyone seen any of these then?
Right. A list of films I've either bought or downloaded over the last couple of weeks.

The Seventh Seal
Bitter Sweet Life
Lady Vengeance
The Sting
Au reviour, Les Enfants.
Glengarry Glen Ross.
The Devil's Backbone
Kung Fu Hustle
Dog of Cookery
Funny Games
Dazed and Confused
Clerks II

Anyone seen any of these then?

How did you like Dazed and Confused Spoon?
Seventh Seal, The Sting, Kung Fu Hustle. All quality.

Kung Fu Hustle is quality, funny as feck.

The knife handle throwing scene is hysterical, I will never tire of watching that.