Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Its excellent...saw it a couple of years back.

They were considering DiCaprio for the role of Bateman but he chose to do 'The Beach' instead.:wenger:

I had little idea what was happening in this film at the time, and now can't even remember that...which is ironic, as you'll discover if you watch it.

Something/10...not sure what

Go back and watch it again, I thought it was a brilliantly de/constructed film. I love the way the whole thing comes together as you're watching but for the most part you are as confused as Mike from Neighbours.

My favourite bit:

scene fades in and Mike from neighbours is running and about 20 yards away another man is running

"Hmmm, what's happening here? Looks like I'm chasing this guy"

gun shots from the second guy

"No, he's chasing me..'
Also look out for the sequel 28 weeks later in 2007.


saw it last week and is one of the worst films I've seen in a long time. I really don't know why I expected any more though.

So many things that pissed me off about it:

1/ The Geography of London - now I reckon this one might be a personal one cause I live here, but they run out of the isle of dogs, through the city, and wander about in trafalgar square then get told to go to Regents park. The rage victims obviously chase them there and this is where is gets messy - the are told to head for 'the stadium' (cut to a shot of Wembely). Just head miles north while being chased by nutters. So they do - via Charring Cross! They have a bit of trouble, things get sorted out and the wander in to the stadium. Now I understand about the suspension of disbelief but London is a pretty famous city and they should have maybe looked at a map.

2/ the film makers destroy the structure put in place (which made it a good film), the zombie stalk the heroes, they hide in dark corners in order to jump out on them. It was the differences in the first film with the running loud monsters that made it so atmospheric.

3/ It's too loud! I am a gig goer, i've got no problem with loud noises but this film is an hour and a half of high pitch shrieks. It starts to hurt after a while. Not scary, painful.

4/ Terrible script that can't leave any pauses. There's a bit where the kids are reunited with their dad after several months and instead of a close up of their faces or something to set the mood they walk along the platform saying "are you excited? I'm excited, I can't wait"

5/ shocking child actors. There are good child actors in the country - watch any Shane Medow's film to examples of that.

6/ The half hour or so of made up jump moments before the film gets going. What I mean is there has to be a moment where the virus happens again until then there is a long bit of scene setting (it certainly seemed long) where the characters were making each other jump for shits and giggles.
I thought the accent was great.

If you wanted to be pedantic the accent was South African and not Rhodesian/Zimbabwean but the real problem for me was that is sounded like someone imitating a South African not to mention that it drifted in and out during the film.

Not a terrible film despite DiCaprio being in it though. Passable on DVD.
If you wanted to be pedantic the accent was South African and not Rhodesian/Zimbabwean but the real problem for me was that is sounded like someone imitating a South African not to mention that it drifted in and out during the film.

Not a terrible film despite DiCaprio being in it though. Passable on DVD.

Well in the movie I think he explained that he become an orphan when he was a kid and traveled alot with the soldier of fortunes. Which would explained why he have a non-distinctive accent.
tbh, I have no idea how a South African or a Rhodesian sounds like, so I'll take your word for it. But I've trawled around some movie boards and people who claimed to be African said he was good with the accent. I also heard that Leo added some African slang words to make it more realistic, which is I think a really nice touch.

I'm no fan of DiCaprio, I thought he was horrible on Gangs of New York, but Blood Diamond was the first movie where I think he's actually a quite good actor.

saw it last week and is one of the worst films I've seen in a long time. I really don't know why I expected any more though.

So many things that pissed me off about it:

1/ The Geography of London - now I reckon this one might be a personal one cause I live here, but they run out of the isle of dogs, through the city, and wander about in trafalgar square then get told to go to Regents park. The rage victims obviously chase them there and this is where is gets messy - the are told to head for 'the stadium' (cut to a shot of Wembely). Just head miles north while being chased by nutters. So they do - via Charring Cross! They have a bit of trouble, things get sorted out and the wander in to the stadium. Now I understand about the suspension of disbelief but London is a pretty famous city and they should have maybe looked at a map.

2/ the film makers destroy the structure put in place (which made it a good film), the zombie stalk the heroes, they hide in dark corners in order to jump out on them. It was the differences in the first film with the running loud monsters that made it so atmospheric.

3/ It's too loud! I am a gig goer, i've got no problem with loud noises but this film is an hour and a half of high pitch shrieks. It starts to hurt after a while. Not scary, painful.

4/ Terrible script that can't leave any pauses. There's a bit where the kids are reunited with their dad after several months and instead of a close up of their faces or something to set the mood they walk along the platform saying "are you excited? I'm excited, I can't wait"

5/ shocking child actors. There are good child actors in the country - watch any Shane Medow's film to examples of that.

6/ The half hour or so of made up jump moments before the film gets going. What I mean is there has to be a moment where the virus happens again until then there is a long bit of scene setting (it certainly seemed long) where the characters were making each other jump for shits and giggles.

I thought it was awful, too. A selection of scenes I liked and mostly disliked: I didn't mind the start, I thought the idea of the father running away in horror was great, and the opposite you'd get in a typical Hollywood film, I even liked the aerial cam shots of London. . . but it just got worse from there. Firstly, I have no idea what the Yanks(Nato) were doing there, why couldn't our European neighbours help out? (obviously, it was aimed at the US market.) Now for the cheese. Stereotypical Hollywood Yank soldier, just had to give his life up for some strangers. . . this after the director produced a scene where Robert Carlisle's character ran away from the Zombies our of fear, which could've been a natural reaction. I also hated the obvious light at the end of the tunnel metaphor too. . .you'd think they'd come up with something more intelligent. Film was too Hollywoody, I thought the first was much better.
I thought the accent was great.

Gangs of New York wasn't very good, but Daniel Day Lewis performance was something else.

Wibb's is pretty much spot on. It was a kin to Dick Van Dyke's cockney accent. I could've done a better job.
thats it.
you wont be disappointed.

post feedback...

I thought it was very average, started off well, but got really silly and was full of flaws(in fact they were laughable). It's been done to death anyway. Watch Jacob's Ladder.
I thought it was very average, started off well, but got really silly and was full of flaws(in fact they were laughable). It's been done to death anyway. Watch Jacob's Ladder.

Agreed. In fact it was so forgetable that I had forgotten that I had seen it until I clicked on the imdb link.
Agreed. In fact it was so forgetable that I had forgotten that I had seen it until I clicked on the imdb link.

No idea how it got a 7 on imdb. Although, the average voter is around 17 and loves txt spk.

Watched Toy Story 2 last night, forgot how brilliant it was. One that can be enjoyed by kids and adults alike.
They are making 3 at the moment. It started out as a Disney project I think but returned to Pixar when they came together again.
Finding Nemo

Good movie. Still not better than Ice Age or Toy Story which are among the best animated ones recently

Rating 6/10

The Last King Of Scotland

Rubbish scripting. Thank feck for Whitaker

Rating: :lol:


Excellent for its technical brilliance and dark humor. Sub plots could've been explored better

Rating: 6.5/10
It was a different take on situations,and I found it decent, nothing too special though.
Spoon ... there is an old movie.... Tom Cruise i think , young..playing 9 ball ....
do you know the title?
Scanner Darkly. I think I got my head around the storyline. Good film, overall. . .

PS. the notion of 24/7 surveillance cameras in every home, scares the shite out of me.
I watched Kingdom of Heaven again last night(yeah, nothing better to do) and it finally dawned on me how shit of an actor Orlando Bloom really is. He`s hammier than fecking Porky Pig.