The People's President
Apparently they'll release a 25 year anniversary, 5 disc set, this year, which will include a new 'final cut' version,.
Which did you prefer, the original or the director's cut? It's astonishing that you can't get both versions on DVD and even more strange is that there's no 5.1 DTS version. I suspect they'll bring out a special box set soon, though.
Apparently they'll release a 25 year anniversary, 5 disc set, this year, which will include a new 'final cut' version,.
Has anyone seem Alejandro Jodorowsky's work??
The Holy Mountain, El Topo and Santa Sangre?
I thought that in America was brilliant but not for the AIDS storyline whihc was a little clumsily dealt with. The children's acting was superb and the Irish illegals in the US part was what I enjoyed.
I've seen El Topo and Santa Sangre and thought they were excellent. Weird as feck, but in a good way. Strangely engrossing, too. I'd recommend them to anyone who likes bizarre, unpredictable films
Surprised you've not seen The Holy Mountain as well. I'm going to check all three out.
I've actually got it - but not got round to watching it yet!
The Director's Cut is a much better film in most ways but I have a huge amount of affection for the original.
So my mind says DC and my heart the original. I have just got the DC on DVD and I should be able to watch the original before long so I'll let you know the final verdict.
The cheesy voice-over kinda suited the film noir style of the film.
Alright then, name some other of your favourites aside from the obvious ones.(I've got a movie addiction)
I'll give it a go. Best films I have seen in the past few years are:
Come and See
Aguirre Wrath of God
The Proposition
Cul De Sac
I'm struggling to think of anymore at the moment, tbh.
Not seen these, although, Come and See's on my to watch list. And Werner Herzog does interest me.
Saw 11:14 last night. I'd say it was a comedy, crime thriller. The events were told from five different perspectives, which is hardly original, I guess. hilarious at times, other times just down right cringeworthy. But a good entertaining movie nonetheless.
Spoon , you're the movie critic around here.
Did you saw The Jacket?
I loved it, great movie, what's you're opinion?
Not seen it, mate. And plenty on here have seen more than me, though.
This one?? http://imdb.com/title/tt0366627/
I might actually download it.
I thought the Jacket was average. Keira Knightley looks really really thin in that movie and all I kept wishing someone would fix her a sandwich, which Adrian Brody finally did.
Also, I haven't seen the Painist but I can't believe that that really long nose won a best actor Oscar.
I think Brad Pitt is an excellent actor. I thought Johnny Depp was good before the Pirates' series. Tom Hanks has probably done the best roles in recent years but again his last movie was extremely disappointing. Di Caprio is the one actor I always thought was going to be shit but has turned around very well. He's picked his movies well and done some really good roles over the last 3-4 years. Matt Damon is the most overrated imo. I thought he was good in the first Supremacy movie and has consistently been getting worse since then.
Of all the new actors like Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Daniel Craig I think Eric Bana is the best. He did one horrible movie in The Hulk but he was excellent in Black Hawk Down, Munich and especially Troy where he completely outshone Pitt.
I think Bale is excellent, somehow I like Damon's acting too.Di Caprio's come along in leaps.Daniel Day Lewis should do more movies IMO...class actor.
He was excellent in Memento too.
Prestige disappointed me quite a bit, had heard a lot about it...Nolan overdid it a bit.Bale was very good though, and Bowie as Tesla!I couldn't believe my eyes.
He wasn't in Memento. That was Mike from Neighbours. Agreed about Prestige, though.
Guy Pearce was excellent in The Proposition.