Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

The Mechanic

Not as bad as I thought it would be. Nowhere near as stupid as The Transporter series. I think I like assassin movies.

Statham is quite good as an action guy.
:eek: this films stinks , the acting is dreadful and the plot is even worse.
On a par with 7th Street Vanishing I watched the other night , easily makes it into my 10 worst films.


Vampire film ,well I think it was :confused:
Vampire films are not really my cup of tea and this one did not change my mind.


Never heard of Monsters so I checked out the trailer then, and I have to say I like the look of it.

Hadn't heard of Prowl either, and looking at the trailer I think it will be a poor movie - but one I'd watch anyway. I think the trailer probably showed all the good parts too.
London Boulevard

Hard to know if this was any good or not as I was too distracted by the strange noises eminating from the mouth of Colin Farrell.

Actually, truth be told it was crap.
The Other Guys

Suprisingly good action comedy, Will Ferrell was particularly funny as he tried to play a more serious role than what I'd usually expect from him. Slightly over the top at times but well worth watching. - 8/10.
Killing Bono

It's been both slated and raved about - very mixed reviews, so I wasn't sure what to expect.

I actually enjoyed it a lot. Was strange to see Robert Sheehan playing the more reasonable, even mature, of the two brothers. Ben Barnes was appealingly manic, and portrayed the part of a guy who wanted so much, but achieved so little, very well. I don't know what the real Neil McCormick thought of it, because it wasn't complimentary or factual. Neil was bitter, resentful, and stubborn, yet still likeable, although you wanted to shake him at times because he seemed quite devoid of the ability to make a good decision.

Pete Postlethwaite wasn't in it much, but made the kind of impact you'd expect as the gay, flamboyant landlord. He looked so ill though, and it was poignant to see him.

BB and RS looked the part of rock stars, and came over well in the gig scenes. They were both likeable, and worked well together. Ben Barnes Irish accent was very credible I thought - not so obviously awful as Tom Cruise, Gerard Butler, Sean Connery etc.

Not sure that Bono is actually as nice as Martin McCann played him.

Never heard of Monsters so I checked out the trailer then, and I have to say I like the look of it.

Hadn't heard of Prowl either, and looking at the trailer I think it will be a poor movie - but one I'd watch anyway. I think the trailer probably showed all the good parts too.

The trailer sold me the film but I hated it.
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Well said RK love that movie myself, very good on Blu ray as well, especially late as night, love the darkness of the film, in context and cinematography

It was a near perfect Sci-fi experience for me but:

That fight scene near the end really was really unnecessary and too Hollywood-like, almost ruined it for me with the silliness
Ok I'm going on a David Lynch marathon,

Which should I see first? Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive or Inland Empire?

Twin Peaks was brilliant, just a shame network pressure almost ruined it.
Let Me In

Watched this ast night, having seen the Swedish version some months ago. For once, an American remake of a horror that lived up to the original.

True to the original, although I wish I had read the book prior to seeing either, and would be very interested in the sequel.

As somebody else mentioned in the thread, the whole bullying aspect of the story was acted very well, and Chloe Moretz of Kick-Ass fame is a very good little actress IMO.
Ok I'm going on a David Lynch marathon,

Which should I see first? Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive or Inland Empire?

Twin Peaks was brilliant, just a shame network pressure almost ruined it.

In that order, actually. I loved BV and MD but couldn't get into IE - it was more or less an ordeal for me.
Due Date 9/10

Fantastic entertainment. A few scintillating puns in it.
I just spent two hours watching this documentary. Imagine the Glazers deciding that Manchester is no longer a viable city for European football and deciding to pick up the team and relocate it to a different city. I doubt most of you would want to devote two hours to this, but those of you who do, will probably end up angry.

In that order, actually. I loved BV and MD but couldn't get into IE - it was more or less an ordeal for me.

I knew that Lynch was notorious for polarising audiences but it seems that even his most loyal fans were bemused by IE. Will still give it a watch anyway, even if it is a 3 hour incoherent mess.

Cheers, will get on BV right away.
Yeah, just make sure you're wide awake when watching IE. I watched it very late at night...when I wasn't in particularly attentive mood.
Blood Out, directed by Michael Arata, written by jason Hewitt

Scheduled for direct release April 26, watched a bootleg copy in a barbershop

What a load of wank. Generic unrealistic plot filled with drugs, violence, nudity and snitches. Uninspiring acting, including a laughable, insipid performance from Curtis "50 cent" Jackson. I would have walked out of the barbershop if they weren't the best in my locale.

Just watched Blue Velvet - no way I can briefly review it.

I can be well off but I interpreted the whole thing as a black comedy.
Watched Fast Five today


Nice fighting scene between The Rock and Vin Diesal. Decent story line and it was nice to see all the characters together. Make sure you watch the credits cause there is a little twist.
Actually enjoyed Just go for it :nervous:

Downloading 'The Illusionist'. Hope it's good.
Just watched Blue Velvet - no way I can briefly review it.

I can be well off but I interpreted the whole thing as a black comedy.

It was dark but not black comedy. Surreal with more than a passing nod to film noir perhaps, but comedy? No.
It was dark but not black comedy. Surreal with more than a passing nod to film noir perhaps, but comedy? No.

The thing is, Dennis Hopper's character had me creasing the whole way through. When he was first introduced I did feel mildly disturbed but from then on I saw him as comic relief.

Perhaps its an indicator of how wretched my mind is if I regard that sort of disturbed individual to be amusing.

"Heinekken?! feck that shit! Bapz Blue Ribbon! :lol:

Saw this today, its a documentary that mainly follows Guy Martin and his dream to win his first TT race on the Isle of Man, there couldn't really of been a better choice than guy martin as the main focus, as he is very likeable and you find yourself willing him on. It does follow a couple of other racers but not as much. I didn't know that much about the TT races before i saw the film, but that didn't really matter. Its pretty amazing the bravery of these guys going round the extremely dangerous roads at speeds up to 200mph, where 231 have died before on this race.

The film is shot really well, especially with on board cameras, and the 3D element is used really well to enhance the film

Inland Empire is awesome, never found other Lynch fans disliking on the film boards I post on, stuff like Wild at Heart and well obviously Dune for different reasons are his least liked by his own fans mostly.
Inland Empire is awesome, never found other Lynch fans disliking on the film boards I post on, stuff like Wild at Heart and well obviously Dune for different reasons are his least liked by his own fans mostly.

I liked Wild at Heart, as do most Lynch fans I know. Dune was a travesty though, I agree.

When I first heard they were remaking Arthur it seemed a little unnecessary, the original is a fairly good movie. However it's not a lazy remake, I actually found it mildly enjoyable in places. Brand is a decent actor when he's just playing himself and there were no awful performances that spring to mind. If you like Brand then you'll probably like this, in terms of romcoms this is above average.


Pretty predictable "feel good" film, thus making it a bit shit. I was kept entertained by Christina Agulera (feck off, I know I can't spell it) and the other girls looking consistently stunning.


127 hours

Knowing the true story it's based on I was super sceptical that this would be a good movie. A guy gets his arm stuck on a rock and eventually cuts his arm off to escape and survive. Cool, sounds good, except that this should make about 10 minutes worth of film, not 90 minutes. So I figured it'd be ok, not great. Boy was I wrong. This is the most boring piece of shit movie I've ever seen.
To be fair the first 15 minutes were pretty good. He's roaming around the desert area he decides to travel to and meets a couple of girls and has some fun. Cool. Then he his arm gets trapped, and the expansion of feck all into and hour and 15 minutes begins.

By the end of the film is was hard to tell who was in more pain, Franco with a severed arm or me, desperate for the end credits.

127 Hours as a name is terribly apt for this. That's about how long the movie feels like it goes for.



Pretty predictable "feel good" film, thus making it a bit shit. I was kept entertained by Christina Agulera (feck off, I know I can't spell it) and the other girls looking consistently stunning.


127 hours

Knowing the true story it's based on I was super sceptical that this would be a good movie. A guy gets his arm stuck on a rock and eventually cuts his arm off to escape and survive. Cool, sounds good, except that this should make about 10 minutes worth of film, not 90 minutes. So I figured it'd be ok, not great. Boy was I wrong. This is the most boring piece of shit movie I've ever seen.
To be fair the first 15 minutes were pretty good. He's roaming around the desert area he decides to travel to and meets a couple of girls and has some fun. Cool. Then he his arm gets trapped, and the expansion of feck all into and hour and 15 minutes begins.

By the end of the film is was hard to tell who was in more pain, Franco with a severed arm or me, desperate for the end credits.

127 Hours as a name is terribly apt for this. That's about how long the movie feels like it goes for.



Please put spoilers around what is obviously a review that has a lot of spoilers!

Went in expecting this to be bad after all the reviews but its not bad. Brand does a good new version of Arthur, Helen Mirren is naturally great. Greta Gerwig was a pleasant surprise. The Main problem with it was Nick Nolte and Jennifer Garner who seemed out of place.

Noone here knew the story in advance, so yeah, loads.

Just saw 'The Illusionist'. Quite brilliant I must say, love these kind of subtle movies.
Seen all these within the last 2 weeks

TRON: Legacy

Pretty awful, cheesy acting and plot. Was never a fan of the original either so it wasnt as if it had anything to live up to. Booo


The Fighter

Not bad at all, but certainly not as good as I had hoped. Tried to ignore the fact Mark Wahlberg was in it but I failed at that. I cant stand the guy.


Paranormal Activity 2

I was a big fan of part one. This as I expected was nowhere near as good. And was pretty piss poor really


Let Me In

Not yet seen the Swedish version. But I choose to watch the US version 1st. I really liked it. Characters were all superb and a great atmosphere throughout.


The Social Network

Kept avoiding this movie, but finally watched it. Was really rather excellent. Acting superb and a story well told
