Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

The Con Artist Low budget Canadian production with a few good actors such as Donald Sutherland and his son Rossif who, on this showing, may become a big name in his own right. Sadly the rather poor plot, script, editing and directing sinks what could have been a half decent DVD release for a wet winter night. 3/10

The Rabbit Hole A decent tear jerker/chick flick. Well directed and acted with Nichol Kidman being far less rubbish than usual but the downbeat pace (almost nothing actually happens) and downbeat end leave you wondering why you bothered. 7/10

The Smell of Success Good cast and a premise with potential but the flaw is that it is meant to be a comedy and it isn't funny in any way whatsoever. Or at least it wasn't by the time I turned it off after 20 minutes unable to take any more. 1.5/10
Legend of the Guardians

"Digger, who are these small owls and why are they talking to dinner?"

Been putting off wtaching this film for a while, and I'm glad I did as it was worth the wait. Amazing film. Absolutely loved it. The cinematography (is that the right word for computer animated films? I guess it is) was stunning. It all got perhaps a bit gay towards the end, but then that's sort of to be expected. Some great lines in it, and some of the characters were great. Was really very impressed. Admittedly I'm not expecting most people to enjoy it as much as I did, but it's still a dead good film. 8/10
Fast Five

I tried to avoid seeing this (didn't like the prequel) but like Smashed above me I'm glad a saw it. It won't win any awards for dialogue but the action scenes and decent storyline make up for it. Very cliche but not exactly predictable. It's very much in the "Transformers" mold of: heaps of shit doesn't make any sense but its still entertaining and has plenty of hot girls. If you're wondering whether it's worth seeing ask yourself - did I like any of the other Fast and the Furious films? If the answers yes, then go see it, as this is probably the best yet. Oh and don't leave until the proper credits start.

Kill The Irishman A quite interesting semi-historical drama about the Cleveland Mafia in the 70's. Despite the main character being pretty dislikable it works quite well and is well worth a watch on "DVD". 6/10
TRON: Legacy

Never seen the original. Was expecting a shitty sci-fi movie that somehow is made good by Jeff Bridges. What I got was a decent movie with some great visuals, great soundtrack(Daft Punk) and a plot I didn't hate, plus ofcourse Olivia Wilde in a skin tight outfit. I wanted to hate it but I actually quite liked it for what it was, bit of harmless fun.

7/10 - I will grab the soundtrack.
Werner Herzogs "Cave of forgotten dreams" is excellent, though I'm bias as I'm a huge Hertzog fan, his narration on this one is so poetic.
9/10... captivating stuff
Cache was quality.

Now who...

sent the tapes? not that it's important. And the scene at the end with Majid's son and Georges's son was surely Hankeke using his tricks to keep viewers guessing. Cracking film, though....the videotapes/plot device weren't what the movie was about...nor was the movie about an unravelling plot. It was about a person whose actions lead to a tragic suicide.
Insidious 2 / 10

Why do I watch horror movies any more? They are nearly all shit. And this one was getting good reviews

No matter how many times I watch this , still an excellent film.
violent , good story and the beating that is deal out at the end is brutal.
3 and half hours and it goes in a flash.

Great film - hadn't realised it was over 3 hours long though.

The only gripe i have with the film is the blatant switch to the dummy in De Niro's car - it's not even subtle.
How to train your dragon:

Based on the reviews from some of you lot, had high hopes for this... did not fail to live up to expectation. Was awesome, cool animations, good characterisation and lots of humour and action. 9/10
Do it Cesc, its a must watch.. my only regret is that I missed the chance of watching it on Cinema, as I thought not another CGI film thats critically acclaimed, surely they can't keep the standard as high as its been.. but no, they're pushing the bar higher each time.

Apparently a sequel is penned for 2014
Rabbit Hole. This isn't really the easiest film to watch. Aaron Eckhart and Nicole Kidman are the couple whose life was turned upside down after the death of their son. We get to see behind the Suburban facade and inside the daily turmoil each go through and the abnormal approaches they take in an attempt to cope with their pain. Two very strong performances make this a very good film, if a little emotional. 7/10
How strange I came in here to say how good How to train your dragon is and it's being talked about, very good film for all ages.

Also watched Predicament a New Zeland film about a lonely young man who is befriended by two local misfits and ends up interwined in murder, bribery and bootlegging. Very quirky film but not actually very funny or interesting, only watched it because Jermaine from flight of the Conchords was in it, turns out he wasn't the star as was billed but he had the only funny bits.

Oh and I watched Half Nelson last week, thought it was fantastic, Ryan Gosling is surely one of the best young actors about.
Hall Pass If you expect a comedy of the standard of the Farraley Brothers best work, There Is Something About Mary, then you are going to be very disappointed. If you want a low brow time filler with a few really funny set pieces then watch away. The plot is rubbish and some of the acting is ropey but when you laugh you laugh very hard indeed.6/10
A Room For Romeo Brass If you like Meadows films then you will like this. Not quite as good as This Is England or Dead Man's Shoes but close.7.5/10
Here are some of the movies that came highly recommended but left me disappointed.

Lawrence of Arabia

Incredibly long and boring. Couldn't care less about the characters or the actual story. I know Peter O'Toole is an icon but I just couldn't get into it. The cinematography is great I suppose, but that's about the only thing worth mentioning.


I was really looking forward to it because I became a Nolan fan after watching Memento but that was a letdown. The idea was very interesting but the end result was a convoluted, confusing mess. A pity.

The Third Man
Orson Welles just doesn't do it for me. What was so incredible about this flick to be considered a masterpiece completely escapes me.

Another overrated flick.

A few more:

The Green Mile
The Deer Hunter
Here are some of the movies that came highly recommended but left me disappointed.

Lawrence of Arabia

Incredibly long and boring. Couldn't care less about the characters or the actual story. I know Peter O'Toole is an icon but I just couldn't get into it. The cinematography is great I suppose, but that's about the only thing worth mentioning.


I was really looking forward to it because I became a Nolan fan after watching Memento but that was a letdown. The idea was very interesting but the end result was a convoluted, confusing mess. A pity.

The Third Man
Orson Welles just doesn't do it for me. What was so incredible about this flick to be considered a masterpiece completely escapes me.

Another overrated flick.

A few more:

The Green Mile
The Deer Hunter

Chinatown I agree is overrated...Inception too, but wouldn't really call it convoluted or confusing. Lawrence of Arabia is a great epic.

The Third Man grew on me after a second viewing, Welles steals every scene and I could rewatch the ferris wheel scene over and over again.

The Deer Hunter didn't do much for me and Sleuth was alright I guess.
I Am Number Four

This. Is. Number. Two.

How To Train Your Dragon

Meh, s'ok. Read everyone raving about it on here but it was nowt more than average. A notch below your Toy Stories, Shrek, Monsters Inc etc... but above average. It certainly looked beautiful but the story was a tad generic and I didn't laugh once. (Yes, I know it's aimed at children primarily).
Limitless Quite a decent film that at least tries to be a bit different in narrative and its filming techniques.

Dogtooth Greek film that was up for an oscar this year (or last year maybe) about a family whose father keeps locked within the confines of their house and grounds. The children have no experience of the outside world except for Christina who the father brings in to satisfy the sons sexual urges and are taught strange definitions of words so a cnut becomes a lamp and a zombie is a flower. Bizarre film that is extremely horrifying, shocking and with some moments of genuine hilarity it is well worth watching.

Barney's Version Follows the story of Paul Giamatti's Barney at different and crucial periods in his life involving love, death and cigars. It probably tries to do too much and cover too much ground because it is based on a novel but I enjoyed it just don't expect to really like any of the characters apart from Dustin Hoffman who is a scene stealer throughout.

The Third Man
Orson Welles just doesn't do it for me. What was so incredible about this flick to be considered a masterpiece completely escapes me.

It's the shadows man
Its Alive (2008 Version)

The films about a couple who have a baby who turns out to be one evil son of a bitch with a hunger for blood!!!

Sounds good yea? well NOO its a bag of cock!!!

First the acting and script lines are terrible especially the Policeman who's just wooden as feck.

Then theres the baby itself, its so unbelievable that a baby can do some of the shit in this film and go out on "hunts". You never really see the baby properly but when you do its a massive let down, poor CGI make it look like a red blob of placenta more than a little human being.

Shit Film, Shit Plot, No Character Bonding.

Final Score - 2/10 and the 2 comes from the idea of a killer baby, which if executed right could of been a brilliant horror film.
The Island

I thoroughly enjoyed this. Not because it's any's rubbish, but because it's so hilariously stupid, it took on the form of some unintentional action film parodee.

The film is set in the future. The first thing to note about the future is there are lots of trains...flying trains...lots and lots of flying trains. So many flying trains that they probably outnumber human population by about 16:1. Despite this, everyone still drives around in old 2005 edition cars. Other things to note about the future are...well, nothing.

Without giving away the entire plot, the film centres around a group of people being "created" and held inside a facility as clones to real life humans. They are kept in this facility their entire lives, unaware of the outside world. Two of them discover the outside world and escape, evade capture for a bit, have sex with each other, and then return to free the rest of the captives. Ignore the part where I said I wouldn't give away the whole plot.

The height of stupidity is reached when one of the escaped clones ends up engaged in a scuffle on the ground with his real life counterpart, and then pretends to be him, despite being dressed in completely different clothes and having a completely different accent just a few seconds earlier.

Or possibly when said clone man returns to the secret facility to shut down the machine powering it, only for the machine to have a giant "Do not shut down" warning sticker plastered on it...needless to say, this warning obviously escaped his eye as he shut it down anyway, except it didn't just shut down like most things do when you turn them off, it exploded.

There's also a particularly amusing/disbelievable action sequence involving a giant falling letter Q, but I wont spoil that for you.

Go watch

4/10 - Intentional action film
8/10 - Unintentional comedy
I feel that Michael Bay's desire to create a thoughtful examination of the nature of clones was somewhat offset by his desire to blow shit up and have Scarlett Johansson soaking wet for the entire climax of the film.
He deserves credit for managing to think up the most boring possible scenario for a film about human cloning and the future, and yet still managing to make it into an over the top, cliche'd rip off of every other action film.
In the editing room:

"How does this scene look to you now Michael?"
"Needs more flying trains"
"But the entire scene already is just flying trains"
I'm an hour into funny people at the moment, quite like it but I've no idea how they're going to strech a further hour and a half out without really ballsing it up.